Stephen N. Lambden UC Merced.
Last substantially updated 27-02-2023.
Mirza `Abbas Nuri = Mirza Buzurg (d. 1255/1839), Father of Baha'-Allah.
الواح القلم الأعلی من حضرت بهاء اللّه
Biographical and Bibliographical Overviews and Literary Sources.
- Mirza `Abbas Nuri, Mirza Buzurg (d. 1255/1839) and Khadija Khanum, the parents of Baha'-Allah with some notes on their genealogy and extended family. PDf. Bamdad-Abbas Mirza Buzurg.pdf.
- EIr. Juan Cole,
- Mirza Husayn `Ali Nuri, Baha'-Allah (1817-1892 CE), an Introductory Biographical Note.
- Primary Biographical Materials : A Chronologically organized compilation of materials within Baha'-Allah's own Writings.
- Biography I: Baha'-Allah and the Babi-Baha'i religions - Select Persian, Arabic and other non-western Sources.
- Biography II: Baha'-Allah and the Babi-Baha'i religions -Select Western Sources.
- Biography III : Select Sources and Notes Pertaining to Places of Residence and Exile of Baha'-Allah with Biographical Overviews - in five parts :
- [1] The Babi years in Qajar Persia (1817-1852),
- [2] Ottoman Baghdad, Kazimayn and surrounds (1852-1863),
- [3] Constantinople-Istanbul (1863),
- [4] Adrianople-Edirne (1863-1868), Five years of Transition and Proclamation.
- [5] `Akka = Acre, Haifa, Bahji+ (Ottoman Palestine) (1868-1892).
A seal of Baha'-Allah
- The Writings of Bahā’-Allāh (1817-1892) : An Introductory Note.
- From Alwāḥ to Ziyārā : the literary forms and nature of the scriptural writings of Mīrzā Ḥusayn `Alī Nūrī, Bahā’-Allāh (1817-1892).
- Bibliography I : An Alphabetical and Chronological Bibliography of the Persian and Arabic writings of Baha'-Allah.
- A Chronological Listing of Titled and other select Writings of Mirza Husayn `Ali Nuri, Baha'-Allah (d. 1892).
- Bibliography II : An Alphabetical and Chronological Bibliography of Western Language Translations and Discussions of the writings of Baha'-Allah.
- Manuscripts and printed texts of the writings of the Baha'-Allah with suggested Abbreviations.
- An Alphabetical List of Abbreviations within the writings of the Baha'-Allah suggestive of persons, places and other things.
- Persian and Arabic printed works of Baha'-Allah, 19th-21st cent.
- English and other European translations of select Writings of Baha'-Allah.
- Traces from the Musk Scented Pen: The scriptural writings (alwaḥ) of Mīrzā Ḥusayn `Alī Nūrī Bahā'-Allāh (1817-1892), An Overview.
- The Claims and Titles of Mīrzā Ḥusayn `Alī Nūrī Bahā'-Allāh (1817-1892) : Introduction and the Abrahamic Background.
- Towards a Chronological Examination of the Evolving Claims and Titles of Baha'-Allah (1817-1892 CE) from the 1850s until 1892.
- The Claims and Titles Baha'-Allah : Notes on Select Major Titles as registered in God Passes By and elsewhere.
- The Claims and Titles of Baha'-Allah in the Lawh-i qarn (Centennial Tablet [1844-1944]) and elsewhere.
- The claims and Titles of Baha'-Allah and the Abrahamic religions I. The Bible, Judaism and Jewish Literatures.
- The claims and Titles of Baha'-Allah and the Abrahamic religions II. The Bible, The New Testament and Christian Literatures.
- The claims and Titles of Baha'-Allah and the Abrahamic religions III. The Qur'an, Hadith and Islamic Literatures.
- The claims to fulfillment, the titles of Baha-Allah and religion of the Bab (1844-1850/63) IV.
- The claims of Baha'-Allah and select Asian religions V.
- From `Ubudiyya (Servitude) to Huwiyya ("He-ness/Ipseity) : Select further Claims and Titles of Baha'-Allah within his Persian and Arabic Writings VI.
The Persian years of the Bābī period
Tehran : Some statements of Baha'-Allah about Tehran. PDf.
The early 1850s Tablet associated with Mullā Shaykh AIī Turshīzī (d. 1852) entitled `Aẓīm (Mighty), text introduction and translation.
رَشْح عَمَاء
- PDf. Baha'i Studies Bulletin 3-2 (1984) Rashh-i `Ama'. Uncorrected text from BSB-Rashh-C.pdf
`An Early poem of Mīrzā Ḥusayn `Alī Nūrī Bahā'-Allāh, the Rashḥ-i `amā' (The Sprinkling of the Theophanic Cloud). Rev. from BSB 3/2 Sept. 1984, 4ff Pt.1. With Select Manuscripts, Typed texts, Textual Notes and Translations.
- Commentary on the Rashḥ-i `amā' - Revised from Bahā'ī Studies Bulletin 3:2 Sept.1984 (Pt. 2).
- Muhyi al-Din Ibn al-`Arabi (d. 638/1240) and his devotees on the `Ama' ("Cloud") phenomenon.
- On the word `Ama' عَمَاء in Islamic and Babi-Baha'i Literatures. Rev. from Bahā'ī Studies Bulletin 3:2 Sept.1984 (Pt. 3).
- Supplement : The term `Amā' عَمَاء in the Qayyūm al-asmā' of the Bāb (mid. 1844).
Sūrat al-`amā' Qayyum al-asma' X [IX] (The Surah of the Theophanic Cloud).
The Commentary of the Bab on the `Hadith of `Ama' ' written for Sayyid Yahya Darabi, Vahid (b. Yazd, c. 1226/1811, d. Nayrīz, 1266/1850),
The word `Ama' in Select Writings of Baha'u'llah.
The Tablet of `Abdu'l-Baha (d. 1921) to Muhammad Fahmi Effendi of Cairo, dated 21st July 1920. PDf. Arabic Text, Notes and Translation.
The Iraq period: Baghdad and beyond.
Baghdad's old university
- Lawḥ-i kull al-ta`ām (The Tablet of All-Food, c. 1854), Introduction, Mss. and texts.
- PDf. [1] INBMC 36 Lawh-i Kull al-ta`am.pdf
- PDf. [2] Lawh-i Kull al-ta`am-Ma'ida IV.pdf
- A Tablet of Mīrzā Ḥusayn 'Alī Bahā'-Allāh of the Early Iraq period, The Tablet of All Food (Lawḥ-i Kull al-Ṭa`ām). Uncorrected Extract from BSB 3:1 (June 1984) p.4f. BSB-Kull al-Ta`am.pdf
- Lawḥ-i kull al-ta`ām (The Tablet of All-Food, c. 1854), Translation- Revised 2020.
- A Commentary on the Lawḥ-i kull al-ta`ām (The Tablet of All-Food, c. 1854), revised from the Baha'i Studies Bulletin. 2020. Pt.I- I-VII
- A Commentary on the Lawḥ-i kull al-ta`ām (The Tablet of All-Food, c. 1854), revised from the Baha'i Studies Bulletin. 2020. Pt. II = VIII- XIII.
- Introduction to Lawh-i kull al-Ta`am IXf . From Nasut to Hahut and Beyond - Some Introductory Notes on the Five or more meta- "worlds" in Islamic Cosmology, Philosophy and Mysticism.
- A Commentary on the Lawḥ-i kull al-ta`ām (The Tablet of All-Food, c. 1854), revised from the Baha'i Studies Bulletin. 2020. Pt. III -XIV-XXIV.
- The Sūrat al-kifāya (Surah of the Sufficiency), Introduction, Mss. and texts.
- PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the text. INBMC 36: 277-280. Surat al-kifaya.pdf
- The Sūrat al-kifāya (The Surah of the Sufficiency, c. 1854?). Translation.
- Commentary on the Surat al-Kifaya,
قصيده عز ورقائيه
- Qaṣīdah `izz varqā'iyyah ("The Mighty Ode of the Dove"). c. 1272/1855. Introduction.
- Qaṣīdah `izz varqā'iyyah ("The Mighty Ode of the Dove").
- PDf. INBMC 36: 422-439. Ms. 1280 AH /1863-4. Qasida Warqaiyya--INBMC 36.pdf
- PDf. Persian Text Ma'ida-yi asmani IV:197-209.
- PDf. Athar-i Qalam- A`la 3:196-215. AQA III (121 BE/1965). AQA III. Qasida-yi_Warqa'iyya.pdf
- PDf. Haifa BWC supplied ms.
Mary the Copt (Maria al-Qibtiyya) مارية القبطية.... and `The Emerald Tablet'
- Islamic Alchemy, An Introductory Note on Babi-Baha'i Alchemy.
- Islamic Alchemy, Some key Alchemical writers.
- Islamic and Persianate Alchemy, Notes and Bibliography.
- Lawḥ-i kīmīya (I): An Alchemical Tablet to `Abbās (c.1856-60?).
- PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the text. L-Kimiya I INBMC 36-355f.pdf
- L-Kimiya I - Annotated by Lambden. L-Kimiya I INBMC 36.pdf
- Lawḥ-i kīmīya (II) : An Alchemical Tablet expository of a Saying of Mary the Copt /Jewess.
- PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the text
- Lawh-i kīmīya (III) : An Alchemical Tablet about the Ḥajar ("Philosopher's Stone") with an introduction and a short work of the Bāb on the same subject.
- PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text
- Alchemy : Alchemical Gnosis in Babi-Baha'i Scripture.
- Tafsir ayat al-Nūr or Tafsīr al-ḥurūfāt al-muqaṭṭa`ah (Commentary on the Isolated Letters"), also known as the Lawh-i aya-yi nur (The Commentary upon the Light Verse [of the Qur'an = Q. 24:35). Introduction, Notes and Comentary.
- Tafsir ayat al-Nūr or Tafsīr al-ḥurūfāt al-muqaṭṭa`ah - Arabic Printed and Ms. Texts. PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text.
- PDf. '[1] T-Hurufat-INBMC 36.pdf
- Tafsir ayat al-Nūr or Tafsīr al-ḥurūfāt al-muqaṭṭa`ah. Lambden Translation.
لوح الحق
- The Ms. of the Lawh-i haqq from a Zayn al-Muqarrabin ms. dated Muharram 1298/December 1880 existing as INBMC 37:141-143. Pdf. Lawh-i Haqq-INBMC 37.pdf
- The text printed in Ganj-i shayigan PDf. L-Haqq-Ganj.pdf
- Lawḥ-i ḥaqq (The Tablet of the Ultimately Real). The Background : al-Haqq and its use in select Islamic literatures and as expressive of theophanic claims.
- The word al-Haqq and the theophanic claims of the mazhar-i ilahi in Babi-Baha'i Scripture.
- Lawḥ-i ḥaqq (The Tablet of the Ultimately Real). Translation.
لوح الرحمة
- Lawḥ al-Raḥmat (The Tablet of the Merciful One). Introduction + Mss. Pdf. L-rahmat.pdf
- Lawḥ al-Raḥmat (The Tablet of the Merciful One). Translation
ساقی از غيب بقا
- Saqi az Ghayb-i Baqa ("The Cupbearer of the Invisible Eternity")
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text
- Some further Poetical works of Baha'-Allah.
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text
- INBMC 36: 455. Saqi az ghayb-i baqa_INBMC-36.pdf
- The Persian Ghazal Poem commencing عشق از سدره اعلی آمد ("From the Most Elevated Lote-Tree...").
- The poem Baz av-u biddih Jami. Introduction.
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text
- The poem Baz av-u biddih Jami. Translation.
- Az Bagh-i ilahi ("From the Divine Garden"). Text and Introduction
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text
- Az Bagh-i ilahi ("From the Divine Garden"). Translation and Commentary.
هفت وادی Haft vādī (The Seven Valleys)
PDf. The Haft vādī - Mss. and printed editions of the Arabic-Persian text.
- Haft vādī (The Seven Valleys): An introduction and provisional translation with occasional notes, Pt. 01.7 Valleys-01 BSB6.pdf + 1992 Pdf. SL-7 Valleys-01 BSB 6-2-3.pdf
- Haft vādī (The Seven Valleys) : Text, Translation and Commentary on the Arabic Prolegomenon.
- The Mystic Knower and the Learned Grammarians of the Valley of Search.
- غوثيه : Some Notes upon the word غوثيه ghawthiyya in the Arabic Prolegomenon to the Seven Valleys.
چهار وادی Chahar vādī (The Four Valleys)
PDf. The Chahar vādī - the Persian text. Mss and printed editions.
- The Chahar vādī (The Four Valleys) : An introduction and provisional. translation with occasional notes, Pt. 01
- The Chahar vādī (The Four Valleys) : Text, Translation and Commentary.
- Tafsīr-i Hu [Huwa] - Introduction.
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original texts
- Tafsīr-i Hu [Huwa] - Texts, Translations and Commentary.
- Lawh-i Mulla Muhammad Ja`far Naraqi (d.1277/1860-61). Introduction and Notes.
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text
- Lawh-i Mulla Muhammad Ja`far Naraqi. Translation, Notes and Commentary
- Lawḥ-i madīnat al-tawḥīd (The Tablet of the City of the Divine Unity). Introduction.
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text. PDf`L-Madīnat al-tawḥīd-MAM.pdf
- Lawḥ-i madīnat al-tawḥīd (The Tablet of the City of the Divine Unity). Translation.
- Lawḥ-i madīnat al-rida' (The Tablet of the City of the Radiant Acquiescence). Introduction.
PDf. Mss. and printed editions. PDf. L-Madīnat al-rida'.
- Lawḥ-i madīnat al-rida' (The Tablet of the City of the Radiant Acquiescence). Translation.
- PDf. Halih, halih, halih, yā bishārat - Persian text: INBMC 36: 455-6. Halih... Ya Bisharat_-INBMC 36.pdf
- Halih, halih, halih, yā bishārat (Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, O Glad-Tidings!)
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text,
PDf. Halih-Ganj.pdf
- Halih, halih, halih, yā bishārat (Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, O Glad-Tidings!). Text and Translation.
PDf. The Hidden Book of Fatima or Kalimat-i Maknuna: Arabic+Persian text.
- The Hidden Book of Fatima or Kalimat-i Maknunah (The Hidden Words). Introduction and Notes,
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text.
- The Hidden Book of Fatima or Kalimat-i Maknunah (The Hidden Words). Translations
- Sahifa-yi Shattiyya (The Scroll of the Torrent). Introduction, Mss and printed texts
- Sahifa-yi Shattiyya (The Scroll of the Torrent). Translations.
Lawh-i Fitnah (The Tablet of the Test-Tribulation-Enchantment). Introduction, PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text
- Lawh-i Fitnah (The Tablet of the Test-Tribulation-Enchantment). Lambden Translation. 2021.
Lawh-i Shikkar Shikan Shavand. Introduction,
PDf. Mss. printed editions of the original text
- Lawh-i Shikkar Shikan Shavand. Lambden Translation.
- Lawḥ-i Muṣībat-i Ḥurūfāt-i `Aliyyīn (“The Tablet of the Calamity of the Elevated Letters”). Introduction, Mss. and printed texts. Dedicated to Mirza Muhammad Vazir.
- Lawḥ-i Muṣībat-i Ḥurūfāt-i `Aliyyīn PDf. Arabic and Persian text.
PDf, Hurufat-i `Aliyyin-TT.pdf
- Lawḥ-i Muṣībat-i Ḥurūfāt-i `Aliyyīn – Translations, Notes and Commentary.
- Lawh-i Subhana Rabbi al-`A`la ("Glorified be my Lord, the Most Exalted") or Lawh-i Harf al-Baqa' (The Tablet of Eternity). Introduction.
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text. PDf. INBMC 32: 28-31.PDf. Ganj Harf al-Baqa'> Ganj.pdf
- Lawh-i Subhana Rabbi al-`A`la ("Glorified be my Lord, the Most Exalted"). Translation.
Lawh-i Huriyya (Tablet of the Maiden). Introduction, Mss. Printed Texts.
PDf Lawh-i huryya-SI.pdf
- Lawh-i Huriyya (Tablet of the Maiden). Translations and Commentary.
- Lawh-i Hur-i `Ujab (The Tablet of the Wondrous Maiden). Introduction, Mss. Texts and Translation.
PDf. Mss. and printed editions. Ayyam-i Tisah 249+ L. Hur-i `Ujab.pdf
Lawh-i Ghulam al-Khuld (The Tablet of the Eternal Youth). Introduction,
PDf. Mss. and printed editions.
- Lawh-i Ghulam al-Khuld (The Tablet of the Eternal Youth). Translation.
The Tablet of the Holy Mariner Lawh-i Mallah al-Quds.
- Lawh-i Mallah al-Quds (The Tablet of the Holy Mariner). 1863. Introduction.
PDf. Mss. and printed editions... [1] Ms. in hand of `Abd al-Baha', PDf., L-Mallah al-quds-RB1.pdf [2] Text in Ma'ida-yi asmani, Vol. IV : 335-341 (Persian = pp. 339-341). L-Mallah al-quds-MA IV.pdf
Translations [1] Mariner-SWXIII-2.pdf. [2]
Pdf. [3]
- The Lawh-i Mallah al-Quds (The Tablet of the Holy Mariner) Arabic, with select Transliteration+ Exegetical Notes.
The Lawh-i Mallah al-Quds (The Tablet of the Holy Mariner), Persian section, Translation + Exegetical Notes.
PDf. L-Mallah al-quds II-Ma'ida IV-Per-.pdf
Surat al-Sabr (The Surah of Patience) or Lawh-i `Ayyub (Tablet of Job). 1863. Introduction with
PDfs. of mss. and printed editions of the original Arabic text.
Surat al-Sabr (The Surah of Patience) or Lawh-i `Ayyub (Tablet of Job).
