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Arabic Bible - Darlow Moule 1903 +

An Annotated Bibliography of Lost texts,  Mss. and Printed editions of the Arabic Bible partly based on George Graf, Geschichte der Christlichen Arablischen Literatur (Vatican City: 5 vols., 1944>) and  Darlow and Moule (1903-11). Part II

Darlow and Moule 1903> Supplemented and Illustrated

Stephen N. Lambden

Revised, updated version now in progress - 2017.

 The Arabic Bible in Darlow and Moule 1903> [1963] : 

Vol. II,1 Polyglots and Languages other than English London: BFBS + New York: Kraus Rep. 1963, p.62ff.

  • Thomas H. Darlow and Horace F. Moule, eds., Historical Catalogue of the printed editions of Holy Scripture in the library of the British and Foreign Bible Society, compiled by T. H. Darlow and H. F. Moule. London: Bible House, 1903-11. ADD volumes.

  • Reprinted in New York by Kraus, 1963. Contents: v. 1, English; v. 2, Polyglots and languages other than English, indexes.

  • Revision of volume 1 =  Herbert.Arthur Sumner Herbert, Historical Catalogue of Printed Editions of the English Bible, 1525-1961; revised and expanded from the edition of T. H. Darlow and H. F. Moule, 1903. London: British and Foreign Bible Society, and New York: American Bible Society, 1968. A revision and expansion of volume 1 of the Darlow and Moule work. This edition is not based solely on the collection in the British and Foreign Bible Societ Library, but draws on the holdings of other outstanding collections both in Britain and the United States, and indicates locations therein.


This section is divided as follows :-

A.    Arabic in Arabic characters
B.    Arabic in other scripts :  i. Carshuni, i.e. in Syriac character. ii. Judaeo-Arabic, i.e in Hebrew character. iii. Samaritan, i.e in Samaritan character.

C.    Dialects of Arabic :   i. Algerian in Arabic character.  ii. Maltese in Roman character.  iii. Moorish in modified Kufic character.  iv. Tunisian, in Hebrew character.


1516 CE ARABIC     (Polyglot Psalter.)  = Darlow & Moule (= D&M) 1634.
Genoa. September 1516. f °.
See no. 1411 (Polyglots)

Psalter or Psalms of David in Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Arabic and Aramaic.
Contains the earliest portion of the Scriptures printed in Arabic  at Genoa (Italy) by Petrus Paulus Porrus. This book "contains eight columns over two pages, giving the Psalms in Hebrew, a literal Latin version of the Hebrew, the Latin Vulgate text, the Greek Septuagint text, Arabic, Aramaic in Hebrew letters, a literal Latin version of the Aramaic, and the Scholia, an ancient commentary. It was edited by Agostino Giustiniani."



1546 +1547  CE.  See D&M No.  1417-1418 cf. 1745, 1634.
Fourfold Polyglot Pentateuch including the Judaeo-Arabic Pentateuch.

Istanbul (Constantinople] Polyglott Bible, Arabic Pentateuch  set in Hebrew type, Judaeo-Arabic.



Constantinople: E. G. B. Soncino, 1546. Contains the Pentateuch in Hebrew, Chaldee [Aramaic], Persian and Arabic.

D&M 1635.  * SL.  The New Testament book of  Galatians in Arabic and Latin edited by Rutgherus Spey from an Arabic manuscript at Heidelberg. 
J.Mylius: Heidelbergae.    1583.   4°.]
Edited by Rutghems Spey  from an Arabic MS. at Heidelberg; with a Latin translation, and compendium of Arabic Grammar.Bible.  N.T. Galatians. Arabic & Latin. 1583.
Epistola Pauli ad Galatas, item sex primaria capita Christianae religionis Arabice : quibus ad finem adiunctum est compendium grammatices Arabicae / authore Rutghero Spey ... addita quoque est interpretatio Latina ad verbum (eodem authore) reddita ... Heidelbergae : Excudebat Iacob Mylius, 1583. [92] p.

D&M 1636.  1591 CE... 

Arabic New Testament Gospels. Editio princeps of the Gospels in Arabic edited by J. Baptista Raymund in the  version ‘Alexandrian Vulgate’,  illustrated with 149 woodcuts.

