Islamo-Biblica in Arabic-Islamic philosophy, gnomological traditions and wisdom literatures : Bibliographies.
Stephen Lambden, UCMerced,
Notes dating to the early 1980s and now under revision and correction...
The Bible and Isrā’īliyyat in gnomologcial and philosophical literatures.
Common to most cultures and religions, concepts of transcendent, divine and/or human "wisdom" have played an important part in the history of religions and their universe of discourse. Wisdom sayings, literatures, and gnomological speculations of various kinds form an important part of the Ancient Near Eastern and Abrahamaic religious heritage. The Hebrew Bible and associated writings contain varieties of wisdom literature. This is evidenced in the books of Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiates as well as the Wisdom of Solomon and other sacred texts of antiquity. From the earliest times, the Muslim world appropriated and reinterpreted the gnomological and philosophical heritage of antiquity. This sometimes meant assimilating and reinterpreting the role of biblical figures and Hellenistic philosophers and sages considered fountainheads of ḥikmat (wisdom), philosophy, and science. A wide range of Islamic philosophical texts refers to the Bible and ancient philosophers, some of whom are identified with biblical figures. In the Greek rationalist tradition "wisdom", the developed, properly functioning intellect, was reckoned the cause of true happiness (Peters, 520-521). It was in Greece that philosophy as the `love of wisdom' took shape (Rudolph, 11).
Baha'-Allah had a very high regard for the Greek sages and philosophers of antiquity; including the Athenian philosopher Socrates (469-399 BCE), Plato (429-347 BCE), who regarded wisdom as the supreme virtue (Republic 441c-d), and Aristotle (384-322 BCE), who distinguished mundane practical wisdom from that speculative wisdom (sophia) which became philosophy. Of Greece, Baha'-Allah wrote, "We made it a seat ḥikmah (wisdom) for a prolonged period" (TB:149).
The term "wisdom" (ḥikma) is quite frequently found in the Qur'an (around nineteen times). It often signifies that "wisdom" which "implies knowledge of high spiritual truths" (Goichon, 377). "Wisdom" and divine revelation are intimately related. In the Islamic holy Book, references to "Wisdom" are often found in conjunction with references to "the Book" (e.g. 2:129, 151, 231, 251, etc). Divine "wisdom" was granted to various Israelite prophets and other sages and Messengers of God, including Abraham, Luqman, David, Jesus, and Muhammad.
In the ethical and intellectual history of Islam, concepts of "wisdom" (ḥikma) are centrally important. Throughout the Islamic centuries, "wisdom" not only indicated aspects of religious piety, but also the "foreign" (non-Islamic) sciences. It came to be virtually synonymous with philosophy (falsafah) and at times included `irfani (deep spiritual), religio-theosophical or gnostic branches of inspired learning to some degree distinct (though not wholly separate) from rational dimensions of knowledge (`ilm, see Peters, 740). Among the various Islamic dimensions of "wisdom" are to be counted ḥikmat ilāhiyya (`divine philosophy’, `metaphysics`), ḥikmat ishrāqiyya (`illuminationist wisdom") and ḥikmat lanuniyya ("inspired wisdom" e.g. Hermetic gnosis; Corbin 1993:125).
It will be convenient to mention in this section the very important and wide-ranging Fihrist (Catalogue) of the probably Persian Book dealer of Baghdad, the Shī`īte writer Abū’l-Faraj Isḥāq b. Warrāq al-Nadīm (d.380/990). His Catalogue has been described by Dodge as dealing “with almost every phase of medieval culture” (1970 1:xi) and by Peters as “the single most important document on philosophy among the Arabs” (1968:277). It has also been described as “a unique specimen of literature, an encyclopedia or a compendium of the knowledge possessed by learned Muslims in 10th century Baghdad” (Eir.IX:465f). In this work there is an important and detailed section on the scriptures considered revealed by Muslims in which the author acknowledges assistance from the Christian priest Yūnus Qass.
