Beta Prov. Trans. Stephen N. Lambden
IN PROGRESS - last updated 15-03-2021.
Part XCI
سورة التربيع
Sūrat al-tarbī` (The Sūra of the `One Fourfold') or (`Quadratic Talisman')
سورة القتال
Surat al-Qitāl [II].
The Surah of the [Eschatological] Killing
Qur'ān 12:91
بسم اللّه الرّحمن الرّحيم
In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate
"'By God,' they said, 'God has indeed preferred thee above us, and certainly we have been sinful.'" (Q. 12:91, trans. Arberry).
[Abjad = 1+30+40+200+1 = 272]
اللّه لا اله الّا هو الحقّ و هو اللّه قد كان بالحقّ معبوداه
فاستمع ندائی من حول الباب عن كلّ الجهات محيطاً ه
[4] God, no God is there except Him, the True One (al-haqq) for He is God. In very truth hath He ever been One worshipped. [5] So hearken ye then unto My Call from the vicinity of the Bāb (min hawl al-bab) from every direction, surrounding round about on all sides (`alā al-jihāt muhīṭ an).
يا قرّة العين فانطق علی لحن الحبيب تحت قعر الحبّ من امر مولاك القديم بديعاً ً
O Qurrat al-`Ayn!
(Apple of Mine Eye = the Bab)
Then speak ye forth most wondrously (badi an) in the accent of the Beloved One (laḥn al-ḥabīb) [from] beneath the depth of the pit of the breast (takht qa`r al-jayb) at the command of thy Lord (rabb), the Ancient of Days (al-qadīm).
انّی انا القدّوس قد كنت حول النّار فی بحر السّابع الفردوس مشهوداً
I am indeed the Sanctified One (al-quddūs)! for I was nigh the [Sinaitic] Fire (hawl al-nar), one manifest in the Seventh Ocean (baḥr al-sabi`) which is Paradise (al-firdaws)!
و انّی انا السّرّ المتجلّی فوق سطر المستسرّ تحت الحجاب الاصفر البرقیّ قد كنت حول العرش مسطورا
I, verily, am the Mystery (al-sirr) which is transfigured (al-mutajalli) above the [alphabetical] line (saṭr) yet secreted beneath the Yellow Veil of Lightening (al-hijab al-asfar al-barqī) for I was One inscribed about the Divine Throne (al-`arsh).
يا اهل الحبّ فاسمعوا ندائی من نور الفؤاد لدی المسجد الاقصی حول عرش اللّه
العلیّ بالحقّ علی الحقّ و هو اللّه كان عزيزاً قديماً
O People of Love!
(ahl al-ḥubb [Sufis])
Hearken ye unto My Call from the Light of the inmost Heart (al-fu'ād) nigh unto the Furthermost Mosque (al-masjid al-aqṣā) in very truth about the Elevated Throne of God (ḥawl `arsh Allah). And He is God, One Mighty, Ancient of Days.
انّی انا اللّه الّذی لا اله الّا انا قد اغرست بايدی جنّات فی ارض الفردوس لعبدی من قطعة الرّطبة من الذّهب الاحمر لا حظّ لشیء الّا نفسه احذرّكم يا عبادی بنفسه و انّ كلمة اللّه لهوالحقّ و هو اللّه كان عليّاً كبيرا
I, verily, I am God. No God is there except Me!. I planted with mine own hands a Garden (jannat) in the domain of Paradise (ard al-firdaws) for my servant (li-`abdi) containing a portion of fresh ripe dates (min qita`t al-rutbat) [cf. Q.19:25] of crimson Gold (min al-dhahab al-ahmar) for there is no comprehension thereof except on the part of His Own Logos-Self (nafs) for He causeth thee to be cautious (h-dh-r II), O my servant, regarding His Own Logos-Self (bi-nafsihi). This since the Word of God (kalimat Allah) is indeed the True One (al-haqq). And He is God, One Exalted (al-`aliyy an), One Mighty (kabir an).
