Part III
سورة الايمان
Surat al-īmān
(The Surah of Security)
سورة المباهله
Sūrat al-mubāhalah
(The Surah of the Mutual Execration)
On Qur'ān 12:2
Last Revised 19/05/09
Stephen N. Lambden
Translation 1980s-2020- last updated 03-12-2019.
SCANS OF THE 1261 Mss. OF QA 3.
QA-003-P6 QA-003-P7 QA-003-P8
بسم اللّه الرّحمن الرّحيم
In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate
"We sent it down as an Arabic Qur'ān, perchance ye may understand" (Q.12:2)
[4] God sent down the Qur'ān unto His servant in order that the people might know that God is powerful over all things. [5] He it is Who sent down the Qur'ān in Arabic unto his servant, devoid of inconsistency, revealed (tanzīl an) according to the pure truth. [6] This in order that he might show you of his verses and of the [non-literal] interpretation of the narratives (ta'wīl al-aḥadīh, cf. Q.12:6), wondrous according to the Upright Path which is, in very truth, straight. [7] This is the Elevated Path [of `Alī] (ṣirāt `alīyy) in the heavens and upon the earth, perfectly even, according to the wondrous [innovative] Truth which is from God, the Exalted. [8] God is the One Who, no God is there except Him. He sent down this Book unto thee [the Bāb] through the Most Great Remembrance (al-dhikr al-akbar) as a confirmation of [the truth of] the Messengers [of God] and of that which God sent down in the scrolls (al-ṣuḥuf). No change (tabdil) hath been effected by the Remembrance of God (dhikr -Allāh), the True One. He is the True One in the Archetypal Book, concealed about the [Sinaitic] Fire (al-nar). [9] If this Book were sent down from other than God, the True One, thou wouldst assuredly find many inconsistencies within it.
[10] Praised be God, Our Lord! No single thing, whether in heaven or on earth is hidden from Him. We have, with the permission of God, taken account in this Book of every concealed thing. Such was, in very truth, ordained by God. [11] As to those who deny him who is the Sublime Gate of God (Bāb Allah al-rafī’) for them We have prepared, as justly decreed by God, a sore torment. [12] And He, God, is the Mighty, the Wise. [13] Of a truth have We sent down unto Our servant [the Bāb] this Book which is from God. And We assuredly made the verses which are within it perspicuous (muḥkamat), without ambiguity [allegorical senses] (mutashābihāt). And none knows its hidden senses (tā'wīl) except God and such as We will [to know them] among the sincere servants of God (Q.3:3-7). Ask ye then the Remembrance (al-dhikr) of its hidden senses (ta'wil), inasmuch as He, through the bounty of God according to the decree of the Book, is invested with the knowledge of its verses.
O our Lord! [they say], we praise Thee now that Thou hast guided us, but, on Thy part, grant us of Thy mercy for Thou, in very truth, art One Powerful, Beneficent (Q. 3: 8). [15] Those who disbelieve in the Most-Great Remembrance of God (dhikr-Allāh al-akbar), neither their possessions nor their progeny shall in the least avail them over against God. They have no power for, according to judgment of God, the Just, they are inmates of the fire [of hell] wherein [they shall remain] for an eternity without end (cf. Q. 3:10). [16] But God doth support with his aid whomsoever He willeth from among His servants ( Q. 3:13b). We, verily, on account of your tyranny against God, have made the love of women and sons (ḥubb al-nisa’ wa’l-banīn) and possessions appear particularly fair unto yourselves though such are the merchandise of death (maṭā` al-mawt; cf. Q. 3:14a). God hath made the best place of return (ḥusn al-ma'ab; Q.13:14b) for those who assist the Exalted Remembrance of God (dhikr -Allāh) with their hands, through their speech and by means of their possessions out of love for God, the Self- Sufficient. And He, God, is One Mighty, worthy of praise.
