The Bible and the Qur'ān: Select Bibliography of Primary Sources in Arabic, Persian and Turkish with occasional Notes.
Stephen Lamben 1980s+2007-8.
Under revision and correction 2016-7...
The Bible and the Qur'ān: General Bibliography
Adang, Camilla.
- Muslim Writers on Judaism & the Hebrew Bible from Ibn Rabban to Ibn Hazm, ISBN 9004100342.
Blau, J.,
- 'Über einige christlich-arabische Manuskripte aus dem 9. und 10. Jahrhundert', in Museon 75, 1962, pp. 101-8.
- 'On a fragment of the oldest Judaeo-Arabic Bible translation extant', in J. Blau and S.C. Reif, eds,
Genizah Research After Ninety Years: The Case of Judaeo-Arabic, Cambridge, 1992, pp. 31-9.
Beaumont, M.,
- "Ammar al-Başrî on the Incarnation', in D. Thomas, ed., Christians at the Heart of Islamic Rule, Leiden, 2003, pp. 55-62.
- 'Early Muslim interpretation of the Gospels', Transformation 22, 2005, pp. 20-7.
- Christology in Dialogue with Muslims, Carlisle, 2005.
Frank, Daniel.
- Search Scripture Well: Karaite Exegetes and the Origins of the Jewish Bible Commentary in the Islamic East (Bilingual) Leiden: Brill Academic Pub., 2004 (374pp.). ISBN 9004139028
Gairdner, W. H. T.
- The Reproach of Islam. London, 1909.
Goldziher, Ignaz.
"Über muhammedanische Polemik gegen Ahl al-kitāb." Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 32 (1878), pp. 341-378.
Hawting, G.R. et al., eds.
- Studies in Islamic and Middle Eastern Texts and Traditions in Memory of Norman Calder (JSS Supp. 12). Oxford University Press, 2000.
Griffith, Sidney H.
- "Arguing from Scripture: The Bible in the Christian/Muslim Encounter in the Middle Ages." ADD
- "From Aramaic to Arabic: The Languages of the Monasteries of Palestine in the Byzantine and Early Islamic Periods." DOP 51 (1997): 11-31.
- "The Gospel in Arabic: An Inquiry into Its Appearance in the First Abbasid Century." OrCbr 69 (1985): 126-67.
- "The Monks of Palestine and the Growth of Christian Literature in Arabic." MW7H (1988): 1-28.
- "The Qur'an in Arab Christian Texts: The Development of an Apologetica! Argument: Abu Ourrali jn the Magliš of al-Mu'mūn." ParOr 1·\ (1999): 203-33.
Guillaume, Alfred.
- The Life of Muhammad: A Translation of Ihn Ishat/'s Siral Rasul Allah. 1955. Repr., Karachi: Oxford University Press, 1967.
- "The Version of the Gospels Used in Medina c. A.D. 700." Al-Andalus 15 (1950): 289-96.
Jan Joosten, 2001-2
"Tatian's Diatessaron and the Old Testament Peshitta" Journal of Biblical Literature, Vol. 120, No. 3 (Autumn, 2001), 501-523
"The Gospel of Barnabas and the Dietessaron" Harvard Theological Review 95.1 (2002), 73-96.
Jeffery, Arthur.
- `Ghevond's text of the correspondence between Umar II and Leo III', in Harvard Theol. Review, xxxvii [1944], 269–321
Khātūnābādī, Muhammad Bāqir ibn Ismā`īl Ḥusaynī
- Tarjamih-yi anājil-i arba`ih. Ed. Rasūl Jāfaryān (= Persian Literature and Linguistics 10).Tehran: Nuqṭih Press, 1375/1996
Kraus, P.,
- Hebräische und syrische Zitate in isma'ilitischen Schriften, in: Der Islam 19 (1931), 243-263
- Reprint in: Kraus, P., Alchemie, Ketzerei, Apokryphen im frühen Islam. Gesammelte Aufsätze, herausgegeben und eingeleitet von Rémi Brague, Hildesheim 1994, 3-23.
Lambden, Stephen N.
- Islam [The Bible and Isrā'īliyyāt in Islamic Literatures]" chapter 9 in the Oxford: Blackwell Companion to The Bible and Culture (ed. by John F. A Sawyer), 2006, pp. 135-157.
- Islamo-biblica and Beyond : some aspects of the Isrā’īliyyāt (Israelitica) phenomenon and the Islamo-biblical tradition. Oxford: Oneworld forthcoming.
Pfander, Karl Gottlieb,
- Kitāb mīzān al-haqq (1835). Jerusalem 1865. TransL, by R. H. Weakley: The Mizan ul Hauq: or Balance of Truth. London, 1867.