The polymatic Shī`īte polymathic scholar and scientist Abū Rayḥān al-Bīrūnī (d.c. 442/1051)
Ḥikma (“wisdom”, philosophy”... ) in the writings of the Bāb and Bahā’-Allāh
Various modes of “wisdom” and “philosophy” are fairly frequently mentioned in Bābī and Bahā'ī primary texts. The Arabic ḥikma, and Persian khirad, danā, etc, may indicate inspired wisdom, spiritual insight, prudence or a balanced, mature, sense of judgement. In Bābī-Bahā’ī texts these and related terms can also refer to various dimensions of philosophy, science and theology.
In his writings, the Bāb mentions Aristotelian, Ishrāqī and other philosophers and thinkers such as Ibn al-`Arabi, with whom he at times disagreed on theological matters. This especially if the apophatic divine transcendence was in any way compromised. In this respect the Bāb quite frequently counters the basīṭ al-ḥaqīqa (`undifferentiated reality’) concept of a `simple' holistic ontology deriving, among others, from Mullā Ṣadrā, Sadr al-Din Shirazi. In his Kitab al-ta`rifāt Jurjānī has the following entry for basīṭ:
al-basīṭ, has three modes [1] al-basīṭ al-ḥaqīqa: this is what has no constituents (juz`) basically like the Creator (al- bāri`). [2] It is that for which there is no created, natural, auxilary vessel made up of [subsidary] bodies (markabā an min al-asjad) and it is that for which there are no subdivisions (ajzā’) more diminutive throughout [3] The basī³ is also something [both] spiritual and bodily (ruḥānī wa jismānī) line the elements (`anāṣir) (K. Ta`rifāt, 46).
In his letter to Mīrzā Muhammad Sa`īd Ardistānī [Zavāra`ī] he asserts that God, through the divine bounty, taught him the ma`ārif al-ḥaqq (gnosis of the Truth) through his natural fitra (`innate disposition’). On the basīṭ al-ḥaqīqa (`undifferentiated [simple] reality’) concept deriving from Mullā Ṣadrā he writes,
Now as for the response regarding the basīt al-ḥaqīqa which the ḥukamā’ (philosophers) have mentioned relative to the stability of existence (li-ithbāt al-wujūd) in terms of [there being a link between] the Originator [God] (al-mujid) and the non-existent (al-mafqūd) there is no doubt that this is erroneous (bātil) in the estimation of one from whom the scent of musk (= the Bāb) deriveth through fairmindedness...” (INBA 69:00 ).
In his Risāla Dhahabiyya the Bāb makes similar statements rejecting as “unadulterated heresy” (shirk mahd) anything which suggests the hulul-like knowableness of the divine Essence (`ilmiyya al-dhāt) or a concept of waḥdat al-wujūd (`existential oneness') which presupposes a linked association between the Divine dhāt (transcendent Essence) and the Divine Activity (al-af`āl) and Attributes (al-ṣifāt). He demolishes a pantheistic understanding of Ibn al-`Arabī in the following words:
.. There was no existence alongside Him until the supremely pure Utterance (al-qawl) [was actualized] within existence (bi’l-wujūd). And the proofs [which abolish error] were assuredly detailed (abstat)? in the archetype of the doubled [letter] “A” (fī al-nashka al-alifayn) in clarification of the inwardness of the letter “H” (sirr al-hā’) for the abolishing of the [wayward] utterance of these men. The basis for the mention of this matter is the statement which is [found] in a passage of Muḥyī al-Dīn [ibn al-`Arabī] -- may God postpone [his] retribution-- according to what he states in the Fuṣuṣ [al-hikam] which [statement] is unadulterated heresy in the estimation of the intimates of esoterica (ahl al-bātin). The [only befitting] description of God is by virtue of His Own Logos-Self (li-nafsihi) then [secondarily] the description [of Him] through the family of God (āl Allāh = the Imams)...” (Dhahabiyya, INBA 86:69)
Among the quite numerous philosophical works of Bahā-Allāhis an important Lawh-i Basīṭ al-ḥaqīqa (Tablet [Expository of] the Undifferentiated [Uncompounded] Reality).