And when the people of the Book (ahl al-kitāb) dispute with thee [the Bāb] over anything then say: `I have no knowledge save that which my Lord hath taught me. I, verily, have submitted my whole self unto God, the Cleaver of the heavens and of the earth' (Q.3:20). And such as disdain to do Him worship through turning aside from My Remembrance (dhikrī) do justly, in very truth, deserve that God burn him in the most great fire (of hell; al-nar al-akbar). [18] So desire ye not other than that which God hath desired for you. He, verily, is One All-Knowing, All-Wise.
[19] The polytheists among you say, `The fire [of hell] shall not touch us except for a few numbered days'. But when We gather them together about the fire [of hell] on the Day of Resurrection they shall testify against their own selves for the torment of their Lord was foreordained in the [Archetypal] Mother Book on the part of the Gate (al-bāb; cf. Q.3:24-25). [20] Dominion belongs unto God. He gives dominion unto whomsoever He wills and He divests dominion from whomsoever He wills. And He, God, is powerful over all things (cf. Q. 3:26a). [21] We, verily, humble infidels in accordance with that which they will and we honour believers in accordance with that which they will. God, hath, in very truth, placed the Good (al-khayr) in thy [the Bāb's] hands. And, in the Mother Book, God hath made thy hands to be a right hand which is elevated (yamīnan marfu`an; Q. 3:26b). [22+] In the creation of Night and Day and in their [regulated] entrance, in the emergence of the living from the dead and the emergence of the dead from the living there are signs of this Most-Great Remembrance of God (dhikr allāh al-akbar). Such on the part of God the Exalted, was written in the Preserved Tablet (al-lawḥ al-ḥafīz*; cf. Q 3:27).
O servants of the All-Merciful!
Take not the unbelievers as friends (awliyā') as opposed to the forerunners (al-sābiqīn; cf.Q.56:10) among the believers (Q.3:28a). Whomsoever God casts down disbelieves in the Book and this Our Remembrance (dhikr) so that he receives nothing [by way of help] from God. The True One would have you beware of Himself for unto God, the True One, is the returning place of all the worlds (Q. 3:26a). [24] Then fear ye your Lord, the All-Merciful, on account of that which your hands have committed of the work of Satan (cf. Q. 3:29). Strive ye one with another to attain unto the forgiveness of your Lord before the Day [come] when ye shall find yourselves confronted with all your deeds. God, in very truth, knows what is in the heavens and what is on the earth. And He, God is self-sufficient of all the worlds (Q.3: 29b-30a).
O servants of God!
God would have you beware of Himself lest you should utter about God something other than the Truth. He, verily, knows that which you conceal within yourselves and that which you make public. And He is, in very truth, kindly disposed towards His servants (Q. 3:30b).
O ye people!
If ye believe in God alone then follow Me through the Most Great Remembrance of God (dhikr Allāh al-akbar) sent forth by your Lord such that God might forgive you your sins. God, verily, is forgiving and compassionate towards the believers (Q. 3: 31). [27] We, of a truth, choose the Messengers through Our Word (bi-kalimatinā), and We exalt their offspring, some over others, through the Mighty Remembrance of God (dhikr Allāh al-kabīr) as decreed in the Book and concealed therein (Q. 3:33a-34). [28] We, verily, have given thee [the Bāb], by the leave of God, the One Who heareth, the authority of the [previous four] gates (ḥukm al-abwāb). And He, God, is witness unto all things (cf. Q. 3: 34). [29] And We, verily, sent down Our Spirit [Jesus] upon [the virgin] Mary and We accepted her out of the women of `Imrān dedicating [what was in her womb] unto God, the Exalted, (cf. Q. 3:35). And God is well acquainted with his servants the believers.
