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The Bible and the Qur'an: Some introductory Notes and Bibliographical Observations.

The Bible and the Qur'an: Some introductory Notes and Bibliography.

Stephen Lambden UC Merced.

The bibliographical data listed below is under revision, supplementation and correction; it dates back several decades. It lists Ibibliographical data pertaining to  select books and papers, etc which I at one time (over several decades) found to be useful for my research in the field of biblical, Islamic, and Babi-Baha'i Studies.  It will gradually become more closely focused upon the Bible and the Qur'an; upon  issues within Abrahamic scriptural, religious and intellectual history.

In Progress and under revision and correction -  Last corrected 19-08-2019.

Abbott, Nabia (1897-1981).

  • Studies in Arabic Literary Papyri. Vol. I Historical Texts. (Oriental Institute Publications), Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1957.
  • Studies in Arabic Literary Papyri. Vol. Il: Qur'anic Commentary and Tradition (Oriental Institute Publications). Chicago :  University of Chicago Press,1967.
  • Studies in Arabic Literary Papyri. Vol. III. Language and Literature (Oriental Institute Publications). Chicago :  University of Chicago Press,1969.
  • `Wahb b. Munabbih: A Review Article.’ JNES 36: 103-12.

Anchor Bible Dictionary (= ABD) D. N. Freedman et al. (eds) 6 vols. New York: Doubleday, 1992.

Abrahamov, Binyamin.

  • 1986 `al-Kāsim ibn Ibrāhīm's Argument from Design’ Oriens, 1986, vol. 29/30, p. 259-284.
  • 1987 = `al-Kāsim ibn Ibrāhīm's Theory of the Imamite’ Arabica 34 (1987), 80-105..
  • 1988 `The Tabaristānīs Question’ Edition and annotated translation of of the al-Kāsim ibn Ibrāhim’s Epistles’ JSAI (1988), 16-54.
  • 1996 An Isma’ili Epistemology: The Case of al-Da’I al-Mutlaq 'Alī b. Muhamnmad al-Walid.  Oxford University Press, 1996.
  • 1998 Islamic theology : traditionalism and rationalism,  Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, 1998.
  • 2003 Divine love in Islamic mysticism: the teachings of al-Ghazâlî and al-Dabbâgh (Series: RoutledgeCurzon Sufi series) London; New York: Routledge, Curzon, 2003.

Abū al-Fidā’, Ismā’īl  ibn `Alī  (d. 732/1331).  Syrian `Ayyūbid prince, historian and geographer.

  • 1831 Tawārīkh al-qadīmah min al-mukhtaṣar fī akhbār al-bashar li-Abī al-Fadā.  Ed. and trans. Henricus Orthobius Fleischer as Historia Anteislamica.  “Lipsiae”.

Adang, Camilla.

  • Muslim Writers on Judaism & the Hebrew Bible from Ibn Rabban to Ibn Hazm, ISBN 9004100342.

Anawati, G. C.

  • "Polémique, apologie et dialogue islamo-chrétiens, positions classiques médiévales et positions contemporaines," in Euntes Docete (Rome) 22 (1969), pp. 375-452.

  •  "Les grands courants de la pensée religieuse musulmane dans l'Egypte contemporaine," in G. C. Anawati and Maurice Borrmans, Tendances et courants dans l'Islam arabe contemporain, vol. 1 : Egypte et Afrique du Nord: Entwicklung und Frieden, Wissenschaftliche Reihe Vol. 26. Munich: Kaiser-Grünewald, 1982.

Addas, Claude.

  • 1993 The Quest for the Red Sulphur, The Life of Ibn `Arabi (tr. P. Kingsley). Cambridge: Islamic Texts Society
  • 2000 The Voyage of No Return  (tr. D. Streight). Cambridge: Islamic Texts Society.

Afnān, Abu’l-Qasim (d. Oxford, UK., 2004).

The eldest son of Mirza  Ḥabību'llāh Afnān and Āghā Bigum Afnān.  

  • `Ahd-i a`lā, Zindagī-yi ḥaḍrat-i Bāb.  Oxford: Oneworld.

