al-Māmaqānī Dynasty,
the Shaykhis of Ādhirbayjān and the Bab ...
Select Biographical and Bibliographical Notes
Stephen Lambden, UC Merced.
In progress - Last updated 08-05-2019 - Under revision and correction.
Shaykh Ḥasan ibn `Alī [of قراچهداغى = Qarāj[ch]a-Dāghī] al-Tabrīzi (d.1266/1849).
حسن گوهر القراچهداغى
Mullā Ḥasan Gawhar [Jawhar] (d. 1266/1849 CE) is actually Shaykh Ḥasan ibn `Alī al-Tabrizi of the village of Qarāja Dāghī near Tabriz, hence he has the designations al-Qarāja al-Dāghī / al-Tabrīzī. He had studied in Najaf with some of the leading `ulama of the time including Shaykh Musa ibn Shaykh Ja`far Najafi and is credited with a wide and impressive range of learning. He eventually became a leading Shaykhī with an ijāza ("certificate of competency") from Shaykh Ahmad al-Ahsa'i (d. 1826 CE). Among his writings covering aspects of Tafsir, Hadith, Usul al-fiqh, Shaykhi apologetics and more besides, the following largely Arabic (and a few Persian) works may be listed. Several of them have been printed in the 19th-21st centuries, including:
- (1) Ajwaba Masā'il in response of various questions written at the direction of Shaykh Ahmad.
- (2) al-Makhāzin = Makhāzin jawāhir asrar al-tanzil ("The Treasuries of the jewels of the mysteries of the revelation") incorporating the ḥikma ("Wisdom") of the `People of the House of Prophethood and of the Sent Messengers' (ahl al-bayt al-nubuwwa wa'l-risāla) or about al-mabdā' (the genesis-origin) and al-mithāl (the images-similitudes). Printed with (3) below in the compilation al-Barāhīn al-sāṭa`a fī al-ḥikma (see below).
- (3) al-Lama`āt anwār al-hidaya wa'l-rashad ("The Brilliances of the Lights of Guidance and the Right Course") about al-mabdā' (the genesis-origin) and al-ma`ād (the eschatological return). Concluded in 1239/1823. A mss. exists in the Library of Shaykh Muhammad Rida' Faraj-Allah in Najaf written by Sayyid Kazim ibn Mustafa Ha`iri at the command of his teacher Mirza Muhammad Ibrahim Ha'iri in 1294/1877. Printed in Tabriz in 1351/1932 (see below).
- (2+3) al-Barāhīn al-sāṭa`a fī al-ḥikma ("The Illuminating Proofs regarding Hikma [Wisdom]"). This was printed in Karbala and Tabriz in 1351/1932 and incorporates a combined reprinting of items (2) and (3) above. A extended version of this compilation was apparently also printed in Karbala in 1385/1966. See Taliqani, al-Shaykhiyya, 185.
- (4) A poetical Dīwān.
- (5) Risāla fī ta`wīl āyāt al-nahl ("A Treatise in the inner sense [s] of the [qur'anic] verse of the Bee"), probably in exposition of Qur'an 16:68. The Bab also titled and `rewrote' as sura of his Qayyum al-asma' (QA. 93 or 4) after this qur'anic sura.
- (6) Risāla fī'l-Salat ("Treatise on the Obligatory Prayer").
- (7) Risāla fī'l-Sawm ("Treatise on Fasting").
- (8) Risāla fī'l-ma`na qawl al-nabī, `ulamā' ummatī afḍal min anbiyā' bani Isra'il ("The `ulama' (divines, clerics) of my community (ummatī) are more favoured (afḍal) than the prophets (anbiyā') of the children of Israel (bani Isra'il)").
- (9) Risāla fī'l-ithbat ḍilālat al-Hajji [Mirza Muhammad] Karim Khan Kirmani ("Treatise in Establishment of the Erroneous Position of Hajji Karim Khan Kirmani) In manuscript.
- (10) Risāla `ilmiyya fī'l-`ibadāt ("Learned Treatise on the modes of servitude"). In Arabic.
- (11) Risāla `ilmiyya fī'l-`ibadāt ("Learned Treatise on the modes of servitude"). In Persian.