PDfs. Translations Lambden + Fannanapazir:
- Lawh-i Bulbul al-Firaq (The Tablet of the Nightingale of Separation). Introduction
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text
- Lawh-i Bulbul al-Firaq (The Tablet of the Nightingale of Separation). Translations.
- Surat al-Hijr (The Surah of the Departure). Introduction.
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text
- Surat al-Hijr (The Surah of the Departure).Translation.
- Surat al-Dhikr (The Surah of the Remembrance). Introduction
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text. Surat al-dhikr AQA IV.pdf
- Surat al-Dhikr (The Surah of the Remembrance). Lambden Translation.
- Surat-Allah (The Surah of the Godhead). c. 1863-5. Introduction
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text. Surat-Allah-AQA II.pdf
- Surat-Allah (The Surah of the Godhead), Notes, Translation, Commentary.
- Surat-Allah (The Surah of Godhead).Translations. Juan Cole from BSB.
PDf. >
`Redating the Surah of God (Sūratu'llāh): An Edirne Tablet of 1866? -Provisional Translation Appended. BSB 6:4-7:2, p.4f. PDf. JC-Surah of God.pdf
- Introduction, Studies and Notes on the Jawāhir al-asrār (Gems of the Mysteries) and Kitāb-i īqān (The Book of Certitude) of Mirza Ḥusayn `Alī Nūrī, Bahā'-Allāh (1817-1892).
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text
- Biblical-New Testament citations in the Jawāhir al-asrār (Gems of the Mysteries) and Kitāb-i īqān (Book of Certitude) of Bahā'-Allāh.
The opening basmala of the Kitāb-i īqān
- Some bibliographical Notes on Mss. and printings of the Kitāb-i īqān
- The Persian 1882 edition of the Kitāb-i īqān published in Bombay perhaps calligraphed by`Abd al-Baha':
- The Persian 1310/1892-3 Nasiri Press, Bombay edition in the script of Mishkin Qalam :
PDf. The revised Cairo editions of 1900/1933-4.
PDf. The 1904 `Ali Kuli Khan (d.1928) and Howard MacNutt English translation.
PDf. The 1st ed. New York translation of Shoghi Effendi (d. 1957), 1931. Revised ed. BWC. PDf. K-iqan.pdf
- Exegetical Notes in Commentary on the Kitāb-i īqān (Book of Certitude) Pt.I.
- Studies and Notes on Themes, Texts and motifs in the Kitab-i iqan Pt. II
- Karim Khan Kirmani and the Mi`raj in the Kitab-i iqan.
- The Notes on the Islamic Hadith citations in the Kitāb-i īqān
- Kitāb-i īqān (Book of Certitude). EIr. article =
The History of the Riḍwān ("Contentment","Beatitude", "Paradise") Festival and of Islamic and Babi-Baha'i Scriptural Writings associated therewith.
- Riḍwān in pre-Islamic Literatures I : The Bible and beyond.
- Riḍwān in Islamic Literatures II : from the Biblical Hebrew רָצוֹן rāṣon to the Arabic, Islamic رضوان Riḍwān
- Riḍwān in Select Islamic and Shaykhi Literatures III.
- Riḍwān in the writings of the Bāb and leading Babis.
- The Surat al-Ridwan of the Bab - Introduction and Commentary.
- The Surat al-Ridwan of the Bab - Text and Translation. PDf. Surat al-Ridwan.
- Scriptural Tablets associated with Riḍwān from 1863-1892.
- The Riḍwān declaration in Babi-Bahā'i history and literature.
PDf. Ridwan - Tarikh-i Zarandi in Ayyam-i Tis`a. PDf. Ayyam-Zarandi+
- Riḍwān in the scriptural writings of Bahā'u'llah, an overview.
- The Tablet of Baha'-Allah About the Riḍwān Declaration.
The Lawh-i Ridwan al-`adl (The Ridwan of Justice).
- Lawh-i Ridwan al-`Adl (Tablet of the Ridwan of Justice). Introduction and Commentary. PDf. II Bosch Abstract 2013 =
Ridwan al-`adl Abstract 2013.pdf
- Lawh-i Ridwan al-`Adl (Tablet of the Ridwan of Justice). Text and Translation.
PDf. Ridwan al-`adl. Ms. Text in INBMC 37:104ff = INBMC 37 L-Ridwan_al-`adl.pdf
PDf. Ridwan al-`adl AQA IV.pdf
PDf. II. Ridwan al-`adl.pdf
The Lawh-i Ridwan al-Iqrar (The Ridwan of the Enthronement).
- Lawh-i Ridwan al-Iqrar (Tablet of the Ridwan of the Enthronement). Introduction.
PDf. Mss. and printed editions. INBMC 37:57ff = INBMC 37 Ridwan al-iqrar.pdf
- Lawh-i Ridwan al- Iqrar (Tablet of the Ridwan of the Enthronement). Text and Translation.
Further Ridwan Scriptural Tablets and Notes.
- Lawḥ-i Riḍwān (The Tablet of Ridwan) I Introduction and Commentary.
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text
- Lawḥ-i Riḍwān (The Tablet of Ridwan) I Annotated Translation
- Lawḥ-i Riḍwān (The Tablet of Ridwan) II
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text
- Lawḥ-i Riḍwān (The Tablet of Ridwan) III
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text
- Lawḥ-i Riḍwān (The Tablet of Ridwan) IV....
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text
- Riḍwān in its significances in Baha'i Literatures.
Lambden 2001 Ridwan Paper - Beta, unrevised, incomplete. PDf.
The Constantinople [Istanbul] period
The Mathnavi-yi Mubārak (The Blessed Mathnavi), a Persian mathnavi poem in 318 verses, was probably written in Baghdad or Constantinople in 1863. This work is referred to in the Adrianople-Edirne period 1283/1866-7 Persian book, the Kitab-i badi` of Baha'-Allah (see below). It was apparently written for Ḥājī Siyyid `Alī Akbar-i Dahajī. TB3. Constaniople,1863.
Mīrzā Husayn Isfahani Mishkīn Qalam
- Mathnavi-yi mubārak. Introduction and Select Commentary.
- Mathnavi-yi mubārak. Mss., texts and translations.Pdf.
PDf, Mathnavi-yi Mubarak Athar-i Qalam-i A`la III: [159] 160-192.
- Mathnavi-yi_mubarak.pdf
- Trans. Proff. Franklin Lewis (Univ. of Chicago) :
- Lawḥ-i Nāqūs (The Tablet of the Bell) : Introduction, Mss. Texts.
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text
- Lawḥ-i Nāqūs (The Tablet of the Bell) : Revised Lambden Translation.
- Trans. Ali Kuli Khan (c. 1879-1966) and his daughter Marzieh Nabil Carpenter Gail (1908-1993).
- Trans. Denis MacEoin.
- Cf. PDf. Early Lambden trans. Naqus-lights4.pdf
- Lawḥ-i Hawdaj [Samsun] (The Tablet of the Howdah) I : Introduction, Mss. Texts.
PDf. BWC-Haifa Arabic Typescript: BWC-BSB-Howdah.pdf
- Lawḥ-i Hawdaj [Samsun] (The Tablet of the Howdah) II : Translation, Notes and Commentary.
- Lawḥ-i Shams-i jamāl-i ilāhī (The Tablet of the Sun of the Divine Beauty): Introduction, Mss. Texts.
PDf. Lawḥ-i Shams-i jamāl-i ilāhī -INBMC 32:31-34 = Shams-i Jamal.pdf
- Lawḥ-i Shams-i jamāl-i ilāhī (The Tablet of the Sun of the Divine Beauty) : Translation.
- Miscellaneous other Writings of the Constantinople-Istanbul Period. Mss. Notes and Comments.
- Scriptural Tablets of Baha'-Allah to the Afnan family of the Bab and to leading members of the Babi religion.
- Khadijah-Sultan Begum, Wife of the Bab from 1258/1842 (b. Shiraz, 1822-d. Sept. 15th, 1300/1882).
- Hajji Mirza Sayyid Muhammad, Khal Akbar ("The Greatest Maternal Uncle") (c. 1798-d. Shiraz, 1876). The recipient of the Kitab-i iqan in c. 1861 (see above).
- Hajji Mirza Sayyid `Ali Afnan, Khal-i A`zam (The Most Great Maternal Uncle). One of the seven martyrs of Tehran (d. 1850).
- Hajji Mirza Hasan `Ali Afnan (d. Yazd, c. 187?). Youngest maternal uncle of the Bab.
- Hajji Mirza Sayyid Hasan (d. 1892), known as the Great Afnan, Afnan-i Kabir.
- Hajji Mirza Muhammad Taqi, Vakil al-Dawlih (b. Shiraz, c.1839- d. Haifa, 30th August, 1911), involved in the building of the Mashriq al-Adhkar in Ishqabad. A merchant in Yazd for an extended period. See Soli Shahvar in Encyc. Iranica (2016) :
- Aqa Mirza Aqa, Nur al-Din Afnan (1842-1905), his mother was a sister of Khadijah Begum (1811-1882), wife of the Bab.
The Adrianople [Edirne] period
- A-0X. Sūrat al-`Ibad (The Surah of the Servants) for Aqa Munib, Munir (Luminous) Kashani (d. 1868). Introduction.