Afnan [Shirazi] ,  Hajjī Mirzā Ḥabīb-Allāh Afnān A`lā’ī  (8175-1951 (1875-1951)

  • Tārīkh-i amrī-yi Shīrāz (c. 1935?). mss.
  • + Ahang Rabbani trans. 2008. The Genesis of the Babi-Bahá'í Faiths in Shiraz and Fars. (Series: Texts and Sources in the History of Religions Vol: 122)  E. J.  Brill:  London and Leiden.

al-Aḥsā’ī, Shaykh Aḥmad b. Zayn al-Dīn (d. near Medina,1241/1826)

  • K.  Fawa’id  = Kitab al-Fawā'id al-Ḥikmiyya  ("The Book of the Scrutiny of Wisdom") Critical ed. and translation announced by Idris Sawami Hamid (IJSS 1:67 fn.8).
  • K-`Ismat = K. al-`iṣmat. Beirut: Dār al-`Ālamīyya, 1414/1993.
  • K-Raj`a = K. Al-raja`a.  Beirut: al-Dār al-`Ālamiyya.  1414/1993.
  • MajR-30 = Majmu`at al-rasā'il min musnafat al-Shaykh.. Aḥmad. vol 30, Kirman: 2nd  ed.Kirman, n.d.
  • Kashkul = al-Kashkūl.  2 vols.  Mss. Alif-9 and Alif-10. Kerman: Shaykhī Library. Weisbaden: Harrasowitch.    
  • Jawāmi` al-kalim ("The Compendium of Discourse"). 2 vols. in 5 parts.  While vol.1 contains around 40 treatises (rasa'il) Vol. 2 has 52, often composite, multi-faceted works. The lithographed text was written in the script of `Abd al-Ḥamīd Rawḍa-Khān. A print run of   500 copies was made at the Tabriz located press of  Muhammad Tāqī Nakhjavānī.
  • JK = Jawāmi` al-kalim. Tabrīz: Muhammad Tāqī Nakhjavānī, 1273-76/1856-60. Vol.1 Pts. i, ii and iii.  1273/1856 & vol. 2 Pts. I and ii, 1276/1859-60.
  • Risāla fī jawāb ba`ḍi al-ikhwān min Iṣfahān (Epistle in Reply to some of the Brethren from Isfahan) in Majmū`at al-Rasā'il.. vol. 30  (Kirmān: Maṭba`at al-Sa`āda, nd) pp.193-215. Trans. Lambden (ongoing): URL:
  •  Rasā'il-SA = Rasā’il al-Shaykh [Ahmad al-Ahsa'i].[Kuwait] : Jami` al-Imam al-Sadiq, 1421/2000. A very rich compendium of  Arabic treatises of Shaykh Ahmad (probably all reprinted from the Jawāmi` al-kalim) opening with his exoteric and esoteric exegesis of the well-known tradition ascribed to the Prophet Muhammad, `man `arafa nafsahu faqad `arafa Rabbahu' ( Whoso knows his "Self" (nafs) will assuredly have known his Lord") (pp. 9-24).
  • R-Hikma = Rasā’il al-ḥikma.  Beirut: al-Dār al-`Ālamiyya.  1414/1993.
  • Sh-`Arshiyya = Sharḥ al-kitāb al-ḥikma al-`arshiyya ("Commentary upon the Book of the Wisdom of the Throne"). Lithograph 1st ed. in 2 vols. Vol.1 [Tabriz: ADD] 1271/ 1854-5 and vol. 2 [Tabriz: ADD, 1278-9/1861-2.
  • Sharḥ Kitab al-Hikmat al-`Arshiyya  2 vols. 2nd. ed. Kirmān: Sa`ada. n. d.
  •  Sharḥ al-`arshiyya… (Commentary upon the Wisdom of the Throne [of Mulla Sadr al-Din Shirazi] . 2nd ed. 2 vols. Kirmān: Matba`at al-Sa`adat. n.d.
  • Sh. Fawa’id = Sharḥ al fawā'id .  n.p. [Tabriz?] 1272/1856.
  • [Kitab] Sharḥ al-fawā'id  ("The [Book of] The Commentary upon the Scrutiny [of Wisdom]"). 1274/1858.