لاتجد فيها الّا صوت اللّه العلیّ علی الخطّ السّویّ الّذی قد كان علی نقطة الفؤاد مذكوراً ه و انّك فی الطّور نقطة الباب فی حول الشّجرة المنبتة فی ارض العماءعن اللّه القديم قد كنت ناطقاً و حميداً ه و انّك شكل الطّلسميّون لمن فی الطّور فوق النّور قد كنت محكيّا ه و انّك كلمة العيسيّون فی الانجيل و الزّبور علی صورة التّسبيح قد كنت مسطوراً ه
[11] We did not find within it [the Word of God = the Bab] aught except the Voice-Melody-Sound of God (sawt Allah), One Exalted (al-`aliyy) according to the script of similarity with He Who hath been mentioned by means of the Point of the Inmost-Heart (nuqtat al-fu'ad)! [12] And thou on the Mount (al-ṭūr) are in the Point of the Gate (nuqṭat al-bāb) in the vicinity of the [Sinaitic, Theophanic] Fire planted by the hand of God, the pre-Existent in the earth of the Theophanic Cloud (arḍ al-`amā’). [13] Thou art indeed the shape of the talismans (shakl al-ṭilasmiyyūn) in the Sinaitic Mount above the Light (al-ṭūr `alā al-nūr) . [14] Thou art even as the Jesus-like Word (al-kalimat al-`īsā’wiyyūn) in the Injīl (Gospel) and the Zabūr (Psalter), most assuredly inscribed in the form of the taṣbīḥ [Glorificatory Rosary] (= subḥān Allāh = `Praised be God!’).
قل انّی انا الشّكل المثلّث فی القدس العماء مربّعاً قد كنت مكتوباً ه
[15] Say: I, verily, am the triangular [talismanic] form (shakl al-thulth = `Alī) written quadratic [fourfold = alongside Muhammad] (marbi` an) in the sanctum of the divine Cloud (al-quds al-`amā’) (QA 91:364).
و انّی انا الاسم المنيع قد كنت فی نقطة النّار موحداً ه
And I am indeed the Unapproachable Name (al-ism al-mani`)
which hath ever been Singular (muwahhid an) in the Point of Theophanic [Sinaitic] Fire (nuqtat al-nar).
و انّی انا الرّمز الرّفيع قد كنت حول الماء مكثّراً
And I am indeed the Elevated Cipher [Enigma] (al-ramz al-rafi`)
which hath ever been multiplying (mukaththir an) about the Celestial Watery Expanse (al-ma')
و انّی ان االّذی قد كنت لدی الرّحمن فی امّ الكتاب من حول النّار مكتوباً ه
And I am indeed He Who is I who hath ever been nigh the All-Merciful (al-rahman)
inscribed within the Mother Book about the theophanic [Sinaitic] Fire (al-nar).
يا قرّة العين
O Qurrat al-`Ayn!
(Apple of Mine Eye = the Bab)
فانظر الی سرر العرش فانّ العماء و اهلها ليشهقنّ عن صوت هذه الدّيك النّاطقة فوق هذه الورقة المحمّره المنبتة من هذه الشّجرة المباركة بشهقة كاذب* يموتنّ انفسهم علی غير مسكنهم و انّ ربّك الحقّ ذوالفضل علی النّاس و هو اللّه كان غنيّاً حكيماً ه
[19] Gaze ye then towards the couches of the celestial Throne! The Theophanic Cloud (al-`ama') and its inhabitants (ahl) they do shriek aloud (sh-h-q) at the sound of this Peacock [Rooster] (al-dik) above this crimsoned Leaf (al-waraqa al-muhammarah) planted nigh this Blessed Tree [Bush] (al-shajarah), shreiking forth an untruth (kadhab) which brings death upon their own selves upon what is outside their dwelling place. And thy Lord is the True One (al-haqq) possessed of Divine Bounty (al-fadl) towards the people (al-nas). And He is God, One Self-Sufficient (ghaniyy an), All-Wise (hakim an).
يا سيّد العظيم تاللّه الحقّ
O Mighty Sayyid! By God the True One (al-haqq)!