We, verily, gave the glad-tidings of the son of Zachariah with Our Name, Yaḥyā [John the Baptist, with the mission of] confirming the truth of this Most-Great Word (kalimat Allāh al-akbar) which is from God. By virtue of this did We make him one noble and chaste in the Mother-Book (Q.3:39). [31] To God the likeness of the creation of the worlds is as the likeness of [the creative potency of] Our Logos-Command for when We desire [something] We need only say to it `Be!', then, such is found to exist in the Book of God, the One worthy of Praise, in the vicinity of the [Sinaitic] Fire (al-nār; cf. Q. 3:47). [32] God, verily, hath taught thee [the Bāb] the knowledge of the Book, [including knowledge] of the Furqān [= the Qur'ān], the Gospel (al-injīl), the Torah (al-tawrat), the Psalms (al-zabur) and that which preceded them of the [scriptural] Scrolls (al-ṣuḥuf = pre-Mosaic scripture) for thou wert with thy Lord, concealed and suspended above the gate of the Point of [the letter] "B" (bāb al-nuqṭat min al-bā'; cf. Q. 3:48). [33] We, verily, have inspired thee [the Bāb] with the stories of the unseen (cf. Q.3:44) and have, in very truth, sent down this Book unto thee. And We have made impure things (al-khabā'ith) unlawful for thee and made good things (al-tayyibāt) lawful for thee to the end that the people might believe in the [Thy] Remembrance [of God] (dhikr ka [Allah]), hopeful, in very truth, of the exaltation of the religion of God, the Ancient One. And God knows all things. [34] Those who suppose that they can compete with thee [the Bāb] as regards any aspect of knowledge have assuredly fallen from heaven to earth, dead and cut off. And God is witness of all things (cf.Q. 3:47). [35] God, verily, hath made thy [the Bāb's] Persona ("Essence") (dhāt) a tangible link with eminent Personages (mamsusat bi-dhawātan) [?] and thy being (kaynūniyyat) a reality which glisteneth through the Light of the Essence of God (nur dhāt Allāh), the Ancient One Who is [indeed] Our Lord. And He, God, is One Powerful over all things.
[36] The polytheists have schemed against their own selves over Thy Remembrance (dhikr). They harm none except their own selves. (cf. Q. 3:54). God, verily, hath been faithful to His covenant. And I, verily, will purify thee [Jesus/ the Dhikr/ Bāb?; of false accusations] and take thee at death, and raise thee up unto God, the True One for Thou shalt, with the permission of God, execute judgment on the Day of Resurrection regarding that about which the people differ in terms of the Exalted Remembrance of God (dhikr Allāh). And God beareth witness of all things (Q. 3:55).
Some of the people of the City [Medina = Shiraz] have declared, `We are the helpers of God', but when this Remembrance (al-dhikr) came suddenly [upon them], they turned aside from helping Us (Q. 3:52). God, verily, is my Lord and your Lord, the True One. So serve ye Him and this the [Elevated] Path of `Alī [the Bāb? ; ṣiraṭ `Alī [`Alīyy]) which is straight in the estimation of thy [sing.] Lord (rabb; .cf. Q. 3:51)." (cf SWB). [38] God will, in truth judge between the people; then they shall find themselves unable to resist the judgment of God, the Pure One (Q.4:65b). Verily, the matter (or Logos-Command = al-amr) is stipulated in the Mother [Archetypal] Book (ibid.). [39] When the situation (al-amr) becometh adverse then, with the permission of God, dispute with the polytheists and say, `Come! Let us call upon Our Lord Who, no God is there except Him, both ourselves and yourselves for God is assuredly the True One, a fitting witness unto Us'. And He, God, is informed of all things.
By thy Lord!
If thou [the Bāb] shouldst engage in mubāhala ("mutual execration", tabāhila) with the unbelievers, the people will gaze towards the paths of heaven and, by the leave of God, We shall send [down] upon them a thunderbolt of the rock of hell-fire (ṣa`iqat min ḥajr al-nār). And if thou dost not supplicate [God on their behalf] it shall assuredly burn up the earth and some who are upon it. And God, verily, is powerful over all things (Q.3:61).
Say: O people of the Book!
Believe ye a Word from God (kalimat min Allah = Jesus) as a compromise [agreement] between me [the Bāb] and between you even though they should worship none but Him [God alone], not ascribing any partners [to God] in your worship. Ye should in no wise take some among yourselves as lords besides God for He alone is God. There is nothing like unto Him. And He, God is witness unto all things (Q. 3:64). [42] And they shall not take some among you over some others as Gates (arbāb an) other than God for He is a Single God like unto no other thing. And He is God, ever One Witness of everything.