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The Bible and the Qur'ān: Select Bibliography II

The Bible and the Qur'ān:  Select Bibliography of largely secondary western sources with occasional Notes.

Stephen Lambden 1980s+2007-8. Under revision and correction 2020>

The Bible and the Qur'ān:  General Bibliography

Adang, Camilla.

  • Muslim Writers on Judaism & the Hebrew Bible from Ibn Rabban to Ibn Hazm, ISBN 9004100342.

Anawati, G. C.

  • "Polémique, apologie et dialogue islamo-chrétiens, positions classiques médiévales et positions contemporaines," in Euntes Docete (Rome) 22 (1969), pp. 375-452.

  •  "Les grands courants de la pensée religieuse musulmane dans l'Egypte contemporaine," in G. C. Anawati and Maurice Borrmans, Tendances et courants dans l'Islam arabe contemporain, vol. 1 : Egypte et Afrique du Nord: Entwicklung und Frieden, Wissenschaftliche Reihe Vol. 26. Munich: Kaiser-Grünewald, 1982.

Asadi, Muhammed A.,

  • Islam & Christianity Conflict or Conciliation: A Comparative and Textual Analysis of the Koran & the Bible. Writers Club Press., 2002 (128pp.) ISBN= 0595212581

Ayoub,  Mahmoud,

  • The Qur'an and Its Interpreters, Volume One ,  Alabny: State University of New York Press, 1984

al-A`zamī, Muhammad, Mustafa.

  • The Histry of the Qur'anic Text from Revelation to Compilation, A Comparative Study with the Old and New Testaments. Leicester: U.K. Islamic Academy, 1424/2003. (376pp.).

Blau, J.,

  • 'Über einige christlich-arabische Manuskripte aus dem 9. und 10. Jahr­hundert', in Museon 75, 1962, pp. 101-8.
  • 'On a fragment of the oldest Judaeo-Arabic Bible translation extant', in J. Blau and S.C. Reif, eds,
    Genizah Research After Ninety Years: The Case of Judaeo-Arabic, Cambridge, 1992, pp. 31-9.

Beaumont, M.,

  • "Ammar al-Başrî on the Incarnation', in D. Thomas, ed., Christians at the Heart of Islamic Rule, Leiden, 2003, pp. 55-62.
  • 'Early Muslim interpretation of the Gospels', Transformation 22, 2005, pp. 20-7.
  • Christology in Dialogue with Muslims, Carlisle, 2005.

Frank, Daniel.

  • Search Scripture Well: Karaite Exegetes and the Origins of the Jewish Bible Commentary in the Islamic East (Bilingual) Leiden: Brill Academic Pub., 2004  (374pp.). ISBN  9004139028

Gairdner, W. H. T.

  • The Reproach of Islam. London, 1909.

Goldziher, Ignaz.

  • "Über muhammedanische Polemik gegen Ahl al-kitāb." Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 32 (1878), pp. 341-378.

Hawting, G.R. et al., eds. 

  • Studies in Islamic and Middle Eastern Texts and Traditions in Memory of Norman Calder  (JSS Supp. 12). Oxford University Press, 2000.

Griffith, Sidney H.

  • "Arguing from Scripture: The Bible in the Christian/Muslim Encounter in the Middle Ages." ADD
  • "From Aramaic to Arabic: The Languages of the Monasteries of Palestine in the Byzantine and Early Islamic Periods." DOP 51 (1997): 11-31.
  • "The Gospel in Arabic: An Inquiry into Its Appearance in the First Abbasid Century." OrCbr 69 (1985): 126-67.
  • "The Monks of Palestine and the Growth of Christian Literature in Arabic." MW7H (1988): 1-28.
  • "The Qur'an in Arab Christian Texts: The Development of an Apologetica! Argument: Abu Ourrali jn the Magliš of al-Mu'mūn." ParOr 1·\ (1999): 203-33.

Guillaume, Alfred.

  • The Life of Muhammad: A Translation of Ihn Ishat/'s Siral Rasul Allah. 1955. Repr., Karachi: Oxford University Press, 1967.
  • "The Version of the Gospels Used in Medina c. A.D. 700." Al-Andalus 15 (1950): 289-96.

Hayes, J (ed.)

  • DBI (1999) Dictionary of Biblical Interpretation. 2 Vols. Nashville:

Jan Joosten, 2001-2

  • "Tatian's Diatessaron and the Old Testament Peshitta" Journal of Biblical Literature, Vol. 120, No. 3 (Autumn, 2001), 501-523

  • "The Gospel of Barnabas and the Dietessaron" Harvard Theological Review 95.1 (2002), 73-96.