لقد اقسمتنی الطّيور فی واحد من لورقاء الحمراء و انّك لمّا قد امرتنی بالاجابة للعبيد قد اخرجتهنّ لمحة من الحجرات بما قد ضربن فی صدری سبعة و ثمانون الف سنة دهرية قديمة و انّك العالم بالحقّ و كفی باللّه و بك علی السّرّ المستسرّ شهيداً
The Birds (al-tuyur) did indeed swear an oath about Me as a Unity (fi wahid) from before the Crimson Dove (min li-warqa' al-hamra'). But Thou, when Thou didst command Me to proffer a reply before the servant (`abid), there emerged but the merest twinkling of an eye (lamah) through the celestial chambers (al-hujurat) which resounded in Mine inmost Breast (sadri) for [no less than a period than] 87, 000 years of pre-existent aeons (dahriyya qadima)! Thou art indeed, in very Truth, the One All-Knowing. And sufficient witness is found in God and in Thee as accords with a Secret Mystery, secreted away indeed (`ala al-sirr al-mustasirr shahid an).
يا قرّة العين
O Qurrat al-`Ayn!
(Apple of Mine Eye = the Bab)
فلا حظهنّ علی قطرة من الرّشح فانّ الموت قد قربت انفسهنّ و لولا نظرتك لتكوننّ علی الارض بالحقّ امواتاً
Wherefore were they [the birds] not made fortunate relative to [the revelation of but] a mere dewdrop of a sprinkling (qutrat nin al-rashh) [of guidance] then death (al-mawt) would indeed have drawn nigh their own selves. And had it not been for Thy gazing forth towards them. they would indeed, in very Truth, have been found upon earth ones quite dead (amwat an)!
يا اهل العماء
اسمعوا ندائی انّی عبد اللّه و ذكره الاكبر فهل من شیء ادعوكم من دون اللّه موليكم الحقّ و هو القدير ذو المنّ علی عباده ما لانفسكنّ من الصّعق الاكبر ارجعوه الی حجرات قد سكن بالامر البديع من اللّه الحقّ و انتظروا امری من حول الالف القائم بالحقّ فانّ نصر اللّه و ايّامه قد كان فی امّ الكتاب قريباً ه
O denizens of the Theophanic Cloud (ahl al-`ama')!
Hearken ye unto My Call! I am indeed the servant of God (`abd Allah) and His Supreme Remembrance (al-dhikr al-akbar)!
So How should it be that I summon thee to anything aside from God Himself, thy Master (mawla), the True One (al-haqq)?
يا اهل الارض
O People of the Earth!
الم تنظروا الی ما ابدع اللّه من شیء قد تضيّأ ظلاله فی الكتاب عند الاقبال فی اظهر النّقطة ولدی الادبار فی الوجه منكّساً عن الحقّ قد ضرب اللّه الامثال للنّاس لتكونوا باللّه العلیّ حول الباب باسمه الحميد مشكوراً ه
[23] Do ye not gaze upon that which God brought into Being (ابدع abda`) from a single thing (شیء, shay' = abjad 361 = 19 x19)? Its very shadow (zillal) hath indeed radiated forth in the Book (al-kitab) pending its coming realization (al-iqbal) through the theophany of the Point (fi izhar al-nuqta) with My birth (waladi), a while back, evidently inverted [in deference, while bowing] before the True One (? al-adbar fi al-wajh munakkas an `an al-haqq). [24] God hath indeed struck similitudes (al-amthal) for the people to the end that they might be "in God" (bi'llah). the Exalted (al-`aliyy), thankful (mashkur an) nigh the Bab by virtue of His Praiseworthy Name (hawl al-bab bi-ismi-hi al-hamid).
يا اهل الارض
O People of the Earth!
Hearken ye unto My Call from about the Remembrance (hawl al-dhikr):
فاسمعوا ندائی من حول الذّكر انّی انا اللّه لا اله الّا انا
"I am indeed God! No God is there except Me!
يا عبادی
O My servant!