  • Sh-Masha’ir = Kitāb Sharḥ al-mashā'ir ("Commentary upon the Book of  Metaphysical Penetrations" [of Mulla Sadr al-Din Shirazi]):
  • Kitāb] Sharḥ al-Mashā`ir. Lithograph n. p. [Tehran?] 1277/1861.
  • [Kitāb] Sharḥ al-Mashā`ir  2nd ed. Kirman: Matba`at al-Sa`ada, 1408/1987??.
  • Kitāb al-mashā'ir. ed. and trans. Henri Corbin, Live des pénétrationes Métaphysiques. Tehran + Paris, 1964; also rep. 1982 = Tehran: Institut Francais d'Iranologie de Tehran [1968] + Paris: Librarie d'Amérique et d'Orient, A. Maisonneuve, rep. 1982 Kitāb-khānih: Tahūrī (= Bibliotheque Iranienne, Vol. 10).
  • Sh-Ziyara =   Sharḥ al-ziyāra al-jāmi'a al-kabīra(A commentary on the Comprehensive Visitation Text"). An important phrase or word by word commentary of Shaykh Aḥmad upon the  weighty visitation prayer for  the (twelver)  Imams collectively by the tenth Imam `Alī al-Hadi (d. c. 214 [254] / 829 [868]). It is found, for example, in the following two important legalistic works of Ibn Babūya/ Babuwayh al-Qummī (d.381/991)  Man lā yahḍuru-hu al-faqīḥ ("For whomsoever is without access to a lawyer") and the [2] Tahdhīb al-aḥkām  (The Rectification of Judgments). ADD HERE
  • Sharh al-ziyāra ... Ramaḍan 1256 / Oct-Nov. 1840.... (= first edition?).
  • Sharh al-ziyāra. Tehran Lithograph ed. Mullā Muhammad Nizam al-`Ulamā. 4 vols. in 1. Ramadan, 1267 / July 1851  Camb. Univ. Lib.  S828.a.85.2 (Momen, BSBM1).
  • Sharh al-ziyāra .... 2 vols. in one. n.p. [Lithograph ed. Tabriz], 1276 / 1859.
  • Sharh al-ziyāra. 4 vol ed. Kirmān: Maṭba'at al-Sa'ādat, 1355-6 Sh./1976-7.
  • Sharḥ al-ziyāra al-jāmi'a al-kabīra., Tehran [1267/1850-51]; 4th ed., 4 vols. Kirmān, 1355-6/1976-7.
  • Sharḥ al-ziyāra al-jāmi'a al-kabīra. 4 vols. Beirut: Dār al-Mufīd, 1420/1999 and 1424/2003.
  • T-Tawhid = Tafsīr sūrat al-tawḥīd Tafsīr sūrat al-tawḥīd (Commentary on the Surah of the Divine Unity). This commentary was originally written in reply to Sayyid Muhammad Bakā'  and printed within vol.1 of the Jawāmi` al-kalim   as part of the Tafsīr Sūrat al-tawhīd wa āyat al-nūr. Its first part, the Tafsīr Sūrat al-tawḥīd is printed in a  2nd. ed. in the composite volume of collected Shaykhī  Tafsir works  entitled Majmū`a al-rasa'il al-hikma'  (Kirmān: Maṭba`at al-Sa`ada. Shawal, 1379/ March-April 1959-60). pp. 1-16.
  • T-Tawhid = Tafsīr sūrat al-tawḥīd.  2nd ed. Kirmān: Maṭba`at al-Sa`āda. 1379/1959-60.Trans. Lambden (ongoing) :
  • Risalat al-tawḥīd (The Treatise upon the Divine Unity).  Jāmi` al-Imam al-Sādiq, Dawlat al-Kuwait, 1422/2001.

al-Aḥsā’ī, Ibn Abī Jumhūr ( d. late 15th cent CE)

  • `Awali = `Awālī al-la’ālī al-`azīziyya fī’l-aḥādīth al-dīniyya.  4 vols. Qumm: Maṭba`at Sayyid al-Shuhadā’, 1403-5/1983-5.
  • al-Mujli =  

al-`Alawī,  Sayyid Aḥmad  ibn  Zayn al-Ābidīn, `Āmilī, Isfahānī ( d. c.1050/1650).