- "Pfänder՝s letter of 16th Sept 1862 to the CMS." Doc. No. 63a; Archives of Heslop Room/University of Birmingham (unpublished documents).
Pfander, Carl, Gottlieb (b. Wurttemberg 1803-1865),
- 1874 +1888 = Arabic Kitāb Mīzān al-ḥaqq. Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus, 240pp.
- 1866+1867 1st English trans. R. H. Weakley = Mizan Ul Haqq; or Balance of Truth, Mizan ul haqq; or, balance of truth: London: Church Missionary House. 134pp.
Rahmatullah ibn Khalīl al-'Uthmānī al-Kairãnawĩ.
- I'jāz-i 'Îsawî. Agra 1853; repr. Delhi 1876.
- Izhâr al-haqq. Istanbul 1280/1867-1868.
- French transi, by P. V. Cadetti: Idh-har-ul-Haqq ou Manifestation de la Vérité, 2 vols. Paris, 1880.
al-Saqqä, Ahmad Hijāzī,
- ed. Rahmät Allah ai-Hindi, izhar al-haqq. al-Qahira: Dar al-Turāth al-'Arabĩ li'l-Tiba'a wa'l-Nasr, 1978.
Powell, Ann. Avril.
- 1976 `Maulānā Rahmat Allāh Kairānawī and Muslim-Christian Controversy in India in the mid. 19th Century’ JRAS 20 (1976), 42-63.
- 1993 Muslims and Missionaries in Pre-Mutiny India. Richmond: Curzon Press.
- "Maulana Rähmät Allah Kairanawî and Muslim-Christian controversy in India in the mid-nineteenth century." Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 20 (1976), pp. 42-63.
- `Contact and controversy between Islam and Christianity in northern India 1833-1857: The relations between Muslims and Protestant missionaries', Richmond, UK: Curzon Press, 1991.
Rashīd Rida. Muhammad
- al-Manar 10 (1325-1326).
- ed. tafslr al-qur'an al-hakīm, vol. 9. al-Qahira 1347/1928.
Schippers, Arie.
“Psalms” in McAuliffe, ed. E-Q., 4: 314-318. *
Schirrmacher, Christine.
- Mit den Waffen des Gegners: Christlich-Muslimische Kontroversen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, dargestellt am Beispiel der Auseinandersetzung um Karl Gottlieb Pfanders 'mīzān al-haqq ՝ und Rahmatullah ibn Khalīl al-'Utmānī al-Kairanawls 'izhâr al-haqq ՝ und der Diskussion über das Barnabasevangelium. Berlin: Klaus Schwarz Verlag, 1992.
al-Shahrastanī, Muhammad ibn `Abd al-Karīm (b. c. 469 [479]-542 = c. 1086-1153).
- Mafatīḥ al-Asrār wa Maṣābīḥ al-Abrār [Persian Facsimile editon in 2 vols. covering Surat al-Fatiha and Baqara Q. Surahs 1-2]. Tehran: Markaz-i Intishār-i Nushakh-i Khaṭṭī ( = Centre for the Publication of Manuscripts). Facsimile edition of the Unique Manuscript at the Library of the Islamic Consultative Assembly or Bunyād-i Farhang-i Irān. Introduction by `Abd al-Husayn Ha'iri and Indices by Parviz Akhka'i, 1989 CE/1409 AH/1368Sh. (Vol. 1 = 26pp +pp. 1-240 + vol.2 = pp. 241-434 + Index pp.869-913). *
- Tafsīr al-Shahrastānī, Mafatīḥ al-Asrār wa Maṣābīḥ al-Abrār, [Keys to the Mysteries and Lamps for the Pious] ed. Muhammad `Alī Ādharshab. Tehran: Iḥyā-i Kitāb, Daftar-i Nashr-i Miras-i Maktub, 1997.*
Other writings of al-Shahrastānī :
- Kitāb al-Milal wa'l-nihal ("The Book of Religious and Philosophical Communities") [written 1127 CE]*
- Nihayat al-`iqdam ("The Culmination of Demonstration in Scholastic Philosophy").
- al-Milal wa'l-Nihal. Edited by Muhammad Sayyid Kīlānī. 1st ed.; Cairo, Mustafa al-Bābī al-Halabï, 1381/1961;
- 2nd ed. [actually reprint]; Beirut, Dar al-Ma'rifa, 1975.
