Muhammad Karim Khan Kirmani (d. 1871).
Muḥammad Karīm Khān Kirmānī in the Kitab-i iqan.
Stephen Lambden UCMerced.
In Progress
The Athim servant ...
The Irshād al-`awāmm ("Guidance for the Masses") in the Kitab-i iqan.
ارشاد العوام Irshād al--`awāmm ("Guidance for the Masses").
Kirmānī, Fihrist, No. 361 p. 376-8.
The Irshād al-`awāmm was written in 4 vols. between 6th Rajab 1263 / 20th July 1847 and 1st Rabi` II (al-Akhir) 1267/ 3rd February 1851. The following is a list of the various of the printed editions known to the present writer (cf. Kirmani, Fihrist, No. 361 p. 376-8):
1267/1851 Irshād al-`awāmm... 4 vols. in 1, Bombay: -- I267 / 1851, 33cm. (W-Cat.).
1268/1852 Irshād al-`awāmm... 4 vols. Bombay: --- I268 / 1852 (Fihrist, 378)
[1271] 1855 Irshād al-`awamm... Tabriz --- [1267]1855. (World Cat. USA ).
- 1271/ 1854-5 Irshād al-`awamm... Tabriz -- 1271/1854-5. (Fihrist, 378).
1325/1907 Kitāb-i Irshād al-awāmm. 4 vols., Kirmān, 1325/1907 [CHECK]
1355/1936 Kitāb-i Irshād al-awāmm. [3rd ed] 4 vols., Kirmān, 1355/1936 [CHECK]
1380/1960-61. Kitāb-i Irshād al-`awāmm. [4th. ed.,] 4 vols. in 2. Kirmān, 1380/1960-61.
I353-I355 Sh. / I974--I976 Kitāb-i Irshād al-awwām. 5th ed., 4 vols. Kirmān, I353--I355 Sh. / I974--I976. In this 5th ed./ printing vol.1 extends for 454 pp. vol. 2 for 408pp. vol.3 for 467 and vol. 4 for 520pp.
- Electronic text of the Irshād al-`awamm on the Iranian Shaykhi Website :
A digitized text of a mss. of the Irshād al-`awāmm can be found in the UCLA Caro Minasian Collection Digitization Project, Mss. 142: Irshād al-ʿavām [sic.] (398 images)
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Appendix : The Anti-Babi-Baha'i Polemical Writings of Karīm Khān Kirmānī
Izhāq al-bāṭil dar radd al-Bābiyya (The Crushing of Falsehood in Refutation of Babism).
- Izhaq = Izhāq al-bāṭil dar radd al-Bābiyya ("The Crushing of Falsehood in refutation of Bābism"). Completed on 12th Rajab 1261/17th July 1845.
- Izhāq al-bāṭil dar radd al-Bābiyya. Kirmān: Maṭba`at al-Sa`āda, 1392/1972 (277+2pp.).
- Risālat izhāq al-bāṭil. Kirmān : Maṭbaʻat al-Saʻādah, 1392/1972-3.
- PDf. Izhaq al-batil.pdf
Risālah dar radd-i bāb (The Treatise in Refutation of the [Apostate] Suspicious Bāb" .
رسالة في رد الباب المرتاب . See Ibrahimi, Fihrist No. 647 p. 511 in the section on Muhammad son of Karim Khan. Arabic tract in 3,200 verses apparently written at the request of Nāṣir al-Dīn Shāh and completed in 1283/1867. Three sections with a concluding section :Sect. 1 In refutation of the enemies of matters divine (adi`ā-yi uluhiyya), Imami issues and [claims of] Bābiyya. Sect. 2 On further causes of the infidelity of the Bāb. Sect. 3 is on some of the factions (madhāhib) and books (kutub) of the Bābis (bābiyya). Conslusion.
The sources seem confused about the authorship of this anti-Babi treatise and its Persian translation. Karim Kahn Kirmani and his son and successor Muhammad Khan Kirmani are both connected with this (or two different) work(s) and its translation. To be clarified...
- Risalah fi radd al -murtab. Kirman : Chapkhanah-'i Sa'adat, 1953. ??
- رساله در رد باب مرتاب = Risālah dar rad-i Bāb-i murtāb. [s.n.]، [Kirmān : s.n., 1964]
- Risāla fī radd al-Bāb al-murtāb. 1st ed. of (modern) Arabic text. Kirmān: Maṭba`at al-Sa`āda, nd [196/7??] (223pp).*
- Tarjama Risālah fī al-radd `alā al-Bāb al-murtāb. 1st ed. of the Arabic translation of `Abd-Allāh al-Mūsāwī completed 28th Ramadan 1383 = 12th February 1964. Kirmān: Maṭba`at al-Sa`āda, Dhū'l-Qa'dah 1383/March-April 1964 (76pp.).*
- Tarjumah-i Risālah fī radd al-Bāb al-Murtāb [of Hajji Mirza Muhammad Karim Khan Kirmani] Persian translation by his son, Muhammad Khan Kirmani and/or `Abd-Allah al-Musawi. Kirmān: Maṭba`at al-Sa`āda 1383/1964-5. 59pp.