  • Lavami’ = Lavāmi-i rabbānī. Edin. Univ. Lib.  Orien. Mss. Spec. Coll. No. 372.
  • ADD

Algar, Hamid.

  • 1969 Religion and State in Iran, 1785-1906. Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of California Press.

`Alī  ibn  Abī Ṭālib [ or pseudo -  attrib.] (d.40/661).

The first Shī`īte Imam and fourth Sunnī Caliph.

  • K. Jafr = Kitāb al-jafr al-jāmi` wa al-nūr al-lawmi`.  Beirut:  Dār al-Maktaba al-Tarbiyya. 1987
  • Dīwān
  • al-Ism al-a`ẓam (“Mightiest Name of God”). Poem regarding the graphic form of the al-ism al-a`ẓam (“Mightiest Name of God”) in Dīwān ….. cited al-Būnī (d.          ), Shams al-ma`arif… XXX-XXX.
  • Nahj al-Balāgha
  • Kh-TTNJ = Khuṭba al-Ṭutunjiyya [Ṭatanjiyya] (“The Sermon of the Gulf”)  in Rajab al-Bursi (d. c.  814 /1411), Mashāriq anwār al-yāqīn fī  asrār Amīr al-Mu`minīn,  Beirut: Dar al-Andalus, nd [199?], pp.ADD
  • Ziyāra al-jāmi`a al-kabīra (The Comprehensive Visitation Supplication). Relayed according to Ibn Babawayh al-Qummī from the tenth Imam `Alī al-Hadi = al-Nāqī (“The Pure One”) = Abū’l-Ḥasan `Alī ibn Muhammad (d. Samarrā’ 254/868) back to Imam `Alī. See in `Ali al-Hadī below.  

`Alī  Zayn al-`Ābidīn = Abū Muhammad `Alī ibn al-Ḥusayn  ( c. 36-95 AH = 658-713 CE). Fourth Shī`īte Imam and Fourth Sunnī Caliph (d.40/661).

  • Sāḥīfa Sajjadiyya
  • Psalms = The Psalms of Islam. Trans. W. Chittick. [UK]: Muhammadi Trust., 1987.  

`Alī al-Hadi = al-Nāqī (“The Pure One”) = Abū’l-Ḥasan `Alī ibn Muhammad  (b. Medina  c. 212/827- d. Samarrā’ 254/868), the Tenth Shī`īte Imam.

  • Ziyāra al-jāmi`a al-kabīra (The Comprehensive Visitation Supplication).
  • Ziyāra al-jāmi`a al-kabīra [=Ziyāra jāmi`a li’l-jamī` al-a’imma] cited by Abū Jaʿfar Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Qummī = Ibn Babuya / Babawayh, al-Shaykh al-Ṣadūq ( d. 381 /919) in his Man lā yahḍuru-hu al-faqīḥ  ("For whomsoever is without access to a lawyer”), one vol. ed. 1426/2005, pp. 419-422. Related by Muhammad ibn Ismā’il al-Barmakī from the 10th Imam through the nine earlier twelver imams back to `Alī ibn Abī Ṭālib.  
  • Ziyāra al-jāmi`a al-kabīra cited in al- al-Tūsī, Tahdhīb al-aḥkām (The Rectification of Judgments), one vol. ed. Bk. VI. Sect. 46,  No.1 pp.1070-1073. In thesixth Kitāb al-Mazār (Book of Visitation) in  al-Tūsī’s  Tahdbīb al-aḥkam ( see Bk. VI. Sect. 46  No.1 pp.1070-1073.
  • Ziyāra al-jāmi`a al-kabīra cited in the `Uyūn al-akhbar al-Riḍā’  as  related from  Musa Ibn `Abd-Allah  al-Nakha`ī ADD
  • Translation of Imam `Alī al-Hadi's Ziyāra al-jāmi`a al-kabīra
  • See below on editions of the Sharh al-ziyāra of Shaykh Ahmad al-Aḥsā’ī (d. 1241/1826), Sharh al-ziyāra ... Ramaḍan 1256 / Oct-Nov. 1840.... (= first edition?).
  • Note also the recently printed 200pp. commentary of the Shi`i writer Sayyid `Abd-Allah Shubbar (d. ADD/ADD), Dar al-Murtadha: Lebanon, XXXX/XXXX.
  • URL : Translation of  Imam `Alī al-Hadi's  Ziyāra al-jāmi`a al-kabīra   with a guide to Shaykh Aḥmad's commentary by Stephen Lambden ( in progress). Add URL

`Alī al-Riḍā’ =  Abū’l-Ḥasan `Alī ibn Mūsā  (d. Medina c. 148-203= 765-818), the eighth Shi`ite Imam.

