Abū ʿAbd Allāh Muḥammad ibn ʿAlī ibn Muḥammad, Muḥyi al-Dīn Ibn al-`Arabī, al-Ḥātimī aṭ-Ṭāʾī.
(b. Murcia, Spain c. 560/1165 - d. Damascus, Syria, 638/1240).
Stephen Lambden
Select Introductory Books and Articles
Biography and Bibliography - Introductory Materials.
Addas, Claude,
- Quest for the Red Sulphur: The Life of Ibn ‘Arabi, Islamic Texts Society, Cambridge, 1993 + Fons Vitae Publishing, 19XX.
Ates, A.
- `Ibn al-‘Arabî', EI2 III (1971): 707-711.
Chittick, William C.
- Ibn ‘Arabi. Heir to the Prophets (Makers of the Muslim World). Oxford : Oneworld, 2005.
- "Ibn Arabi" in Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2008 + 2014 : https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/ibn-arabi/
Hirtenstein, Stephen
- The Unlimited Mercifier, The Spiritual life and thought of Ibn 'Arabi. Anqa Publishing & White Cloud Press. 1999.
عنقاء مغرب في معرفة ختم الأولياء
ʻAnqá Maghrib fī khatm al-awlīyāʼ,,,
عنقا مغرب في ختم الأولياء وشمس المغرب
- ʻAnqá Maghrib fī khatm al-awlīyāʼ wa shams al-maghrib. ed. Bahnasāwī Aḥmad al-Sayyid al-Sharīf. Cairo: al-Maktabah al-Azharīyah lil-Turāth. 1998.
- كتاب ختم الولاية : عنقاء مغرب في معرفة ختم الأولياء وشمس المغرب، محيي الدين بن عربي، / Kitāb Khatm al-wilāyah : ʻAnqāʾ mughrib fī maʻrifat khatm al-awliyāʾ wa shams al-Maghrib. ed. ʻAbbās, Qāsim Muḥammad. Damascus: Dār al-Madá, 2004.
`Anqā mughrib fî khatm al-awliyā’ wa shams al-maghrib. G. T. Elmore (trans.), Islamic Sainthood in the Fullness of Time: Ibn al-‘Arabî's Book of the Fabulous Gryphon. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1999.
`Anqā mughrib fî khatm al-awliyā’ wa shams al-maghrib.
Elmore, Gerald T., trans.
- `Anqā mughrib fî khatm al-awliyā’ wa shams al-maghrib. G. T. Elmore (trans.), Islamic Sainthood in the Fullness of Time: Ibn al-‘Arabî's Book of the Fabulous Gryphon. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1999.
- Islamic Sainthood in the Fullness of Time. Ibn al-‘Arabī's Book of the Fabulous Gryphon. Leiden: E.J. Brill. 1999.
- The "Millennial" Motif in Ibn al-ʿArabī's "Book of the Fabulous Gryphon" in The Journal of Religion 81 (2001), pp. 410-437.
al‑Futūḥāt al‑makkiyya (`The Meccan Disclosures’)
The Meccan Revelations / Openings / Inspirations ...
Begun in Mecca in 598/1201 Ibn al‑`Arabī’s massive (560 chapter) theosophical compendium al‑Futūḥāt al‑makkiyya (`The Meccan Openings) spanning some 2,500 + pages was completed jn 629/1231 [636/1238‑9]). Within this work are many thelogical mystical and esoteric interpretations of the Qur`an, Hadith texts,, Islamic laws and rituals, Sufi sayings and much more besides.
Lithograph and Printed editions,
- al-Futuḥāt al-makkiyya. 4 vols. Cairo: Bulaq Press, ed. 1329/1911.
- al-Futuḥāt al-makkiyya. 4 vols. rep. Beirut: Dār Ṣadir, n.d.
- al-Futuḥāt al-makkiyya. 4 vols. Cairo, Bulaq 1329/1911, rep. Beirut: Dār Ṣadir, n.d.
- al-Fuṭūḥāt al-Makkiyya. 4 Vols. Beirut: Dār Ṣadir n.d. [1968 = Cairo ed.1911].
