`Āmilī, Shaykh Bahā'ī : Bibliography.
Stephen N. Lambden UC Merced.
In progress - last updated 13-11-2015
Secondary Sources : Articles, Compendia and Miscellany with occasional PDfs.
ʻAbbās, Dalāl.
- Bahāʾ al-Dīn al-ʻĀmilī : Adīban wa-Faqīhan wa-ʻāliman, Beirut (?): Dar al-Ḥawar, 1995 (711pp.). *
Abisaab, Rula, Jurdi,
- `New ropes for royal tents: Shaykh Bahā'i and the imperial order of Shah `Abbās (996-1038/1587-1629)' in Studies on Persianate Societies / Pizhūhish dar Jawāmi`-i Fārsī Zabān, 2003, Vol. 1, p 31-56.
- Converting Persia, Religion and Power in the Safavid Empire. London: I.B. Tauris, 2004 (219pp.).
Academy of the Islamic Sciences and Culture [Tehran / Qumm].
الشيخ بهاء الدين محمد العاملي، مجموعة رسائل وبحوث في سيرة الشيخ البهائي
al-Shaykh Baha' al-Din Muhammad al-`Amili (953-1030 H.), Majmu`at rasa'il wa buhut fi sirat al-Shaykh al-Baha'i = `A compendium [by a group of researchers] of materials pertinent to an examination of the life of Shaykh Baha'i'. Tehran: Markez-i 'Ulum wa Thiqafa al-Islamiyya. 1429/2008. 527[8] pp.
PDf. available at : http://alfeker.net/library.php?id=2064
al-'Āmilī, Muḥsin ibn ʻAbd al-Karīm al-Amīn (b. Jabal 'Āmil, 1284/1867-d.1371/1952).
al-Amin, Muḥsin ibn ʻAbd al-Karīm; Ḥasan b Muḥsin al- Amīn.
- A`yān = A'yan al-shī'a, 56 parts, Damascus 1935-63 *
- ADD 11 vols., Beirut 1986 *
- CD - Version..
- A'yān al-Shi`a 10 vols., Beirut: Dār al-ta'āruf li 'l-maṭbū'āt, 1984; vol. IX [9]: 234-249.
PDf. A'yan al-shia IX = Shaykh Bahai.pdf
- A'yān al-Shi`a ADD vols vol. 26, pp. 231-35 + 239-44.
al-'Āmilī, Muhammad ibn al-Ḥasan al-Ḥurr,
Amal al-āmil fi 'ulamā' Jabal 'Āmil, ed. al-Sayyid Ahmad al-Ḥusaynī, Baghdad 1385/1965, X vols.
Amir-Moezzi, Mohammad Ali
`Remarques sur les critères d'authenticité du hadīth et l'autorité du juriste dans le shi'isme imāmite' in Studia Islamica No. 85 (1997), 5-39
Anon (eds.?)
`Āmili, Muhammad b. Ḥusayn Bahā" al-Dīn'. EI 1st ed. vol. 1:327 = EI2 I: 436. A disappointing one paragraph article.
Arjomand, S. A.,
“Religious Extremists (Ghuluww), Sufism and Sunnism in Safavid Iran: 1501-1722,” Journal of Asian History 15, 1981, pp. 16, 25-27.
The Shadow of God and the Hidden Imam. Religion, Political Order, and Societal Changes in Shi`ite Iran from the Beginning to 1890, Chicago, 1984.
Badry, Roswitha
`Zum Profil weiblicher ʿUlamāʾ in Iran: Neue Rollenmodelle fur "islamische Feministinnen"? Die Welt des Islams ( New Ser.,) Vol. 40, Issue 1 (Mar., 2000), 7-40
Yūsuf al-Baḥrānī = Yūsuf ibn Ahmad ibn Ibrahim Dirāzī, al-Baḥrānī (1107-1186 = 1695/6-1772).
Lulu`at al-Baḥrayn fi'l-ijāzāt tarājim rijāl al-ḥadīth. ed. Muhammad Ṣādiq Baḥr-al-`Ulūm, Najaf: Matba`at al-Nu`mān, 1386/1966, see pp. 16-23.