  •  Add
  •  Mss. Alphabetic Bodlean ??

Alexander, P. S.

  • 2000  `Jewish Tradition in Early Islam: the case of Enoch/Idris’ in Hawting, G.R. et al., eds.            

Alkan, Necati

  • 2009 Dissent and Heterodoxy in the Ottoman Empire: Reformers, Babis and
  •  Baha'is, 1844-1928. Gorgias Press: Piscataway. URL:

Altmann, Alexander (b. Kassa, Austria-Hungary, today Košice, Slovakia 1906- d. 1987).

  • 1963[9] The Delphic Maxim in Medieval Islam and Judaism in Altmann Studies in Religious Philosophy and Mysticism.  Ithaca, New York: Cornell Univ. 1969.  Also in Altmann (ed), Biblical and other Studies (= Studies and Texts;  Vol.l.  Harvard University Press, 1963), 196-232.
  • Saadya Gaon: Book of Doctrines and Beliefs (abridged edition translated from the Arabic with an introduction and notes), in Three Jewish Philosophers, Atheneum, New York, 1969.
  • Biblical Motifs: Origins and Transformations, Harvard University Press, 1966.
  • Studies in Religious Philosophy and Mysticism, Cornell University Press, 1969.
  • Essays in Jewish Intellectual History, University Press of New England for Brandeis University Press, 1981.

Amanat, Abbas.

  • PhD (1981) = `The Early Years of the Bābī Movement: Back­ground and Development.’  Oxford University (Ph.D. Thesis, 1981). Published = 1989.
  • 1989 = Resurrection and Renewal: The Making of the Babi Movement in Iran, I844-1850 Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press.
  • 2009 =  Apocalyptic Islam and Iranian Shi`ism, (Library of Modern Religion),  I. B. Tauris: London.

al-'Amilī, Bahā' al-Dīn ( = Shaykh[-i]  Bahā’ī) (d. Isfahan c. 1031/1622)

  • Mikhlah = K. al-mikhlāh.  Egypt: al-Maṭba`ah al-Adabiyyah, 1317/1899.
  • Kashkul = Kashkūl.  3 Vols.   Qumm: Mu’assasih-i Intishārāt-i Farāhānī, 1377-9/1958-9.
  • Kulliyyat = Kulliyāt-i ash`ār va āthār-i fārsī. ed. Ghulām Ḥusayn Javāhirī. [Tehran]: Intishārāt-i Maḥmūdī, 1372/1993
  • Hurmah = Ḥurmah dhabā’iḥ ahl al-kitab.  ed.  Zuhayr al-A`rajī.  Beirut: Mu’assasah al-A`lamī li-al-maṭbū`āt, 1410/1990.
  • Rumuz = Dar rumūz-i ism-i a`ẓam in Jawahiri (<--), 93-99.
  • Huma  = Ḥurma dhābbā’iḥ ahl al-kitāb. Beirut: Mu`assat al-A`lā. 1410/1990.
  • Riyad = Riyāḍiyyāt Bahā’-al-Dīn al-`Āmilī  (Mathematical Works of Bahā’ al-Dīn al-Āmilī)  ed. Shawky (Institute for the History of Arab Sciences) Univ. Aleppo. 1976.