- al-Futūḥāt al-Makkiyya, Vols. 1–14,. ed. Ibrāhīm Madkūr, and ʻUthmān Yaḥyá. Cairo : al-Hayʼah al-Miṣriyya al-ʻĀmmah li'l-Kitāb, 1972. A critical edition by Osman Yahya in 14 vols. which correspond to vol. 1 of the above Cairo/Beirut edition.
- al-Fuṭūḥāt al-Makkiyya. Ed. O. Yaḥyā. Cairo: al-Hay`a al-Miṣriyya al-`Amma li’l-kitāb. 1972 (ongoing 14+ vols.), 1405/1985.
Downlaods from Archive. org/
- Add here
- 45 fotoohat-jeld-1-bakhshe-2-1
- al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya, vol. 1 2,
- al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya, vol. 2-1.
- al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya, vol. 2-2.
- al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya, vol. 3.
- al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya, vol. 3
- al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya. vol.4.
- al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya vol. 4.
Chodkiewicz, Michel , et. al.
- Les Illuminations de La Mecque. The Meccan Illuminations. al-Fuṭḥhât al-Makkiyya. Textes choisis / Selected Texts présentés et traduits de l'arabe en français ou en anglais sous la direction de Michel Chodkiewicz, avec la collabo- ration de William C. Chittick, Cyrille Chodkiewicz, Denis Gril et James W. Morris. Ouvrage publié avec le concours de The Rothko Chapel. Paris: Sindbad, 1988.
Bewley, Aisha
- Ibn Arabi on the Mysteries of Fasting : From the Futuhat al-Makkiyya (Meccan Revelations) (Muhyi Din Ibn al-`Arabi. Aisha Bewley (translator); Laleh bakhtiar (editor); Seyyed Hossein Nasr (Series Editor). Great Books of the Islamic World, Inc. , 2009. 274 pp. "Translated from Chapter 71 of the Futuhat al-Makkiyya by Aisha Bewley, Ibn al-Arabi relates mysteries of fasting from the gnostic (irfani) perspective while at the same time explaining the divine law in every detail."
- Ibn Arabi on the Mysteries of the Pilgrimage : From the Futuhat al-Makkiyya (Meccan Revelations) (Muhyi Din Ibn al Arabi). Muhyi Din Ibn al Arabi; Aisha Bewley (translator); Laleh bakhtiar (editor); Seyyed Hossein Nasr (Series Editor)
Great Books of the Islamic World, Inc., 2009. "Translated from Chapter 72 of the Futuhat al-Makkiyya by Aisha Bewley, every detail that a pilgrim would want to know about the mysteries of the pilgrimage in addition to the divine law rulings is contained in this volume." - Ibn Arabi on the Mysteries of the Purifying Alms : From the Futuhat al-Makkiyya (Meccan Revelations) (Muhyi Din Ibn al Arabi). Muhyi Din Ibn al Arabi; Aisha Bewley (translator); Laleh bakhtiar (editor); Seyyed Hossein Nasr (Series Editor). Great Books of the Islamic World, Inc. , 2009. 253 pp. "Translated from Chapter 70 of the Futuhat al-Makkiyya by Aisha Bewley, Ibn al-Arabi explains the mysteries of the Islamic practice of the purifying alms in a way no other scholar ever has. He opens up doors of intuition to the astute reader."
- Ibn Arabi on the Mysteries of Purity and Formal Prayer : From the Futuhat al-Makkiyya (Meccan Revelations) (Muhyi Din Ibn al Arabi). Aisha Bewley (translator); Laleh bakhtiar (editor); Seyyed Hossein Nasr (Series Editor). Great Books of the Islamic World, Inc., 2009. pp. 660. "This work is a translation of Chapters 68 and 69 of the Futuhat al-Makkiyya by Aisha Bewley. Ibn al-Arabi delves into the mysteries of the Islamic practice of purification and the formal prayer. In exhaustive detail he explains possible issues that may arise from the point of view of the divine law as well."