Evangelium Sanctum Domini nostri lesu Christi conscriptum a quatuor Evangelistis Sanctis, idest, Matthseo, Marco, Luca, et lohanne.
In Typographica Medicea : Romes.   1591.   f °.
The editio princeps of the Gospels in Arabic.
Edited by J. Baptista Raymund, superintendent of the printing-office established at Rorne by Cardinal Ferdinando de' Medici.
The early printed editions of the Arabic Gospels are all forms of the 'Alexandrian Vulgate.' This name is given to a revision made towards the end of the thirteenth century, which, however, is little more than the text of Vat. Copt. 9 (a diglot codex written in 1202, containing an Arabic version of the Bohairic N.T., ' filled out by inserting from the Syriac or the Greek those numerous passages where the ancient Coptic version did not contain words found in the Syriac Vulgate and in the Greek text of the Middle Ages' (F. C. Burkitt).
Dated 1590 on the title page, but 1591 in the colophon. The title page in some copies is dated 1591.
Titlepage (numbered 1) in Arabic and Latin; on verso begins the text, which ends on p. 368, with colophon in Arabic and Latin. Illustrated with 68 blocks, which by repetition supply 149 pictures. Some of the blocks are signed with the initials A. T. (A. Tempesta), others with L. P., and a few with T. E. ¶ 310x210 mm.  

  • Evangelium sanctum Domini Nostri Iesu Christi conscriptum a quatuor Evangelistis sanctis idest, Matthaeo, Marco, Luca, et Iohanne. Romae : In typographia Medicea, 1591. 9-462, [2] pp.

1591 CE  [+ see 1619 and 17  CE] (The Gospels in Arabic and Latin.) =  D&M 1637.


  • Evangelium sanctum Domini Nostri Iesu Christi conscriptum a quatuor Evangelistis sanctis idest, Matthaeo, Marco, Luca, et Iohanne. Typographia Medicea, Rome 1591. . f°. Folio. 9+462+[2] pp., 149 Woodcuts...

In Typographia Medicea, Rome 1591.   f°.  Folio. 9+462+[2] pp., illustrated with 149 woodcuts from 68 blocks after designs by Antonio Tempesta. "Second edition of the Gospels in Arabic; the first with Latin translation. This edition starts on page nine and without a titlepage as the intended prefatory matter was never published".
The Gospels in Arabic (as in No.1636) with an interlinear Latin translation ascribed to Antonius  (?) Sionita.
The intended prefatory matter was apparently never published. Text begins, without titlepage, on p. 9, and ends on p. 462; followed by 1 p., containing a note, Typographic lectori, and colophon. This edition was reissued in 1619 (see No. 1643), and again in 1774.   ¶  315 x 206 mm.

—— Another copy. Containing only pp. 141-226.

[1611 CE.    (St. Jude's Epistle in Arabic and Latin.) =  D&M 1638.

 In officina Baumanniana: Breslts.    1611.    f°.]
Edited by Peter  Kersten from the same Heidelberg MS. as No. 1635; with a Latin transla­tion and notes based on a comparison of the Arabic with the Greek text.  
 [1612 CE.    The New Testament epistle [of Paul to] Titus in Arabic and Latin  =  D&M 1639.

N.T. Epistles of Paul. Arabic & Latin. 1612. D. Pauli Apostoli Epistola ad Titum, Arabicè / cum Ioannis Antonidae Alcmariani interlineari versione Latinâ ad verbum.
[Leiden] : In officina Plantiniana Raphelengii, 1612. 19 p. Edited from a transcript of an Arabic manuscript at Oxford.
In officina Plantiniana Raphelengii: [Leyden].    1612.    4°.]
Edited, with a literal Latin translation, by J. Antonides, from a transcript of an Arabic MS. at Oxford, supplied to the editor by Matthew Slade (1569-1628 ?), a friend of Casaubon, elder of the Brownist Church at Amsterdam and rector of the Academy. Contains also the Lord's Prayer in Arabic and Latin.

1612 CE.   D&M p. 64  ARABIC  =  D&M 1640.

New Testament Epistles of Johnin Arabic & Latin = the same text as that of Erpenius (see D&M.,  no. 1642 below).

 1612. D. Iohannis Apostoli & Euangelistae Epistolae Catholicae omnes, Arabicae ante aliquot secula factae / ex antiquissimo MS. exemplari descriptae, et nunc demum Latinae redditae, operâ & studio Wilhelmi Bedwelli ... [Leiden] : In officina Plantiniana Raphelengii, 1612. 52 pp.
 Ex officina Planiiniana Raphelengii: [Leyden],    1612.    4°.]
 Edited, with a Latin translation, by William Bedwell (d. 1632), one of the translators of the English Bible of 1611

1614 CE.  =  Darlow & Moule / D&M 1641. 

The Psalter in Arabic and Latin,  Stephanus Paulinus, ex Typographic, Sauariana : Romee.    1614.    4°.]