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text
- A-0X. Sūrat al-`Ibad (The Surah of the Servants). Mss. texts and Translation.
- A-01. Sūrat al-Mursal (The Surah of the Sent Messengers). c. 1864-5, Introduction
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text
- A-01. Sūrat al-Mursal (The Surah of the Sent Messengers), Translation and Commentary.
- A-02. Sūrat al-Ahsab (The Surah of the Companions) or Lawh-i Habib (Tablet for the Beloved One). > Mirza Aqa-yi Munib. c. 1864-5, Introduction
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text. PDf. S-Ashab-AQA IV.pdf
- A-02. Sūrat al-Ahsab (The Surah of the Companions). Translations and Commentary.
- A-03. Sūrat al-Ma`ani (The Surah of the Sublimities c. 1865-6 - Introduction and Notes.
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text. PDf. S-Ma`ani.pdf
- A-03. Sūrat al-Ma`ani (The Surah of the Sublimities). Translation and Commentary.
- A-0X. Surat al-Widad = Lawh-i Sayyah (The Tablet of the Traveler) c. 1864. See below.
- A-04. Sūrat al-Qamis (The Surah of the Robe). c. 1864-5, Introduction.
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text. S-Qamis-AQA IV.pdf
- Sūrat al-Qamis (The Surah of the Robe). Translation and Commentary.
- A-05. Sūrat al-Fath (The Surah of the Opening). c. 1865?. Introduction.
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text.
- Sūrat al-Fath (The Surah of the Opening). c. 1865?. Translation.
- A-06. Sūrat al-Khiṭāb (`The Surah of the Oration'). c. 1865?
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text
- Sūrat al-Khiṭāb (`The Surah of the Oration'). c. 1860s.
- A-07. Surat al-Ism (The Surah of the Name). c. 1865-6, Introduction
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text
- Sūrat al-Ism (The Surah of the Name). Translation and Commentary
- A-08. Sūrat al-Fadl (The Surah of the Divine Bounty). c. 1865-6, Introduction
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text.
- Sūrat al-Fadl (The Surah of the Divine Bounty). Translation and Commentary.
- [1] Lawḥ-i ẓuhūr c. 1865-6, "The Tablet regarding the Manifestation of God" or "The Tablet of the Divine Theophany", Some Introductory Notes.
- [2] The Tablet regarding the Divine Theophany - " The Manifestation of God". Translation.
PDf. Ma'ida-yi asmani 4:161-4. Lawh-i zuhur.pdf.
PDf. La'ali al-hikma vol. 1: 56-61. Lawh-i zuhur.pdf
Mss of the Lawh-i Zuhur (The Tablet of the Divine Manifestation)
Lawh-i Baha' (The Tablet of Baha' "Splendour").
- A-X. Lawh-i Baha' (The Tablet of Baha' [Splendour]). c. 1865-6? - Introduction
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text : L-Baha' A-INBMC 35.pdf Lawh-i Baha' (The Tablet of Baha' [Splendour]). Translation and Commentary.
Surat al-Bayan (The Surah of the Exposition).
- A-X. Surat al-Bayan (The Surah of the Exposition). Introduction
- A-X. Surat al-Bayan (The Surah of the Exposition). Mss. texts and translation.
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text : PDf. AQA IV: 108-123: Surat al-Bayan.pdf
- A-X. Surat al-Hifz (The Surah of the Preserver). c. 1865-6, Introduction
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text
- Sūrat al-Hifz (The Surah of the Preserver). Translation and Commentary.
- A-X. Surat al-Jawad (The Surah for Jawad). c. 1865-6, Introduction
- The text of the Surat al-Jawad.
PDf. Unpub. ms. S-Jawad-snl.pdf
- Sūrat al-Jawad (The Surah of the Preserver). Translation and Commentary.
- A-X. Sūrat al-Man` (The Surah of the Interdiction). c. 1866-7 - Introduction
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text. Uncat. Ms. Surat al-man`-.pdf
- Sūrat al-Man` (The Surah of the Interdiction). Translation and Commentary.
- A-X. Sūrat al-Dam (The Surah of Blood). c. 1865-6? - Introduction
PDf. Mss. and printed editions : Surat al-dam AQA4.pdf
- Sūrat al-Dam (The Surah of Blood). Translations and Commentary
- A-X. Lawh al-Nuqta (The Surah of the Point). c. 1865-6? - Introduction
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text
- The Kitab-i badi` of Baha'-Allah c. 1283/1866-7.I - Introductory Notes.
The Kitab-i badi` of Baha'-Allah c. 1283/1866-7.II PDfs and Translations
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text
- Lawh al- Nuqta (The Surah of the Point). Translation and Commentary.
- A-X. Lawh-i Laylat al-Quds (The Tablet of the Sacred Night). c. 1865-6? - Introduction
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text. L. Quds-Iqtidarat 213f.pdf
- LQuds-MAM 227-32.pdf.
- A-X. Lawh-i Laylat al-Quds (The Tablet of the Sacred Night). Translation and Commentary.
- A-17. Surat al-Amr I (The Surah of the Command [I]). c. 1865-6, Introduction
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text.
- Surat al-Amr I (The Surah of the Command [I]). Translation and Commentary.
- Surat al-Amr II (The Surah of the Command), Introduction
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text
- A-18. Sūrat al-qadīr (The Surah of the Omnipotent). c. 1865-6? Introduction and Commentary.
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text. S-Qadir-Ganj.pdf
- Sūrat al-qadīr (The Surah of the Omnipotent). Translation.
- A-19 The Tablet for the Priest of Istanbul or `Tablet of the Son of Man' (Jesus). c.1866. Introduction.
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text
- A-20. Sūrat al-Qada' (The Surah of the Divine Decree). c. 1867, Introduction
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text. S-Qada'-ms.pdf
- A-X. Surat al-Qalam (The Surah of the Pen). c. 1867-8. Introduction.
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the Surat al-Qalam (The Surah of the Pen).
- Commentary on the basmala and Q. 68:1""N" (Nun). By the Pen! Introduction.
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text
- Commentary on the basmala and Q. 68:1: "N" (Nūn). By the Pen!". Translation.
The Arabic and Persian Tablets for persons named Ahmad ("The Most Praised").
- A-X Lawh-i Ahmad - The Arabic Tablet of Ahmad. Introduction
- The text of the Arabic Tablet of Ahmad.
PDf. [1] L-Ahmad-Ar.Pdf
- [2] The text of the Arabic Tablet of Ahmad - Typescript, Ad`iyya. Pdf.
- Lawh-i Ahmad (The Arabic Tablet of Ahmad). Annotated Translations.
- A-XX Lawh-i Ahmad (The Persian Tablet of Ahmad, c. 18XX), Introduction.
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text.
- A-XX Lawh-i Ahmad Persian. Translation.
- A-XX Lawh-i Sayyah (The Tablet of the Traveler) or Surat al-Widad (The Surah of Love). Mulla Adi-yi Guzal or `Ali-yi Guzal Maragha'i (d. Cyprus, 1871) I . c. 1864. Introduction and Notes.
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text of the Lawh-i Sayyah.
- Lawh-i Sayyah (The Tablet of the Traveler) or Surat al-Widad (The Surah of Love). II. Annotated Translation.
- Lawh-i Sayyah, The Tablet of the Traveler c. 1864. Translation.
لوح تقى
- Introduction to the Lawḥ-i tuqā.
- Lawḥ-i tuqā : (The Tablet of the Fear of God, c. 1867). Translarion.
- The Lawh-i Sarraj [Siraj]. Introduction and Notes.
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original Persian text of the Lawh-i Sarraj.
- The Tablet to `Alī Muhammad Sarrāj [Sirāj]. c. 1867. Translation.
- Lawh-i Nasir, The Tablet to Hajji Muhammad Nasir Qazvini (d. Rasht, 1300/1882-3/8), c. 1866-7. Introduction.
Mss. and printed editions of the original Persian text of the Lawh-i Nasir. PDf. L-Nasir-MAM.pdf
- Lawh-i Nasir, The Tablet to Hajji Muhammad Nasir Qazvini (d. Rasht, 1300/ 1882-3).
- Translations. Lawh-i Nasir, The Tablet to Hajji Muhammad Nasir Qazvini. Notes and Commentary.
- The Tablets of the Hair. Introduction.
- The texts of the Tablets of the Hair. Pdf.
- The Tablets of the Hair. Translations.
The Scriptural Tablets for Pilgrimage to Shiraz and Baghdad.
- Surat al-Hajj I and II (The Tablets of Pilgrimage) to the House of the Bab in Shiraz and of Baha'-Allah in Baghdad - General Introductions, Babi-Baha'i pilgrimage.
- Surat al-Hajj I (The Tablet of Pilgrimage) to the House of the Bab in Shiraz. Mss. texts and Annotated Translation. PDf.
S-Hajj AQA IV.pdf
- Surat al-Hajj II (The Tablet of Pilgrimage) to the House of the Baha'-Allah in Baghdad - Introduction.