- See http://www.islamicbookstore.com/b10890.html
Ruspoli, Stéphane
- L’Alchemie du bonheur. Tr. S. Ruspoli. Paris: Berg International. 1981.
Morris. James W.
- The Reflective Heart: Discovering Spiritual Intelligence in Ibn ‘Arabi’s ‘Meccan Illuminations, Louisville KY : Fons Vitae, 2005. 420 pp,
"This introduction to Ibn ‘Arabi’s Meccan Illuminations highlights the mysticism and realization of Sufi spiritual life, providing an intellectually penetrating look without requiring specialized knowledge. The Reflective Heart is about the ways we gradually discover the deeper significance of all the familiar elements of our everyday life-not just those memorable moments we ordinarily view as “spiritual”." (Dust J.).
Winkel. Eric.
- Al-Futuhat al-Makkiyah: The Openings in Makkah - Volume 1. Books 1 and 2.
Select Commentaries / Glosses on parts of the al‑Futūḥāt al‑makkiyya
`Abd al‑Karīm al‑Jīlī (d. 832/1428).
An important commentator on the al‑Futūḥāt of Ibn al‑`Arabī `Abd al‑Karīm al‑Jīlī authored around thirty books, the best known being his al‑Insān al‑kāmil.. ("The Perfect Human.."). This work includes many interesting sections including discussions of the divine Essence (al‑dhāt), of key theological terms and various divine Names and Attributes. Among others he discussed senses of as al‑dhāt (The Divine Essence), al‑huwiyya (The Ipseity, "He‑ness"), al‑Jamāl (the Divine Beauty) and al‑`amā’ (the Abyssmal Cloud ). This later he, unlike the Bāb, understood to indicate the Non‑manifet Divine Essence. Other sections cover, for example, the Sidrat al‑muntahā (Lote‑Tree of the Boundary, II:12‑13) and al‑`aql al‑awwāl (The Primal Intellect, II:27‑30) as well as the significance of Tawrah (Torah) and the Zabūr ("Psalter") and the Injīl (Gospel) (II:114‑127).
Fuṣūṣ al‑ḥikam (Ringstones/ Bezels of Wisdom), 627/1230.
Among the most influential and important of Ibn `Arabī’s later works is his relatively brief (around 200 pp.) yet "incomparably vast in content and philosophical significance" (Izutsu, EIr. 5:554), Fuṣūṣ al‑ḥikam (Ringstones of Wisdom, 627/1230). Its author claimed that each of its twenty‑ seven chapters were handed to him in a vision of the Prophet Muḥammad. They revolve around one of the aforementioned 27 prophets each of whom enshrines a divine attribute, mode (maqām) or wisdom central to coming to engage with aspects of the divine reality (cf. Chittick, EIr. VII:665). It is the quintessence of Ibn al‑`Arabī’s prophetology that:
.. every Qur’anic prophet, beginning with Adam, is qualified in his relations to certain divine names and attributes and appears in his "spiritual" state" (Izutsu, Enc.Rel. V:554).
In Islamic esoterica a good deal was made of mystical significances enshined in the traditional succession of twenty‑eight messengers of God. Allegedly communicated in visions of the Prophet Muhammad the twenty‑seven chapters (around 200pp) of Ibn al‑`Arabi’s late, vastly influrential and much commented upon Fuṣūṣ al‑ḥikam ( "Bezels [Ringstones] of Wisdom" 627/1230) revolves around a philosophical‑esoteric commentary upon a version of the largely traditional succession of the twenty‑seven prophets (see further below 0:0). Certain works of Ḥaydar ºmulī (d. after 787 /1385), for example, attemept to establish a relationship between the 28 letters of the Arabic alphabet, the basmalah (= 19 letters), esoteric cosmology, heirohistory and prophetology (see Corbin, [Temple] 1986:55ff).
- Fuṣūṣ al-Ḥikam.
- Fuṣūṣ al-Ḥikam.
- Fuṣūṣ al-Ḥikam. Lithograph ed. Muhammad al-Bārūnī. 1309/1891.