The philosophical alwāḥ of Bahā-Allāh and the related works of his Baha’i successors have not to date been either comprehensively collected or academically studied. A few useful papers on reating to Bahā-Allāh’s Lawḥ-i ḥikmat (Tablet of Wisdom, c. 187?/8?) which contains several statements of Bahā-Allāh about the magnitude and importance of the philosophical tradition of antiquity. Singled out for specific mention and praise are
Hermes cf. Qaysari
The ancient Greek figure Murtistus (c. 6th cent BCE., spellings vary) is also mentioned as “one of the ḥukamā’ (philosophers)” in the Lawh-i Hikma of Baha'-Allah. He is said to have invented “an apparatus” capable of transmitting sound over a distance of “sixty miles” (TB: xx /tr.150). This is clearly a reference to the pneumatic organ used in military engagements.
In one of his alwāḥ Bahā-Allāh sets forth quite a number of different Islamic understandings of that al-ḥikma (“wisdom") mentioned in Q. 2:269 [272], "..whoso is given al-ḥikma, (the wisdom) has been given much good". Bahā’-Allāh records that this "wisdom" has been taken, among other things, to signify the Divine decrees, medical knowledge and alchemical gnosis (cited Mazandarānī, AA 3:120-121).
As in the Qur’ān, the Bahā'ī scriptures frequently accord God the attribute, the All-Wise (al-ḥakīm). He is the ultimate Source of "Wisdom" which is communicated by divine revelation to His Messengers and thence to humankind. From the Bahā'ī point of view the "wisdom" of the true, spiritual philosopher, is ultimately rooted in the "wisdom" of the Word of God.
"Wisdom" has a variety of ethical, spiritual and metaphysical significances within Bābī and Bahā'ī scripture. Most of the Islāmic senses of "wisdom" are present, though ethically based dimensions are paramount. In his Aṣl-i kull al-khayr ("Words of Wisdom" ), Bahā'u'llāh defines the "essence of wisdom (al al-ḥikmat)" as "the fear of God (al-khashiyatu `anu'llāh), the dread of His scourge and punishment, and the apprehension of His justice and decree." (MAM., 25 tr. TB,155). True wisdom is essentially based upon that relationship with God in which there is a receptive consciousness of His ultimately equitable control of human destiny. In his Words of Paradise (Kalimat-i-Firdawsiyyih) Bahā'u'llāh writes that God's "greatest gift and most wondrous blessing hath ever been and will continue to be wisdom (Per. khirad)."
In the Tablet of Medicine (Lawḥ-i-ṭibb c.1871) Bahā'u'llāh highlights the importance, in this Dispensation, of "two decrees" which are beloved and desired of God. The first decree consists of the qualities of "wisdom and eloquence" (hikmat va bayan). These twin qualities are regarded as the basis of successful Bahā'ī teaching activity and the avoidance of difficulties, tests or trials (Fananapazir & Lambden, 1989:24). Within the Tablet of the Proof (Lawḥ-i-Burhān), Bahā'u'llāh also exhorts his followers to "wisdom" (ḥikmat), which is again, in the following terms, linked with "eloquence": "O ye loved ones of God! Drink your fill from the wellspring of wisdom, and soar ye in the atmosphere of wisdom, and walk ye in the garden of wisdom, and speak forth with wisdom and eloquence (ḥikmat wa'l-bayān)." (TB: 213).
It is befitting that in a response to a question about his latter day advent as the expected Zoroastrian messiah figure Shāh Bahrām, Bahā'u'llāh states that it is "insight" (bīnā'ī) which leads to "wisdom" (dānā'ī) and results in that true faith which is "salvation". "The quintessence of wisdom (dānā'īy-i-khirad; lit. `the wisdom of wisdom'), he further teaches, derives from "insightful vision" (bīnā'īy-i-basar) (see Daryā-yi danish, 68f). Similar statements are found, among other places, at the end of Bahā'u'llāh's "first arāz" where we read, "in the estimation of men of wisdom (sāḥibān-i ḥikmat), keenness of understanding (again, dānā'ī-yi-khirad) is due to keenness of vision" (see TB:35 and the Persian original). True "wisdom" indicates prudence; the wise and learned communication of the Bahā'ī teachings to prospective converts. On occasion it implies the holding of a `noble silence' (cf. the Islāmic taqīya, `prudent dissimulation'). In a large number of Tablets Bahā'u'llāh exhorts his followers to "wisdom" when in circumstances of possible martyrdom, persecution or strife.