- Surat al-Hajj II (The Tablet of Pilgrimage) to the House of the Baha'-Allah in Baghdad. Mss. texts and Annotated Translation. PDf.
S-Hajj II-AQA IV.pdf
- Lawh-i Ashraf I, The First Tablet for Ashraf I c. 1866-7 CE.
- Lawh-i Ashraf II, The First Tablet c.1866-7 CE.
- Lawh-i Ashraf, X Further Tablets of Baha'-Allah for Ashraf and relatives.
Shaykh Salman Hindiyani
- Lawh-i-Salman (Tablet of Salman) I An Edirne period Tablet among many for the key emissary or courier of Baha'-Allah Shaykh Khánjar Hindiyani known as Shaykh Salman (VV), c. 1866-7 - Introductory Notes
- Lawh-i-Salman (Tablet of Salman) I, Mss. texts and translation. PDf.
L-Salman I-NAM.pdf
- Lawh-i-Salman (Tablet of Salman) I Annotated Translation, Notes and Commentary.
- Lawh-i-Salman (Tablet of Salman) II. An early Acre (c.1868-9) period Tablet among many for the key emissary of Baha'-Allah, Shaykh Salman.
- Lawh-i-Salman (Tablet of Salman) II. Mss. texts and translation. PDf.
L-Salman II-MAM.pdf
- Lawh-i-Salman (Tablet of Salman) II. Annotated Translation, Notes and Commentary.
- A Note on other scriptural Tablets for Shaykh Salman Hindiyani.
إِذْ أَرْسَلْنَا إِلَيْهِمُ اثْنَيْنِ فَكَذَّبُوهُمَا فَعَزَّزْنَا بِثَالِثٍ
- Commentary on Qur'ān 36:14a . Introduction.
- The Text of the Commentary on Qur'ān 36:14a.
- Commentary on Qur'ān 36:14a "And We strenghtened [the two of] them with a third"
Lawh-i Qa'im va Qayyum. PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text.
- Qā'im (Ariser) and Qayyūm (Deity Self-Subsistent) : the background and significance of twin messianic advents in Bābī-Bahā’ī scripture. Part 1.
- Qā'im (Ariser) and Qayyūm (Deity Self-Subsistent) : the background and significance of twin messianic advents in Bābī-Bahā’ī scripture. Part II. Lawḥ-i Qā'im (messianic Ariser) and Qayyūm (Deity Self-Subsistent). Introduction.
- Lawḥ-i Qā'im (messianic Ariser) and Qayyūm (Deity Self-Subsistent). Translations.
Lawh-i `Abd al-Razzāq al-Kashānī,
The Lawḥ-i qabl az Ādam (Tablet regarding the Pre-Islamic Era).
- Tablet of Bahā’-Allāh to `Abd al-Razzāq al-Kashānī. Introduction and Commentary.
- Tablet of Bahā’-Allāh to `Abd al-Razzāq al-Kashānī, the Lawḥ-i qabl az Ādam (Tablet regarding the Pre-Islamic Era).
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the Lawh-i `Abd al-Razzāq al-Kashānī.
PDf. ADD + Partial text :
PDf. L-Abd al-Razzaq-GWB.pdf
The West Gailean or `Akka = Acre period
Like the Prophet Muhammad (d. 632 CE) and his near contemporary, the Bab (d.1850 CE), Baha'-Allah wrote to several of the kings, rulers, and religious leaders of his day, sometimes individually as well as collectively. These communications began in the Constantinople and late Edirne period (c. 1863-7) and continued until at least c. 1873, five years into the Acre period.
Individually+ :
- Lawḥ-i `Abd al-Azīz wa wukala ("Tablet to `Abd al-Azīz and his ministers"). Constantinople, 1863. Introduction. Text currently lost, unavailable.
- The Lawh-i Nasir al-Din Shah of Qajar Persia. c. 1867-8. Introduction.
- Mss. and Persian (+Arabic) text of the Lawh-i Nasir al-Din Shah.
- Annotated Translation(s) of the Lawh-i Nasir al-Din Shah.
- Notes and Commentary on the Lawh-i Nasir al-Din Shah.
- Tablets to `Ali Paşa [Pasha] Muhammad Amin (b. Istanbul, 1815 -d. Bebek,1871), Grand Vizir of Ottoman Empire. c. 1868.
- The Surat al-Ra'is سورة الرئيس or `Tablet of the Premier (Chief) is addressed to `Ali Paşa [Pasha] and dates to August 1868 just prior to the exile precipitated arrival of Baha'-Allah and his companions in Gallipoli en route to Acre. This Arabic text is in honour of Haji Muhammad Isma'il Kashani, entitled Dhabih (The One Intended for Sacrifice) and Anis (The Intimate Companion). Introduction.
- Mss. and printed editions of the original text of the Surat al-Ra'is.
PDf. S-Ra'is-Ar-Mam.pdf
- Translations and Commentary upon the Surat al-Ra'is (Tablet for the Premier-Leader).
- Lawh-i [Keçecizade Mehmed] Fu'ad Pasha (b. Istanbul, 1815-d. Nice, France, 12th Feb. 1869), Turkish Foreign Minister (1850s and 1860s) + Grand Vizier (1861-3+1863-6). Also known as the Lawh-i Kaf Za (K-Z = Kazim Samandar). c. 1869-70. Introduction.
- Mss. and The Arabic text of the Lawh-i [Keçecizade Mehmed] Fu'ad Pasha.
- Translations of the Lawh-i [Keçecizade Mehmed] Fu'ad Pasha.
- The Lawh-i Ra'is ("Tablet to the Premier-Leader") is a Persian scriptural Tablet composed in late 1868 or 9. Introduction.
- PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text of the Lawh-i Ra'is.
PDf. L-Ra'is-Per-Mam.pdf
- Translations and Commentary upon the Lawh-i Ra'is (Tablet for the Premier-Leader).
- Lawḥ-i. Pāp (Tablet to the Pope Pius IX) c. 1869. The Tablet to the Giovanni Maria Mastai-Ferretti, Pope Pius IX (born May 13, 1792, Senigallia, Papal States; reigned 16 June 1846 - d. Vatican City, Feb 7th, 1878). Beatified September 3, 2000. Introduction. See Below...
- PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original Arabic text of the Lawḥ-i. Pāp (Tablet to the Pope Pius IX).
- Translations and Commentary upon the Lawḥ-i. Pāp (Tablet to the Pope Pius IX). See below
- Lawh-i Napuliyun I (The First Tablet to Napolean III `Emperor of the French [France]'; 1808- d. Chislehurst, UK, 9th Jan. 1873). c.1867-8. Probably late Edirne period. Introduction.
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original Arabic text of the Lawh-i Napuliyun I (The First Tablet to Napolean III).
- Translations and Commentary upon the Lawh-i Napuliyun I (The First Tablet to Napolean III.
- Lawh-i Napuliyun II (The Second Tablet to Napolean III, `Emperor of the French [France]'; 1808- d. Chislehurst, UK, 9th Jan. 1873). Probably early Acre period.
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original Arabic text of the Lawh-i Napuliyun II (The Second Tablet to Napolean III).
- Translations and Commentary upon the Lawh-i Napuliyun II (The Second Tablet to Napolean III).
- Lawḥ-i. Malik-i Rūs. = The Tablet to the Czar of Russia Nicolaevitch Alexander II (b. Moscow, XXXX; r. 2nd March 1855 – 13th March 1881).
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text Arabic text of the Lawḥ-i. Malik-i Rūs (The Tablet to the Czar of Russia Nicolaevitch Alexander II).
- Translations and Commentary upon the Lawḥ-i Malik-i Rūs (The Tablet to the Czar of Russia Nicolaevitch Alexander II).
The Tablet to Queen [Alexandrina] Victoria
- Lawḥ-i Vikturiya = The Tablet to Queen [Alexandrina] Victoria (24 May 1819 – 22 January 1901), Queen from 1837 and later Empress of India. c. 1869. Introduction.
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original Arabic text of the Lawḥ-i Vikturiya = The Tablet to Queen [Alexandrina] Victoria.
- Translations and Commentary upon the Lawḥ-i Vikturiya = The Tablet to Queen [Alexandrina] Victoria.
Kings and Rulers Collectively:
- Sūrat al-mulūk (The Surah of the Kings). سورة الملوك . Introduction. c. 1868[-70?].
- Mss and printed editions of the Arabic text(s) of the Sūrat al-mulūk (The Surah of the Kings).
- Translations and Commentary upon the Sūrat al-mulūk (The Surah of the Kings).
- Surat al-haykal (Surah of the Temple). A compilation by Baha'-Allah himself of five of his `Tablets to the Kings, Rulers and Religious Leaders' namely, [1] Pope Pius IX, [2] (Second Tablet to) Napoleon III, [3] The Czar Alexander II, [4] Queen Victoria, and [5] Nasir al-Din Shahof Qajar Persia. Several recensions from late c. 1867 - c. 1873. Introduction.
- Mss and printed editions of the Arabic text of the Surat al-haykal (Surah of the Temple).