- Fuṣūṣ al-Ḥikam. ed. Abū al-A`lā al-`Afīfī [Cairo] Beirut: Dār al-Kutub al-`Arab, 1946. 2nd ed. Beirut: Dār al-Kitāb al-`Arabī, 1400/1980.
- Fuṣūṣ al-Ḥikam, with glosses of `Ayat-Allāh, Imam Khomeini / Fuṣūṣ al-ḥikam li-Ibn ʻArabī ; taʻlīq al-imām al-Khumaynī. Beirut: Dār al-Muḥajjat al-Bayḍa, 1422/2001.
Fuṣūṣ al-Ḥikam. Translations.
Titus Burckhardt trans. (French –> English by A. Culme-Seymour).
R. W. J. Austin, trans.
Caner K Dagli, trans,
Binyamin Abrahamov, trans.
Downloads - Archive, org :
Select Lithograph and printed editionsof the Fuṣūṣ al-Ḥikam.
Fuṣūṣ al‑ḥikam (Ringstones/ Bezels of Wisdom), Translations:
Titus Burckhardt trans. (French –> English by A. Culme-Seymour).
R. W. J. Austin, trans.
Aisha Bewley. trans.
Caner K Dagli, trans,
Binyamin Abrahamov, trans.
Naqsh al‑fuṣūs.. ("The Imprint of the Ringstones of Wisdom").
Ibn al‑`Arabī himself wrote a summary, brief exposition of its essential ideas entitled Naqsh al‑fuṣūs.. ("The Imprint of the Ringstones of Wisdom" see Chittick, JMIAS I:31‑93; HIP 1:516) which also came to be much commented upon in Arabic and Persian. An example, being that of the commentator, poet and mystic `Abd al‑Raḥman Jāmī (d. 000/1492).
Commentaries and Glosses on the Fuṣūṣ al‑ḥikam.
In excess of one hundred Arabic and Persian commentaries have been written upon the quintessence of his work, the Fuṣuṣ al‑ḥikam. The first and especially influential being the Sharḥ fuṣūṣ al‑ḥikam of Mu’ayyad al‑Dīn Jandī (d. c. 700 /1300).
Ṣadr al‑Dīn al‑Qūnawī (d. 673 /1274‑5).
The Great Shaykh’s important disciple and stepson Ṣadr al‑Dīn al‑Qūnawī (d.673 /1274‑5), through whom Ibn `Arabī’s teachings "reached the Persian speaking world" (Chittick, ibid 666). He commented on the prophetogical‑theosophical chapter headings of the Fuṣūṣ in his al‑Fukūk.. ("The XXXs). Key prophet figures are given multi‑faceted interpretations in the writings and treatises of Ibn al‑`Arabī and those representative of his school. They had a wide‑ranging theosophical, prophetological impact. Joseph son of Jacob, for example, is associated with that bright luminosity which is the Logos of Light and Beauty ( see Ibn `Arabī, Fuṣūṣ, 00; Naqsh [trans. Chittick] 58). In the words of al‑Qūnawī the Fuṣūṣ "..brought the quintessence of the tasting [dhawq] of our Prophet.. concerning the knowledge of God. It points to the source of the tasting of the great prophets and friends of God mentioned within it.." (al‑Fukūk, 184 trans. Chittick in HIP 1:515). This influence of this often mystically oriented prophetology is markedly evident in the non‑literal, allegorically oriented prophetology of Bābī‑ Bahā’ī scripture.
al-Qunawī, Ṣadr al-Dīn
Ḥaydar al-Āmulī (b. Āmul 719–787 / 1319–1385).
This learned twelver Shī`ī scholar and mystic was much influenced by Ibn al`Arabī upon whose seminal Fuṣūṣ al-ḥikam (The Bezels of Wisdom) he wrote a commentary entitled Naṣṣ al-nuṣūṣ (The Text of Texts).
