The tomb of the mystic Ibn al-‘Arabi (Murcia, 1165 – Damascus, 1240) in the Syrian capital, in a quarter of the former suburb of Salihiyya
The al-ism al-a`zam in the writings of Ibn al-`Arabī, Shaykh Muḥyī al-Dīn (d. 638/1240)..
The great philosopher, mystic, theologian and seer, Muhammad ibn. 'Ali Ibn 'Arabi wrote something in excess of 350 works some of which contain deeply theological disclosures centering on theophanic dimensions of the Names of God. He occasionally makes reference to the the mystery of His al-ism al-a`zam, the All-Powerful, Mightiest Name of God.
The al-Futûhât al-Makkiyya (Meccan Revelations).
The Arabic word baha' or various derivitives from the same Arabic root, occurs between twenty and thirty time in the massive al-Futûhât al-Makkiyya (The Meccan Revelations or Openings) of Ibn al-`Arabi.
The Diwân Tarjumân al-Ashwâq (The Conveyor of Mystical Ecstacy)...
The Fusûs al-Hikam, revelations centering on the mystical interpretations of the wisdom of the twenty-eight or so Islamo-biblical prophets.
Muhammad b. 'Ali Ibn 'Arabi
- al-Futūḥāt al-Makkiyya. (`The Meccan Revelations [Openings]', 4 Vols.) Beirut: Dār Ṣadir n.d. [1968 = Cairo Ed. 1911].
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`Abd al-Razzaq al-Kashani
Tafsir in the tradition of Ibn al-`Arani ...
In his Istilihat al-Sufiyya ("Technical Terms of the Sufis") he writes:
The Name that sums up all the Names in one. It has been said by some to be the word Allah (God), since this is the name of the aforementioned Essence in all its Attributes. In other words, it is that to which all the other names refer. That is why `Divine Presence' is the designation given to the presence of the Essence together with all the Names. According to us, however, it is the name for the Holy Essence just as it is - that is to say, the Absolute, the True - whether it be with all or some or none of the Names.
`Abd al‑Razzÿq al‑Kashani, A Glossary of Sufi Technical Terms trans. Nabil Safwat, rev. & ed. David Pendlebury (London: Octogon Press Ltd. 1991). p.5
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