- Translations and Commentary upon the Surat al-haykal (Surah of the Temple).
- Select Alwah (Scriptural Tablets) of Baha'-Allah to the nineteen persons reckoned his Apostles dating between c. 1852 and 1892 (all periods).
Mirza Musa (d.1887), Apostle 1
- Alwah (Scriptural Tablets) of Baha'-Allah to Apostle 1 = میرزا موسى Mirza Musa (18XX-1887), brother of Baha'-Allah known as Aqa-yi Kalim (His Eminence of One who Conversed [with God]).
- Alwah (Scriptural Tablets) of Baha'-Allah to Apostle 2 = Mirza Aqa Buzurg-i Nishapuri (1852-1869) entitled ﺑﺪﻳﻊ Badi` (The Wondrous, Revolutionary) and grandson of the Baha'i martyr `Abd al-Majid Nishapuri.
- Alwah (Scriptural Tablets) of Baha'-Allah to Apostle 3 =
- Alwah (Scriptural Tablets) of Baha'-Allah to Apostle 4 = Mulla Abu'l-Hasan Ardikani (c.1232/1816-7-1346/1927-8), known as (the second) Hajji Amin ("The Trusted Pilgrim-Emissary"). A Babi then Baha'i. See D. MacEoin, EIr. II =
- Alwah (Scriptural Tablets) of Baha'-Allah to Apostle 5=
- Alwah (Scriptural Tablets) of Baha'-Allah to Apostle 6=
- Alwah (Scriptural Tablets) of Baha'-Allah to Apostle 7 =
- Alwah (Scriptural Tablets) of Baha'-Allah to Apostle 8 =
- Alwah (Scriptural Tablets) of Baha'-Allah to Apostle 9 = Muhammad Nabīl-i Zarandī (1831-1892) entitled نبيل أعظم Nabil-i A`zam ("The Most Great Nabīl [=Muhammad]").
- An Important Untitled Tablet for Nabīl (Zarandī d. 1308/1892).
- Alwah (Scriptural Tablets) of Baha'-Allah to Apostle 10.
- Alwah (Scriptural Tablets) of Baha'-Allah to Apostle 11.
- Alwah (Scriptural Tablets) of Baha'-Allah to Apostle 12.
- Alwah (Scriptural Tablets) of Baha'-Allah to Apostle 13 = Muhammad Kaẓim Qazvini (1844-1918) known as كاظم السمندر Kazim-i Samandar (`The Phoenix').
- Alwah (Scriptural Tablets) of Baha'-Allah to Apostle 14 =
- Alwah (Scriptural Tablets) of Baha'-Allah to Apostle 15 = Mirza Ḥusayn Isfahani (1826-1912) entitled مشكین قلم Mishkin Qalam (Musk-Scented Pen).
- Alwah (Scriptural Tablets) of Baha'-Allah to Apostle 16 =
- Alwah (Scriptural Tablets) of Baha'-Allah to Apostle 17 =
- Alwah (Scriptural Tablets) of Baha'-Allah to Apostle 18 =
- Alwah (Scriptural Tablets) of Baha'-Allah to Apostle 19 =
- An Introductory Note and Bibliography.
Alwah (Scriptural Tablets) of Baha'-Allah addressed to the four (or more) persons apointed by him as Ayadi-yi Amr Allah ("Hands of the Cause of God") dating to all Periods (1852-1892).
- (1) Hajji Mulla `Alí-Akbar (1842–1910), known as Hajji Akhund (The Pilgrim Cleric).
- (2) Hajji Mirza Muhammad-Taqi (d.1917), known as Ibn-i Abhar (The Son of Abhar).
- (3) Mirza Muhammad Hasan (1848–1919), known as Adib (The Cultured).
- (4) Mirza `Ali-Muhammad (d.1928), known as Ibn-i Asdaq (The Son of the Most Holy).
Alwah (Scriptural Tablets) of Baha'-Allah addressed to the four persons appointed by his son `Abd al-Baha' as Ayadi-yi Amr Allah ("Hands of the Cause of God") dating to all Periods (1852-1892).
- (1) Aqa Muhammad-i Qa'ini (1829–1892), known as نبيل الأكبر Nabíl-i-Akbar (The Greatest Nabil [Muhammad]).
- (2) Mirza 'Alí Muhammad Varqa (d. 1896), the father of the child martyr Rúhu'lláh (The Spirit of God).
- (3) Mullā Ṣādiq Muqaddas Khurāsānī(d. Hamadan 1889 CE), was entitled Ism-Allāh al-Asdaq, `The Name of God, the Most Holy'.
- (4) Shaykh Muhammad Rida'-yi Yazdi.
Select titled and untitled Alwah (Scriptural Tablets) of Baha'-Allah to family members, companions and other Babi-Baha'i believers - c. 1852 and 1892 (all periods).
Hajji Mirza Haydar `Ali (d.1920).
- Tablets to Hajji Sayyid Jawad Karbala'i (d. 1882), a Shaykhi and Babi-Baha'i grandson of the great Mujtahid Sayyid Muhammad Mahdi, Bahr al-`Ulum (d. Najaf, 1212/1797).
- Mirza Ahmad Azghandi, son of the Yazdi cleric Sayyid Husayn Azghandi and perhaps the first Babi-Baha'i from Khurasan.
- Dervish Sidq `Ali Qazvini (d.1299/1880-1).
- Hajji Mirza Haydar `Ali Isfahani (d. Haifa, 1920).
- Aqa Muhammad Rida' Qannad Shirazi (d.).
- Mirza Aqa-yi Munir Kashani, Munib (d.).
- Lawh-i Jamal-i Burujirdi = Lawh-i Jamal. Introduction
- Lawh-i Jamal-i Burujirdi = Lawh-i Jamal. Mss. Texts and Translation.
- Trans.+ Khazeh Fananapazir.
PDf. Lawh-i Jamal.pdf
- Lawh-i Mirza`Ali Aqa Muvaqqir al-Dawlah (d. 1921) father of Hasan Balyuzi (1908-1980).
PDf. x 2. TB-MD-EGB-1970.pdf
- A Tablet to a certain Nabil or Muhammad (Zarandi?).
To the Kirmani Shaykhi Leader
Hajji Mirza Muhammad Karim Khan Kirmani (d.1871).
- Lawḥ-i qinā' (The Tablet of the Veil). Introduction.
PDf. Full text - PDf. Lawh-i Qina'.pdf + Mss. and printed editions of the original Arabic text
- Lawḥ-i qinā' (The Tablet of the Veil). c. 1871?. Translation and Commentary.
PDf.. Tibb.pdf
- Lawh-i ṭibb (The Tablet of Medicine). c. 1872. Introduction.
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original Arabic text of the Lawh-i ṭibb.
- BSB 6:4-7:1 (1992) Rep. Lambden Commentary and Notes. Stephen Lambden_on Lawh-i_Tibb_II-BSB.pdf
- The Graeco-Islamic background
- The Persianate Shi`i Islamic background.
- Islamic medicine : some bibliographical Notes.
- Lawh-i ṭibb (The Tablet of Medicine). c. 1872. Translations.
- Lawh-i ṭibb (The Tablet of Medicine). c. 1872. Commentary I.
- Lawh-i tibb (The Tablet of Medicine). c. 1872. Commentary II (Persian).
Asl-i hull al-khayr (`The Source of All Good').
- Asl-i hull al-khayr (`The Source of All Good'), The Words of Wisdom - Introduction and notes.
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the Asl-i hull al-khayr.
PDf. Asl-i kull al-khair.pdf
PDf. An Annotated Authorized English Translation of the `Words of Wisdom' with Commentary.
بسيط الحقيقة
"The Basīṭ al-Haqīqa (Basis/Unicity/Simplicity of Reality) is all things /everything (kullu shay') but nothing in particular" (Mulla Sadra, al-Asfar VI:111).
- The Reply of the Bab to questions of Mīrzā Muhammad Sa`īd Zavarah on Basīt al-ḥaqīqa and other matters' INBMC 69 : 418-437.
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original Arabic text of the above work of the Bab.
- Lawḥ-i Basīṭ al-Haqīqa (The Tablet about Uncompounded Reality). Introduction
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original Arabic text of the Lawḥ-i Basīṭ al-Haqīqa.
- Lawḥ-i Basīṭ al-Haqīqa (The Tablet about Uncompounded Reality). Translation and Commentary.
- Lawḥ-i ru'yā (The Tablet of the Vision). Introduction.
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original Arabic text of the Lawh-i ru'ya.
- Lawḥ-i ru'yā (The Tablet of the Vision). Mss. texts and translations.
- Lawḥ-i baqā' (The Tablet of Eternity). Introduction
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original Arabic text of the Lawh-i baqa'.
- Lawḥ-i baqā' (The Tablet of Eternity). Mss. texts, translations and Commentary.
Lawḥ-i amvāj (The Tablet of the Waves).
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original Arabic text of the Lawh-i amwaj.
al-Kitab al-aqdas = (Per.) Kitab-i aqdas (The Most Holy Book).
- al-Kitab al-aqdas. Introductions.