لا تتّخذوا الهين اثنين انّما هو اله واحد و انّی لانغفر الشّرك بالحقّ و نغفر ما دون ذلك لمن نشاء وانّ خير العاقبة لدی للمخلصين حول الباب قد كان بالحقّ مخلوقاً ه
Thou shalt not take for thyself two Gods (ilahayn ithnayn) for He God is One alone (huwa ilah wahid) [Q. 15:51].
فاتّبعوا هذا الذّكر بالحقّ و انّه لعلی الصّراط العلیّ علی الالف السّاكن فی قطب النّار قد كان بالحقّ موقوفاً ه و للّه العلیّ يسجد فی السّموات و من فی الارض بالحقّ و له الدّين القيّم بالحقّ انّ الذّكر و فی نفس ذلك الباب قد كان بالحقّ وصّاباً ه وما من نعمة الّا من عند اللّه قد نزل عليكم هلی هذا الباب فمنكم مؤمن و منكم مشرك و انّ الذّكر لعلی القسطاس القيّم قد كان حول النّار مستقيماً ه اتريدون و ان تعلموا ما لايعلم احد ما قدّر الخطّ لاحد تاللّه الحقّ لتسئلنّ الخلق عمّا يقولون فی الذّكر بغير الحقّ و انّ ربّكم الرّحمن قد كان بالحقّ علی كلّ شیء شهيداً ه
[26] So follow ye, in very Truth, this Dhikr (messianic Remembrance) for He, verily is indeed upon the Elevated Path [sirat al-`aliyy/ `Ali], the [very letter] Alif ("A") resident in the Pivot of the [Theophanic] Fire (qutb al-nar). He hath ever been, in very Truth, so stationed (mawquf an). [27] And before God is the One Exalted (al-`aliyy/`Ali). He is, in very Truth, one prostrate in the heavens and upon the earth. [ ] And before Him is the Religion (al-din), in very Truth, upstanding (al-qayyim). [ ] The Dhikr (messianic Remembrance) is in the Logos-Self of that Bab (fi nafs dhalik al-bab). Such hath ever been, in very Truth, Everlasting (wassab an) [cf. Q. 16:52].
[28] There is not any blessing [grace, favour] (ni`mat) save it cometh from before God. Wherefore hath He sent down for thee the advent [exaltation] of this Gate (هلی هذا الباب). So there is from thee belief (mu'min) and from thee [also] is idolatry [unbelief] (mushrik). The Dhikr (messianic Remembrance) is assuredly the Upright Balance (la-`ala al-qustas al-qayyim) for He hath ever been one Upright (mustaqim an) about the Theophanic [Sinaitic] Fire (al-nar). [29] Dost thou reckon and art thou aware of that which no one can possibly know about that which the Script [Scribe] (khatt) determines for anyone? By God the True One (al-haqq)! The creatures may well vehemently enquire about what they do say about the Dhikr (messianic Remembrance) which is other than the Truth (ghayr al-haqq), Yet thy Lord, the All-Merciful (al-rahman) hath ever been, in very Truth, one who bears witness of everything (`ala kulli shay' shahid an).
افتجعلون للّه الرّبط علی الباطل و انّا اذا خلقنالكم الانثی بالحقّ فكيف ظلّت وجوهكم مسوّدة افتكرهون خلق الحقّ و هو المحمود فی الفعل ما لكم لا تؤمنون بالحقّ و باياته للّه الحميد
قليلاً ه و انّ اللّه قد قدّر مثل السّوء للمشركين و انّ للّه و لا وليائه قد كان مثل الاعلی فی امّ الكتاب علی الحقّ بالحقّ مضروباً ه
[30] So do ye place before God a connecting link (al-rabt) leading to error [falsehood] (al-batil)? And We, when We created thee [the Dhikr/Bab], in very Truth, [made thee] the Duality [the subordinate Deity] (al-ithna) [`Ali + Muhammad]. How then is it that thou overshadow thy faces with blackness (maswadd)? Will ye not then consider the contempt (hun) of the creatures of the True One (al-haqq)? He is One Praiseworthy (al-mahmud) in action yet thou art given to unbelief in the True One (al-haqq) and in His signs. This before God save in the case of but a few ( qalil an). [31] God hath indeed determined the likeness of a wretched state for the infidels (al-mushrikin). This while before God are His chosen ones (awliya') for whom hath ever been a supreme likeness (mithl al-a`la) in the Mother-Archetypal Book (umm al-kitab). This as befits the Truth, in very Truth is [even as] a parable propounded [struck] (madhrub an).