"O.T. Psalms. Arabic & Latin. 1614. Liber Psalmorum Dauidis Regis et Prophetae : ex Arabico idiomate in Latinum translatus / Gabriele Sionita Edeniensi, & Victorio Scialac Accurensi Maronitis, è Monte Libano, philosophiae, & sacrae theologiae professoribus ; recens in lucem editus munificentia illustrissimi, & excellentis. D. D. Francisci Sauary de Breues, regis Christianissimi à consilijs, eiusque apud Paulum V. Pont. Max. oratoris, & serenissimi ducis Andegauensis, eiusdem regis Christianissimi fratris vnici, gubernatoris ; opus tàm sacrarum literarum, quàm linguae Arabicae studiosis vtilissimum ; cum priuilegijs summi pontificis, imperatoris, regum, rerumpublicarum, aliorumque principium. permissu. Romae : Ex typographia Sauariana ; Excudebat Stephanus Paulinus ..., 1614. 6, 474, [1] pp. 1

Arabic version of Syriac Peshitta and Latin translation of this Arabic version in parallel columns; produced under the patronage of François Savary de Brèves, former French ambassador to Constantinople, and printed with Arabic type that he designed.    
For description see the second edition of this diglot Psalter printed in 1619 (No. 1644).

"An edition of the Psalter in Arabic only was also printed in 1614.   According to Masch this gives a translation from the Greek. [BIBLE IN ARABIC, Old Testament, Psalms.] Liber psalmorum Davidis Regis, et prophetae. Ex Arabico idiomate in Latinum translatus, a Victorio Scialac Accurensi & Gabriele Sionita Edeniensi Maronitis … Recens in lucem editus munificentia … F. Savary de Breves. Romae: ex Typographia Sauariana, 1614. ..
"4to, pp. [8], 474, [3]; parallel text in double column (Arabic and Greek); woodcut coat-of-arms on title-p., woodcut printer's device on the antepenultimate leaf; contemporary ink marginalia on the first two leaves of the text; contemporary full vellum, manuscript titling on spine,..  "In a recent study Duverdier has shown how Savary de Breves, Ambassador of France in Constantinople from 1584 to 1606, in a crusading spirit, conceived the idea of an Oriental press, so that, with the printing of religious works in Syriac and Arabic, the Christian minorities in the Levant would be better prepared to understand and accept the Roman church when their political liberation was near. He had Arabic and Syriac type cut during his stay in Rome (1608-1614) with which first Bellarmin's Catechism in Arabic was published in 1613. An Arabic Psalter was begun at the same time and published a year later … The Arabic typeface for this edition was probably cut by Sottile or another Italian craftsman, and is closely modeled after a Vatical manuscript of the Psalter" (Smitskamp). Darlow & Moule, 1641; Smitskamp, Philologia Orientalis, 33. "

[1616 CE.  =  D&M 1642.

    . . . Novum . . . Testamentum Arabice.   Ex Bibliotheca Leidensi.    Edente Thoma Erpenio. 
In typographic Erpeniana Lmguarum OrientaUum: Leidce. 1616.   4°.
The editio princeps of the Arabic New Testament. Edited by T. Erpenius (1584-1624) from a MS. bequeathed to the Leyden Library by Joseph Scaliger, said to have been written in the Monastery of St. John in the Thebaid, in 1342. This was collated throughout the Acts and the Epistles with another MS. by Franciscus Raphelengius. In the Gospels, besides the Eoman edition of 1591 (No. 1636), the editor had the help of certain MSS.
The text appears to be in general an eclectic mixture of early Arabic versions made from the Coptic, the Greek, and the Syriac. For the Gospels see note on No. 1636. In Acts, the Pauline Epistles and the undisputed Catholic Epistles, a translation from the Peshitta has been followed. In the disputed Catholic Epistles the version seems to have been made directly from the Greek. In Revelation the text is perhaps a combination of the translations from the Greek and the Coptic. (Burkitt.)
Erpenius had published in the previous year the Epistles to the Romans and Galatians as a specimen.
Preliminary matter, containing title (engraved), Dedication Ulustrissimis Ilollandia Ordinibus Thomas Erpenius, Preface, etc.—23 ff. Text, 648 pp.
    ¶ 183 x 142 mm.

1619 CE [=1591 CE]. =  D&M 1643 [=1637].

Four Gospels Arabic and Latin , Folio. A reissue of  D&M 1637, dated 1591 CE.

Arba`at Yasu al-Masih Sayyidina al-Muqaddasah / Sacrosancta Quatour Iesu Christi D. N. Evangelica Arabica Scripta Latine, Reddita, Figursq. Ornata..