Āmulī, Sayyid Ḥaydar  (d. 787/1385)

  • Jami`  = Jāmi` al-asrār wa manba` al-anwār,   in Corbin H. & Yahia O.La Philosophie Shi'ite.  1. Somme des doctrines ésotériques (Jâmi' al-asrâr).  (Bibliotheque Iranienne Vol. 16), [Rep.]  Tehran: Shirkat-i Intishárát-i `Ilmí va Farhangi. 1368/1989.

al-Āmilī,  Abū al-Ḥasan al-Isfahani ( d.  Isfahan, 1138/1726)

  • Mir’āt al‑anwār wa mishkāt al‑asrār fī tafsīr al‑Qur’ān (Mirrors of Lights and Niches of Mysteries in Commentary upon the Qur’ān). ADD

al-Ḥurr al-`Amilī, Muhammad ibn al-Ḥasan (d.                      )

  • Jawahir = Jawāhid al-Saniyya fī al-aḥādīth al-qudsiyya. Beirut: Mu`assat al-Wafā’.  1405/1984.

Anastase, Le Piere

  • 1903 al-Dāwūdāt aw al-Dāwūdiyyūn  (Le Sect des Davidiens), al-Mashrīq VI/3 60-67.

Anawati, G.

  • 1967 `Le Nom Supreme de Dieu.'  In Atti del Terzo Congresso Di Studi Arabi e Islamici   (Napoli): 7-58.
  • 1986 & Louis Gardet. Mystique Musulmane, Aspects et Tendances -- Experiences et  Techniques. 4th ed. 1986. Paris: Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin.


  • Mujmal al-tawarikh wa'l-qiṣaṣ (Persian text written c. 520/1126), ed. Mahmoud Omidsalar and Iraj Ashar. Tehran: 2005.

Asadi, Muhammed A.,

  • Islam & Christianity Conflict or Conciliation: A Comparative and Textual Analysis of the Koran & the Bible. Writers Club Press., 2002 (128pp.) ISBN= 0595212581

al-`Askarī, Sayyid Murtaḍā.

  • Ibn Sabā = `Abd Allāh ibn Sabā wa asāṭīr ukhrā.  Beirut:  Dār al-Zahrā, 1412/1991.

`Aṭṭār, Farīd al-Dīn.

  • tr. of Takhkirat al-awliyā’  by Arberry as, Muslim Saints and Mystics.  London and Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1966[73].

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  • 1898 [1955] The Arabic manuscripts of Mount Sinai; a hand-list of the Arabic manuscripts and scrolls microfilmed at the library of the Monastery of St. Catherine, Mount Sinai. Foreword by Wendell Phillips. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Press.

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  • 1976 `Towards an Islamic Christology: An Image of Jesus in Early Shī`ī Muslim Literature’. MW 66 (1976), 163-187.
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  • 1984 The Qur'an and Its Interpreters, Volume One , Alabny: State University of New York Press, 1984

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  • The Histry of the Qur'anic Text from Revelation to Compilation, A Comparative Study with the Old and New Testaments. Leicester: U.K. Islamic Academy, 1424/2003. (376pp.).

al-'Ayyāshī, Abu l-Naẓr  Muhammad b. Mas`ūd (fl. 9th-10th crent CE)

  • Tafsir  ed. Hashim al-Rasul  al-Maḥallatī, Qumm, 1380-1.

al-Baghdādī ,  al- Khāṭib =  Abu Bakr Ahmad ibn `Ali ibn Thabit ibn Ahmad ibn Mahdi al-Shafi‘i = (d. 392-463 AH = 1002-1071 CE).

  • Tārīkh Baghdād aw Madīnat al-Salām. 24 +1 vols. Beirut: Dar al-Kutub al-`Ilmiyya, 1997.
  • Add

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  • Add

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  • 1927 `Some New Notes on Babiism.'  JRAS   vol.  ADD: 447.

al-Baḥrānī ,  Sayyid Hāshim  (d. 1110/1697)

  • Kitāb al-Burhān fī tafsīr al-qur’ān. 

al-Baḥrānī (al-Iṣfahānī),`Abd-Allāh b. Nūr-Allāh,

  • `Awalim = `Awā’lim  al-`ulūm wa’l-ma`ārif wa’l-aḥwāl min al- āyāt wa’l-akhbār wa’l-aqwāl.  Qumm: Mu’assat al-Imām al-Mahdī. (20+ vols) 1415/ 1994.  