Thomas, David (ed.) 2003
- [HCMR1] Christians At The Heart Of Islamic Rule : Church Life And Scholarship In ‘Abbasid Iraq (= Woodbrooke-Mingana Symposium on Arab Christianity and Islam (4th : 2001 : Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre)
Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2003. xiii, 271 pp. Contents = -
Introduction, Notes on Contributors
Muslims as crypto-idolaters: a theme in the Christian portrayal of Islam in the Near East / Barbara Roggema 1
Monasteries through Muslim Eyes: the Diyarat Books / Hilary Kilpatrick 19
Habib ibn Khidma Abu Ra'ita al-Takriti's 'The Refutation of the Melkites concerning the Union [of the Divinity and Humanity in Christ]' (III) / Sandra Toenies Keating 39
'Ammar al-Basri on the Incarnation / Mark Beaumont 55
The Christian al-Ma'mun Tradition / Mark N. Swanson 63
Stuccowork at the Monastery of the Syrians in the Wadi Natrun: Iraqi-Egyptian Artistic Contact in the 'Abbasid Period / Lucy-Anne Hunt 93
The 'Philosophical Life' in Tenth Century Baghdad: the Contribution of Yahya Ibn 'Adi's Kitab tahdhib al-akhlaq / Sidney Griffith 129
Yahya Ibn 'Adi and the Theory of Iktisab / Emilio Platti 151
Language and thought in Kitab al-majdal, bab 2, fasl 1, al-Dhurwa / Bo Holmberg 159
The two recensions of the Prologue to John in Ibn al-Tayyib's Commentary on the Gospels / Julian Faultless 177
The Ultimate Proof-Text: The Interpretation of John 20.17 in Muslim-Christian Dialogue (second/eighth-eight/fourteenth centuries) / Martin Accad 199
A Medieval Islamic Polemic against Certain Practices and Doctrines of the East Syrian Church: Introduction, Excerpts and Commentary / Gabriel Said Reynolds 215
Early Muslim Responses to Christianity / David Thomas 231
Bibliography 255
Index 267
Swanson, Mark and David Thomas (eds). 2006.
- [HMCR 5] The encounter of Eastern Christianity with early Islam, introduction by Emmanouela Grypeou (= The History of Muslim-Christian relations, 1570-7350, Vol. 5). Leiden ; Boston : Brill,, 338 pp. Papers from a workshop held in June 2003 in Erfurt, Germany Includes bibliographical references (pp. 312-330) and index. Contents =
- Islam and Oriens Christianus : Makka 610-622 A.D. / Irfan Shahid 9
- The face to face encounter between patriarch Sophronius of Jerusalem and the Caliph 'Umar Ibn al-Khattab : friends or foes? / Daniel J. Sahas 33
- Ideological transformation and the evolution of imperial presentation in the wake of Islam's victory / David Olster 45
- The early Muslim raids into Anatolia and Byzantine reactions under emperor Constants II / Walter E. Kaegi 73
- Copts and the Islam of the seventh century / Harald Suermann 95
- Amid in the seventh-century Syriac life of Theodute / Andrew Palmer 111
- Die islamische Zeit in Giwargis Wardas 'Onita uber die Katholikoi des Ostens / Martin Tamcke 139
- Political power and right religion in the East Syrian disputation between a monk of Bet Hale and an Arab notable / Gerrit J. Reinink 153
- The perception and presentation of the Arab conquest in Syriac historiography : how did the changing social position of the Syrian orthodox community influence the account of their historiographers? / Jan J. Van Ginkel 171
- New Testament citations in the Hadith literature and the question of early gospel translations into Arabic / David Cook 185
- Muslim-Christian controversy in an unedited Syriac text, revelations and testimonies about our Lord's dispensation / Muriel Debie 225
- Folly to the Hunafa' : the crucifixion in early Christian-Muslim controversy / Mark N. Swanson 237
- Christian theologians and new questions / David Thomas 257
- Answers for the Shaykh : a 'Melkite' Arabic text from Sinai and the doctrines of the trinity and the incarnation in 'Arab orthodox' apologetics / Sidney H. Griffith
Thomas, David (ed.) 2007
[HCMR6] The Bible in Arab Christianity (= Mingana Symposium on Arabic Christianity and Islam, 5th : 2005 : Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre), (Series = The history of Christian-Muslim relations ; v. 6 ) Leiden;Boston: Brill, 2007. Contents =
The Arabic versions of the gospels : a case study of John 1.1 and 1.18 / Hikmat Kachouh 9
Bible et liturgie chez les Arabes chretiens (VIe-IXe siecle) / Samir Arbache 37
Anti-Jewish polemic and early Islam / Shaun O'Sullivan 49
The use of biblical quotations in Christian apocalyptic writings of the umayyad period / Harald Suermann 69