- Lu`lu`at al-Bahrayn fi'l-ijāzāt tarājim rijāl al-ḥadīth.ed. Sayyid Muhammad Sadiq Bahr al-`ulūm, Najaf: Matba`at al-Nu`mān, 1386/1966. *
- Lu`lu`at al-Bahrayn fi'l-ijāzāt tarājim rijāl al-ḥadīth.ed. Sayyid Muhammad Sadiq Bahr al-`ulūm, Beirut: Dār al-Aḍwā', 1406/1986. (460pp.) *
Bāmdād, Mehdī.
- Tārīkh-i rijāl-i Īrān dar qarn-i 12, 13, 14 Ḥijrī. 6 vols. Tehran, 1347 Sh. / 1968-9 -1351 Sh/ 1971-2.
- Sharḥ-i ḥāl-i- Rijāl-i Īrān dar qarn-i 12, 13, 14 Ḥijrī., 6 vols. (5th printing) [Tehran:] Intishārāt-i Zavvār, 1378/ 1999. *
Bosworth, Clifford Edmund.
- 1989 Bahā' al-Dīn al-'Āmilī and his Literary Anthologies, Manchester: University of Manchester (= Journal of Semitic Studies, Monograph No.10).
G. M. Wickens
- Baha al-Din al-Amili and His Literary Anthologies by Clifford Edmund Bosworth. Review G. M. Wickens, Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol. 110, No. 4 (Oct. - Dec., 1990), 778-779.
Review by Oliver Kahl
- Review by Oliver Kahl in Journal of Semitic Studies Volume XXXV, Number 2 (1990), 368-370.
Review by W. Madelung.
- `Bahā' al-Dīn al-'Amilī and His Literary Anthologies' by Clifford Edmund Bosworth in Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London Vol. 53, No. 2 (1990), 334-335.
Review by J. Derek Latham
- `Baha' al-Din al-'Amili and His Literary Anthologies by Clifford Edmund Bosworth Bulletin (British Society for Middle Eastern Studies) Vol. 17, No. 2 (1990), 217-219.
Bosworth, C. E.
- `Bahā' al-Dīn al-`Āmilī in the two worlds of the Ottomans and Safavids' in Convegno sul tema: La Shī`a nell'Impero ottomano (Roma ... 1991), Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome pp.85-105, 1993.
Brockelmann, C.,
- GAL II, pp. 414-15; Supp. I, pp. 76, 741; Supp. II, pp. 595-97.
Browne, Edward Granville (d.1926).
- A Literay History of Persia vol. IV, pp. 253, 407, 426-28.
Dāmādī, Muḥsin.
- Shaykh Baha'i. Tehran : Daftar-i Pizhūhishʹhā-yi Farhangī, 1381/2002. 99pp. In the series .
Az Īrān chih mīdānam?, 21. A Persian biography.
DSB = Dictionary of Scientific Biography
- Dictionary of Scientific Biography, ed. C.C. Gillispie, 16 vols.New York: American Council of Learned Societies and Charles Scribner's Sons, 1970-1980. art. `Amili...' in vol. X pp.add.
Encyclopedia Britannica
- Amili, Baha' ad-din Muhammad ibn Husayn, al-." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2007. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. <http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9007178>.
- APA style:
Amili, Baha' ad-din Muhammad ibn Husayn, al-. (2007). In Encyclopædia Britannica. from Encyclopædia Britannica Online: http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9007178
Gacek, Adam.
Arabic Lithographed Books [=ALB] (= Fontanus Monograph Series VII) in the Islamic Studies Library McGill University, Descriptive Catalogue. Montreal: McGill University Library, 1996.
Ghazzī, Najm al-Dīn.
- al-Kawā'kib al-sā'irah. 3 vols. Beirut: al-Matba`ah al-Amīrkhāniyya, 1945-58 (see vol. 3:70-71).
Giladi, Avner
- `Islamic Consolation Treatises for Bereaved Parents: Some Bibliographical Notes' in Studia Islamica, No. 81. (1995), 197-202.