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  • Rijal Rijāl al-Sayyid Baḥr al-`Ulūm.  Eds. Muhammad Ṣādiq Baḥr al-`Ulūm and Ḥusayn Baḥr al-`Ulūm.  4 Vols.  Tehran: Maktaba al-Ṣādiq, 1363/1984. 

al-Baidawī , `Abd-Allah bin `Umar (d. c. 1300 CE.)

  • Add

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  • Lu’lu’at al-Baḥrayn. Najaf: Maṭba‘at al-Nu‘mān, XXXX/1966

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  • Tarikh= Tar’īkh, abridged translation of Ṭabarī's Ta'rīkh al-rusul wal-mulūk (q.v.), part I (the pre-Islamic section), ed. Muḥammad-Taqī Bahār.   Tehran:  Ministry of Education, 1962; Part 11 (the Islamic section), 3 Vols.  Tehran: Nashr-i Naw, 1987.
  • 1974 = Tarīkh-i Bal'amī.  Ed. Muḥammad Taqī Bahār. Rev. ed. Muhammad Parvin Gunabadī 2nd edn. Tehran: Zavvār.
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  • 1994 Tārīkh-nāmih-i Ṭabarī:  bakhsh-i chāp-nāshudih.  Ed. Muḥammad Rawshan. 3rd edn. Tehran: Nashr-i Alburz.

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  • Mit den Waffen des Gegners: Christlich-Muslimische Kontroversen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, dargestellt am Beispiel der Auseinandersetzung um Karl Gottlieb Pfanders 'mīzān al-haqq ՝ und Rahmatullah ibn Khalīl al-'Utmānī al-Kairanawls 'izhâr al-haqq ՝ und der Diskussion über das Barnabasevangelium. Berlin: Klaus Schwarz Verlag, 1992.

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  • Nihayat al-`iqdam ("The Culmination of Demonstration in Scholastic Philosophy").
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  • [HMCR 5] The encounter of Eastern Christianity with early Islam, introduction by Emmanouela Grypeou (= The History of Muslim-Christian relations, 1570-7350, Vol. 5). Leiden ; Boston : Brill,, 338 pp. Papers from a workshop held in June 2003 in Erfurt, Germany Includes bibliographical references (pp. 312-330) and index.  Contents =
  • Islam and Oriens Christianus : Makka 610-622 A.D. / Irfan Shahid 9
  • The face to face encounter between patriarch Sophronius of Jerusalem and the Caliph 'Umar Ibn al-Khattab : friends or foes? / Daniel J. Sahas 33
  • Ideological transformation and the evolution of imperial presentation in the wake of Islam's victory / David Olster 45
  • The early Muslim raids into Anatolia and Byzantine reactions under emperor Constants II / Walter E. Kaegi 73
  • Copts and the Islam of the seventh century / Harald Suermann 95
  • Amid in the seventh-century Syriac life of Theodute / Andrew Palmer 111
  • Die islamische Zeit in Giwargis Wardas 'Onita uber die Katholikoi des Ostens / Martin Tamcke 139
  • Political power and right religion in the East Syrian disputation between a monk of Bet Hale and an Arab notable / Gerrit J. Reinink 153
  • The perception and presentation of the Arab conquest in Syriac historiography : how did the changing social position of the Syrian orthodox community influence the account of their historiographers? / Jan J. Van Ginkel 171
  • New Testament citations in the Hadith literature and the question of early gospel translations into Arabic / David Cook 185
  • Muslim-Christian controversy in an unedited Syriac text, revelations and testimonies about our Lord's dispensation / Muriel Debie 225
  • Folly to the Hunafa' : the crucifixion in early Christian-Muslim controversy / Mark N. Swanson 2L37
  • Christian theologians and new questions / David Thomas 257
  • Answers for the Shaykh : a 'Melkite' Arabic text from Sinai and the doctrines of the trinity and the incarnation in 'Arab orthodox' apologetics / Sidney H. Griffith

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  • [HCMR1] Christians At The Heart Of Islamic Rule : Church Life And Scholarship In ‘Abbasid Iraq (= Woodbrooke-Mingana Symposium on Arab Christianity and Islam (4th : 2001 : Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre)  Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2003. xiii, 271 pp. Contents =  Introduction, Notes on Contributors
  • Muslims as crypto-idolaters: a theme in the Christian portrayal of Islam in the Near East / Barbara Roggema 1

