Trans. Stephen N. Lambden
In progress - 1995 - 2015
الحمد للّه الّذی بفيض ظهوره الأعلی کشف الغطاء عن وجه الهدی و أشرقت الأرض و السماء فارتفع ضجيج الملأ الأعلی. سبحان ربّی الأبهی
Praised be to God through the bounty of whose transcendent Theophany [manifestation] (ẓuhūrihi al-a`lā) the veil was uncovered from the Visage of Guidance (wajh al-hudā) and earth and heaven were made to shine forth. Wherefore was there upraised the [shrill] Cry of the Supreme Councouse (al-malā’ al-a`lā), “Praised be my Lord, the All-Glorious (subḥān rabbi al-abhā)”.