Jeffery, Arthur.

  • `Ghevond's text of the correspondence between Umar II and Leo III', in Harvard Theol. Review, xxxvii [1944], 269–321

Jomier, Jacques. O.P.,

  • Bible et Coran. Les Editiones du Cerf, 1959. 1st ed. in French. 

  • The Bible and the Koran. translated from the French by Edward P. Arbez S.S. New York., Tournai, Paris, Rome, 1964 (120pp.). Some chapters revised from the French original. Bears the Imprimatur of Francis Cardinal Spellman, Archbishop of New York Oct. 2nd 1964. *



Khan, Geoffrey.

  • "Al-Qirqisani's opinions concerning the text of the Bible and parallel Muslim attitudes towards the text of the Qur'an." Jewish Quarterly Review. 81 (1990): 59-73.

Khoury, Raif Georges.

  • Les légendes prophétiques dans l'Islam depuis le /'՝' /iisi/n 'an ΠΙ' siècle de l'Hégire. Wiesbaden: Harrassovvitz, 1978.
  • "Quelques réflexions sur la première ou les premières Bibles arabes." Pages 549-61 in L'Arabie préislamique et son environneinent historique et culturel: Actes du Colloque de Strasbourg 24-27 /nin 1987. Edited by T. Faliti. Leiden: Brill, 1989.

Kraus, P.,

  • Hebräische und syrische Zitate in isma'ilitischen Schriften, in: Der Islam 19 (1931), 243-263
  • Reprint in: Kraus, P., Alchemie, Ketzerei, Apokryphen im frühen Islam. Gesammelte Aufsätze, herausgegeben und eingeleitet von Rémi Brague, Hildesheim 1994, 3-23.

Lambden, Stephen N.

  • Islam [The Bible and Isrā'īliyyāt in Islamic Literatures]" chapter  9 in the  Oxford: Blackwell Companion to The Bible and Culture (ed.  by John F. A Sawyer), 2006,  pp. 135-157. 
  • Islamo-biblica and Beyond : some aspects of  the Isrā’īliyyāt (Israelitica) phenomenon and the Islamo-biblical tradition. Oxford: Oneworld  forthcoming.

Lazarus-Yafeh, Havah.

  • 1987 Queen Ester - one of the Marranos? {in Hebrew] Tarbiz  57 (1987), 121-2.
  • 1988 Contemporary fundamentalism - Judaism, Christianity, Islam. Jerusalem Quarterly  vol. 47 pp. 27-39.
  • 1990 The contribution of a Jewish convert from Morocco to Muslim polemics against Jews and Judaism. [Hebrew] in  PE`AMIM  vol: 42 pp. 83 -90
  • 1991 `Jewish knowledge of the Qur'an'  [ in  Hebrew] in SEFUNOT vol.20 (NS5), ed. M. Ben-Sasson, Jerusalem, pp. 37-47.
  • 1992 Die islamische reaktion auf den Rationalismus.
  • 1992 Intertwined Worlds, Medieval Islam and Bible Criticism.  Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton Univ. Press, 1992.
  • 1993 `Medieval Muslim attitudes towards the Qur'an and the Bible'  in LES RETOURS AUX ECRITURES: FONDAMENTALISMES PRESENTS ET PASSES eds. E. Patlagean and A. Le Boulluec, Paris, Bibliothטques de l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes, Section des sciences religieuses, vol.99, pp.255-267.
  • 1994 Continuity and innovation in Egyptian Islam. in  Egypt from Monarchy to Republic  ed. S. Shamir, Boulder, CO:  Westview Press, pp. 173-180.
  • 1995 `Taḥrīf and thirteen Torah scrolls'  in  Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam  19 (1995 ) pp. 81-88.
  • 1996 Muslim Authors on Judaism and Jews. Jerusalem :  The Zalman Shazar Center, 1996
  • 1996 `Some neglected aspects of medieval Muslim polemics against Christianity' in HTR  89   (1996). pp.61-64.
  • `Taḥrīf' in EI2 vol. X pp.

Leder, S et al. eds.

  • 2002 Studies in Arabic and Islam, Proceedings of the 19th Congress, Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants, Halle 1998. (= Orientalia Louvaniensia Analecta -108-) Paris-Sterling, VA : Uitgeveru Peeters. viii+541 pp. : ill. ; 25 cm. 