Goldziher, Ignaz
- “Beiträge zur Literaturgeschichte der Shi`a und der sunnitischen Politik,” Sb. d. Königl. Akad. d. Wiss. 78, Vienna, 1874, pp. 458-67 = Gesammelte Schriften, Hildesheim, 1967ff., I, pp. 280-89.
Ḥijāzī, Ḥasan ʻAbd al-Karīm. ed. and comp.
- Baha al-Din al- Amili shā'iran 1547-1621. Beirut Dar al-Mahajjah al-Bayḍā', 1999
- Bahāʾ al-Dīn al-ʻĀmilī shāʻiran, 953-1030 H/1547-1621 CE ... jamʻ wa-taḥqīq wa-dirāsah. 1999
Hourani, Albert.
`From Jabal 'Āmil to Persia' Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London vol. 49, No. 1, In Honour of Ann K. S. Lambton (1986), 133-140
al-Hurr al-`Āmilī,
Muhammad b. Hasan al-Hurr al-'Āmilī (d. 1104/1694)
Amal al-Āmil fi tarājim al-`ulamā' jabal `Āmil. 2 vols. ed. Sayyid Ahmad al-Ḥusayni, Najaf: XXX., 1385/1965-66, vol. 1:155-60.
Amal al-Āmil fi tarājim al-`ulamā' jabal `Āmil. 2 vols. ed. Sayyid Ahmad Ḥusayni. Baghdad: Maktaba`at al-Andalus, 1385/1965-66 (see vol. 1 No. 158 pp.155-160). *
al-Isfahanī, Mīrzā `Abd-Allāh Afandi,
Riyāḍ al-`ulamā' wa ḥiyāḍ al-fuḍalā'. 6 vols., ed. Sayyid Aḥmad al-Husaynī. Qumm: Matba`at al-Khayyām, 1980. See vol. 5:407/ 88-97. CHECK.
Iskandar Beg Munshī
Tārīkh-i `ālam ārā-yi `Abbāsī, 2 vols. Tehran: Chap-i Gulshan, 1350./1971, pp. 155-57, 761.
Tarikh-i ‘alam'ara-yi ‘Abbasi. 2nd ed. 2 Vols. Edited by Iraj Afshar. Tehran: Amir Kabir, 1350 [1971].
Tarikh-i ‘alam'ara-yi ‘Abbasi. Translated by Roger Savory as History of Shah ‘Abbas the Great (Tarik-e ‘alamara-ye ‘Abbasi). 3 Vols. Persian Heritage Series Number 28. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1978. Vol. 3 Index compiled by Renée Bernhard.
Eskandar Beg Monshi
Tarikh-i 'alam'ara-yi 'Abbasi. Translated by Roger M. Savory as `History of Shah 'Abbas the Great (Tarik-e 'alamara-ye 'Abbasi)'. 3 Vols. (Persian Heritage Series Number 28). Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1978. vol. 3 Index compiled by Rene Bernhard.
The History of Shah `Abbas., trans. Roger M. Savory, 2 vols. + Index vol. Boulder, Colorado, 1984
Falsafī, Naṣr-Allāh.
Zindigi-yi Shāh `Abbās-i Awwāl. 3 vols. Intishārāt-i Danishgah-i Tehran. 1961.
Kohlberg, Etan.
`Bahā' al-Den al-Āmelī ' in Encyclopedia Iranica (ed. Yarshater et. al.) vol.3 (1989), 429-30.
Khwānsārī, Muhammad Baqir =
Mīrzā Muhammad Bāqir al-Mūsawī Chaharsuqi al-Khwānsārī (1811-1895).
Born Khwānsār, 27 Safar 1226/ 23rd March 1811. Died 8th Jamadī I 1313 / 27 October 1895. Khwānsārī moved in late 1253/ 1838 to Najaf. He wrote around 20 (largely Arabic and a few Persian) works mostly relating to Shī`ī doctrine, ethics and legalism ( aqā'id, adab, fiqh uṣūl al-fiqh...). His 8 volume rijāl work has been frequently printed.
- Rawḍāt al-jannat fī aḥwāl al-`ulamā' wa'l-sādāt. Tehran: ADD. 1304/1887.
