Gottlob Christoph Jonathan Hoffmann [Left] and his son Christoph Hoffmann (1847-1911) [Right]
Christoph Hoffmann (b. Leonberg, Württemberg, Germany, 1815 d. Dec 8th Jerusalem, 1885), Founder of the "Templer" Christian movement. He was succceeded from 1884 to 1890 by Christoph Paulus (XXXX). Subsequently Hoffmann's son Christoph Hoffmann II (1847-1911) became leader of the Palestinensian templers from 1890.
Georg David Hardegg (1812-1879), Co-leader of the `Temple Society'.
Select Bibliography for the Lawh-i Hartik
Stephen Lambden UC Merced
IN PROGRESS and supplementation.
Last uploaded 15-08-2018,
al-Aḥsā'ī, Shaykh Aḥmad.
- al-Risāla al-Rashtiyya in Jawami` al-Kalim. Tabriz 2 vols. 1273 /18XX & 12XX/ 1856) vol 1 pt. 2 pp. 103 ; partially cited by Bahā’u’ll āh in the Lawḥ i Qinā Majmū` [MAM] 75-6 and Karīm Khān i Kirmānī, Majmu`at al Rasā’il (See bib. below)
- Majmū`at al-Rasā'il vol. 61 (Kirman: al-Sa`ada, nd), 51-53.
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- 1967 `Le Nom Supreme de Dieu' in Atti del Terzo Congresso Di Studi Arabi e Islamici (Napoli, 1967) 7-58.
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- Qayyūm al asmā' (= QA), The Commentary on Sūrat Yūsuf . Browne Or. MSS no. F.II (9). Also INBA no. 4 and INBA Library, MS. no. 3034C.
- Bayān i fārsī n.p. n.d.
Bahā’-Allāh, Mīrzā Ḥusayn `Alī Nūrī,
- Aqdas 1 =al Kitāb al Aqdas. Haifa: BWC 199X
- Aqdas 2 = Kitāb al Aqdas in `Abd al-Razzaq al-Ḥasanī, al-Bābīyūn wa'l-Bahā'īyūn.. Sidon:XXX, 138l.
- Aqdas tr. = al Kitāb al Aqdas.
- Aqdas tr2 = trans. Shoghi Effendi, in Synopsis and Codification of the Laws and Ordinances of the Kitāb-i Aqdas. Haifa: Bahā'ī World Centre, 1973.
- Synopsis and Codification of the Laws and Ordinances of the Kitāb-i Aqda (= S&C) Haifa: Bahā'ī World Centre, 1973.
- Lawḥ-i Khiṭāb bi-Shaykh Muhammad Taqī Mujtahid i Isfahānī ma`ruf bi Najafī. (=ESW*) Cairo: nd., 1338/ 1919-20.
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