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original Arabic text of the al-Kitab al-aqdas
al-Kitab al-aqdas - BWC : As cited and reformated from the Baha'i Reference Library, Works of Baha'u'llah :
PDf. Kitab-i aqdas BWC.pdf
- Tablet in reply to a question about a verse of the al-Kitab al-aqdas. Introduction.
PDf. Further Mss. and printed editions of the original Arabic text of the abovementioned work.
Risala Su'al wa Jawab ("Questions and Answers") on the Kitab-i Aqdas by Baha'u'llah. BWC : As cited and reformated from the Baha'i Reference Library, Works of Baha'u'llah :
PDf. Risala Su'al wa Jawab BWC.pdf
- Risala Su'al wa Jawab ("Questions and Answers") BWC Authorized Trans.
- The background and significance of the Imami Shi`i-Shaykhi Inverted Letter waw, "w" in the al-Kitab al-aqdas (Most Holy Book) and other Babi-Baha'i sacred writings.
- A Tablet of Bahā'-Allāh commenting upon that verse of his al-Kitab al-aqdas about the question of an international auxilary language and script. (c.1890?). Translation.
ﻟﻮﺡ ﺍﻟﺤﻜﻤﺔ
- Lawh-i Hikmat (The Tablet of Wisdom), c. 1873-4. Introduction and notes on Mulla Muhammad-‘Ali, Nabil-i Qa’ini, Nabil-i Akbar (1829–1892).
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the Lawh-i Hikmat (The Tablet of Wisdom). L-Hikmat-TBAA-Ar.pdf
- Annotated Translation of the Lawh-i Hikmat (The Tablet of Wisdom).
- Commentary upon the Lawh-i Hikmat (The Tablet of Wisdom), I - The Greek and other Philosophers.
- Commentary upon the Lawh-i Hikmat (The Tablet of Wisdom), II.
- Commentary upon the Lawh-i Hikmat (The Tablet of Wisdom), III.
Lawḥ-i Maqṣud
- Lawh-i Maqsud (The Tablet for Maqṣud) I - Introduction and Mirza Maqṣud
- Lawh-i Maqsud (The Tablet for Maqṣud), II. Mss. Texts. PDf. Maqsud-TBAA.pdf
- Lawh-i Maqsud (The Tablet of Maqṣud), III. Annotated Translation.
- Lawh-i Maqsud (The Tablet for Maqsud). Notes and Commentary.
Lawḥ-i Tarazat (The Tablet of "Ornaments")
- Lawḥ-i Tarazat ("Ornaments"), I - Introduction
- Lawḥ-i Tarazat ("Ornaments"), II. Mss. Texts. PDf. Tarazat-TBAA.pdf
- Lawḥ-i Tarazat ("Ornaments"), III. BWC Annotated Translation.
- Lawḥ-i Tarazat ("Ornaments"). Notes and Commentary.
Lawḥ-i Tajalliyat (The Tablet of "Effulgences")
- Lawḥ-i Tajalliyat (Effulgences), I - Introduction
- Lawḥ-i Tajalliyat (Effulgences), II. Mss. Texts. PDf. Tajalliyyat-TBAA.pdf
- Lawḥ-i Tajalliyat (Effulgences), III. BWC Annotated Translation.
- Lawḥ-i Tajalliyat (Effulgences). Notes and Commentary.
Lawh-i Ishráqát (The Tablet of "Splendors").
- Lawḥ-i Ishráqát (Splendors), I - Introduction
- Lawḥ-i Ishráqát (Splendors), II. Mss. Texts. PDf. Ishráqát -TBAA.pdf
- Lawḥ-i Ishráqát (Splendors), III. BWC Annotated Translation.
- Lawḥ-i Ishráqát (Splendors). Notes and Commentary.
The Lawh-i Burhan (The Tablet of the Proof).
- The Lawh-i Burhan (The Tablet of the Proof). Mss and printed texts.
- The Lawh-i Burhan (The Tablet of the Proof), Introduction and Notes about Mirza Muhammad-Husayn, the `King of Martyrs' (1833-1879) and Mirza Muhammad-Hasan, the `Beloved of Martyrs' (c. 1845-1879) .
- BWC English translation of the Lawh-i Burhan (The Tablet of the Proof).
The Surat al-Wafa' / Vafa (The Tablet of Fidelity) for Muhammad Husayn Shirazi, entitled Vafa.
- The Surat al-Wafa' (The Tablet of Fidelity). PDf. Mss and printed texts.
- The Surat al-Wafa' (The Tablet of Fidelity/ for Vafa). Introduction + Muhammad Husayn Shirazi
- BWC Annotated English translation of the Arabic Surat al-Wafa' / [Per.] Sura-yi Vafa (The Tablet of Fidelity).
- Some Notes in Commentary upon the Surat al-Wafa'.
The Lawh-i `Abd al-Wahhab.
- The Lawh-i `Abd al-Wahhab. Introduction. PDf. Mss and printed texts.
- The Lawh-i `Abd al-Wahhab. BWC Annotated English translation with Transliteration, Notes and Commentary.
Alwah (Scriptural Tablets) of Baha'-Allah to Zoroastrians or to Zoroastrian Converts to the Baha'i Religion
Hushang Mānekjī Limji Hataria
مانکجی لیمجی هاتریا
- The Lawh-i Hushang Mānekjī Limji Hataria (b. Mora, Sumali, India, 1813-d. Tehran, 1890). See Firoze M. Kotwal, Jamsheed K. Choksy, Christopher J. Brunner, and Mahnaz Moazami, "HATARIA, MANEKJI LIMJI," Encyclopædia Iranica, online edition, 2016, available at :
- (accessed on 09 May 2016).
- Hātaryā- Mānekjī Līmjī Hūshang-Lawh-i Mānekjī -Some Introductory Notes.
- Hātaryā- Mānekjī Līmjī Hūshang-Lawh-i Mānekjī - Texts and mss.
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original Persian text of the above named scriptural Tablet.
- Hātaryā- Mānekjī Līmjī Hūshang-Lawh-i Mānekjī - Commentary
The Lawh-i Haft Pursish, The `Tablet of the Seven Questions'.
- The Lawh-i haft Pursish or `Tablet of the Seven Questions'. Introduction.
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original Persian text of the Lawh-i haft pursish.
- Translations of the original Persian text of the Lawh-i haft pursish.
- Commentaries on Aspects of the Lawh-i haft pursish.
Alwah (Scriptural Tablets) of Baha'-Allah to Jews or to Jewish Converts to the Baha'i Religion
Jewish Conversions to the Babi-Baha'i Religions.
Tablets of Baha'-Allah to Ḥakīm Lālih-zār or Mulla Eleazar and to his son Ḥakīm Āqā Jān and others of Hamadan and elsewhere.
- The Persian Ziyarat-Nameh Tablet to Hakim or Mulla Lalih-zar (Eleazar) and to his son Hakim Aqa Jan and others in Hamadan and elsewhere.
- Tablets of Bahā'-Allāh and `Abdu'l-Baha' to Mir (b. Hamadan c. 1277[8]/1861) son of Aqā Raphael (A'Rafu'a) and Khātun, renamed Hāj Mihdi Arjmand, a nephew of Hakim Aqā Jān.
- Jews, Muslims and the Bible in Qazvin and Hamadan: Some Notes on Persian Jews and their interactions with Christians, Shi`i Muslims and Members of the Babi and Baha'i Religions.
- The Ṣaḥīfat Allāh (The Scroll of God). Introduction and Translation.
- Lawḥ-i ba`ath-i mūsā (A Tablet to Khalīl about the Call of Moses). Introduction and Commentary.
- Further Tablets of Baha'-Allah and `Abdu'l-Baha' to Jewish converts to the Babi-Baha'i religions.
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original Persian text. Bahā'ī' Studies Bulletin vol. 4:1 (1986). BSB 4:1 (1986) Moses.pdf
- Lawḥ-i ba`ath-i mūsā (A Tablet to Khalīl about the Call of Moses). Mss. texts and translation.
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original Arabic text of the `Tablet to an Oriental Jew', Translation revised from Baha'i Scriptures (ed. Horace Holley), 118-124.
- Further Scriptural Tablets of Baha'-Allah to Persian and other Middle Eastern Jews.
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original Arabic and Persian texts of the Scriptural Tablets of Baha'-Allah to Persian and other Middle Eastern Jews.
Alwah (Scriptural Tablets) of Baha'-Allah to Christians or to Christian Converts to the Baha'i Religion.
- The Tablet for the Priest of Istanbul or `Tablet of the Son of Man' (Jesus). c.1866. Introduction.
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original Arabic text of the above scriptural writing.
- The Tablet to the Priest of Istanbul or the `Tablet of the Son of Man' (Jesus). Mss. Texts and Translations.
- The Lawh-i Ibn (Tablet to the Son) as translated by Juan R. Cole in May 2001.
- The Lawh-i Ibn (Tablet of the Son - Jesus) of Baha'-Allah (1817-1892 CE), translation and annotation Stephen Lambden 2021.