- (12) Sharh ḥayāt al-arwāḥ ("Commentary on the Life of the Spirits") on the fundamentals of Shi`i doctrine incorporating a refutation of Shaykh Muhammad Ja`far al-Astarabadi who had written in refutation of [Shaykh Ahmad] al-Ahsa'i Printed in 260 pp. in Tabriz in 1376/1956. Recently reprinted as a massive volume (see above) at the behest of `Abd al-Rasūl al-Iḥqāqī in a 2nd edition/ printing, Dawlat al-Kuwait : (`Abd al-Rasūl al-Iḥqāqī) Jāmi` al-Imam al-Sādiq, 1423/2002. 881pp. + Index pp. 883-4. This volume by the Adhirbayjani born anti-Babi Shaykhi with the laqab Jawhar or Gawhar deals with the centrally important Shi`i doctrines : Sect. 1 On Tawḥīd (the Divine Unity) pp.27-112 in 5 sub-sections; Sect.2 on `Adl (the Divine Justice) pp.115 -208 in 24 subsections; Sect. 3 on Nubuwwa (Prophethood ) pp. 213-302 in 5 (+1) subsections; Sect. 4 on the Imāma (the Imamate), pp.351-678 with 5 sub-sections; Sect. 5 On al-Ma`ad al-jismānī (On the [Eschatological] Bodily Return pp. 679-880 in 5 subsections).
- PDf.
- (13) Mukhtasar Sharh ḥayāt al-arwāḥ ("Synopsis-Abbreviated Version of the Commentary on the Life of the Spirits", see (12) above). Ḥasan Gawhar al-Qarāchahʹdāghī. ed. Aḥmad ʻAbd al-Wahāb al-Būshafīʻ al-Aḥsāʻī. 239pp.
- (14) Sharh Khuṭba al-Imam al-Riḍā' fi'l-tawḥid ("Commentary on the Sermon of [eighth] Imam [`Ali] al-Rida' on the Divine Unity") found in the `Uyun al-akhbar of Shaykh al-Saduq or Ibn Babuwayh al-Qumi. A manuscript of this work exists in the general al-Ha`iri Library in Karbala (Iraq) (refer al-Taliqani, al-Shaykiyya, 185).
- (15) (16) ...
For some biographical and bibliographical notes see Sayyid Muhammad Hasan Taliqani, al-Shaykhiyya... (Beirut 1420/1999), pp.183-6 and the `Abd al-Rasūl al-Iḥqāqī introduction to the 2nd 2002 Kuwayti edition of Sharh ḥayāt al-arwāḥ (pp. 3-10).
المامقاني : al-Māmaqānī, Hujjat al-Islam,
Mulla [Shaykh] Muhammad ibn Ḥusayn ibn Zayn al-Ābidīn ibn `Alī ibn Ibrāhīm Hujjat al-Islam al-Māmaqānī (d.1269/1852).
This Islamic cleric "took a leading part" in the trial of the Bab and was among those who signed a fatwa for his execution in 1850 (see MacEoin, 2009: 416-7). His three sons will be listed immediately below (see [1]-[2] and [3]) in order of their date of death. One of them wrote an account of the trial of the Bab for Nasir al-Din Shah (see below).
Muhammad Ḥusayn Māmaqānī (d. 1303/1885).
ʻAlam al-maḥajjah. ed. Aḥmad ʻAbd al-Wahhāb Būshafīʻ Beirut: Lajnat Iḥyāʼ Turāth Madrasat al-Shaykh al-Awḥad, 2000. 357pp.
Muhammad Ḥusayn Māmaqānī / Rasūl Jaʻfariyān
ʻAlam al-maḥajjah: munāziʻāt-i fikrī va firqahʹī-i Shaykhiyya va mutisharriʻah dar Tabrīz ; bih z̤amīmah-i Risālah-i mubāḥishah-i Mullā Muhammad Mamaqānī Tabrīzī (d. 1269 q) bā Sayyid ʻAlī Muḥammad Bāb dar majlis-i valīʻahd. Qum : Nashr-i Muvarrikh, 1396/ 2017.
[1] Māmaqānī , Mīrzā / Mulla Muhammad Ḥusayn, (d. 1303/1885).
Mīrzā Abu'l-Qāsim, Ḥujjat al-Islam, Māmaqānī (d. 1362/1943), son of the above Muhammad Ḥusayn [1].