- Rawdat al-jannāt fi ahwäl al-'ulama wa Ί-sādāt. Tehran: ADD 1306/1888-89
- Rawḍāt al-jannat fī aḥwāl al-`ulamā' wa'l-sādāt. 8 vols. Tehran: ADD. 1390-2/1970-2.
- Rawdat al-jannat fi ahwal al-'ulama ' wa al-sadat, ed. Assad-Allah Ismā'īliyyān, 8 vols.Qum, 1391/ 1979?).
Rawḍat al-jannāt fi aḥwāl al-`ulamā' wa'l-sādāt. 8 vols. ed. A. Ismā'īliyyān, Tehran: al-Matba`ah al-Haydariyya, 1390-92/1970-72. (See vol. 7: 56-84).
Rawḍat al-jannāt fi aḥwāl al-`ulamā' wa'l-sādāt. X vols. ed. A. Ismā'iliyyān, Qumm: ADD., 1390-92/1970-72,
- Rawḍāt al-jannat fī aḥwāl al-`ulamā' wa'l-sādāt. 8 vols. Beirut: Dār al-Islamiyya. 1411/1991. (See vol. 7:54-80).
King, David A.
A Survey of the Scientific Manuscripts in the Egyptian National Library, American Research Centre in Egypt (Eisenbrauns, Indiana, 1986), Vol. 5 p.161 = G68- 4.3.4.
Lambden, Stephen
The Safavid Shaykh Bahā'ī and the Bahā'ī religion : Some Notes on Bahāʾ al-Dīn al-Āmilī (d. 1030/ 1621) and Bahā'ī perspectives about him and his writings' (forthcoming).
- Bahā’ al-Dīn al-`Āmilī (d. 1030/1621): A Bahā'ī before Bahā'-Allāh and an initiate of the al-ism al-a`ẓam (“The Greatest Name of God”)?
al-Madanī, al-Sayyid 'Alī Khan Ibn Ma'sūm.
Sulāfat al-`aṣr fī maḥāsin al-shu'arā' bi-kull miṣr. Cairo: al-Khanjī, 1905 (see pp. 289-302).
Modarressi Tabataba`i, Hossein.
- `Rationalism and Traditionalism in Shī'ī Jurisprudence: A Preliminary Survey in Studia Islamica No. 59 (1984), 141-158
- An Introduction to Shi`i Law, A Bibliographical Survey. Ithaca Press, 1984 (258pp.). *
- Crisis and Consolidation in the Formative Period of Shi'Ite Islam: Abu Ja'far Ibn Qiba Al-Razi and His Contribution to Imamite Shi'Ite Thought. Darwin Press, 1993. ISBN = 0878500952. *
- Tradition and Survival: A Bibliographical Survey of Eary Shi'Ite Literature. Oneworld Pubns Ltd ., 2003 (384pp.) ISBN = 1851683313. *
Mudarres, Muḥammad-`Ali Tabrizi
- Rayhānat al-adab vol. II, Tehran: XXX., 1364-73/1944-53, pp. 382-98.
al-Muhājir, Ja'far ,
- al-Ḥijrah al-'āmiliyyah ilā Īrān fī'l-'aşr al-şafawī: asbābuhā al-tārīkhiyyah wa-nata'ijuhā al-thaqafiyyah wa'l-siyasiyyah. Beirut: Dar al-rawdah, 1989 (see pp, 153-80.
- Sittat fuqahā՝ abṭāl. Beirut: al-Majlis al-Islāmī al-Shī` al-a'lā, 1994. (See pp. 187-297).
al-Muḥibbī, Muhammad (d.1111/1699-1700). Scholar of Damascus
- Khulāṣat al-Āthār fī a`yān al-qarn al-ḥādi `ashar., Cairo: XXX., 1284/1867-68, vol. III: 440-55.
- Khulāṣat al-Āthār fī a`yān al-qarn al-ḥādi `ashar., 4 vols., Beirut: Dār Ṣādir, 1970 (see 3:440-455).
Muruwwah, 'Alī
- al-Tashayyu' bayn Jabal 'Āmil wa-Īrān. London: Riad El-Rayyes Books, 1987. (see pp., 60-82)
Nafīsī, Sa`īd (1895-1966 CE).
