Kirmānī [II].
محمد خان كرمانى
Āqā Ḥajjī Muhammad Khan Kirmānī
(1263-1324= 1846-1906).
The second Kirmani Shaykhi leader a son of [I] Hajji Mirza Muhammad Karīm Khān Kirmānī, the eldest son being Muhammad Rahim Khan Kirmani ...
Stephen N. Lambden - in progress and updating 2015.
A major source for the writings of this 2nd Kirmani based Shaykhi leader is section IV of the 3rd. edtion of the Ibrahimi Fihrist, pp. 487-575 comprising Nos. 583-786 or 203 items. This will be a major source for the listing below though other mss. and writings mentioned in various printed and other sources will be included. The abbreviation W-Cat. will indicate a listing in the USA based `World Catalogue'...
Muhammad Khan Kirmani, PDf. Fihrist IV.
- PDf. Fihrist IV.pdf
Many of Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad Karīm Kirmānī/ Muhammad Khan Kirmani's writings were published priot to 1979 by the Kirmani Shaykhis through the Kirmān based publishing house: the al-Madrasa al-Mubāraka al-Ibrāhīmiyya = Chāpkhānah Saʻādat / the Sa'adat Press.
Select Compilations of Treatises
Among the important compilations of the Rasa'il (sing. Risalah ) or Treatises of Muhammad Khan Kirmani, is the Majmu`at al-Rasa'il al-hikmiyya volume 25 (Kirman: Matba`at al Sa`adat, n.d. 197?) which contains 9 of his treatises spanning 395 pages. The persons addressed and the `Table of Contents' can be viewed in the following PDf. (see also below) : Majmu`at al-Rasa'il al-hikmiyya 25.pdf
Alphabetical Listing.
Fiqh al-zakat (On the Jurisprudence of the [Islamic] Zakat, Charitable Alms).
- Fiqh al-zakat. Kirman : Mat. al-Saʻadat, [1970?]
Hidāyat al-mustarshīd az taṣnīfāt-i ... Ḥāj Muḥammad Khān ... Kirmānī
هداية المسترشد
Kawthar ʻAlī Shāh, Muhammad Ridā ibn ʻAlī Naqī, 1845-1900. Hadīyat al-namlah ilā marjiʻ al-milla.
- Hidāyat al-mustarshid ... javāb Hadīyat al-namlah ... [Bombay?] Lithograph. 1312/1894. 265 pages. W-Cat.
- Hidāyat al-mustarshīd ... javāb Hadiyyat al-namlah ilā marjiʻ al-milla ... ed-printed by Muḥammad Riḍā ibn ʻAlī Naqī; Kawthar ʻAlī Shāh (1845-1900). Bombay: Add., 1312/1894. 265pp. Electronic text in Hathi Trust Digital Library Ann Arbor, MI 48109 United States. Scanned from Princeton Univ. Library.
- PDf Table of Contents printed with the 2nd ed. hedayat.pdf
حسام الدين : در اثبات تحريف تورية و انجيل
Ḥusām al-Dīn dar Ithbāt Taḥrīf-i Tawriyyat wa Injil ("The Sword of Religion in Establishment of the Corruption of the Torah and the Gospel"). Completed 5th Rabi` al-Thani, 1309/ 8th November 1891.
- Husām al-dīn. Lithograph. Bombay: 1311/1893-4. Digitized from Princeton Univ. Library by Google as part of the Haithi Trust. 153pp. : Add
- Husam = Husām al-dīn. 2 Kirmān: Sa`ādat 1353/1934-5.
- Ḥusām al-Dīn… 2nd ed./ printing Kirmān: Chap-Khanah al-Sa`āda, n.d. [1974?] (vii+241pp.).
- Ḥusām al-Dīn dar Ithbāt Taḥrī Tawriyyat wa Injil ("The Sword of Religion in Establishment of the Corruption of the Torah and the Gospel"). Completed 5th Rabi` al-Thani, 1309/ 8th November 1891. 2nd ed./ printing Kirmān: Chap-Khanah al-Sa`āda, n.d. [198X?] (vii+241pp.).
- Ḥusām al-Dīn dar Ithbāt Taḥrī Tawriyyat wa Injil ("The Sword of Religion in Establishment of the Corruption of the Torah and the Gospel") Completed 5th Rabi` al-Thani, 1309/ 8th November 1891. 2nd ed./ printing Kirmān: Chap-Khanah al-Sa`āda, n.d. [198X?] (vii+241pp.).
ʻIlm al-mabdaʼ wa-al-maʻād (The knowledge of Origination and Eschatology).
- ʻIlm al-mabdaʼ wa-al-maʻād, Muḥammad Khān ibn Muḥammad Karīm Kirmānī, [Tabriz?] 1324/1945-6. = WC
Kitāb-i mubārak-i Muntakhab = كتاب مبارك منتخب
- Kitāb-i mubārak-i Muntakhab. 1364 / 1944-5. W-Cat. 236pp.
- Also titled (?) Muntakhab dar adʻiyah.
Kitāb-i mubarak-i miṣbāḥ al-silākīn = كتاب مبارك مصباح السلاكين
- Kitāb-i mubarak-i miṣbāḥ al-silākīn. Kirman : Saʻādat, 1376/1956 (??). W-Cat.
- Miṣbāḥ al-sʻlikīn. Kirman: Saʻādat, 1376/1956. ?? W-Cat.
Kitāb-i mustaṭāb-i Vajīzah dar aḥkām-i fiqhīyah.
- Kitāb-i mustaṭāb-i Vajīzah dar aḥkām-i fiqhīyah. Tabrīz : Dār al-Ṭabāʻah, 1347/1928.
Kitāb-i Burhān-i Qāṭiʻ = كتاب برهان قاطع ("The Book of the Decisive Evidence").
- Kitāb-i Burhān-i Qāṭiʻ ("The Book of the Decisive Evidence").
- Kitāb-i Burhān-i Qāṭiʻ. Kirman : Chāpkhānah-i Saʻādat, 1351/ [1972-3]1974. W-Cat.
- PDf. Burhan-i qati.pdf