Sacrosancta Quatuor Rome: Ex Typographica Medicea, 1619. .

   . . . Sacrosancta Quatuor . . . Evangelia Arabice scripts, Latine reddita, figurisque ornata.  Ex Typographic Medicea: Bonus.   1619.   [1691.]   f °.
A reissue of No. 1637 (1591), with four prefatory leaves containing title, verso blank, Dedication Illustrissimo et Bever. Principi Carolo Madrutio S. B. E. Cardinal* Amplissimo. lo. Antonius Rudolfus F.—1 f., 1 p. bearing engraved portrait of the Cardinal (dated 9 Juno 1604), 1 p. blank, 1 p. with the note Typographus Lectori copied from the end of the book, and 1 p. blank. The titlepage, printed in red and black, bears the Cardinal's arms and the words Superiorum permissu.
This was issued once again, 155 years later, with a new title page and preface (by Catar Malanimeus), dated Florence, 1774.
    ¶ 330 x 216 mm.

1619 CE.       =  D&M 1644.  

Davidis . . . Psalmi, ex Arabico in Latinum Idioma, a Victorio Solalao Ac curensi, et Gnbriele Sionita Edenienni, MaronitiB, o Monto Libano, Sacrn Thoo login PddoribuH rodditi. NOVIS Typis donatai. .
Stephanus Paulinus, ex Typographica :Rome.  1619.    4°.
A version from the Peshitta; with Latin translation by the editors G. Sionita and V.
[D&M 65]                                           ARABIC
Scialac. Sionita subsequently helped in the preparation of the Paris Polyglot (sec No. 1449 and No. 1646 below).
Produced under the patronage of Francis Savary de Breves, French ambassador at Con­stantinople and afterwards at Rorne, who established the press.  His famous founts of Arabic type, cut in Constantinople, and completed by Le Bé of Paris, were subsequently purchased by Vitré, and used for the Paris Polyglot. Printed Summi Pontificis,  Imperatoris, Regum, Rerumpublicarum, aliorumque Principum privilegiis and Swpcriorum pvrmimiH .
An earlier edition from the same press appeared in 1614 (No. 1641) ; as well as anotlmr Psalter in Arabic only, giving a translation from the Greek.
Four preliminary leaves : title (in red and black), verso blank, Imprimatur — 1 p., 1 p. blank, Dedication (dated 1614) to Louis XIII.— 2 ff. Text, with Arabic and Latin in parallel columns, 474 pp. ; followed by 3 pp. of errata, jgt
Reprinted by P. de Lagarde in 1876.    See No. 1713. ™
    ¶ 217 x 158 mm.


1622 CE.  = D&M 1645.  First Arabic Pentateuch set in Arabic type.


 Pentateuchus Mosis Arabice.  Ex Typographic Erpeniana, J. Moire: Lugduni Batavorum.    1022.    4*.
Edited by Erpenius from a MS. bequeathed to the Leyden Library by Joseph Sniligir, containing the Pentateuch in Hebrew character. This version, ascribed to an African •>• wr, If n close rendering of the Hebrew. Preliminary matter, containing title, Dedication . . . D. loanni Sorelio Pofentiisitntl Zeland-us Ordinibus a Secretis . . . , and note to reader, 8 ff. Text, (16), 458, (2) pp   followed by 1 f. of errata.  ¶ 197 x 150 mm. 

 "[BIBLE - OLD TESTAMENT - PENTATEUCH - ARABIC]. ERPENIUS, Thomas. [Turat Musá al-Nabi ‘alayhi al-salam] id est Pentateuchus Mosis Arabicè. Leiden, Joannes Maire (printed by Thomas Erpenius), 1622. 4to. With the title-page in a woodcut architectural frame... Erpenius (1584-1624), the greatest Arabic scholar of his day, was appointed professor of Arabic at Leiden in 1613. He had his first Arabic books printed by Raphelengius in 1613 and 1614, while he set up his own oriental press with new and better Arabic types that he commissioned himself, probably from Arend Corsz. Hogenacker. The new press issued its first book in 1615 and made Leiden the western world’s most important centre of Arabic scholarship before Erpenius’s death from the plague nine years later."  (cited from Asher books, URL

1645 CE  =  D&M 1646.    (The Paris Polyglot)
Paris.    1645.   f".    9 torn.
See No. 1442 (Polyglots).
This great Polyglot includes the first printed Arabic edition of the complete liiblo (nxoept KKlhcr and some of the Apocrypha and certain lacume). The Pentateuch is the vnrtimn of Sn'iuli/a the Qa'6n (892-942), a learned Rabbi born in the Fayyum in Upper Egypt; J<mlm» In »lno from the Hebrew; the Prophets, Psalms, and Proverbs are from the Greek ; and other (I. T. books from the Peshitta. This curiously mixed text rests upon an Egyptian M.S. of the I lllli century used by the editors. In the N. T. the text of the Gospels differs somewhat from that printed in No. 1642. The rest of the books follow the Greek. The Arabic text is accompanied throughout by a Latin translation.