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[2] Shaykh Muḥammad Taqī ibn Muhammad, Nayyir Mamqānī, Ḥujjat al-Islam (b. Tabriz 1248/1832 - d. 11th Ramadan 1312/ 8th March 1895) = Muhammad Taqī Ḥujjat al-Islām al-Tabrīzī al-Māmaqānī = al-Mīrzā Muhammad Taqī al-Tabrīzī al-Mamqānī entitled Ḥujjat al-Islām with the poetical mutakhalliṣ of al-Nayyir ("The Luminous"). He was a noted poet and eminent Shi`i cleric, hence his title Hujjat al-Islam (The Prooof of Islam). See further Bamdad, Rijal 3:325; Sayyid Muhammad Hasan Taliqani, al-Shaykhiyya, 189-192. For a while he apears to have been a pupil of Sayyid Kazim Rashti in Karbala.
Muhammad Taqī ibn Muhammad Nayyir Mamqānī; Ḥasan Mursilvand
- Alfiyya ... poem in 500 verses with Mirza Muhammad Tawji
آتشگدۀ حجة الاسلام
- Ātishgadah... Tabrīz : Maṭbaʻah-i ʻAlī Aṣghar, 1315/1897.
- Ātishgadah-ʼi Ḥujjat al-Islām. Tabrīz : Chāpkhānah-ʼi Ridāʼī, [194-?]. 276 pp. Persian poetical compositions. So W-Cat.
- Ātishgadah-ʼi Ḥujjat al-Islām. Tehran: Kitābfurūshī-i Jaʻfarī, 1372/1952. 276 pp. Copy in Edinburgh University Main Library.
Pdf. Download and full view Haithi Trust :
ديوان نير تبريزى : گزارش عاشقانۀ وقايع کربلا
- Dīvān-i Nayyir-i Tabrīzī : guzārish-i ʻāshiqānah-ʼi vaqāyiʻ-i Karbalā. ed. _preface Bihrūz Sharvatīyān. Tehran: Shirkat-i Chāp va Nashr-i Bayn al-Milal : Intishārāt-i Amīr Kabīr, 1386/2007. 418pp. Persian and some Arabic poetical compositions.
- Dīvān-i Nayyir-i Tabrīzī ed. + preface Bihrūz Sharvatīyān. Tehran: Shirkat-i Chāp va Nashr-i Bayn al-Milal : Intishārāt-i Amīr Kabīr,Tehran : Muʼassasah-i Farhangī-i Muṭālaʻātī-i Shams al-Shumūs.1386/ 2007. 39+502pp.
- Dīvān-i kāmil-i ātishkadah. ed. ʻAbd al-Rasūl Iḥqāqī. Tabriz : Intishārāt-i Fakhr-i Āzar, 1382/ 2003-4. 271 pp. Largely Persian Poetry.
Mirza Muhammad Taqi Mamaqani, Namus-i Nasiri, published as Guft-u-shunud-i Sayyid `Ali Muhammad Bab ba rawhaniyun-i Tabriz, ed. Hasan Mursilvand, Tehran, 1374 sh./1996.
گفت و شنود سيد على محمد باب باروحانيون تبريز
- Guft va shunūd-i Sayyid ʻAlī Muḥammad Bāb bā rūhāniyyūn-i Tabrīz. ed. Ḥasan Mursilvand. Tehran : Nashr-i Tārīkh-i Īrān, 1374 Sh./1995. 185pp.
- Guft va shunūd-i Sayyid ʻAlī Muḥammad Bāb bā rūhāniyyūn-i Tabrīz. 2nd ed. ed. Ḥasan Mursilvand. Tehran : Nashr-i Tārīkh-i Īrān, 1388 Sh./2009-10. 302 pp.
- Guft va shunūd-i Sayyid ʻAlī Muḥammad Bāb bā rūhāniyūn-i Tabrīz. On this work also known as the Namus-i Nasiri see MacEoin, Messiah of Shiraz, pp.416-9+fns.
La'ā︡lī-yi manẓūme
- La'ā︡lī-yi manẓūme. XXX [n.p.] 1322/1904. 94pp. [So W-Cat.].
Majmūʻa li'l-dhākirīn
- Majmūʻah lil-dhākirīn wa-al-rāthīn lil-Shiʻah Abī ʻAbd Allāh al-Ḥusayn ... min al-Laʼālī al-mandhūmah wa-al-Dīwān Muh̤tasham, wa-Ḥājī Sulaymān Ṣabāḥī. comp. /ed. Raʼīs al-Zākirīn ʻAbd al-Ḥusayn. [Tabrīz], 190-?. 112pp.