Lee, Samuel (d. 1852).

  • 1824 Controversial Tracts on Christianity and Mohammedanism by the late Rev. Henry Martyn, B.D... and some of the most eminent writers of Persia translated and explained.  Cambridge: Cambridge: J. Smith, 1824.

Lowry, S.

  •  The Principles of Samaritan Bible Exegesis. Leiden:  Brill. 1977.

Padwick,  Constance E.

  • (1939) Al-Ghazali and the Arabic Versions of the Gospels an Unsolved Problem' in The Muslim World 29 (2), 130–140.

Pfander, Karl Gottlieb,

  • Kitāb mīzān al-haqq (1835). Jerusalem 1865. TransL, by R. H. Weakley: The Mizan ul Hauq: or Balance of Truth. London, 1867.
  • "Pfänder՝s letter of 16th Sept 1862 to the CMS." Doc. No. 63a; Archives of Heslop Room/University of Birmingham (unpublished documents).

Pfander, Carl, Gottlieb (b. Wurttemberg 1803-1865),

  • 1874 +1888 = Arabic Kitāb Mīzān al-ḥaqq. Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus, 240pp.
  • 1866+1867 1st English trans. R. H. Weakley = Mizan Ul Haqq; or Balance of Truth, Mizan ul haqq; or, balance of truth: London: Church Missionary House. 134pp.

Powell, Ann. Avril.

  •  1976 `Maulānā Rahmat Allāh Kairānawī and Muslim-Christian Controversy in India in the mid. 19th Century’ JRAS 20 (1976), 42-63.
  •  1993 Muslims and Missionaries in Pre-Mutiny India. Richmond: Curzon Press.
  • "Maulana Rähmät Allah Kairanawî and Muslim-Christian controversy in India in the mid-nineteenth century." Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 20 (1976), pp. 42-63.
  •  `Contact and controversy between Islam and Christianity in northern India 1833-1857: The relations between Muslims and Protestant missionaries', Richmond, UK: Curzon Press, 1991.

Rabin, Chaim

  • 1957 `Islam and the Qumran sect’, Qumran Studies ( = Scripta Judaica 2). New York / London: OUP. 1957 pp. 112-130.

Reeves, John C. ed.

  • Bible and Qur'an : Essays in Scriptural Intertextuality (SBL Symposium Series 24) Atlanta: SBL 2003. xiii+245pp.*

Rubin, Uri.

  • Between Bible and Quran: The Children of Israel and the Islamic Self-Image. Darwin Press.,  1999 (318pp.) ISBN=  0878501347. *

Rahmatullah ibn Khalīl al-'Uthmānī al-Kairãnawĩ.

  • I'jāz-i 'Îsawî. Agra 1853; repr. Delhi 1876.
  • Izhâr al-haqq. Istanbul 1280/1867-1868.
  • French transi, by P. V. Cadetti: Idh-har-ul-Haqq ou Manifestation de la Vérité, 2 vols. Paris, 1880.

Schirrmacher, Christine.

  • Mit den Waffen des Gegners: Christlich-Muslimische Kontroversen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, dargestellt am Beispiel der Auseinandersetzung um Karl Gottlieb Pfanders 'mīzān al-haqq ՝ und Rahmatullah ibn Khalīl al-'Utmānī al-Kairanawls 'izhâr al-haqq ՝ und der Diskussion über das Barnabasevangelium. Berlin: Klaus Schwarz Verlag, 1992.

Rippin, Andrew. (ed).

  •  1993 `Interpreting the Bible through the Qur’an,’ in Hawting and Shareef,   eds., Approaches to the Qur'an, 249-59.*
  •   (ed.) 2001 The Quran, style and contents (= The Formation of the classical Islamic world; v. 24).   Aldershot, Hampshire; Brookfield, VT: Ashgate.*

Rosenthal, F.

  •   1962 `The Influence of the Biblical Tradition on Muslim Historiography’ in  B. Lewis (ed.) Historians of the Middle East, 33-45. *
  •  1968   A History of Muslim Historiography, rev. 2nd  ed. Leiden: Brill. 1968.*
  •  1989 `General Introduction," in The History of al-Tabari, 1, 5-154.  1989.*

al-Saqqä, Ahmad Hijāzī,

  • ed. Rahmät Allah ai-Hindi, izhar al-haqq. al-Qahira: Dar al-Turāth al-'Arabĩ li'l-Tiba'a wa'l-Nasr, 1978.

