Recent 2 vol. Arabic ed of the Izhar al-Haqq
Raḥmat-Allāh ibn Khalīl al-Kairānawī
رحمة الله بن خليل الرحمن الكيرانوي الهندي
(b. 1818 - d. Mecca 1891)
Maulānā Raḥmat-Allāh ibn Khalīl al-Raḥman [al-`Uthmānī] al-Kairānawī [al-Hindi],
Some Bio-Bibliographical Notes.
Stephen Lambden
Complied 1980s +200? - Under revision and updating 2018,
Last updated 04-12-2016.
An Indian Shī`ī Muslim theologian and apologist famous for his April 10th-11th 1854 debate in Agra with the German missionary K. G. Pfander (d.1865) author of the anti-Islamic missionary tract Mizan al-haqq ("The Balance of Truth", German 1865 many trans. see below) and for his subsequent composition of the defensive [Kitāb] Iẓhār al-ḥaqq ("The Disclosure of the True Reality", 1st ed. Arabic 1867) (see below). By the mid. 1850s with the Bengali physician Muhammad Wazīr Khān he may also have written three polemical Christian works (so Schirrmacher, 1999:272).
Kairanvi, Maulana M. Rahmattullah 1817-1890 in World Cat. Identities.
Writings of Raḥmat-Allāh al-Kairānawī.
al-Kairānāwī [= al-Hindī], Raḥmat-Allāh ibn Khalīl al-Raḥmān al-Uthmānī, (1817-1891). A learned Shī`ī Muslim scholar most famous for his debate with Pfander (see below) and his authorship of the Iẓhār al-ḥaqq written in response to the latter’s Mīzān al-ḥaqq. (On his person and mss. and printed writings see Schirmacher 1992: 397-398) ...
- I`jāz-i `Isāwī ("The Jesus-like Inimitability"?) [Urdu] Agra, 1854 rep. Delhi, 1876.
- I'jāz-i 'Îsawî. Agra 1853; repr. Delhi 1876.
The Arabic Iẓhār al-ḥaqq (“The Demonstration of the Truth”).
إظهار الحق
A work was written at the request of the Ottoman Sultan Abdulaziz I (1861-1876).
1280/1867-8 - [Kitāb] Iẓhār al-ḥaqq. 1st Arabic ed. [Constantinople] Istanbul, 1280/1867.
- 1280/1867 - Izhār al-ḥaqq [Arabic], al-Jild al-awwal [-al-jild al-thānī] min Iẓhār al-ḥaqq. Cairo: al-Maṭba`ah al-Amirah. 2 vols. 288 & 285 pp. [Copy at Yale Univ. Lib.].
- 1978 Iẓhār al-ḥaqq [Rep. Arabic 2 vols. in 1) with preface by ʿAbd al-Ḥalīm Maḥmūd and (ed.) Muḥammad Kamāl Farrāj. Cairo: Tawzīʿ al-Ahrām.
al-Saqqā, Aḥmad Ḥijāzī (ed.) Raḥmat-Allāh al-Hindī. Iẓhār al-ḥaqq. 3 vols. [Check] Cairo: Dār al-Turath al-`Arabī li'l-Ṭibā`a wa'l-Nasr, 1978.
1989 [=1410] Iẓhār al-ḥaqq.. ed. Muḥammad Aḥmad `Abd al-Qādir Khalīl Makāwī. 4 Vols. Riyad: al-Idārah al-`Āma li-al-Ṭab` wa’l-Tarjuma.1410/1989.
1994 Iẓhār al-ḥaqq : adaqq dirāsah naqdīyah fī ithbāt wuqū` al-taḥrīf wa-al-naskh fī al-Tawrāh wa-al-Injīl. ed. Muḥammad Aḥmad Muḥammad `Abd al-Qādir Khalīl Malkāwī. 4 vols. Cairo: Dār al-Ḥadīth.
- 1996 Hindī, `Abd Allāh, Jābī, Bassām `Abd al-Wahhāb Khāulī, Rifā`åi Waqā`i` : al-Munāẓarah allatī jarrat bayna al-Shaykh Raḥmat Allāh al-Hindī wa al-Qissās Fandar al-Inkilīzī. Limassol, Cyprus + Beirut Lebanon: al-Jaffān wa-al-Jābī ; Dār al-Bashā`ir al-Islāmiyyah. 207 pp. (trans. from Urdu to Arabic?).
- 2nd.ed. [sic.] Izhar-ul-haq = Truth revealed. 3 vols. [English] Jeddah, Saudi Arabia : World of Knowledge for Pub. & Distribution, 1992
French Translation
Carletti, P. V. (French trans. from the Arabic), Paris: Ernst Leroux, 1880
Idh-har-ul-Haqq ou Manifestation dela Vérité. 2 vols. Paris: ADD., 1880.
