(Tablet of the Meeting with God).
of Mirza Husayn `Ali Nuri, Baha'-Allah (1817-1892 CE)
The Lawh-i Liqa' Allah (The Tablet of the Encounter with God).
Stephen Lambden, October 2017.
The Lawḥ-i Liqā’ (“Tablet of the Meeting with God”) of Bahā’-Allāh.
In a volume of scriptural Tablets (alwāḥ) of Bahā’-Allāh complied by the Persian Bahā’ī apologist `Abd al-Hamid Ishāq Khavarī (d. 1972), there exists an Arabic text provisionally entitled Lawḥ-i Liqā’ (“Tablet of the Meeting with God”; see Mā’ida VIII: 167-168). It opens with a prefixed “He is [God is] the Eternal (huwa al-baqi)” and continues:
This is a communication [book] which We [Bahā’-Allāh] made to be the Meeting with Us (liqā’i-nā) for such as have drawn nigh unto God during these days in which countries (bilād) have been changed through attainment unto that which was revealed in this Tablet (al-lawh) before the Divine Throne. It was revealed for such as find themselves in doubt about the Meeting with their Lord (liqā’ rabbihi). Such persons are among those who have turned away from God, exalted be He, the Dawn-Breaker (al-aṣbāḥ).
There follows an address to Bahā’ī believers as “birds of Paradise” who, having heard “the Call of the Beloved One (nidā’ al-maḥbūb)”, travelled to attain his presence. Their proximity to the imprisioned Bahā’-Allāh in the Acre prison, caused “the denizens of the Supreme Concourse” (ahl al-malā’ al-a`lā) to rejoice, despite their being debarred from attaining unto the Meeting with God (al-liqā’). Their inability to meet him directly, also caused “lamentation” or “weeping” (huzn) from the celestial inmates of “the Cities of Eternity” (madā’in al-baqā’)”. Yet, Bahā’-Allāh comments :
How wonderful is this happiness (al-surūr) and this sadness (al-huzn) for the both of them have been realized on the Day of God (yawm Allāh), the Powerful, the Mighty, the Chosen” (L-Liqā’, Ma’ida VIII:169; cf. Persian Bayān III:7).
Probably referring to the Azalī Bābīs who prevented the Bahā’īs from the union of liqā’ (the Encounter with Bahā’-Allāh), they are referred to as persons who “delude themselves before My Self at both eventide (al-`ashiyy) and in the early morning (al-ibkār)”. A beatitude is uttered upon those that attain the Divine presence: “Blessed be unto thee in that thou hast entered into the city (al-madīna) [Acre] and have attained that which was intended by thy Lord, the Mighty, the Bestower”
The Bahā’ī debarred ones Bahā;-Allāh adds, will yet experience a divine epiphany by virtue of their spiritual joy generated by “proximity”, their countenances manifesting “Glad-Tidings (al-bishārat) and Radiant-Joy (al-ibtihāj) (cf. Q, 75:22-3)”. This such that every person among them will have their proximity accepted or be saluted (al-taslim) resulting in their spiritual contentment (al-riḍā’). Not only have these Bahā’ī pilgrims attained their goal, but they themselves have been circumambulated from on high. Bahā’-Allāh informs them that :
Thou art in the shadow of My Providence and the edifice of My Mercy (qibāb raḥmatī) since God hath circumambulated about thee! O ye possessors of insight!”
They did indeed, it is added, attain the Meeting with Him [Bahā’-Allāh] (liqā’) and circumambulated about the Ka`ba of His religious Cause. They spiritually attain unto “His Countenance”.
مائده آسمانی
جلد هشتم
عبد الحميد اشراق خاوری
مؤسّسه ملّی مطبوعات امری
۱۲۹ بديع
Translated from Ma'ida-yi asmani VIII:167-168. Translation Stephen Lambden October L2017. PDf. : Lawh-i Liqa.pdf
Under revision. last updated 09-10-2017.
هو الباقی
هذا كتاب جعلناه لقائنا
للذين اقبلوا الی الله فی تلك الايام التی فيها تغيرت لبلاد من زار ما نزل من لدی العرش فی هذا اللوح و يجدنفسه فی ريب من لقإ ربه انه ممن اعرض عن الله فالق الاصباح
He is the Eternal (huwa al-baqi).
This is a book which We made to be the Meeting with Us (liqa’i-na), for such as have drawn nigh unto God during these days in which lands/countries (bilād) have been changed through attainment unto that which was revealed from before the Throne in this Tablet (al-lawh). It is for such as find themselves in doubt about the meeting with his Lord. Such persons are among those who have turned away from God, exalted be He, the Dawn- Breaker [Cleaver of Dawns] (al-aṣbāḥ).
O ye birds of paradise!
Since thou hearkened unto the Call of the Beloved One (nidā’ al-maḥbūb) in these days, in which footsteps have attained unto proximity with thee, the denizens of the Supreme Concourse rejoice. This despite thy being debarred from attaining unto the Meeting with God (al-liqā’) and thy thirst for nearness unto the Ocean (al-baḥr) [of attainment]. Wherefore also was upraised the lamentation of weeping from the denizens of the Cities of Eternity (madā’in al-baqā’).
How wonderful is this happiness (al-surūr) and this sadness (al-huzn) for the both of them have been realized on the Day of God (yawm Allāh), the Powerful, the Mighty, the Chosen. Indeed! The haughtiness of the infidels hath been inflamed, on account of that which We set forth aforetime. Thus did they delude themselves before My Self at both eventide (al-`ashiyy) and in the early morning (al-ibkār).
Blessed be unto thee
in that thou hast entered into the city [Acre] (al-madīna) and hast attained that which was intended by thy Lord, the Mighty, the Bestower.
He will appear before thee since there hath been made manifest from thy countenances Glad-Tidings (al-bishārat) and Radiant-Joy (al-ibtihāj) [cf. Q, 75:22-3]. This to the end that thou might find every soul among you accepted/ saluted / admitted (al-taslim) and in contentment (al-riḍā’).
Wherefore was decreed through the Pen of al-Bahā’ that thy Lord, the All-Merciful is indeed the One especially aware of both what is secreted away (bi’l-sirr) and that which is made public (al-ajhār). Thou art in the shadow of My Providence and the edifice of My Mercy (qibāb raḥmatī) since God hath circumambulated about thee! O ye possessors of insight!
Blessed be unto thee
and unto whomsoever loveth thee and hath proceeded towards thee, singled out [present] (khāliṣ an) before the Face [for the sake] of God, the Mighty, the Compelling. God beareth witness unto him and unto such as have attained the Meeting with Him [Bahā’-Allāh] (liqā’) and have circumambulated about the Ka`ba of His Cause and have attained unto His Countenance for He is indeed Powerful to accomplish whatsoever He willeth, no God is there except Him, the Mighty, the Bountiful.
By my Life!
We received from thee that which thou desired and is with thee under all circumstances. May the Glory (al-Baha') be upon thee, by virtue of part of One Mighty, the One who lends Assistance.