Schippers, Arie.

  • “Psalms” in McAuliffe, ed. E-Q., 4: 314-318. *

Sadan, J.

  •  ‘Some Literary Problems concerning Judaism and Jewry in Medieval Arabic Sources.  In Studies in Islamic History and Civilization in Honour of Professor David Ayalon. Ed. Moshe Sharon. 353-394, Jerusalem: Cana. 1986. *

Shahid, Irfan.

  • 1984a Rome and the Arabs: A Prolegomenon to the Study of Byzantium and the Arabs. Washington, DC:  Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection.
  • Byzantium and the Arabs in the Fifth Century. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks, 1984.
  • 1984b Byzantium and the Arabs in the Fourth Century. Washington, DC: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection.
  • Byzantium and the Arabs in the Fourth Century. Washington, D.C.: Dum֊barton Oaks, 1989.
  • 1989 Byzantium and the Arabs in the Fifth Century. Washington, DC: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection.
  • Byzantium and the Arabs in the Sixth Century. Vol. 1, parts 1 and 2. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks, 1995.
  • 1995  Byzantium and the Arabs in the Sixth Century, Vol. 1. 2 vols. Washington, DC: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection. Review vol. 2. Pt. 1 = Byzantium and the Arabs in the Sixth Century  by S. Thomas Parker on  Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, No. 332. (Nov., 2003), pp. 107-108.
  • Byzantium and the Arabs in the Sixth Century՛. Vol. 2, part 1. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks, 2002. 
  • Byzantium and the Arabs in the Sixth Century՛. Vol. 2, part 1. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks, 2002.

Slomp, Jan.

  • "The Gospel in Dispute." Islamochristiana 4 (1977): 67-112.

Smith, Henry Preserved.

  • The Bible and Islam; Or, the Influence of the Old and New Testaments on the Religion of Mohammed, Being the Ely Lectures for 1897. New York: Charles Scribner"s Sons, 1897. (319pp.). *

  • The Bible and Islam; Or, the Influence of the Old and New Testaments on the Religion of Mohammed. Rep. Ayer Co Pub., June 1978. ISBN  040505288X

Smith Lewis, A., (ed.),

  • The Old Syriac Gospels or Evangelion da-mepharreshê; being the text of the Sinai or Syro-Antiochene Palimpsest, London 1910.

Stephens, Rev. W.R.W

  • Christianity and Islam, The Bible and the Koran, Four Lectures. London: Richard Bentley and Son, 1877. (xii+168pp.).

Stone, Michael E. and Theodore A. Bergen (eds.)

·  1998 Biblical Figures Outside the Bible. Harridburg, Pennslyvania: Trinity Press International. 1998. *   

Thomas, David (ed.) 2003

  • [HCMR1] Christians At The Heart Of Islamic Rule : Church Life And Scholarship In ‘Abbasid Iraq (= Woodbrooke-Mingana Symposium on Arab Christianity and Islam (4th : 2001 : Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre)
    Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2003. xiii, 271 pp. Contents =
  • Introduction, Notes on Contributors

  • Muslims as crypto-idolaters: a theme in the Christian portrayal of Islam in the Near East / Barbara Roggema 1

  • Monasteries through Muslim Eyes: the Diyarat Books / Hilary Kilpatrick 19

  • Habib ibn Khidma Abu Ra'ita al-Takriti's 'The Refutation of the Melkites concerning the Union [of the Divinity and Humanity in Christ]' (III) / Sandra Toenies Keating 39

  • 'Ammar al-Basri on the Incarnation / Mark Beaumont 55

  • The Christian al-Ma'mun Tradition / Mark N. Swanson 63

  • Stuccowork at the Monastery of the Syrians in the Wadi Natrun: Iraqi-Egyptian Artistic Contact in the 'Abbasid Period / Lucy-Anne Hunt 93

  • The 'Philosophical Life' in Tenth Century Baghdad: the Contribution of Yahya Ibn 'Adi's Kitab tahdhib al-akhlaq / Sidney Griffith 129

  • Yahya Ibn 'Adi and the Theory of Iktisab / Emilio Platti 151

  • Language and thought in Kitab al-majdal, bab 2, fasl 1, al-Dhurwa / Bo Holmberg 159

  • The two recensions of the Prologue to John in Ibn al-Tayyib's Commentary on the Gospels / Julian Faultless 177

  • The Ultimate Proof-Text: The Interpretation of John 20.17 in Muslim-Christian Dialogue (second/eighth-eight/fourteenth centuries) / Martin Accad 199

  • A Medieval Islamic Polemic against Certain Practices and Doctrines of the East Syrian Church: Introduction, Excerpts and Commentary / Gabriel Said Reynolds 215

  • Early Muslim Responses to Christianity / David Thomas 231

  • Bibliography 255

  • Index 267

Swanson, Mark and David Thomas (eds). 2006.