D&M Polyglotts No. 1446.  (The London Polyglot) 1653 -1657 CE =  )

The London Polyglott


 Bishop Brian Walton ( 1600-1661) by Pierre Lombard 

  • 1655-7. 6 Vols. Biblia sacra polyglotta, complectentia textus originales, Hebraicum, cum Pentateucho Samaritano, Chaldaicum, Graecum, [edited by Brian Walton in 6 vols.], Londini: Imprimebat Thomas Roycroft, 1655-7. The Walton or London Poylglot includes the Biblical text in 9 languages:  Hebrew, Greek, Samaritan, Aramaic, Latin, Syriac, Ethiopic, Arabic and Persian. though the full biblical text is not always reproduced in all of these languages. Full original copies exist, for example, in many universities worldwide including Newcastle University Library (= Robinson Library) and the University of London, King's College London (=  Marsden Collection FOL. R1  and Rare Books Collection FOL. BS1 W17 C).

  • Biblia sacra polyglotta, complectentia textus originales, Hebraicum, cum Pentateucho Samaritano, Chaldaicum, Graecum, versionumque antiquarum … cum textuum & versionum Orientalium … Edidit Brianus Waltonus. London: Thomas Roycroft, [1653]-57

  • 1655-1657. London: Thomas Roycroft Complectentia textus originales, Hebraicum, cum Pentateucho Samaritano, Chaldaicum, Graecum; versionumque antiquarum, Samaritanae, Graecae LXXII Interp., Chaldaicae, Syriacae, Arabicae, Aethiopicae, Persicae, Vulg. Lat., quicquid comparari poterat. Edidit Brianus Waltonus. 1655-1657. 6 volumes complete, total of 2,938 leaves in large folio format.

  • 1657  Biblica Sacra Polyglotta...Bibliorum Sacrorum Tomus Quintus: Sive Novum D.N. Jesu Christi Testamentum Vol. 5.  ed. Brian Walton. London. Contains the Arabic and Persian New Testament texts.

Front Cover

Toomer, G. J.

  • Eastern Wisedome and Learning: The Study of Arabic in Seventeenth-Century England. Oxford University Press, 1996 ISBN-10: 0198202911 ISBN-13: 978-0198202912. See esp. pp. ADD HERE


1664 CE.    (St. James' Epistle.)
Leyden.    18C4.   4
Hoc No. 1443 (Polyglots).
Thin and  the similar editions Nos. 1648 and 1649 woro edited with Latin trunilallon* lijr J. (I. Nisseliits and T. J'ftrtrus.
Munch HtatoH that, at the command of Frederick III., King of Denmark, I'litrmtm  hiwl Iravullod in the Kast and brought homo many copies of the Scriptures in Oriental Inni'iin^on.
I6B4.    (St. John'8 Epistles.)
8«. No. 1444 (I'olyglotfl) and No. XXXX

[D&M 6x]   ARABIC

1671 CE = D&M 1652

  • Biblia sacra arabica. Rome: Typis ? Sacrae Congregat. de Propaganda Fide, 1671.  3 volumes, folio (14? x 9? in.; 359 x 241 mm). Printed in parallel columns in Arabic and Latin, woodcut borders on title-pages;  Old vellum; hinges.  Reference: Darlow & Moule 1652.

1697 CE. Not in D&M

Injīl al-tufūliyya  (Apocryphal Arabic Infancy Gospel)

Sike [Siecke], Heinrich. (ed).

Evangelium infantiae vel liber apocryphus de infantia Servatoris. Ex manuscripto edidit, ac Latina versione & notis illustravit. Henricus Sike. • Utrecht, F. Halma & G. vande Water, 1697. Small 8vo. 11 lvs, 161, (7), 94 p., blank leaf. 