French trans, by P. V. Carletti: Idh-har-ul-Haqq ou Manifestation de la Vérité, 2 vols. Paris: E. Leroux 1880.
Idh-har-ul-haqq, ou, Manifestation de la vérité de el-Hage Rahmat-Ullah Efendi de Delhi (un des descendants du calife 'Osman-ben-'Affan) ; traduit de l'arabe par un jeune Tunisien ; revu et corrigé sur le texte, et augmenté d'une préface, d'un appendice et de quelques notes par P.V. Carletti Imprint Paris : E. Leroux, 1880
- 1880 French trans. Idh-har-ul-haqq, ou, Manifestation de la vérité… de el-Hage Rahmat-Ullah Efendi de Delhi (un des descendants du calife *Osman-ben-*Affan); traduit de l'arabe par un jeune Tunisien; revu et corrigé sur le texte, et augmenté d'une préface, d'un appendice et de quelques notes par P.V. Carletti. 23 cm. 2 vols. Paris: E. Leroux, 1880.
English translation [from Urdu]
1989 / 1409 Izhar ul haq (Basic Teachings) M. Rahmatullah Kairanvi (sic.). Parts I & II Eng. trans. Muhammad Wali Raazi + notes by Shaykh Muhammad Taqī Uthmānī
1990-X Izhar ul haq (Basic Teachings) [sic.] M. Rahmatullah Kairanvi (sic.) English trans. 3-4 vols. Pt. 4. Pt.3. London: Ta-Ha Publishers, 1990. 176pp.
2003 Izhar-ul-haq (Basic Teachings) [M. Rahmatullah Kairanvi, sic.] 3 vols in 1. London: Ta-Ha Publishers. xvi + 472 pp. PBk = ISBN 1-842000-4-62. Contains an introduction (= pp. ix-xii) by Syed Hasan Mohammad Kutbi (Former Minister of Haj, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) and a two page Forward (pp. xv-xvi).
Izhar'ul-Haqq: the Truth Revealed.[= Pts1-2 and 3] Pbk. 474pp. London: Ta-Ha Publishers, 1989, 2003. ISBN 1-842000-4-62. (ISBN-10: 1897940599 ISBN-13: 978-1897940594)
Other Translations:
- 1870 Tercüme-yi Izhar ül-hak [Izhār al-ḥaqq] ...2nd part entitled: İbrâz ül-hak XXXX: Daruttıbaatil'âmire, 1870. 641pp.
Powell, Ann. Avril.
1976 `Maulānā Raḥmat Allāh Kairānawī and Muslim-Christian Controversy in India in the mid. nineteenthCentury' JRAS 20/1 (1976), 42-63.
1983 Contact and controversy between Islam and Christianity in northern India, 1833-1857: The relations between Muslims and Protestant missionaries in north-western provinces and Oudh. Ph. D Thesis, University of London, 1983.
- 1993 Muslims and Missionaries in Pre-Mutiny India . Richmond: Curzon Press.
Schirrmacher, Christine.
- Mit den Waffen des Gengers: ADD 1992.
- `The Influence of Higher Bible Criticism on Muslim Apologetics in the Nineteenth Century' in Jacques Waardenburg (ed.) `Muslim Perceptions of Other Religions, A Historical Survey. NY. Oxford: OUP., 1999, pp. 270-279.
- Mit den Waffen des Gegners: Christlich-muslimische Kontroversen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, dargestellt am Beispiel der Auseinandersetzung um Karl Gottlieb ... (Islamkundliche Untersuchungen). Pbk: 437 pp. K. Schwarz Verlag (1992) ISBN-10: 3879972052 ISBN-13: 978-3879972050
Sarah Schulthess:
`Ch.11 Tahrif in the Digital Age' in Claire Clivaz, Paul Dilley, David Hamidović, eds. Ancient Worlds in Digital Culture, Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2016, pp. XXXX
Maḥmūd Aḥmad Ẓafar
- Maulānā Raḥmatullāh Kīrānvī aur un ke muʻāṣirīn : Maulānā Raḥmatullāh Kīrānvī aur jalīlulqadr ham ʻaṣar ʻulamāʼ ke ḥalāt ... Lahore: Takhlīqāt, 2007. Urdu Biography spanning 562 pages. Abstract: "On the life and eminence of Muslim religious scholar from India Maulana M. Rahmattullah Kairanvi, 1817-1890 and his contemporary Muslim scholars". (W-Cat.).