Addressed to Giovanni Maria Mastai-Ferretti, Pope Pius IX (born May 13, 1792, Senigallia, Papal States; reigned 16 June 1846 - d. Vatican City, Feb 7th, 1878). Beatified September 3, 2000.
- The Tablet of Baha'-Allah to Pope Pius IX. Introduction.
- The Tablet of Baha'-Allah to Pope Pius IX. Mss. Texts and Translations.
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original Arabic text of the Lawh-i Pap (Tablet to the Pope).
- The Tablet of Baha'-Allah to Pope Pius IX : BWC Haifa, Israel Translation +Annotated with Notes and Commentary
A Tablet of Bahā'-Allāh to Georg David Hardegg, The Lawḥ-i Hirtik [Hartik] (Lawḥ-i Hardegg). p. 32f. From BSB 2:1 (June 1983). PDf. PDf. Revised Pt.I 2007 TB-Lawh-Hartik-2007.pdf
The Lawḥ-i Hartik (Scriptural Tablet to [Georg David] Hardegg). Haifa Supplied Typescript. PDf. Lawh-i Hartik.pdf
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original Arabic text of the Lawh-i Hartiq [Hirtiq].
- Introduction : Hardegg and the German Templars
- Lawh-i Hartīk [Hirtik]. Translation.
- Lawḥ-i Hartīk [Hirtik] (The Tablet to Georg David Hardegg). 1872 CE. Notes and Commentary.
- Lawḥ-i Hartīk (The Tablet to Georg David Hardegg). Notes and Commentary. Part Two.
- Select Bibliography for the Lawh-i Hartik
- Christoff Hoffman, George David Hardegg and the Tempelgesellschaft ("German Templers"), Bibliography.
- The Lawh-i aqdas (Most Holy Tablet) for Fāris Effendi, Introduction and Notes on Mss. and printed editions.
- The Lawh-i aqdas (Most Holy Tablet) for Fāris Effendi, An Annotated Translation and Commentary.
PDf. The original Arabic text of the Lawh-i aqdas.
- The letter of Fāris Effendi to Baha'-Allah.
- Another Tablet for Fāris Effendi. Introduction and Commentary.
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original Arabic text of the second scriptural Tablet to Fāris Effendi.
- Lawh-i Fāris Effendi (A Further Tablet to Fāris Effendi). Mss., texts and translation.
- Lawh-i Karmil or the `Tablet of Carmel', c. 1891. Introduction and Commentary.
PDf. Mss. and printed editions.
Lawh-i Karmil [Carmel].pdf
- PDf. BWC., Haifa, Israel. Shoghi Effendi Translation of the `Tablet of Carmel'. TBAA-Carmel.pdf
- Lawh-i Karmil or the `Tablet of Carmel', c. 1891. Annotated Notes and Translation.
- Select Baha'i Interpretations of the `Tablet of Carmel'.
- PDf. Carmel Calling Jerusalem: Some historical and intertextual explorations of Mt. Carmel and the Lawḥ-i Karmil (Tablet of Carmel) of Baha’u’llah. Abstract Stephen N. Lambden, Bosch, California, 2013. Carmel Calling Jerusalem.pdf
- The Lawh-i Bisharat (Tablet of Glad-Tidings). Introduction
- The Lawh-i Bisharat (Tablet of Glad-Tidings). Texts and translations.
The Lawh-i Bisharat (Tablet of Glad-Tidings).
PDf. Mss. and printed editions. Arabic Text. L-Bisharat-TBAA-Ar.pdf
BWC., Haifa, Israel. Shoghi Effendi +Translation of the ` Lawh-i Bisharat'.
- Select Baha'i Interpretations and Studies of the `Tablet of Glad-Tidings'.
- A Scriptural Tablet of Baha'u'llah related to the "Day of the Questioning" (yawm al-su'al) and to the Second Coming of Jesus in "Great Glory" (bi-majdi-hi al-kabir).
- A Scriptural Tablet of Baha'ullah commencing al-Abda` al-Abha, ?The Most Generative-Wonderful-Amazing, the All-Glorious!" (Kitab-i Mubin, 163-169).
- Lawḥ-i mawlūd (The Tablet for the Birthday of the Bāb). Introduction and Commentary.
- Tablet of Bahā'-Allāh for the Birthday of the Bab . Mss. texts and Translation.
- Lawḥ-i milād (1) (The Tablet for the Birthday of Bahā'-Allāh). Notes and Introduction.
- Lawḥ-i milād-i ism-i a`ẓam (1) (A Tablet for the Birthday of the Greatest Name) Mss. texts, Translation.
Lawh-i Jawhar-i Hamd. The Tablet of the Quintessence of Laudation'.
- Lawh-i Jawhar-i Hamd (The Tablet of the Quintessence of Laudation), probably 1880s. Introduction
- Lawh-i Jawhar-i Hamd (The Tablet of the Quintessence of Laudation), Mss. and printed texts.
L-Jawhar-i hamd pt.1.pdf
- Lawh-i Jawhar-i Hamd (The Tablet of the Quintessence of Laudation), probably 1880s. Translation, Notes and Commentary.
- Tafsir Surat al-Shams (Commentary upon the Surah of the Sun, Q. 91). Introduction.
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text : PDf. T-Shams-MAM.pdf
- Tafsir Surat al-Shams (Commentary upon the Surah of the Sun, Q. 91) Translations and Commentary. [1] Juan Cole, BSB 198X.
PDf. [2] Stephen Lambden 2017.
- Lawh-i Ta`wil (The Tablet regarding Exegesis-Interpretation). I Introduction and Notes.
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the original text of the above named scriptural Tablet.
Lawh-i Ta`wil (The Tablet regarding Exegesis-Interpretation)
- Lawh-i Ta`wil (The Tablet regarding Exegesis-Interpretation). Mss. texts and translations.
- Lawḥ-i Masjid al-Aqsā (Tablet interpreting the "Furthermost Mosque", Q. 17:1).
- The Lawh-i Muhammad Ibrahim Khalil, Muballigh-i Shirazi (XXXX). Introduction, biography and Notes.
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the text of the Lawh-i Khalil-i Shirazi with Translation. PDf. L-Khalil- TBA 3003C.pdf
- The Du`ā al-saḥar (Dawn Prayer) and the Greatest Name of God.
- From a Tablet of Baha’u’llāh to Mīrzā `Abbās Āstarābadī, لوح ميرزا عباس استراباد
- A Tablet On the Night of Destiny (Laylat al-Qadr) and the Greatest Name of God (al-ism al-a`zam).
- Lawh-i Hajji Mulla Hadi Qazvini with an explanation of the Hadith, "He who hath known himself hath indeed known his Lord" (man `arafa nafsahu faqad `arafa rabbahu). Introduction
- Lawh-i Hajji Mulla Hadi Qazvini with an explanation of the Hadith, "He who hath known himself hath indeed known his Lord" (man `arafa nafsahu faqad `arafa rabbahu). Mss. and Printed texts + Translations.
PDf. L-Hadi Qazvini.pdf
- Shoghi Effendi + Juan Cole Trans. PDf. :
- The Sun of Reality (āftāb-i ḥaqīqī) is the Divine Word (kalimat-i ilāhī).
- The Lawh-i Liqa' ("Tablet of the Meeting with God")
- Baha'-Allah - Tablet concerning a Subsequent Manifestation
- Ziyārat-namah of Baha'-Allah for the third, Martyred Imam Husayn (d. Karbala, 61/680), Introduction.
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the text of the Ziyārat-namah of Baha'-Allah for the third, Martyred Imam Husayn (d. Karbala, 61/680). PDf. Ziyarat Imam Husayn-mam.pdf
- Ziyārat-namah of Baha'-Allah for the third, Martyred Imam Husayn (d. Karbala, 61/680), Translation.
- Ziyārat-namah of Baha'-Allah for Fatima Baraghani, Ṭāhirih, Qurrat al-`Ayn (d. 1852).
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the text of the Ziyārat-namah of Baha'-Allah for Ṭāhirih.
- Ziyārat-namah of Baha'-Allah for Hajji Mirza Sayyid Muhammad, Afnan Khal-i A`zam (The Greatest Uncle) of the Bab (c. 1798-d. Shiraz, 1876).
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the text of the Ziyārat-namah of Baha'-Allah for the Khal-i A`zam (The Greatest Uncle) of the Bab
- Ziyārat-nāmah of Baha'-Allah for Ḥajjī Shaykh Muhammad `Alī (entitled) Nabīl ibn Nabīl (d. Istanbul 1307/1890).
PDf. Mss. and printed editions of the text of the Ziyārat-namah of Baha'-Allah for Nabīl ibn Nabīl (d. Istanbul 1307/1890).
of Bahā'-Allāh and `Abd al-Baha' - Various Datings
The Kitab-i `Ahd
The Book of the [My] Covenant, c.1891-2 CE.
Mss. and texts of the Arabic Book of the Covenant.
The 1908 Baron Victor R. Rosen (d.1849-1908) text and Russian translation.
The Authorized English Baha'i translation of the `Book of the Covenant'.
- Some Introductory and Exegetical Notes to the `Book of the Covenant'.