"The rare apocryphal Injîl al-tufûliyya , narrating miracle stories from the first twelve years of Jesus' life, interspersed with Oriental fables, some of Buddhist origin, and stories from the Gospel of Thomas. The whole is based on a Syriac original, and is here published for the first time. The continuous Arabic text was divided into 55 chapters by Fabricius in his re-edition of 1719. Sike used a manuscript once in the possession of Jac. Golius, bought by him at auction and now in the Bodleian. The Arabic text has a Latin translation opposite, and in the notes many excerpts from Islamic sources like the Koran and al-Kisâ'î are printed. The latter's Qisas al-anbiyâ' appears not to have been printed before 1902, and Sike (and before him Hottinger) were the first to introduce him in the original to the Western public. The manuscript afterwards passed into Relandus' library, and is mentioned by the latter at the end of his De religione Mohammedica.

The editor Heinrich Sike (Siecke) of Bremen, studied at Utrecht and introduced Relandus to Arabic studies. Afterwards he was appointed Professor of Oriental languages in the Cambridge University, but in 1711 he committed suicide. Krek in his Gazetteer lists this work as the first Arabic printing at Utrecht. The untidy 16p Arabic types are identical with the Text Arabic of the Voskens foundry in Amsterdam, and are certainly not Hogenackers' - see Lane Enschedé Proeve p.86. They were obviously cast on too wide a body, and do not connect very well. Lambrecht 3105, Schnurrer 412, Zenker II 1239, Graf I 225-26. " (From Smitskamp,  648 Cradle of Learning:  -missing URL)

1702 CE.  Not in  D&M.  Genesis I-IV Polyglot, 1702.

Includes various Aramaic Targum texts as well as the Syriac, Samaritan, Arabic, Ethiopic and Persian versions of select Genesis texts...


Palaestra linguarum orientalium, hoc est: Quatuor primorum capitum Geneseos, I. textus originalis tam ex Judaeorum quàm Samaritanorum tradition ibus, II. Targumim seu paraphrases orientales praecipuae, nempe I.chaldaicae, (Onkelosi, Jonathanis et hierosolymitana) II. syriaca, III. samaritana, IV. arabica, V. aethiopica, VI. persica: Omnia cum versione Latinâ....

Francofurti: Impensis Friderici Knochii, typis Martini Jacqueti, 1702. 4to (21.3 cm, 8.375").

Refer :  Missing URL.

1811 CE. D&M 1663 *

1811 Newcastle Arabic Bible. Purchased 2004


  • al-Kitāb al-muqaddas wa hiya kutub al-`ahd al-`atīq wa'l-`ahd al-jadīd. The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments in the  Arabic language. Newcastle Upon Tyne:  Sarah Hodgson, 1811. Large Quarto (26 x 20,5 cm x 6cm), unpaginated and bound in Brown. Apparently one of 20 such quarto vols. The text was edited by  Joseph Carlyle, the Bishop of Durham, then Cambridge professor of Arabic,. Upon his death the work was taken over by the Oxford reader in Arabic Henry Ford (Darlow & Moule, 1663).

1816 CE  = D&M  1664. 

Arabic New Testament. Calcutta: B.F.B.S. 1816. (604pp.).CE

1858 CE = D&M 1685

Arabic  New Testament.  B. F. B. 8. London. 1858. Rev. Eli Smith + assistants.

"During their work on the Arabic Bible Eli Smith and his native assistants (see note on No. 1688) made corrections in the N. T. published by the B. F. B. S. ; a new edition, thus emended, was published under the care of J. W. Redhouse in 1858" (D&M:72). See D&M 1688 =1860 CE below

1858 CE. = D&M 1686.

      Matthew's Gospel Arabic and French.

"Évangile de notre Seigneur Jéaus-Christ selon Saint Matthieu. [B. F. B. 8. London. 1858.] 15՚5 x lO.5 cm.
St. Matthew's Gospel in Arabic and French, the former in the version of Faris Al-Shidyak, the latter in that of J. F. Ostervald. Edited by J. W. Redhouse. The first edition appeared in 1855. Texts printed on opposite pages, the Arabic with full vowel-points. Pp. 72, 72." (D&M:72).


1859 CE. = D&M  1687.

The Gospel of Matthew in Arabic and English translation.

". . The Gospel according to Saint Matthew. [B. F. B. 8. London. 1859.] 15-5 χ 11 cm.
An Arabic-English edition, uniform with No. 1686. Edited by J. W. Eedhouse. Pp. 72, 72.


1860 CE. = D&M  1688.

Arabic New Testament. Beirut: American Bible Society, 1860 CE. (14.5x9 cm). 596pp.

Trans. Eli Smith (d. 1857) and the  Maronite convert to Protestant Cristianity  Buṭrus al-Bustānī (d. Beirut 1883) and Nasif al-Yaziji (1800-1871)  then subsequently by the American missionary Cornelius Van Dyck (d. 1895)  who completed the translation of the Hebrew Bible (begun by Eli Smith) with the assistance of Shaykh Yusuf al-Asir (1817-1889 CE ).  