Sharaf al‑Dīn Dāwūd al‑Qayṣarī (d. 751/1350)
A student of `Abd al‑Razzāq Kashānī Qayṣarī wrote an important commentary on the Fuṣuṣ al‑ḥikam of Ibn al‑`Arabī. Within this massive and dense work Qayṣarī several times uses the prophetological terminology al‑nubūwwa al‑khāṣṣa (specific prophethood) as differentiated from al‑nubūwwa al‑`amma (general prophethood). The former relates to dimensions of the prophethood of a specific, commissioned prophet figure (nabī) while the latter is the explication of general principles of the eternal nature, office and rank of prophethood. At the opening of the section of his commentary upon the `Ringstone of the wisdom (ḥikma) of prophecy (nubūwiyya) in the utterance [Word] of Jesus (kalimat `isawiyya). Qayṣarī writes:
Now as regards the attribution of the wisdom of prophecy (nubūwiyya) relative to the word of Jesus (kalimat `isawiyya) he [Jesus] is a prophet (nabī) according to general prophethood (bi‑al‑nubuwwa al‑`amma) which is eternal without beginning and everlasting without end (azal an abad an ) as well as according to the specific prophethood (bi‑al‑nubuwwa al‑khāṣṣa) which is actualized at the moment of arising with the [time of the prophetic] commission (ḥīn al‑ba`th). Wherefore did he [Jesus] announce his prophethood from the cradle through his saying, "He has given me the Book and he made me a prophet (nabiyy an)" (Q. 19:30b) and he [also] made announcement from the womb of his mother (fī baṭn ummuhi) on account of his eternal sovereignty (siyāda azaliyya) by means of His saying, "Grieve not for thy Lord has made beneath you [Mary] a rivulet" (Q.19:24), that is to say a sovereign [sayyid an = Jesus] over the people. Thus was he [Jesus] granted supremacy over the [other] prophets (al‑anbiyā’) through the instrumentality of the spiritual ones (aḥwāl al‑ruḥāniyyīn) . His proclamation (du`a) was thus centered upon the interior realities (al‑bāṭin) which are supremely ascendent (aghlab)... [spefic] legalistic prophethood (al‑nubūwwa al‑tashrī`ayya) is the collective concern of various [specific] prophets (al‑anbiyā’) .. (Qayṣarī, Sh. Fuṣuṣ, 843).
It is clear from this passage that al‑nubūwiyya al‑khāṣṣa (specific prophethood) has it earthly genesis at the time of the prophetic call while al‑nubūwiyya al‑`amma (general prophethood) is al‑azaliyya, an all eternal phenomenon. The bearer of the office (ṣāḥīb hadha maqām) of general prophethood holds it eternally. Eternal realities are communicated by the prophets and the al‑awliyā’ (intimates of God, saints) for al‑nubūwiyya al‑`amma (general prophethood) results in wilayā (divine guidance).
al-Qayṣārī, Muhammad Sharaf al-Dīn Dāwūd
Miftåh, `Abd al-Båqi.
The Kitab al-Alif (The Book of the Letter A ).
The Kitab al-Ba' (The Book of the Letter B ).
The Kitab al-Huwa (The Book of the He is [God], the Ipseity)
Kitāb al‑jalāl wa’l‑jamāl ("Book of [the Divine] Majesty and Beauty")
Al-Mashahid al-qudsiyya.
Ruspoli, Stéphane.
Muḥaḍarāt al‑abrār ("Conference of the Pious and the Conversations of the Perfect")
The Muḥaḍarāt al-abrār... (Conference of the Pious) of Ibn al-`Arabī (d. 638/ 1240) is rich in Qisas al-anbiya' and Islamo-biblica. It contains a section headed `The record of the diversity of the nations regarding what has elapsed of the time span between Adam and the hijrah ’. Here there is reference to a tradition of Ibn 'Abbās reckoning a period of 5,575 years between Adam and Muhammad.
On the Hadith `Man `arafa nafs-ahu faqad `arafa rabbahu
(:He who hath known himself hath indeed known his Lord").
- Fuṣūṣ al-Ḥikam. Lithograph ed. Muhammad al-Bārūnī. 1309/1891.
- Fuṣūṣ al-Ḥikam. ed. Abū al-A`lā al-`Afīfī [Cairo] Beirut: Dār al-Kutub al-`Arab, 1946. 2nd ed. Beirut: Dār al-Kitāb al-`Arabī, 1400/1980.