- Marāthī. Istānbūl : [publisher not identified], 1314/1896-7. 116 pp. Persian poetry.
صحيفة الأبرار
- Ṣaḥīfat al-abrār, Kitāb-i mustaṭāb Ṣaḥīfat al-abrār/ Hādhā al-Kitāb al-mustaṭāb al-musammá bi-Ṣaḥīfat al-abrār. [Tabriz] : Maṭbaʻah-i Jadīdah-i Ḥājī Aḥmad Āqā, 1319/ 1901. 504pp. Micofilm copy in cn. 9403008.01.; Princeton University Arabic collection., Phase II. So W-Cat.
- Ṣaḥīfat al-abrār. 2 vols. ed. + preface Ḥujjat al-Islām, ʻAbd al-Rasūl Ḥaqqāqī al-Ha'iri. Beirut : Dār al-Jīl, 1986.
- Ṣaḥīfat al-abrār. 2 vols. ed. +preface Ḥujjat al-Islām, ʻAbd al-Rasūl Ḥaqqāqī al-Ha'iri. Beirut : Dār al-Jīl, 1993.
- Ṣaḥīfat al-abrār. 2 vols. Preface, Ḥujjat al-Islām Mīrzā ʻAbd al-Rasūl al-Iḥqāqī al-Ḥāʼirī ; ed. Muʼassasat Iḥyāʼ al-Kutub al-Islāmiyya. Beirut: Muʼassasat Iḥyāʼ al-Kutub al-Islāmīyah, 2003.
- Ṣaḥīfat al-abrār. 2nd ed. 5 vols. min taʼlīfāt al-Mīrzā Muḥammad Taqī al-Tabrīzī al-Mamqānī al-aṣl al-mulaqqab bi-Ḥujjat al-Islām wa-al-mutakhalliṣ bi-al-Nayyir. ed. Lajnat al-Nūr al-Azʹhar al-Mīrzā Ḥasan al-Kawhar li-Iḥyāʼ Turāth Madrasat al-Shaykh al-Awḥad al-Iḥsāʼī wa-al-Mashāyikh al-ʻIẓām. Beirut: Dār al-Maḥajjah al-Bayḍāʼ lil-Tibāʻah wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ. 2004
- Ṣaḥīfat al-abrār. 2 vols. Muʼassasat Iḥyāʼ al-Kutub al-Islāmiyya. Qum: Maktabat al-Dāwarī. 1426/2005-6.
صحيفة الانوار في شرح غرائب الاخبار لمناقب الائمة الاطهار
- Ṣaḥīfat al-anwār fī sharḥ gharāʼib al-akhbār li-manāqib al-aʼimmat al-aṭhār. ed. ʻAbd al-Rasūl Zayn al-Dīn. Beirut: Dār al-Maḥajjah al-Bayḍāʼ, 2009. 127pp.
[3] Māmaqānī, Shaykh, Mirza Ismā'īl Muhammad [Ḥujjat al-Islam], (d.1317/1899)
Māmaqānī, Muḥammad Ḥasan,Muhammad Hasan Mamaqani (b. Najaf, May 5th 1823- d. Najaf, March 25th 1905), leading mujtahid of Najaf who studied with Shaykh Murtaḍá ibn Muhammad Amīn Anṣārī, the leading Shi`i authority or Marja al-taqlid.
Ghāyat al-āmāl fī sharḥ kitāb al-Makāsib wa-al-bayʻ. Tehran: : Muhammad Furūs, 1317/ 1900. 521 pages.
Māmaqānī, Muhammad Ḥasan, + Muḥammad Amīn Māmaqānī; ʻAbd Allāh Māmaqānī
Ghāyat al-āmāl fī sharḥ al-Makāsib. 10 vols, Muhammad Ḥasan al-Mamaqānī. Maʻa nihāyat al-maqāl fī takmilat Ghāyat al-āmāl / ʻAbd Allāh al-Māmaqānī ; ed. Muhammad Amīn al-Māmaqānī. Qum : Muhammad Amīn. al-Māmaqānī, 1381/ 2002.
Muḥammad Ḥasan Māmaqānī + Murtaḍá ibn Muḥammad Amīn Anṣārī; Muḥammad Amīn Māmaqānī,
- al-Makāsib / Ghāyat al-āmāl fī ḥāshiyat al-Makāsib, 10vols. Qum: XXXX, 1423/ 2002 or 3. Relating to Murtaḍá al-Anṣārī. Wa-maʻahū al-ḥāshiyah al-mawsūmah Ghāyat al-āmāl / taṣnīf al-Fāḍil al-Māmaqānī ; taḥqīq wa-ikhrāj Muḥammad Amīn al-Māmaqānī.