Beyond prooftexting (2) : the use of the Bible in some early Arabic Christian apologies / Mark Swanson 91
The re-written Bible in Arabic : the paradise story and its exegesis in the Arabic Apocalypse of Peter / Emmanouela Grypeou 113
Biblical exegesis and interreligious polemics in the Arabic Apocalypse of Peter - The Book of the Rolls / Barbara Roggema 131
The development of testimony collections in early Christian apologetics with Islam / David Bertaina 151
The Bible and the Kalam / David Thomas 175
The Qur'anic Sarah as prototype of Mary / Gabriel Said Raynolds 193
Early Muslim accusations of tahrif : Muqatil Ibn Sulayman's commentary on Kcy Qur'anic verses / Gordon Nickel 207
Is there room for corruption in the 'books' of God? / Clare Wilde 225
'Ammar al-Basri on the alleged corruption of the Gospels / Mark Beaumont 241
The use and translation of scripture in the apologetic writings of Abu Ra'ita al-Takriti / Sandra Keating 257
Al-Radd al-Jamil : al-Ghazali's or Pseudo-Ghazali's? / Maha El-Kaisy Friemuth 275
Hanbalite commentary on the Bible : analysis of Najm al-Din al-Tufi's (d. 716/1316) Al-Ta'liq / Lejla Demiri 295
Illustrating the gospels in Arabic : Byzantine and Arab Christian miniatures in two manuscripts of the early Mamluk period in Cambridge / Lucy-Anne Hunt 315
A nestorian Arabic pentateuch used in Western Islamic lands / Juan Pedro Monferrer-Sala 351
Biblical allusions and citations in the syriac Theotokia according to MS Syr. new series 11 of the national library of Russia, St. Petersburg / Natalia Smelova
Sweetman, J. Windrow
- 1937 [1955] Islam and Christian Theology. Parts 1–2. Missionary Research Series no. 22. London: Lutterworth Press. Thomas, Bertram. 1937.
- Islam and Christian Theology, A Study of the Interpretation of Theological Ideas in the Two Religions. Part Two, Volume One . Lutterworth Library, Vol. XLV, Missionary Research Series, No. 22.
- Islam and Christian Theology, A Study of the Interpretation of Theological Ideas in the Two Religions. Part One, Volume II
- Islam and Christian theology, London-Redhill, 3 vols. (i, 1945)
- IIslam and Christian Theology, A Study of the Interpretation of Theological Ideas in the Two Religions. Rep. JAMES CLARKE & CO LTD. ISBN: 0227172019 Pbk. 1st September 2002
Thomas, David (ed.)
- The Bible in Arab Christianity (= Conference Proceedings of the 5th Mingana Symposium on Arabic Christianity and Islam in 2005 at the Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre). Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2007. 421pp. *
Contains the following:
- The Arabic versions of the gospels : a case study of John 1.1 and 1.18 / Hikmat Kachouh 9
- Bible et liturgie chez les Arabes chretiens (VIe-IXe siecle) / Samir Arbache 37
- Anti-Jewish polemic and early Islam / Shaun O'Sullivan 49
- The use of biblical quotations in Christian apocalyptic writings of the umayyad period / Harald Suermann 69
Beyond prooftexting (2) : the use of the Bible in some early Arabic Christian apologies / Mark Swanson 91 - The re-written Bible in Arabic : the paradise story and its exegesis in the Arabic Apocalypse of Peter / Emmanouela Grypeou 113
- Biblical exegesis and interreligious polemics in the Arabic Apocalypse of Peter - The Book of the Rolls / Barbara Roggema 131
- The development of testimony collections in early Christian apologetics with Islam / David Bertaina 151
- The Bible and the Kalam / David Thomas 175
- The Qur'anic Sarah as prototype of Mary / Gabriel Said Raynolds 193
- Early Muslim accusations of tahrif : Muqatil Ibn Sulayman's commentary on Key Qur'anic verses / Gordon Nickel 207
- Is there room for corruption in the 'books' of God? / Clare Wilde 225
- 'Ammar al-Basri on the alleged corruption of the Gospels / Mark Beaumont 241
- The use and translation of scripture in the apologetic writings of Abu Ra'ita al-Takriti / Sandra Keating 257
- Al-Radd al-Jamil : al-Ghazali's or Pseudo-Ghazali's? / Maha El-Kaisy Friemuth 275
- Hanbalite commentary on the Bible : analysis of Najm al-Din al-Tufi's (d. 716/1316) Al-Ta'liq / Lejla Demiri 295
- Illustrating the gospels in Arabic : Byzantine and Arab Christian miniatures in two manuscripts of the early Mamluk period in Cambridge / Lucy-Anne Hunt 315
- A nestorian Arabic pentateuch used in Western Islamic lands / Juan Pedro Monferrer-Sala 351
- Biblical allusions and citations in the syriac Theotokia according to MS Syr. new series 11 of the national library of Russia, St. Petersburg / Natalia Smelova 369