- PDf. 9 Fusus al-Hikam-Arabic txt ed. Afifi.
- Fuṣūṣ al-Ḥikam, with glosses of `Ayat-Allāh, Imam Khomeini. Beirut: Dār al-Muḥajjat al-Bayḍa, 1422/2001
- The Wisdom of the Prophets (Fusus al-Hikam). Beshara Pubications, 1975. + Delhi, India: Taj Publishers, 2005.
- Ibn al'Arabi : the Bezels of Wisdom. (Classics of Western Spirituality). New York: Paulist Press, 1980.
- The Ringstones of Wisdom : Fuṣūṣ al-ḥikam. The Great Books of the Islamic world, Chicago: Kazi Publications, Inc., 2004.
- Ibn al-ʻArabi's Fuṣuṣ al-ḥikam: an annotated translation of "The bezels of wisdom". London ; New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2015'
- 8 Fusus al-himan -trans.
- The Wisdom of the Prophets (Fusus al-Hikam). Beshara Pubications, 1975. + Delhi, India: Taj Publishers, 2005.
- Ibn al'Arabi : the Bezels of Wisdom. (Classics of Western Spirituality). New York: Paulist Press, 1980.
- The Ringstones of Wisdom : Fuṣūṣ al-ḥikam. The Great Books of the Islamic world, Chicago: Kazi Publications, Inc., 2004.
- Ibn al-ʻArabi's Fuṣuṣ al-ḥikam: an annotated translation of "The bezels of wisdom". London ; New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2015.
- The Wisdom of the Prophets (Fusus al-Hikam). Beshara Pubications, 1975. + Delhi, India: Taj Publishers, 2005.
- Ibn al'Arabi : the Bezels of Wisdom. (Classics of Western Spirituality). New York: Paulist Press, 1980.
- The Ringstones of Wisdom : Fuṣūṣ al-ḥikam. The Great Books of the Islamic world, Chicago: Kazi Publications, Inc., 2004.
- Ibn al-ʻArabi's Fuṣuṣ al-ḥikam: an annotated translation of "The bezels of wisdom". London ; New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2015
- XX
- The Wisdom of the Prophets (Fusus al-Hikam). Beshara Pubications, 1975. + Delhi, India: Taj Publishers, 2005.
- Ibn al'Arabi : the Bezels of Wisdom. (Classics of Western Spirituality). New York: Paulist Press, 1980.
- Fusus al-Hikam (The Seals of Wisdom) ( فصوص الحكم ). http://bewley.virtualave.net/fusus.html)
- The Ringstones of Wisdom : Fuṣūṣ al-ḥikam. The Great Books of the Islamic world, Chicago: Kazi Publications, Inc., 2004.
- Ibn al-ʻArabi's Fuṣuṣ al-ḥikam: an annotated translation of "The bezels of wisdom". London ; New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2015
- Al-Fukuk. Tehran: Intishåråt Mawlå, n.d.
- K-Fukuk = K. al-Fukūk yā kilīd-i asrār-i fuṣūṣ al-ḥikam. Ar. Text, Per. Trans. Muhammad Khwajuwī. Intisharāt mawlā. 1413/1992.
- Sh. Fusus = Sharḥ fuṣūs al-ḥikam. (Ed. Ashtiyānī), Tehran: Intishārāt `Ilmī wa Farhang. 1375/1997.
- Mafåtih fusus al-hikam li-Ibn `Arabi. Marrakesh: Dår al-Qubba al-Zarqå, 1997.
- Kitāb Inshā’ al-dawā’ir. `Ālam al-Fikr. n.d.
- 22 Kashf al-satr li Ahl al-sirr.
- PDf. 26 Kitab al-Alif.
- Kitab al-Ba'. Cairo: Maktabat al-Qāhira, 1954.
- PDf. 25 Kitab al-Huwa
- Kitāb al‑jalāl wa’l‑jamāl ("Book of [the Divine] Majesty and Beauty").
- 23 Kitab-al-baIbnArabi
- 24 KitabBalghulGhawwas_ibnarabi
- 20 JKitab al-Jalala
- 21 Kitab Jalal wa;l-Jamal. Trans.