Risāla dar radd-i Bāb-i murtāb. 2nd. ed. of Persian text. Kirmān: Maṭba`at al-Sa`āda, Jumādī al-Thāniyya, 1384/ October 1964. (59pp).*
- PDf.
- Risālah dar radd-i Bāb-i murtāb, trans. `Abd-Allah al-Musawi. 2nd ed. Kirman : Chapkhanah-'i Sa'adat, 1384/1964-5. 59pp.
- PDf. R-Radd-i Bab.pdf
Kitab Rujūm al-shayāṭīn ("The Stonings of Satan").
Rujūm al-Shayāṭin کتاب رجوم الشياطين 1268/1852
Written Jumadi al-Akhir [II] 1268/March-April, 1852.
- Kitab Rujum al-shayatin. Kirman : Matba`at al-Saʻadat, 1973/ 143pp.
- Rujūm al-shayāṭīn Tabrīz : XXX? 1933
Rajūm al-shayāṭīn. Muḥammad Karīm Khān Kirmānī. [Kirman : Chāpkhānah-i Saʻādat, 19--] (Persian) WC. 7, 180, 4 pp.
- Kitāb rujūm al-shayāṭīn. Kirmān : al-Madrasah al-Ibrāhīmīyah, 1352/1973.
ترجمۀ رجوم الشياطين
The [Persian] translation of the Stonings of Satan.
- Tarjumah-ʼi Rujūm al-shayāṭīn. Kirman: Madrassa-yi Ibrahimiyya. vi+156+5 pp.
- Tarjumah-ʼi Rujūm al-shayāṭīn ? Kirman: Madrassa-yi Ibrahimiyya. c.XXXX/1970. 156+5 pp.
- Tarjumah-ʼi Rujūm al-shayāṭīn ? Tabriz: Madrassa-yi Ibrahimiyya. c.XXXX/1972.
- Tarajim Rujūm al-Shayāṭin. Printed (in Persian Translation) at the command of Sarkār Āqā, Ḥajj Abd al-Riḍā' Khān Ibrahimi (Persian translation in the hand of Muhammad Taqi Wa`iz al-Taqwā) Jumādī al-Thāniyya, 1392AH / 1351 Sh. /1972 CE.* (156+v pp.).
al-Shihāb al-thāqib fī rajm al-nawāṣib
Risāla al-Shihāb al-thāqib fī rajm al-nawāṣib ("The Piercing Thunderbolt for the Stoning of the Enemies"), 1265/1849.
This work cites the full text of an Arabic letter of the Bāb to Karim Khān Kirmānī which was delivered by the leading `Letter of the Living' , the youthful Mullā Muhammad `Alī Bārfarūshī (d. 1849 CE), entitled Quddūs (the Holy One") (see al-Shihab pp.25-27. See trans. Lambden on this Website ...
Risāla al-Shihāb al-thāqib fī rajm al-nawāṣib ("The Piercing Thunderbolt for the Stoning of the Enemies"), 1265/1849.
- al-Shihāb al-thāqib X rajm al-nawāṣib. Kirmān: Maṭba`at al-Sa`āda, 1353 Sh./1974-75. (97+2pp.).*
- Risāla-yi ṭīr-i shihāb ("The Treatise of the Piercing Meteor") written1262/1846 in Majma' al-rasā'il-i Farsi 1, pp.162-242. Kirmān: Maṭba`at al-Sa`āda, 1386/1966-67.
- Risalat al-shihab al-thāqib
- ترجمۀ رجوم الشياطين = Tarjumah-ʼi Rujūm al-shayāṭīn. [Persian]. Tabrīz : s.n., 1972.
Tīr-i shihāb (1846), ("The Treatise of the Piercing Meteor")
رسالة تير شهاب
Risālih-yi tīr-i shihāb dar... ("The Treatise of the Piercing Meteor"), 1262/1846.
In the Fihrist of Kirmānī this 1,300 verse Persian work is listed as No. 364. A treatise written in refutation of the Bab/ Babism, it was completed on the 12th Rabi al-Awwal 1262 = 10th March 1846 (Fihrist, 379). ....
- Risālih-yi tīr-i shihāb dar... ("The Treatise of the Piercing Meteor..."). Kirmān, 1386/1966-7 where it is found within the Shaykhī produced compilation Majmu`a-i rasā'il-i fārsī (Persian Compendia of Treatises) No.1. pp. 162-242.
- Risāla-yi ṭīr-i shihāb in Majma' al-rasā'il-i Farsi 1. Kirmān: Maṭba`at al-Sa`āda,1386/1966-67.