  • [HMCR 5] The encounter of Eastern Christianity with early Islam, introduction by Emmanouela Grypeou (= The History of Muslim-Christian relations, 1570-7350, Vol. 5). Leiden ; Boston : Brill,, 338 pp. Papers from a workshop held in June 2003 in Erfurt, Germany Includes bibliographical references (pp. 312-330) and index.  Contents:
  • Islam and Oriens Christianus : Makka 610-622 A.D. / Irfan Shahid 9
  • The face to face encounter between patriarch Sophronius of Jerusalem and the Caliph 'Umar Ibn al-Khattab : friends or foes? / Daniel J. Sahas 33
  • Ideological transformation and the evolution of imperial presentation in the wake of Islam's victory / David Olster 45
  • The early Muslim raids into Anatolia and Byzantine reactions under emperor Constants II / Walter E. Kaegi 73
  • Copts and the Islam of the seventh century / Harald Suermann 95
  • Amid in the seventh-century Syriac life of Theodute / Andrew Palmer 111
  • Die islamische Zeit in Giwargis Wardas 'Onita uber die Katholikoi des Ostens / Martin Tamcke 139
  • Political power and right religion in the East Syrian disputation between a monk of Bet Hale and an Arab notable / Gerrit J. Reinink 153
  • The perception and presentation of the Arab conquest in Syriac historiography : how did the changing social position of the Syrian orthodox community influence the account of their historiographers? / Jan J. Van Ginkel 171
  • New Testament citations in the Hadith literature and the question of early gospel translations into Arabic / David Cook 185
  • Muslim-Christian controversy in an unedited Syriac text, revelations and testimonies about our Lord's dispensation / Muriel Debie 225
  • Folly to the Hunafa' : the crucifixion in early Christian-Muslim controversy / Mark N. Swanson 237
  • Christian theologians and new questions / David Thomas 257
  • Answers for the Shaykh : a 'Melkite' Arabic text from Sinai and the doctrines of the trinity and the incarnation in 'Arab orthodox' apologetics / Sidney H. Griffith

Thomas, David (ed.) 2007

  • [HCMR6] The Bible in Arab Christianity (= Mingana Symposium on Arabic Christianity and Islam, 5th : 2005 : Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre), (Series = The history of Christian-Muslim relations ; v. 6 )   Leiden;Boston: Brill, 2007. Contents =

  • The Arabic versions of the gospels : a case study of John 1.1 and 1.18 / Hikmat Kachouh 9

  • Bible et liturgie chez les Arabes chretiens (VIe-IXe siecle) / Samir Arbache 37

  • Anti-Jewish polemic and early Islam / Shaun O'Sullivan 49

  • The use of biblical quotations in Christian apocalyptic writings of the umayyad period / Harald Suermann 69

  • Beyond prooftexting (2) : the use of the Bible in some early Arabic Christian apologies / Mark Swanson 91

  • The re-written Bible in Arabic : the paradise story and its exegesis in the Arabic Apocalypse of Peter / Emmanouela Grypeou 113

  • Biblical exegesis and interreligious polemics in the Arabic Apocalypse of Peter - The Book of the Rolls / Barbara Roggema 131

  • The development of testimony collections in early Christian apologetics with Islam / David Bertaina 151

  • The Bible and the Kalam / David Thomas 175

  • The Qur'anic Sarah as prototype of Mary / Gabriel Said Raynolds 193

  • Early Muslim accusations of tahrif : Muqatil Ibn Sulayman's commentary on Kcy Qur'anic verses / Gordon Nickel 207

  • Is there room for corruption in the 'books' of God? / Clare Wilde 225

  • 'Ammar al-Basri on the alleged corruption of the Gospels / Mark Beaumont 241

  • The use and translation of scripture in the apologetic writings of Abu Ra'ita al-Takriti / Sandra Keating 257

  • Al-Radd al-Jamil : al-Ghazali's or Pseudo-Ghazali's? / Maha El-Kaisy Friemuth 275