- Aḥvāl va ash`ār-i fārsī-yi Shaykh-i Bahā'i. Tehran, 1316 /1937. On Shaykh Baha'i's writings see pp. 92-110.
Nasr, Seyyed Hossein,
- `Shaykh Bahā' al-Dīn al-`Āmilī' in `The Cambridge History of Iran' Vol. 6 ch.13 pp. 666-675.
Newman, Andrew, J.
- 1986 “Towards a Reconsideration of the "Isfahān School of Philosophy". Shaykh Bahā'i and the Role of the Safawid `ulamā',” in Studia Iranica 15 (1986). 165-99.
- 1992 `The Nature of the Akhbārī / Uṣūlī Dispute in Late Ṣafawid Iran'. Part 1: 'Abdallāh al-Samāhijī's "Munyat al-Mumārisīn' in Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London vol. 55, No. 1 (1992), 22-51
- 1992 `The Nature of the Akhbārī/Uṣūlī Dispute in Late Ṣafawid Iran, Part 2: The Conflict Reassessed' in Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London vol. 55, No. 2 (1992), 250-261
'The Myth of the Clerical Migration to Safawid Iran: Arab Shi'ite Opposition to Ali al-Karaki and Safawid Shi'ism', Die Welt des Islams, Vol. 33 (1993), 66-112.
'Safavids - religion, philosophy and science', Encyclopedia of Islam, series 2, VIII: 777-787.
'Sufism and Anti-Sufism in Safavid Iran: The Authorship of the "Hadiqat al-Shi'a" Revisited ', IRAN, XXXVII (1999), 95-108.
'Clerical Perceptions of Sufi Practices in Late Seventeenth-Century Persia: Arguments Over the Permissibility of Singing (Ghina)', in L. Lewisohn and D.
Morgan, eds., The Heritage of Sufism, Vol. III: Late Classical Persianate Sufism: the Safavid and Mughal Period (1501-1750), (Oxford, 1999), 135-64. -
'Fayd al-Kashani and the Rejection of the Clergy/State Alliance: Friday Prayer as Politics in the Safavid Period', in Linda Walbridge, ed., The Most Learned of the Shi'a, The Institution of the Marja' Taqlid (New York: Oxford University Press, 2001), 34-52.
'Baqir al-Majlisi and Islamicate Medicine: Safavid Medical Theory and Practice Re-examined', in Newman, ed., Society and Culture in the Early Modern Middle East, Studies on Iran in the Safavid Period (Leiden: Brill, 2003), 371-96.
'Anti-Akhbari Sentiments among the Qajar `Ulama: The Case of Muhammad Baqir al-Khwansari (d. 1313/1895)', in R. Gleave, ed., Religion and Society in Qajar Iran (London: Routledge/Curzon: 2005), 155-73.
Ni`mat, `Allāma Shaykh `Abd-Allah Muhammad Jawād,
- Falāsifa al-Shī`a Ḥayatuhum wa Ārāuhum. Lebanon: Dār al-Fikr al-Lubnani. On "al-Baha'i" see pp. 446-465.
Qaṣrī, Muhammad.
- Sīmā'ī āz Shaykh-i Bahā'ī dar āyīna-yi āthār. Mashhad: Islamic Research Foundation. 1374/1995. 213pp.
Quinn, Sholeh
- Historical Writing during the reign of Shah `Abbas. Ph.D. thesis Univ. Chicago, 1993.
- Historical Writing during the reign of Shah `Abbas. Ideology, Imitation, and Legitimacy in Safavid Chronicles. Salt Lake City, Univ of Utah Press, 2000.
- “Coronations in Safavid Chronicles,” in History and Historiography of Post-Mongol Central Asia and the Middle East: Studies in Honor of John E. Woods, eds. Judith Pfeiffer and Sholeh A. Quinn. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2006, pp. ADD.
Ṣafākhvāh, Muḥammad Ḥusayn. Conference Proceedings...