Huwa al-Mujallad al-awwal [-al-thānī] min Kitāb Dharāʼiʻ al-aḥlām fī sharḥ Sharāʼiʻ al-Islām. Tabrīz : Muḥammad Ismāʻīl, 1319/ 1901 or 1902. Electronic reproduction 5 vols. in 2. [S.l.] : HathiTrust Digital Library, 2011 from Princeton University Arabic collection., Phase II. Other Titles:Dharāʼiʻ al-aḥlām fī sharḥ Sharāʼiʻ al-Islām. Kitāb Dharāʼiʻ al-aḥlām fī sharḥ Sharāʼiʻ al-Islām/ Dharāʼiʻ al-aḥlām fī sharḥ Sharāʼiʻ al-Islām
عبدالله بن محمد حسن مامقانی
ʿAbd-Allāh ibn Muhammad Ḥasan Māmaqānī (b. Najaf, 1290/1873 - d. Najaf, 16th Shawwal 1351/ February 12th1933). He was the grandson of Shaykh `Abd-Allah ibn Muhammad al-Baqir (1247/1831or 2) and the father of nine children, eight daughters and a son named Shaykh Muhyi al-Din Mamaqani (d. 1429/2008). He was one of the pupils of Shaykh Murtada al-`Ansari. An important library with unique mss. was founded by him in Najaf.
- Makhzan al-laʼāliʼ fī furūʻ al-ʻilm al-ijmālī : wa-talīhi risālat izāḥat al-waswasa ʻan taqbīl al-aʻtāb al-muqaddasah.
- Miqbas al-hidaya, Tehran 1345/
- Hādhihi Risālat Mir'āt al-rashād fī al-Wa$īyah ila al-at)ibbah wa-al-awlād. Wa-yatlūhā Kitāb Mir'āt al-kamāl liman rāma dark ma$ālit) al-a'māl / lil-'Allāmah al-Māmaqānī. al-Najaf : al-Matba'ah al-Murtadawiyya, 1342/ 1923. 295 pp.
- Hathi Trust :
- تنقيح المقال ف احوال الرجال
- Tanqīḥ al-maqāl fī aḥwāl al-rijāl / Miqbās al-hidāyah fī ʻilm al-dirāya. 3 vols, Intisharat Jihan, 1349/1930.
- Tanqīḥ al-maqāl fī aḥwāl al-rijāl, Najaf, 3 vols., 1349-52/1930-33.
- Tanqih al-Maqal fi 'Ilm al-Rijal (4 vols.) / (13 Vol.) Qum: 'Alulbayt Foundation - 1424. 13 vols. has 7068 pages. ISBN : 964-319-380-2.
- al-Fawāʼid al-rijāliyya min tanqīḥ al-maqāl fī ʻilm al-rijāl - ʻAbd Allāh Māmaqānī; Muhammad Riḍā Māmaqānī , Qum: : Muʼassasat Āl al-Bayt li-Iḥyāʼ al-Turāth. 1431- / 2010-
- Sirāj al-Shīʻa fī ādāb al-sharīʻa, bitaṣḥīḥ-i Maḥmūd Zandī. Tihrān : Kitābfurūshī-i Islāmīyah, 1954. 398 pages.
- مناهج المتقين في فقه أئمة الحق واليقين، صلوات الله عليهم أجمعين / Qum : Mu'assasat Al al-Bayt, 1983. 535 pages.
- Sirāj al-Shīʻa dar ādāb-i sharīʻat / Akhlāq va ādāb-i zindagī dar sharīʻat-i Islāmī. ed. ʻAlī Faz̤lī. Qum : Risālat-i Yaʻqūbī, 1388/ 2009 or 2010. 959pp.
- Wasīlat al-taqī fī ḥawāshī al-ʻurwah al-wuthqá. Lithograph al-Najaf : al-Maṭbaʻa al-Murtaḍawiyya, 1341/1922. 50 pages.