  • Hanbalite commentary on the Bible : analysis of Najm al-Din al-Tufi's (d. 716/1316) Al-Ta'liq / Lejla Demiri 295

  • Illustrating the gospels in Arabic : Byzantine and Arab Christian miniatures in two manuscripts of the early Mamluk period in Cambridge / Lucy-Anne Hunt 315

  • A nestorian Arabic pentateuch used in Western Islamic lands / Juan Pedro Monferrer-Sala 351

  • Biblical allusions and citations in the syriac Theotokia according to MS Syr. new series 11 of the national library of Russia, St. Petersburg / Natalia Smelova

Waldman, Marilyn R.

  •  "New approaches to "biblical" materials in the Qur'an" Muslim World. 75 (1985): 1-16.*

Sweetman, J. Windrow

  • 1937 [1955] Islam and Christian Theology. Parts 1–2. Missionary Research Series no. 22. London: Lutterworth Press. Thomas, Bertram. 1937.
  • Islam and Christian Theology, A Study of the Interpretation of Theological Ideas in the Two Religions. Part Two, Volume One . Lutterworth Library, Vol. XLV, Missionary Research Series, No. 22.
  • Islam and Christian Theology, A Study of the Interpretation of Theological Ideas in the Two Religions. Part One, Volume II
  • Islam and Christian theology, London-Redhill, 3 vols. (i, 1945)
  • IIslam and Christian Theology, A Study of the Interpretation of Theological Ideas in the Two Religions. Rep.   JAMES CLARKE & CO LTD. ISBN: 0227172019 Pbk. 1st September 2002

Thomas, David (ed.)

  •  The Bible in Arab Christianity (= Conference Proceedings of the 5th Mingana Symposium on Arabic Christianity and Islam in 2005 at the Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre).  Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2007. 421pp.  Contains the following:
  • The Arabic versions of the gospels : a case study of John 1.1 and 1.18 / Hikmat Kachouh 9
  • Bible et liturgie chez les Arabes chretiens (VIe-IXe siecle) / Samir Arbache 37
  • Anti-Jewish polemic and early Islam / Shaun O'Sullivan 49
  • The use of biblical quotations in Christian apocalyptic writings of the umayyad period / Harald Suermann 69
    Beyond prooftexting (2) : the use of the Bible in some early Arabic Christian apologies / Mark Swanson 91
  • The re-written Bible in Arabic : the paradise story and its exegesis in the Arabic Apocalypse of Peter / Emmanouela Grypeou 113
  • Biblical exegesis and interreligious polemics in the Arabic Apocalypse of Peter - The Book of the Rolls / Barbara Roggema 131
  • The development of testimony collections in early Christian apologetics with Islam / David Bertaina 151
  • The Bible and the Kalam / David Thomas 175
  • The Qur'anic Sarah as prototype of Mary / Gabriel Said Raynolds 193
  • Early Muslim accusations of tahrif : Muqatil Ibn Sulayman's commentary on Key Qur'anic verses / Gordon Nickel 207
  • Is there room for corruption in the 'books' of God? / Clare Wilde 225
  • 'Ammar al-Basri on the alleged corruption of the Gospels / Mark Beaumont 241
  • The use and translation of scripture in the apologetic writings of Abu Ra'ita al-Takriti / Sandra Keating 257
  • Al-Radd al-Jamil : al-Ghazali's or Pseudo-Ghazali's? / Maha El-Kaisy Friemuth 275
  • Hanbalite commentary on the Bible : analysis of Najm al-Din al-Tufi's (d. 716/1316) Al-Ta'liq / Lejla Demiri 295
  • Illustrating the gospels in Arabic : Byzantine and Arab Christian miniatures in two manuscripts of the early Mamluk period in Cambridge / Lucy-Anne Hunt 315
  • A nestorian Arabic pentateuch used in Western Islamic lands / Juan Pedro Monferrer-Sala 351
  • Biblical allusions and citations in the syriac Theotokia according to MS Syr. new series 11 of the national library of Russia, St. Petersburg / Natalia Smelova 369

Waardenburg, Jacques,

  • "World religions as seen in the light of Islam." In Islam: Past Influence and Present Challenge, ed. Alford T. Welch and Pierre Cachia. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1979, pp. 245-275.

Watt,  W. Montgomery-


Wherry, Elwood M.

  • The Mohammedan Controversy. London, 1905.