Select Bibliography for the Lawh-i Hartik
al-Aḥsā'ī, Shaykh Aḥmad.
- al-Risāla al-Rashtiyya in Jawami` al-Kalim. Tabriz 2 vols. 1273 /18XX & 12XX/ 1856) vol 1 pt. 2 pp. 103 ; partially cited by Bahā’u’ll āh in the Lawḥ i Qinā Majmū` [MAM] 75-6 and Karīm Khān i Kirmānī, Majmu`at al Rasā’il (See bib. below)
- Majmū`at al-Rasā'il vol. 61 (Kirman: al-Sa`ada, nd), 51-53.
Anawati, Georges.
- 1967 `Le Nom Supreme de Dieu' in Atti del Terzo Congresso Di Studi Arabi e Islamici (Napoli, 1967) 7-58.
The Bab, Sayyid `Alī Muhanmmad Shīrāzī
- Qayyūm al asmā' (= QA), The Commentary on Sūrat Yūsuf . Browne Or. MSS no. F.II (9). Also INBA no. 4 and INBA Library, MS. no. 3034C.
- Bayān i fārsī n.p. n.d.
Bahā’-Allāh, Mīrzā Ḥusayn `Alī Nūrī,
- Aqdas 1 =al Kitāb al Aqdas. Haifa: BWC 199X
- Aqdas 2 = Kitāb al Aqdas in `Abd al-Razzaq al-Ḥasanī, al-Bābīyūn wa'l-Bahā'īyūn.. Sidon:XXX, 138l.
- Aqdas tr. = al Kitāb al Aqdas.
- Aqdas tr2 = trans. Shoghi Effendi, in Synopsis and Codification of the Laws and Ordinances of the Kitāb-i Aqdas. Haifa: Bahā'ī World Centre, 1973.
- Synopsis and Codification of the Laws and Ordinances of the Kitāb-i Aqda (= S&C) Haifa: Bahā'ī World Centre, 1973.
- Lawḥ-i Khiṭāb bi-Shaykh Muhammad Taqī Mujtahid i Isfahānī ma`ruf bi Najafī. (=ESW*) Cairo: nd., 1338/ 1919-20.
- Epistle to the Son of the Wolf, trans. Shoghi Effendi (= ESW tr. SE*) Wilmette, Illinois, 1971.
- Gleanings from the Writings of Bahā’-Allāh. (=GWB) London: BPT., 1949.
- Kitāb-i Iqān. (= KI) London:BPT., 1961
- L.Hirtīk =Lawḥ i Hirtīk Haifa Typescript in UHJ letter to Lambden1982 cited in Bahā’ī Studies Bulletin 2/1 (June 1983): 35 36. Printed text in La'āli' al ḥikma (ed. Behmardi) vol. 3 (see book).
- L. Qinā' = Lawḥ i Qinā (`Tablet of the Veil’ ) in Majmu`a yi Alwāḥ i mubārka haḍrat i Bahā’-Allāh [=MAM]. Cairo 19XX Rep. Wilmette, Illionis: BPT., 1978 pp. 67 85.
- Kitāb-i Mubīn. Bombay: ? 1896.
- Alvāḥ-i nāzilah-yi khiṭab bi mulūk va ru'asā-yi arḍ. Tehran: MMMA, 124 BE
- Mā’idih = Mā'idā yi āsmānī vol. 7 (ed. Ishrāq Khavārī) Tehran:BPT., 107 BE.
- Tablets of Bahā’-Allāh (= TB) Haifa: Bahā'ī World Centre, 1978.
- Tablets of Bahā’-Allāh revealed after the Kitāb Aqdas. (= TB [1980]) Hofheim- Langenhain: Bahā'ī-Verlag, 137 / 1980 (Ar. & Per.)
- La'āli' al ḥikma (ed. Vahid. Behmardi) vol. 3, Brasil: Editoria Bahā'ī , 148/1991.
al-Būnī, `Ali ibn Ahmad
- Shams al ma`ārif al kubrā. (= Shams) Beirut: Al Maktabah al thaqāfiyya. N.d.
Carmel, Alex.
- 1973 Die Siedlungen der württenbergischen Templer in Palästina, 1868 1918, Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer Verlag.
- 1975`The German Settlers in Palestine and their relations with the local Arab Population and the Jewish Community 1868-1918', in M. Ma'oz (ed), Studies on Palestine During the Ottoman Period (Jerusalem, 1975), 442-465;
Emmerson, J.M.
- 1887 New York to the Orient. New York: E.R. Felton & Co.
Gulpaygānī, Abū al-Faḍl i
- Farā’īd = Kitāb al-Farā'iḍ. Np.nd. (Tehran: XXX, 1896).