و انّ مثل الذّكر عند اللّه كمثل الشّمس فی قطب السّماء بلا رشح من السّحاب فی ملاء الهواء و انّ اللّه قد كان بكلّ شیء شهيداً ه و ان لكلّ اجل الّذی قد كان فی امّ الكتاب مكتوباً ه فاذا جاء الاذن لايستأخرون تسعاً من العاشرة و لا يستقدمون بشیء منها و كلّ الی و كرهنّ فی تحت الهواء قد كانا علی الباب موقوفاً ه و انّ من النّاس قد نطقت السنتهم علی الكذب فی الذّكر و لا تاللّه ما قدّر اللّه لهم الحسنی الّا نار الحجيم فی القيمة موعوداً ه و ما انزل اللّه عليك الكتاب الّا ليعلم اهل الكتاب بما اختلفوا فی الدّين بغير الحقّ وانّ اللّه كان علی كلّ شیء شهيداً ه و انّا نحن قد انزلنا هذا الماء من سماء العرش ليحييون المؤمنين انفسهم الميّة بالحقّ و انّ الحيوة علی اهل الفؤاد قد كان فی امّ الكتاب مكتوباً ه
[32] The likeness of the al-Dhikr (messianic Remembrance) before God is even as the likeness of the Sun (mithl al-shams) at the very Pivot of Heaven (fi qutb al-sama') without any rainfall sprinkling from the clouds (rashh min al-sahab) relative to the concourse of the atmosphere (mala' al-hawa'). And God hath ever been a Witness of all things (kull shay')! [33] For every predetermined era (ajl) there is [always] the One [expected Dhikr /Prophet Figure] who was indeed written down in the Mother-Archetypal Book (umm al-kitab). [34] Thus, when the [messianic] authorization (idhn) comes to pass they do not lag behind tarrying (a-kh-r X) by [a mere] a ninth part of a tenth [degree] ( تسعاً من العاشرة = tasa` an min al-`āshirat) neither do they advance [their advent] forwards (q-d-m X) therefrom even to the least extent (bi-shay'). [In fact] All do move on (ilā) [appropriately, rightly compelled] to return from beneath the atmosphere (fi takht al-hawa'). Indeed have they [both] ever been rightly stationed (mawquf an) nigh the Bab (kānā `alā al-bāb).
[35] Among the people were those whose tongues had cried out a lie regarding the Dhikr (messianic Remembrance)! By God! It was not the case that God had ordained for them a good estate (al-husna) for naught was it for them save the intensely burning hellfire (nar al-jahim) promised (maw`ud an) on the Day of resurrection (qiyama). [36] God did not send down unto thee the Book (al-kitab) except that He might inform the people of the Book (ahl al-kitab) [Jews and Christians etc] that they should distinguish those who subscribe to what is other than the Truth (bi-dhayr al-haqq). And God hath ever been Witness unto all things (`ala kulli shay' shahid an). [37] And We, we sent down this Water from heaven of the Divine Throne ( ma' min al-sama' al-`arsh) to the end that the believers might, in very Truth, enliven themselves from the dead (al-mayyit). Such a [new] life (al-hayat) according to the people of the inmost heart (ahl al-fu'ad) was indeed written down in the Mother-Archetypal Book (umm al-kitab).
يا اهل الارض
O People of the Earth!
