ساقی از غيب بقا
Stephen N. Lambden
Revised from Notes dating to the 1980s.
TB2B: 03 (Per.) Sāqī āz ghayb-i baqā' ("The Cupbearer of the Invisible Eternity")
According to Ishrāq Khavarī this poem dates to the years 1270-71 or between 4th Oct. 1853 and 13th Sept. 1855 (Ganj:12), dating to the time of Bahā'-Allāh's residence in Sulaymaniyah (Iraqi Kurdistan).
The text of the Sāqī āz ghayb-i baqā' is contained Ma'idih 4:209-211 (see below) and INBMC 36:455. As cited in Ganj-i Shayigan (ed. `Abd al-Hamid Ishraq Khavai) p.12 it opens as follows:
ساقی از غيب بقا برقع برافكن از عذار
تا بنوشم خمر باقی از جمال ذوالجلال
آنچه در خم خانه داری نشكند صفرای عشق
زان شراب معنوی ساقی همی بحری بيار
The concluding lines are:
گر خيال جان همی هستت بدل اينجا ميا
ور نثار جان و سر داری بياو هم بيار
رسم ره اينست گر وصل بهأ داری طلب
ور نباشی مرد اين ره دور شو زحمت ميار
Commonly referred to by means of its opening words, Saqī az ghayb-i baqā' this Persian qaṣīda (ghazal) is fifteen couplets long and is usually dated to the period of Baha'-Allah's withdrawal in Iraqi Kurdistan (Ganj. :12., Taherzadeh RB I:64). In it Baha'-Allah implores the Divine Beloved, the celestial Cupbearer, to unveil herself so that he might quaff the "wine of eternity" (khamr-i baqā') from the all-beauteous Creator. He underlines the intense ardour his desire for her mystic wine and dwells on the consuming fire of his love for her beauty (see line lff).
In response to his pleading the Divine Beloved speaks of the sublime detachment necessary for the mystic wayfarer who aspires to enter her court or attain true reunion (see line 7ff). The lover who seeks to become privy to the "mysteries of love" (asrár-i `ishq) must so open their inner eye that they might perceive the Mount of Moses (ṭūr-i mūsa) circumambulating the Divine Beloved and the Spirit of Jesus (rūḥ-i `īsā) unsettled by her love (line 10, text in Ma'idih 4:210 + INBMC 36:45).
It appears that Baha'-Allah addresses the Divine Beloved in line 13(b) as the "Messiah of the Age" (masīḥa-yi zamān) and, in the final couplet (15), refers to himself as the "Dervish of the World" (darwīsh-i jihān) who is passionately on fire on account of the "brand of the Divine Ravisher of Hearts".
It may be that the Saqī az ghayb-i baqā' is expressive of Baha'-Allah's own burning desire to disclose his secret messianic calling, the revelatory potentialities of his celestial Logos-Self, this being the reality of the Heavenly Cupbearer with whom union is to be sought. It was on account of this Beloved that Moses and Jesus are enraptured. Worth noting in this respect is the fact that in line 8(a) it is reunion with Bahā' (waṣl-i bahā) that is to be sought.
The Persian Text of the SĀQĪ ĀZ GHAYB-I BAQĀ'
as printed in Ma'ida-yi asmani 4:209-211
ساقی از غيب بقا برقع بر افكن از عذار
تا بنوشم خمر باقی از جمال كردگار "
آنچه در خمخانه داری نشكند صفرای عشق
زان شراب معنوی ساقی همی بحری بيار "
Ma'idih 4 : :210
تا كه اين مستور شيدائی در آيد در خروش
تا كه اين مخمور ربانی بر آيد زين خمار
نار عشقی بر فروز و جمله هستیها بسوز
پس قدم بردار و اندر كوی عشاقان گذار
تا نگردی فانی از وصف وجود ای مرد راه
كی چشی خمر بقا از لعل نوشين نگار
پای نه بر فرق ملك آنگه درآ در ظل فقر
تا به بينی ملك باقی را كنون از هر كنار
گر خيال جان همی هستت بدل اينجا ميا
گر نثار جان و دل داری بيا و هم بيار
رسم ره اينست گر وصل بها داری طلب
گر نباشی مرد اين ره دور شو زحمت ميار
گر همی خواهی كه گردی واقف از اسرار عشق
چشم عبرت برگشا بربند راه افتخار
تا ببينی طور موسی طائف اينجا آمده
تا ببينی روح عيسی را ز عشقش بيقرار
تا بيابی دفتر توحيد از زلفين دوست
تا بخوانی مصحف تجريد از خدين يار
هين بكش خمر فرح از چشمه حيوان عشق
تا به فيروزی سر اندازی همی در پای يار
Ma'idih 4 : 211
مردگانند در اين انجمن اندر ره دوست
ای مسيحای زمان هان نفسی گرم برآر
تا كه برپرند اطيار وجود از سجن تن
تا فضای لا مكان در ظلّ صاحب اقتدار
درويش جهان سوخت از اين شعلهء جانسوز الهی
وقت آنست كه كنی زنده از اين نغمه زار