- مجموعه مقالات کنگره بزرگداشت شىخ بهاء الدىن عاملى، شىخ بهاىى
- Majmūʻah-i maqālāt-i Kungrih-i Buzurgdāsht-i Shaykh Bahāʼ al-Dīn ʻĀmilī, Shaykh Bahā'ī. Persian Conference Publication. Tehran: Intishārāt-i Fikr, 1387/2009. 4 vols. in the series
Majmūʻah-i āthār-i ʻAllāmah Bahāʼ al-Dīn ʻĀmilī, Shaykh Bahāʼī, 16, 17, 18, 19. "Three congresses were held around the 400th anniversary of Bahāʼ al-Dīn ʻĀmilī's death: Hamāyish-i Millī-i Abʻād-i ʻIlmī va Muhandisī-i Shaykh Bahāʼī (2007 : Iṣfahān, Iran), Hamāyish-i Millī-i Abʻād-i Fikrī, Kalāmī va Adabī-i Shaykh Bahāʼī (2008 : Mashhad, Iran), and Hamāyish-i Bayn al-Milalī-i Buzurgdāsht-i Chahārṣadumīn Sāl-i Darguz̲asht-i Shaykh Bahāʼī (2009 : Tehran, Iran). Vol. 2. contains papers delivered at the conference titled "Hamāyish-i Millī-i Abʻād-i ʻIlmī va Muhandisī-i Shaykh Bahāʼī (2007: Iṣfahān, Iran)--v. 2, p. [7].Description:4 v. : ill. (some col.), charts, plans, facsims. ; 24 cm." Alternative title = Other Titles: Majmūʻah-i maqālāt-i Kungrih-i Buzurgdāsht-i Shaykh Bahāʼ al-Dīn ʻĀmilī, Shaykh Bahāʼī. " So World Cat.
Shaykh `Abbās al-Qummī (d. 1319/1901).
- Mafātīḥ al-Jinnān. Dar Ihya al-Turath al-`Arabi, 1422/2001 (807pp.)
Qummī ,`Abbās
- Fawā'id al-rawḍawiyya, Tehran, 1327 ./1948, see pp. 139, 502-21.
al-Najafī, 'Abd al-Husayn Ahmad al-Amīnī.
- al-Ghadīr fi al-kitāb wa al-sunnah wa'l-Adab, 3d. ed., 2 vols. Beirut: Dār al-kitāb al-'Arabī, 1967. See vol. 11: 244-84;
Rypka, Jan,
- Iranische Literaturgeschichte. Leipzig: Otto Harrassowitz, (1959), (see pp. 426-28).
al-Ṣadr, Ḥasan ibn Hādi (1856-1935)
Nihāyat al-dirāyah fī sharḥ al-risālah al-mawsūmah bi-al-Wajīzah lil-Bahāʾī. ed. Mājid al-Gharbāwī. 1975
Shawqī, Jalāl Shawqī Aḥmad.
Riyāḍiyyāt Baha' al-Dīn al-ʻĀmilī (953-1031/ 1547-1622. ADD. 1976
Stewart, Devin J.
- 1991. A Biographical Notice on Baha al-Din al-Amili (d. 1030/1621) Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol. 111, No. 3 (Jul. - Sep., 1991), 563-571
- Abstract =
Stewart, Devin J. 1996
- `The First Shaykh al-Islam of the Safavid Capital Qazvin' JAOS (Jul-Sept. 1996), pp. 387-405. This paper is about the father of Shaykh Baha'i = Shaykh Ḥusayn ibn `Abd al-Ṣamad al-`Āmilī (919-984 AH = 1512-1576 CE). He was appointed Shaykh al-Islam at the then Safavid capital Qazvin by Shah Ṭahmasb (930-984 AH =1524-1576 CE).
- `The First Shaykh al-Islām of the Safavid Capital Qazvin' in Journal of the American Oriental Society vol. 116, No. 3 (Jul., 1996), 387-405.
"Taqiyya as Performance: The Travels of Baha’ al-Din al’Amili in the Ottoman Empire (991–93/1583–85)." Princeton Papers in Near Eastern Studies 4 (1996), 1–70.
- `Notes on the Migration of ʿĀmilī Scholars to Safavid Iran' Journal of Near Eastern Studies, Vol. 55, No. 2. (Apr., 1996), 81-103.