- الفوائد الرجالية من تنقيح المقال في علم الرجال =
- Ghāyat al-āmāl fī sharḥ al-Makāsib. 10 vols, Muḥammad Ḥasan al-Mamaqānī. Maʻa nihāyat al-maqāl fī takmilat Ghāyat al-āmāl / ʻAbd Allāh al-Māmaqānī ; ed. Muhammad Amīn al-Māmaqānī. Qum : Muhammad Amīn. al-Māmaqānī, 1381/ 2002.
Asad Allāh Māmqānī.
Dīn va shuʼūn va ṭarz-i ḥukūmat dar madhhab-i Shīʻa. 1335/1976. 101pp.
Makhzan al-Maghāni, Najaf, 1345/1926.
Mirʼāt al-rishād : āʼīna-i hidāyāt. Mashhad : Jihād-i Dānishgāhī, 1364 Sh./1985.
مسلك الامام في سلامة الاسلام = [Rasāʻil-i qāǧārī. 3], Maslak al-imām fī salāmat al-islām. Tehran : Našr-i Tārīhkh-i Īrān, 1363/ 1984.
راه نجات = Rāh-i najāt. Murtadá Qulī Khān Ṣanīʻ al-Dawlah; Humā Ridvānī; Ṣādiq Sajjādī; ʻAbd al-Ḥusayn Qājār; Abū al-Ḥasan Mīrzā ibn Ḥusām al-Salṭanah Shaykh al-Raʼīs; Asad Allāh Māmqānī; ʻAbd al-Raḥmān Kawākibī. Tehran : Nashr-i Tārīkh-i Īrān, 1363-64/ 1984-85.
محمد حسن بن عبد الله المامقاني
Muhammad Ḥasan ibn ʿAbd-Allāh al-Māmaqānī
- كتاب ذرائع الاحلام في شرح شرائع الاسلام = Kitāb Darāʼiʿ al-aḥkām fī sharḥ sharāʼiʿ al-Islām. Lithograph, 2 vols. Tabriz : ??
كتاب ذرائع الاحلام في شرح شرائع الاسلام = Kitab Darāʼiʿ al-aḥkām fī sharḥ sharāʼiʿ al-Islām. Tabrīz: ?? Raǧab 1319/ XXX 1901.
Bibi Khanum (d. Najaf, 1950) a great Mujtahida and daughter of Muhammad Hasan Mamaqani (see above).
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Muhammad Hadi ibn Ja`far al-Husayni al-Milani (Sept. 6th 1896- d. Mashhad, August 7th, 1975), son of Bibi Khanum and grandson of Muhammad Hasan Mamaqani (1823-1905; see above). An important pupil of the Marja al-taqlid Murtada al-Ansari ( ).
Select writings
Muhadarat fi'l-fiqh al-imamiyya (Discussions on Imami Shi`i Jurisprudence).
Hajji Shaykh Asad-Allah Mamaqani
- Maslak al-Imam fi Salāmat al-Islam. Istanbul, 1910. No author named. Anon.
- Refer Iranian intellectuals in the 20th century By Ali Gheissari, p. 32.
علم المحجه: منازعات فکرى و فرقهاى شيخيه و متشرعه در تبريز ؛ به ضميمه رساله مباحثه ملا محمد ممقانى تبريزى (م ١٢٦٩ ق) با سيد على محمد باب در مجلس وليعهد /
al-'Āmilī, Sayyid Muḥsin ibn ʻAbd al-Karīm al-Amīn (b. Jabal 'Āmil, 1284/1867- d. 1371/ 1952).
- A`yān = A'yan al-shī'a, 56 parts, 1st ed. Damascus : Maṭbaʻat Dimashq, 1935-1963.
- A'yān al-shī'a. Beirut : Maṭbaʻat al-Inṣāf 1950s+
- A'yān al-Shi`a 10 vols. / + Ḥasan al- Amīn 10 suppl. vols., Beirut: Dār al-Ta'āruf li 'l-maṭbū'āt, 1984 +1406/1986 etc.
- Mustadrakāt Aʻyān al-Shīʻa. Beirut : Dār at-Taʻāruf li'l-Maṭbūʻāt, 1984, etc.
al-Amili, Muhsin al-Husayni,
- Aʻyān al-shīʻa, Damascus: Dār al-Taraqqī, 1936.
Amin, Hassan.
- Islamic Shi'ite encyclopaedia. Beirut, 1968.
Litvak, Meir.
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Fitna yi Bab ??
Scanned from `Abd al-Rasūl al-Ihqāqī, al-Taḥqīq fī madrasa.. (Pt.1), 60-61