- Sharḥ-i āyāt-i muvarrikha. Shanghai, 1925.
Hirschberg, J. W.
• 1950 51 `The Sources of Muslim Traditions concerning Jerusalem’ in Rocznik Orientalistyczny, Vol.17 (1950-51), 314-50.
`Abd al-Ḥamīd Ishāq Khavārī (comp.),
- Mā'idih-yi āsmānī. vol. 7 Tehran: MMMA, 105. BE /19
- Ganj-i shāygān. (= Ganj) Teheran: BPT.,124.BE.
- Mā'ida-yi āsmānī. (=Ma’idih) 9+1 (10) vols Tihran: BPT., 128-9 BE.
- Rahiq-i Makhtūm. (=Rahiq) 2 vols. 130-1 BE
- Qamūs-i īgān (=Qamus) vol. 4. Tihran:xxx ,128 BE.
Kark, Ruth.
- American Consuls in the Holy Land, 1832-1914. Jerusalem: Magnes Press.
Kohlberg, Etan.
• 1992 A Medieval Muslim Scholar at Work. Ibn Ṭāwūs and his Library. Leiden: E.J. Brill.
Kolb, C
• `Friends of the Temple' in New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge. Vol. lV:397-8
Kirmānī, Hajji Mīrzā Muhammad Karīm Khān
• Risāla fī jawāb al Shaykh ḥusayn ibn al Shaykh Muhammad al Mazīdī in Majmū`at al Rasā’il. vol 61. Kirman ( n.d.) pp. 51 3.
Kohlberg, Etan.
• 1992: A Medieval Muslim Scholar at Work. Ibn Ṭāwūs and his Library. Leiden: E.J. Brill.
Kolb, C
• `Friends of the Temple' New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge. Vol. lV:397-8
MacEoin, Denis.
- Ritual and Semi Ritual Practices in the Bābī and Bahā'ī Religions (=Ritual) Lancaster Bahā'ī Studies Seminar, 1980 (unpublished paper cf. 1994).
- 1982 Some Bahā'ī and Shaykhī interpretations of `the Mystery of Reversal' BSB 1/1 (June 1982), 11-23.
- 1994 Rituals in Babism and Baha’ism (Pembroke Persian Papers 2). London: British Academic Press.
Majlisī, Muhammad Bāqir
- Bihār al-anwār. 2 (= Bihar 2) = Vol. 11. Beirut: Dār al Iḥyā' al Turāth al `Arabī, 1403/1983.
Māzandarānī, Mīrzā Assad Allāh, Fāḍil-i
- Asrār al-athār. (= Athar) 5 vols. Tihran: BPT., 1968 74
Momen, Moojan.
- 1981 The Bābī and Bahā'ī Religions. 1844-1944. Oxford: George Ronald, 1981.
Oliphant, Laurence.
- 1887 Haifa or Life in Modern Palestine. Edinburgh: XXXXX.
Rafati, Vahid.
- 1979The Development of Shaykhī Thought in Shī`ī Islam. Ph.D. dissertation, University of California.
Rashtī, Sayyid Kāẓim.
- Sharḥ al Khuṭba al Ṭutunjiyya. Tabriz, 1270/1853 4.
Ruhe, David S.
- 1982 Door of Hope, A Century of the Bahā'ī Faith in the Holy Land. Oxford: George Ronald.
Shoghi Effendi (SE*)
- The Dispensation of Bahā’u’llāh. (= Dispensation) London: BPT.,1947.
- God Passes By (=GPB). Wilmette, Illinois: BPT.1974.
- The Promised Day is Come (=PDC) Wilmette, Illinois: BPT. 1977
- Lawḥ-i qarn (= Qarn) ( = Centennial Tablet) , Tehran: BPT., 134.BE. A letter dated 101 BE/1944-5 and addressed to the Bahā'īs of the East.
Soucek, Priscilla.
- 1976`The Temple of Solomon in Islamic Legend and Art' in J. Gutmann (Ed), The Temple of Solomon.. Missoula Montana: Scholars Press, 1976, 72-123.
Ussishkin, Ann
- `Templers (Tempelgesellschaft)' in Encyclopedia Judaica. vol. 15 (Jerusalem: Keter Pub. House, 1972), cols. 994-996.
Vermes, G.
- The Dead Sea Scrolls in English. Pelican Books. (n.d.)
Whitley, W.T.
- `Friends of the Temple' Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics (= ERE) 6:141-2;
Winkler, H. A.
- 1930 Siegel und Charaktere in der Muhammedanischen Zauberei. Berlin+ Leipzig:Walter de Gruyter & Co.