ABSTRACT: = "Focuses on the reason for the migration of Amili scholars from Jabal Amil to Safavid Iran. How the Amili scholars contributed to the community of Safavid Iran; Author Ja far al-Muhajir's views on the Amili scholars migration; Author Andrew Newman challenge to other authors; Sources used for the investigation of this topic; Discussion of the pattern of relationship which existed between the Amili scholars and the Safavid government.
Stewart, Devin J. 1997
`Ḥusayn b. ʿAbd al-Ṣamad al-ʿĀmilī's Treatise for Sultan Suleiman and the Shīʿī Shāfiʿī Legal Tradition' Islamic Law and Society vol. 4, No. 2 (1997), 156-199
Stewart, Devin J. 1998
`The lost biography of Baha' al-Dīn al-`Amili and the reign of Shah Isma`il II in Safavid historiography' in Iranian Studies, 1998, Vol. 31 Issue ii, pp. 177-205.
Stewart, Devin J. 2006
`An Episode in the ʿĀmilī Migration to Safavid Iran : Ḥusayn b. ʿAbd al-Ṣamad al-ʿĀmilī's Travel Account' Iranian Studies vol. 39, No. 4 (2006), 481-508.
ABSTRACT = "After emigrating from Ottoman territory to Safavid Iran in the mid-sixteenth century, the Shiite scholar Husayn b. ‘Abd al-Samad al-‘Amili wrote an eloquent letter-cum-travel account describing his experiences to his teacher Zayn al-Din al-‘Amili who had remained in Jabal ‘Amil. A manuscript of this fascinating document has now come to light and been edited twice, in 2001 and 2003. An analysis of the undated letter shows that it was written in 961/1554 and describes a journey that occurred earlier that same year. Husayn's statements do not spell out the exact cause of his flight from Ottoman territory but suggest that he was wary of being denounced to the authorities and felt that his academic career was severely limited there. He evidently supported Safavid legitimacy wholeheartedly, though he harbored misgivings about the moral environment in Iran and had sharp criticisms for Persian religious officials."
Stewart, Devin J. 2008
- At the nexus of traditions in Safavid Iran : the career and thought of Shaykh Bahāʼ al-Din al-Āmilī. Qumm : Academy of Islamic Sciences and Culture, 2008. xxviii, 490, 30 pp. ISBN:
9642636921 9789642636921. World Cat. notes, "pref., translation and notes by Devin J. Stewart ; edited by Muhammad Kazem Rahmati". In English.
Stewart, Devin J. 2009
- Essays in Arabic literary biography 1350-1850. Ed. Joseph E Lowry and Devin J Stewart. Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz Verlag, 2009. In the series Mîzân Studien zur Literatur in der islamischen Welt ... (Wiesbaden, Germany), Bd. 17, Teil 2. Essays in Arabic Literary Biography, Gen ed. Roger Allen. This, the second of three vols. contains much bibliographical and biographical work of importance. The section in Vol II pages 27-48 is entitled, `Bahāʾ al-Dīn Muhammad al-ʻĀmilī (1547-1621) and has been consulted and drawn upon here. *
Stewart, Devin J. :
- `KAŠKUL-E ŠAYḴ BAHĀʾI' In Encyclopedia Iranica : http://www.iranicaonline.org/articles/kaskul-e-sayk-bahai
Suter, H.
Die Mathematiker und Astronomen der Araber und ihre Werke, Abh zur Geschichte der Mathematischen Wissenschaften Heft X., Leipzig, 1900.
Bosworth coments on this volume as follows: "H. Suter held that Baha' al-Din's name was the last great one worthy of mention here, although he stigmatized Baha' al-Din's scientific and mathematical achievements as lacking originality and showing regression rather than progress" (Bosworth 199:68-9 referring to Suter 1902:194).
al-Tabarsī [Tabrīzi]̄, Ḥusayn al-Nūrī
Mustadrak al-wasā'il. 3 vols. Tehran: ADD., 1963-4 (See vol. 3: 417-420).
Tihrānī, Āqā Buzurg, Muhammad Muḥsin (d. 1389/1969),
- al‑Dharī`a ilā taṣānif al‑shī`a. Tehran and Na jaf, 1353-98.