  • Monasteries through Muslim Eyes: the Diyarat Books / Hilary Kilpatrick 19

  • Habib ibn Khidma Abu Ra'ita al-Takriti's 'The Refutation of the Melkites concerning the Union [of the Divinity and Humanity in Christ]' (III) / Sandra Toenies Keating 39

  • 'Ammar al-Basri on the Incarnation / Mark Beaumont 55

  • The Christian al-Ma'mun Tradition / Mark N. Swanson 63

  • Stuccowork at the Monastery of the Syrians in the Wadi Natrun: Iraqi-Egyptian Artistic Contact in the 'Abbasid Period / Lucy-Anne Hunt 93

  • The 'Philosophical Life' in Tenth Century Baghdad: the Contribution of Yahya Ibn 'Adi's Kitab tahdhib al-akhlaq / Sidney Griffith 129

  • Yahya Ibn 'Adi and the Theory of Iktisab / Emilio Platti 151

  • Language and thought in Kitab al-majdal, bab 2, fasl 1, al-Dhurwa / Bo Holmberg 159

  • The two recensions of the Prologue to John in Ibn al-Tayyib's Commentary on the Gospels / Julian Faultless 177

  • The Ultimate Proof-Text: The Interpretation of John 20.17 in Muslim-Christian Dialogue (second/eighth-eight/fourteenth centuries) / Martin Accad 199

  • A Medieval Islamic Polemic against Certain Practices and Doctrines of the East Syrian Church: Introduction, Excerpts and Commentary / Gabriel Said Reynolds 215

  • Early Muslim Responses to Christianity / David Thomas 231

  • Bibliography 255

  • Index 267

Thomas, David (ed.)

  •  The Bible in Arab Christianity (= Conference Proceedings of the 5th Mingana Symposium on Arabic Christianity and Islam in 2005 at the Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre).  Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2007. 421pp.    Contains the following:
  • The Arabic versions of the gospels : a case study of John 1.1 and 1.18 / Hikmat Kachouh 9
  • Bible et liturgie chez les Arabes chretiens (VIe-IXe siecle) / Samir Arbache 37
  • Anti-Jewish polemic and early Islam / Shaun O'Sullivan 49
  • The use of biblical quotations in Christian apocalyptic writings of the umayyad period / Harald Suermann 69
    Beyond prooftexting (2) : the use of the Bible in some early Arabic Christian apologies / Mark Swanson 91
  • The re-written Bible in Arabic : the paradise story and its exegesis in the Arabic Apocalypse of Peter / Emmanouela Grypeou 113
  • Biblical exegesis and interreligious polemics in the Arabic Apocalypse of Peter - The Book of the Rolls / Barbara Roggema 131
  • The development of testimony collections in early Christian apologetics with Islam / David Bertaina 151
  • The Bible and the Kalam / David Thomas 175
  • The Qur'anic Sarah as prototype of Mary / Gabriel Said Raynolds 193
  • Early Muslim accusations of tahrif : Muqatil Ibn Sulayman's commentary on Key Qur'anic verses / Gordon Nickel 207
  • Is there room for corruption in the 'books' of God? / Clare Wilde 225
  • 'Ammar al-Basri on the alleged corruption of the Gospels / Mark Beaumont 241
  • The use and translation of scripture in the apologetic writings of Abu Ra'ita al-Takriti / Sandra Keating 257
  • Al-Radd al-Jamil : al-Ghazali's or Pseudo-Ghazali's? / Maha El-Kaisy Friemuth 275
  • Hanbalite commentary on the Bible : analysis of Najm al-Din al-Tufi's (d. 716/1316) Al-Ta'liq / Lejla Demiri 295
  • Illustrating the gospels in Arabic : Byzantine and Arab Christian miniatures in two manuscripts of the early Mamluk period in Cambridge / Lucy-Anne Hunt 315
  • A nestorian Arabic pentateuch used in Western Islamic lands / Juan Pedro Monferrer-Sala 351
  • Biblical allusions and citations in the syriac Theotokia according to MS Syr. new series 11 of the national library of Russia, St. Petersburg / Natalia Smelova 369

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