Ibn ¡Arab¨: le livre des contemplations divines. Paris: Sindbad, 1999. Ed. and trans. of Al-Mashahid al-qudsiyya.
- Muḥaḍarāt al‑abrār.
- Muḥaḍarāt al‑abrār.
- 28 Man `arafa-nafsauhu...
- 30 QasidahAbi-madyan-va-takhmise-ibne-arabi
Containing 12 Tracts on Sufism. Reprint of the ed. published in Hyderabad, Deccan, 1943-48. Each risālah has a special t.p. and a separate pagination. Vol. 2. has imprint: Hydarābād al-Dikan, Maṭbaʻat Jamʻīyat Dāʼirat al-Maʻārif al-ʻUthmānīyah. Added t. p.: Rasáʼil Ibnuʼl-ʻArabí, by ash-Shaykhuʼl-Akbar Muḥiyuʼd-Dín abí ʻAbdiʼllah ibnuʼl ʻArabí. Based on the compendium of tracts in the Asafiyah Library, Hyderabad (MS. Tasawwuf Arabi No. 376, dated 997 A. H./1589 A. D.). Osmania Oriental Publication Bureau, Hyderabad, Deccan. At head of title: Dāʼirat al-Maʻārif al-ʻUthmānīyah, Ḥaydar Ābad al-Dikan." (so Hathi Trust). https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/001935678
Jeffery, Arthur.
Commentary on the Letters Mim ("M"), Waw ("W"). and Nun ("N"),
PDf. Commentary on the Letters "M", "W" and "N".
Tafsir Ibn al-`Arabi / `Abd al-Razzāq al-Kashānī (d. c. XXXX/1330),
Since the 19th century CE this Tafsir was printed as if its author was Ibn al-`Arabi instead of his major disciple `Abd al-Razzāq al-Kashānī, d. 1330).
Lory, Pierre.
Text and Translation
Reynod A. Nicholson ( 1868 – 27 August 1945), professor of Persian at University College London from 1901-2 then lecturer in Persian at the University of Cambridge 1902 to 1926 then Sir Thomas Adams's Professor of Arabic at the University of Cambridge, 1926 to 1933.
الوصايا لابن العربي
Corbin, Henry.
Chodkiewicz, Michel.
Chittick, William C.
Knysh, Alexander D.
All Arabic texts on Archive.org :
- PDf. Download : 49 Ibn `Arabi-Rasa'il ..
- Risālat ila Imām al-Rāzī. Hyberadad-Deccan: Dā’irat al-Ma‘ārif al-‘Uthmāniyya, 1948.
- Kitāb risālat al-shaykh Muḥyī al-Dīn ibn ʻArabī ilá al-shaykh Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī. ed. Muḥammad Muṣṭafá. Dār al-Ṭibāʻah al-Muḥammadīyah, 1987. 136 pp.
- Sharḥ Risālat Rūḥ Al-quds fī Muḥāsabat Al-nafs. Comp. Mahmud Ghurab. 2nd ed. Damascus: Naḍar, 1994.
- Risāla al-wujūdiyya (Treatise on Existence’ trans. `Whoso Knoweth Himself..)` Abingdon: Beshara Publications, 1976
- Rasāʾil Sayyidī Muḥyī al-Dīn ibn al-ʻArabī. Cairo : al-Maktabah al-ʻArabīyah, 1924.
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- 33 SharhAsmaaulHusnaIbnarabi-1
- 34 SharhKalmatsufyaRaddIbnTaimiyaaIbnArabi
- 35 SharhSlawatibnarabiKarnaticHind
- 36 SharhasmaaalHusnaIbnArabiArabicText
- 37 Sharhkalmatsufya-1IbnArabiRaddAlaWahabiyyah
- 47 shaghig-oljeyb-ibn-arabi
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- 27 KunhMaaLaaBuddaLilMureedMinhuIbnArabi
- 29 Orad-1IbnArabi
- 31 RahmahMinaRahman_ibn-arabi_Vol01-1
- 38 TafleesibleesIbnArabi