"In 1837 the missionaries of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions decided to prepare a new version in the best modern form of spoken Arabic. For this purpose new type for Arabic printing was prepared by Eli Smith, one of the missionaries, and their printer Homan Hallock, who, from copies drawn by the great writing-masters, completed in 1843 the first fount of this famous Beirut type. In 1848, Eli Smith began the task of translation, with the aid of two native assistants, Muallim Butrus El-Bistani and Sheik Nasif El-Yaziji. Before he died in January 1857, Eli Smith had translated the whole N. T. and about twelve books of the O. T. His colleague Cornelius V. A. Van Dyck then took up the work, with the assistance of a Muhammadan scholar Sheik Yusuf El-Asir, and first thoroughly revised the N. T., conforming the Arabic more closely to the Greek T. B., but adding variant readings. Two editions were printed at Beirut in 1860—this present book, and a larger Testament with marginal references. The translator then proceeded with the 0. T., which was at length completed in August 1864. Van Dyck died at Beirut 13 November, 1895, at the age of 77.
Van Dyck's version was adopted as the standard by all Protestant missionaries ; and very many editions, with or without the full  vowel-points, have since been printed, chiefly at Beirut, for the A. B. S. or the B. F. B. S., the plates being corrected from time to time. Pp. 596." (D&M:72).


1861 CE. = D&M  1689. Arabic  Gospel of Luke and Epistles of John. London: B.F.B.S. 1861.

"1861. (St. Luke's Gospel and the Epistles of St. John.) B. F. B. 8. London. 1861. 16·5 χ 11 cm.
Van Dyck's version. Specimen sheets of the printed Beirut Ν. Τ. were sent to London, and the A. B. S. gave permission to the B. F. B. S. to print an edition for its own use. No more, however, was published in London than this portion, printed under the supervision of J. W. Hedhouse; though in 1864 a large edition of the whole Ν. Τ. was printed for the B. F. B. S. at Beirut. Pp. 167." (D&M: 72).

1862 CE. = D&M  1690. The Pentateuch and Hebrews. Beirut: B.F.B.S., 1862. (358pp.)

"Beirut. 1862. 21 x 13 cm. Van Dyck's version. An advance edition (3,000 copies) of the Pentateuch, together with the Epistle to the Hebrews, printed for the B. F. B. S. at Beirut. Pp. 358. With some references." (D&M:72-3).


1862 CE. = D&M  1691.  Arabic New Testament. Beirut: B.F.B. S., 1862.

"Beirut. 1862. 20'5 χ 13 cm. Van Dyck's version. Pp. 783. With full vowel-points. 1691." (D&M:73).


1863 CE. = D&M  1692.  Arabic Gospel of Matthew. London: XXXX., 1863.

"1863. The Gospel of Matthew in Arabic, printed with all the vowels, according to the simplified method of the Rev. Jules Ferretto . . . With an introductory explanation of the method, both in its mechanical and philological part. London. 1863. 16 χ 10'5 cm. J. Ferrette was a missionary of the Irish Presbyterian Church at Damascus. Pp. viii, 118. 1692." (D&M:73).





1864 CE. = D&M 1695.

Arabic New Testament. Leipzig: 1864., trans. Paul Anton de Lagarde (1827 -1891), German orientalist. *      



"[1864. Die vier Evangelien arabisch aus der wiener Handschrift herausgegeben von ... Paul de Lagarde . . . Leipzig. 1864.]
1642) from a better MS., and shows by a system of marginal notes what passages in the Arabic correspond only to the Coptic, or the Greek, or the Syriae. The valuable Introduction deals with the history of the text. Pp. xxxii, 143." (D&M:73).


1865 > CE. = D&M   Eli Smith (1801-1857) and Cornelius Van Dyck (1818-1895). *


  • The Arabic Bible Translation of Eli Smith & the American Protestant Missionary Cornelius Van Dyck.  Numerous 19th and 20th cemtury reprints.

  • On the Papers of Eli Smith (1801-1857) at Houghton Library  :

  • ADD

Select URLs  for the Van Dyck Arabic translation


 1878-1882 CE.

 D&M   al-Kitâb al-muqaddas. Beirut Jesuit Bible 3 vols.  *




1931. al-Kitâb al-muqaddas.  Beirut 1931-50. 3 volumes. 893; iii, 903; 13, 524 pp.  Reissue of the Beirut Jesuit Bible of 1878-82, originally produced as a rival to Van Dyck's Protestant version of 1860-64. This reissue contains no illustrations, no text borders ...and no index" (Smitskamp Cat.).