Bahā'u'llāh's Tablet of Wisdom (Lawḥ-i-Hikmat) may be considered the centerpiece of Baha'i `wisdom literature'. Shoghi Effendi reckoned this Arabic Tablet to be a work in which Bahā'u'llāh "sets forth the fundamentals of true philosophy" (GPB:219). Therein Bahā'u'llāh equates the "beginning of Wisdom (ḥikmat) and the origin thereof" with the human acknowledgement of Divine revelation (see TB:150). There are many Tablets in which Bahā'u'llāh himself or his revelation are counted the fountainheads of "Wisdom".
Lawh-i Haft Purshish
The fourth question: "Our books have announced the [future] appearance of Shāh Bahrām with manifold signs for the guidance of mankind..."
O friend! "Whatsoever hath been announced in the Books hath been revealed and made clear. From every direction the signs have been manifested. The Omnipotent One [yazdān] is calling, in this Day, and announcing the appearance of the Supreme Heaven [m_īū-yi aam]" [PDC:77]." The world is illumined by the lights of His appearance, yet rare indeed are the eyes endowed with insight. Ask of the one true God to bestow insight upon His servants. Insight leadeth to wisdom (dana'i) and hath ever been the cause of salvation. Keenness of wisdom (dānā'ī-yi khirad) is derived from insightful vision. Were the peoples of the world to gaze with their own eyes, they would see that the world is, in this Day, illumined with a new radiance. Say: the Day-Star of Wisdom (khurshid-i dana'i) is manifest and the Sun of Knowledge (aftab-i danish) evident. Happy the one who attaineth thereunto, who seeth clearly and hath recognised Him.
See also 1st Taraz etc.
Select Bibliography
Arberry, Arthur. J.
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- Tablets of Bahā'u'llāh Revealed after the Kitāb-i-Aqdas, [=TB] Haifa: Bahā'ī World Centre, 1978;
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Fananapazir, K and Lambden, S.
- `The Tablet of Medicine (Lawḥ-i Ṭibb) of Bahā'u'llāh: A Provisional Translation with Occasional Notes' BSB 6:4-7:2 (October 1992), pp. 17-65.
Goichon, A.M.
- Ḥikma. EI2 III: 377-8.
Mazandarānī, Fādil-i,
- Āthār al-asrār vol. 3 n.p. [Tehran]: BPT, 128 BE.
Hajime, Nakamura.
- Mahāyāna Buddhism, in Kitagawa, J.M. and Cummings, M.D. (Eds.), Buddhism and Asian History.. (London: Collier Macmillan Publishers, 1989), pp. 214-239.
Encyclopedia Judaica [ =JE]. Jerusalem: Keter Publishing House Ltd. 1972;
Peters, R.E.
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- The Rider Encyclopedia of Eastern Philosophy and Religion... London: Rider Books, 1989.
Scott, R.B.Y.
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- The Way of Wisdom in the Old Testament, London: Collier Macmillan, 1971.
Shaked, Saul (tr.),
- Wisdom of the Sassanian Sages (Denkard VI).. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1979.
Shoghi Effendi,
- God Passes By. Wilmette, Illinois: BPT., 1974.
Von Rad, Gerhard,
- Wisdom in Israel. London: SCM Press Ltd. 1972.
Williams, P.
- Mahāyāna Buddhism. London, New York: Routledge, 1989.
Reference works and Select Bibliographies.
Unsorted 2009-10. Under revision. In progress - last revised 14-12-2016.
Select Reference works.
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Theologia Aristotelis ("Theology of Aristotle") =Ar. Uthūlūjiyā Arisṭāṭālīs]
أثولوجيا أرسطاطاليس
Actually an Arabic paraphrase of parts of the Enneads of Plotinus with other materials... There are at least two versions or recensions of the so-called `Theology of Aristotle'...:
"The so-called Theology of Aristotle is the longest, and most famous, text to preserve an Arabic version of the Enneads of Plotinus. The Theology is split into ten sections (each called a mimar, a Syriac word for ‘chapter’). It also has, at its beginning, a preface and some mysterious ‘headings’ which seem to itemize points drawn from a stretch of Enneads IV.4. The preface begins with an important statement of the provenance of the text, and is the source for the title Theology of Aristotle. " Extract from the SEP - See further
Adamson, Peter S.
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