Persian Dictionaries, Grammars & Linguistic Studies ...'
Stephen Lambden, UC Merced.
Aryanpur Kashani, `Abbas. 1978
The concise English-Persian dictionary by Abbas Aryanpur Kashani and Manoochehr Aryanpur Kashani. 2nd ed. Tehran, Iran : Amir Kabir Pub. Corp., 1978.
Boyle, John Andrew
- A practical dictionary of the Persian language. London, Luzac, 1949.
Dihkhuda, `Ali Akbar (1879-1955).
Lughat'namah / ta'lif-i `Ali Akbar Dihkhuda. Tihran : Danishgah-i Tihran, 1946
CD Rom.
Gilchrist, J. B. 1st ed. 1803.
1st ed. Calcutta, 1803.
The Hindee moral preceptor; or rudimental principles of Persian grammar, as the Hindoostanee scholar's shortest road to the Persian language, or vice versa .... Including the celebrated Pundnamu or Ethics of Shuekh Suudee, with a Hindoostanee literal version ... Second edition. • London 1821. (iii, 16, 128, xvi, 222 pp.).
Jones, W. 1st ed. 1771.
1809 A grammar of the Persian language. The seventh edition, with additions and improvements. • London, printed by W. Bulmer and Co. from the types of W. Martin, for Lackington, Allen, etc., 1809. 4to. (xxiii, 154, 151*-154*, 155-198 pp.)
"Jones's Persian grammar, at the time of its first edition in 1771 the fourth one published after those of De Dieu, Greaves, and Ignatius, has always had a special appeal owing to its "great elegance and humanity" (Arberry, Oriental essays 51). From the third edition it was edited and revised by J. Richardson, and from the sixth edition (1804) with the new types "planned and chiefly executed" by Charles Wilkins for W. Martin, printer to the East India Company. With these naskhî types in two sizes, two texts are printed: an Extract from the Memoirs of Jahângîr (pp. 151*-152*) and a Description of Agra by the same (pp. 153*-154*). The naskhî types are expressly selected: The niskhi should be preferred for printing (p. 147, with a reference to Forms of Herkern , Calcutta 1781)." (Smitskamp Cat.).
Hayyim, Sulayman.
Farhang-i yak jildi-i Farsi-Inglisi : ba tarjumah-'i Inglisi-i muhimmtarin va mutidavaltarin lughat va istilahat-i Farsi, bi-inzimam-i amsal va ta`birat-i masali (dar hudud-i 45000 madih) ta'lif-i S. Hayyim. Tihran : Kitabfurushi Birukhim, 1969.
Haim's one-volume English-Persian dictionary : designed to give the Persian equivalents of the most important and the most common English words and phrases about 60,000 in number by S. Haim. Teheran : Farhang Moaser, 1952, 1984 printing.
The larger English-Persian dictionary : designed to give the Persian meanings of 80,000...
Dictionaries of Middle Eastern Languages words, idioms, phrases and proverbs in the English language, as well as the transliteration of difficult Persian words by S. Haïm. Tehran : Farhang Moaser, 1985.
Haydari, Parviz.
Farhang-i Khayyam : Almani Farsi, [Farsi-Almani] = Deutsch-persisches Wörterbuch, [Persisches-deutsch Wörterbuch Khayyam] : havi-i 40000 vazhah ba mutaradifat va mushtaqqat-i sahih va sarf-i af`al-i biqa`idah , [dara-yi 50000 vazhah-'i basit va murakkab-i Farsi, hamrah ba lughat-i adabi, fanni, pizishki, bazargani va san`ati] / ta'lif-i Duktur Haydari. Chap-i 12. [Tehran] : Kitabfurushi- i Khayyam, 1366/ 1987.
Junker, Heinrich F. J., 1889-.
Persisch-deutsches Wörterbuch, von Heinrich F.J. Junker und Bozorg Alavi. München, M. Hueber, 1968
Lazard, Gilbert.
Dictionaire persan-français par Gilbert Lazard, avec l'assistance de Mehdi Ghavam-Nejad. Leiden ; New York : E. J. Brill, 1990
Possart, P. A. F. 1831 (1st German Persian grammar?).
Grammatik der persischen Sprache, nebst vergleichender Berücksichtigung der mit dem Persischen verwandten Sprachen, namentlich des Sanskrit und des Slawischen ... Ein Lehrbuch für academische Vorlesungen. • Leipzig, L. Schumann (gedruckt bei J. B. Hirschfeld), 1831. (xxi, 232 pp.)
Steingass, Francis Joseph (1825-1903).
A comprehensive Persian-English dictionary, including the Arabic words and phrases to be met with in Persian literature. Being Johnson and Richardson's Persian, Arabic, and English dictionary, revised, enlarged and entirely reconstructed. Beirut, Librairie du Liban [1970]
Tehrānī, Āqā Buzurg = Muhammad Muḥsin ibn `Ali ibn Muhammad Rida' ibn Muḥsin ibn `Ali Akbar (1293-`389 AH = 1876-1970 CE). Shi`i scholar and bibliographer...
الذريعة الي تصانيف الشيعه
- al‑Dharī`a ilā taṣānif al‑shī`a. Tehran and Na jaf, 1353-98.
al‑Dharī`a ilā taṣānif al‑shī`a. 26 vols. Beirut: Dār al‑Aḍwā’, 1403/1983.
al‑Dharī`a ilā taṣānif al‑shī`a. 29 vols. Beirut:
CD Rom : Al-Dhari'ah ila Tasanif al-Shi'ah / A'yan al-Shi'ah / Mustadrakat A'yan al-Shi'ah / Amal al-Amil / Ma'alim al-'Ulama...
Storey, C. A.
"This famous work from the Royal Asiatic Society is an indispensable tool for all serious students of Persian history and culture, and a welcome companion to Persian Literature in its most glorious period. Topics covered include the history of Qur'anic literature, Mathematics, Astronomy and Astrology, Geography, Weights and Measures, Medicine, Lexicography, Grammar, Rhetoric, Poetry and Poetics."
Persian Literature: A Bio-Bibliographical Survey, London, vol. 1, pt. 1, 1927-1939, reprint 1989; and vol. 1, pt. 2, 1953, reprint 1972.
Persian Literature: A Bio-Bibliographical Survey, Vols. 1-V : RoutledgeCurzon; Rep. 2002. 3300 pp. Language: ISBN-10: 0947593489 ISBN-13: 978-0947593483