  • al-`Ahd al-Jadīd, [Arabic NT]  Beirut, 1879  422pp. Headed: from the Gibson American Foreign Mission Fund  to S.N.  of Cleveland, Ohio (signed 1880). Presentation copy of an Arabic NT to William Gibson M.D. of Jamestown Pennsylvania, U.S.A.  by the Egyptian Association  of the Missionaries of the  United Presbyterian Church of North America. Signed by eight persons: ADD   ,  Egypt. Africa, November 1st 1879. Also contains a 3 page handwritten letter of Mr. Gibson dated July 8th 1880. *


  • 1831 (Ar.)  K. al-muqaddas.  tr. Richard Watts.  London:  Rome, for Eastern Churches.
  • 1850. (Ar.) K. al-`ahd al-jadīd ya`nī al-Injīl al-muqaddas li-rabbinā Yasū` al-masīḥ.  Tr. William Watts.  London:  Rome, for Eastern Churches


  • 1858 ( Ar.).K. al-`ahd al-jadīd ya`nī al-Injīl al-muqaddas li-rabbinā Yasū` al-masīḥ.  Tr. William Watts.  London:  Rome, for Eastern Churches
  • 1871 (Ar.) K. al-`ahd al-jadīd li-rabbinā wa mukhliṣinā Yasū` al-Masīḥ.  Oxford: British and Foreign Bible Society [ NT+ Psalter]. 



Blau, J.,

  • 'Über einige christlich-arabische Manuskripte aus dem 9. und 10. Jahr­hundert', in Museon 75, 1962, pp. 101-8.
  • 'On a fragment of the oldest Judaeo-Arabic Bible translation extant', in J. Blau and S.C. Reif, eds,
    Genizah Research After Ninety Years: The Case of Judaeo-Arabic, Cambridge, 1992, pp. 31-9.

Kraus, P.,

  • Hebräische und syrische Zitate in isma'ilitischen Schriften, in: Der Islam 19 (1931), 243-263
  • Reprint in: Kraus, P., Alchemie, Ketzerei, Apokryphen im frühen Islam. Gesammelte Aufsätze, herausgegeben und eingeleitet von Rémi Brague, Hildesheim 1994, 3-23.

Knutsson, B.,

  • Studies in the Text and Language of Three Syriac-Arabic Versions of the Book of Judicum, with special reference to the Middle Arabic Elements: Introductions-Linguistic Notes-Texts, Leiden 1974.

Kruk, R.,

  • Early Arabic Translators, Their Methods and Problems, in: Babel  22 (1976), 15-20.

Levin, B.,

  • Die griechisch-arabische Evangelienübersetzung Vat. Borg. ar. 95 und Berlin Orient. Oct. 1108, (diss. Uppsala), Uppsala 1938.

Peters, C.,

  • Proben eines bedeutsamen arabischen Evangelientextes, in: OrChr, 3th series 11 (1936) = whole series 33 (1936), 188-211.
  • Das Diatessaron Tatians. Seine Überlieferung und sein Nachwirken im Morgen-und Abendland, sowie der heutige Stand seiner Erforschung, (OrChrA 123), Roma 1939.
  • Von arabischen Evangelientexten in Handschriften der Universitäts-Bibliothek Leiden, m:AcOr 18 (1940), 124-137.
  • Grundsätzliche Bemerkungen zur Frage der arabischen Bibeltexte, in: RSO 20, Roma, 1942, 129-143.

Polliack, Meira.

  • The Karaite Tradition of Arabic Bible Translation: A Linguistic and Exegetical Study of Karaite Translations of the Pentateuch from the Tenth and Eleventh ... C.E. (Etudes Sur Le Judaisme Medieval), Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers 1997. ISBN-10: 9004102671 ISBN-13: 978-9004102675
  • Karaite Judaism: A Guide to Its History and Literary Sources (Handbook of Oriental Studies/Handbuch Der Orientalistik), Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers (December 2003), 984pp.  ISBN-10: 9004122516 ISBN-13: 978-9004122512

Smith Lewis, A., (ed.),

  • The Old Syriac Gospels or Evangelion da-mepharreshê; being the text of the Sinai or Syro-Antiochene Palimpsest, London 1910.

Peters, C.,

  •  Proben eines bedeutsamen arabischen Evangelientextes, in: OrChr, 3th series 11 (1936) = whole series 33 (1936), 188-211.


Miscellaneous URLs