مثل هذا الماء الظّاهر كمثل اللّبن الخالص بين البحرين هذه لجّة القدر و هذه يم التّفويض و انّ هذان لكافران فی امّ الكتاب و انّ الالف القائم بالخطّ الاستوإ هو الذّكر بينهما علی الحقّ الخالص و هو علی الصّراط القيّم قد كان بالحقّ علی الحقّ مستقيماً ه و انّا نحن قد قدّرنا فی الثّمرات النّخيل و بعض الاقصاب و الاعناب سكّراً حسناً ليأكلوا المؤمنون رزقاً حلواً بفضل اللّه العلیّ و هو اللّه كان علی كلّ شیء قديراً ه
[40] The outward similitude (mithal) of this Water (al-ma') is even as the likeness (mithl) of Pure Milk (al-labn al-khalis) betwixt two seas (bahrayn)! This [one] being the Abyss of Destiny (lujjat al-qadr) while this other one is the Sea of Entrustment [Authorization] (yawm al-tafwid)! And these twain are the infidels (kafiran) in the Mother [Archetypal] Book (umm al-kitab)! It is the Upright Letter Alif ("A") (al-alif al-qa'im) in the Script of Enthronement (bi'l-khatt al-istiwa') which is He who is the Remembrance (al-dhikr) between these two [Infidel seas], in very Truth, One Pure (al-khalis)!
يا قرّة العين
O Qurrat al-`Ayn!
(Apple of Mine Eye = the Bab)
انّ اهل العماء لقد قالوا بقول اخوة يوسف و اعترفوا بالتّقصير الاكبر
قل لا تثريب عليك اليوم فسوف يغفر اللّه لكم ان كنتم قوّامون فی ارض الحرب و انّاللّه موليكم قد كان بعبادة ب غفّاراً حكيماً ه
The denizens of the Theophanic Cloud ( ahl al-`ama') did indeed speak forth in accordance with the speech of the brothers of Joseph for they gave acknowledgement yet with the greatest incapacity [inadequacy. curtailment] (b'l-taqsir al-akbar). Say: Thou shalt not blame [censure] thyself this day for God shall come to forgive thee if thou with act with uprightness in the domain of warfare (ard al-harb). And We before God, thy Master, One Forgiving (ghuffar an) and All-Wise (hakim an), have ever been in a state of servitude nigh the letter "B" (? text unclear).
The sometimes variant verses of QA 91 according to select mss of the QA.:
QA F.11 = Browne Coll. Cambridge Univ. ms. F.11 (1891)
QA 1323 = QA copy made 1st Muḥarram, 1323/ 8th March 1905.
Earlier trans. from Lambden PhD (1980s/2002).
There are several passages in the QA and other writings in which the Bāb refers to pre-Islamic scripture as alluding to himself or to the awaited messiah. In the highly esoteric Sūrat al-tarbī` (Sūra of the Quadratic Talisman) of the QA, the Bāb, most likely referring to himself and/ or Quddus (?) when he states :
You on the Mount (al-ṭūr) are in the Point of the Gate (nuqṭat al-bāb) in the vicinity of the [Sinaitic] Fire planted by the hand of God, the preexistent in the earth of the divine Cloud (arḍ al-`amā’). You are the shape of the talismans (shakl al-ṭilasmiyyūn) in the Sinaitic Mount above the Light (al-ṭūr `alā al-nūr) . You are as the Jesus-like Word (al-kalimat al-`īsā’wiyyūn) in the Injīl (Gospel) and the Zabūr (Psalter), most assuredly inscribed in the form of the taṣbīḥ (= subḥān Allāh = `Praised be God!’).
Say: I, verily, am the triangular [talismanic] form (shakl al-thulth = `Alī?) written quadratic [fourfold = Muhammad?] (marbi` an) in the sanctum of the divine Cloud (al-quds al-`amā’) (QA 91:364).
In this passage the Bāb probably indicates his parentally bestowed name `Alī Muhammad (3 letters+4 letters). This was mystically registered in talismanic forms in Sinaitic pre-eternity. He was the locus of a Name (ism) written aforetime by the hands of the eschatological Dhikr in the Tawrāt (Torah), the Injīl (Gospel) and the Q. (QA 50:195).1
1.These statements may assume the pre-existent presence of letters of the ism Allāh al-`aẓam (the “Mightiest Name of God”) in pre-Islamic scripture (cf. T.Laylat Q. 69:18--> 8).
This verse [42] is absent in some mss.