- al‑Dharī`a ilā taṣānif al‑shī`a. Tehran 1941-1978 + Na jaf, 1353-8/1936-8..
al‑Dharī`a ilā taṣānif al‑shī`a. 26 vols. Beirut: Dār al‑Aḍwā’, 1403/1983.
- Ṭabaqāt a'lām al-shī'ah. al-Rawḍah al-naḍirah fī 'ulamā' ai-mi՝ah al-ḥādiy al- 'asharah. Vol. 5. Beirut: Mu'assasat fiqh al-shī'ah, 1990 (See, 85-87).
- Ṭabaqāt a'lām al-shī'ah. al-Rawḍah al-naḍirah fī 'ulamā' ai-mi՝ah al-ḥādiy al-'asharah. Vol. 5 ed. `Ali Naqi Munzavi , 2nd ed. Qumm : Mu'assasat Ismā'īliyyān, n.d. [1990s?] (See, 85-87).
al-Tūnjī, Muḥammad.
- Bahāʾ al-Dīn al-Āmilī : Adīban, Shāʻiran, ʻāliman. Damascus: Manshūrāt al-Mustashāriyyah al-Thaqāfiyyah li'l-Jumhūriyya al-Islāmiyya al-Īrāniyya, 1985
Tunukabūnī, Mirza Muḥammad ibn Sulaymān (c. 1234-1302 AH =1819-1884 CE).
Qiṣas al‑`ulamā. 1st ed. [Tehran] n.p. n.d. On Shaykh Baha'i see pp. 233-248 (?), etc.
- Kitāb Qiṣaṣ al-'ulamā'. Tehran: Kitab-Furūshī-i `Ilmiyya-yi Islāmiyya . n. d. [1887-8?] (465 pp.) On Shaykh Baha'i see pp. 233-48.
- Qiṣas al‑`ulamā. Tehran: Islamiyya, 1364/1944??
- Qiṣas al‑`ulamā. ed. Muhammad Rida' Barzgar Khaliqi and Uffat Karbasi. Tehran: Intisharat `Ilmi va Farhang, 1383Sh/2004 (xxxiv+777+1 pp.).
Pdf. Shaykh Baha'i + his father Husayn ibn `Abd al-Samad ibn Muhammad. Shaykh Bahai-Qisas al-`Ulama.pdf
- On Shaykh Baha'i in this 2004 edition see No. 38 pp. 290-305. See also for other fairly frequent mentions of Shaykh Baha'i in this late 19th century Rijal volume pages 55, 62, 89, 127, 147, 149, 176, 225, 284, 267, 287, 288, 290, 300, 303-4,307, 314, 316-7, 318,320, 324, 327, 334, 346, 351, 354-7, 363, 371-2, 376, 380, 400, 410, 411, 423, 424-5, 429, 431, 445, 452, 470, 487, 495, 497, 511, 535, 543, 593, 598, 603, 605.
Numerous sometimes bowdlerized editions and Arabic translations of his Qiṣaṣ al-`ulamā' exist including, ADD Tehran 1319/1901.
Arabic. trans. Qiṣaṣ al-`ulamā' . trans by Shaykh ADD Beirut: Dar al-Hujjat al-Bayḍā', 1992/1413. pp. 9-490 + index (491-6).
- A`lām VI, Beirut, 1980, p. 102
Appendix 1.
Bahā'ī Primary and secondary Sources making reference to Bahā' al-Dīn al-`Āmilī, Shaykh Bahā'ī.
Primary Sources
Bahā'-Allāh, Mirza Husayn `Ali Nuri (d. 1892 CE).
- `Untitled Persian Tablet' in Ishrāq Khavari ed. Ma'ida-yi asmani. Vol. 1 pp. ADD.
`Abbās Effendi, `Abd al-Bahā' (d. 1921 CE).
Shoghi Effendi (d. 1957 CE).
Fāḍil-i Mazandarani (d. 19XX CE )
Fayḍī, Abu'l Qasim (d. 19XX).
- `Explanation of the Symbol of The Greatest Name'
Ishraq Khavari, `Abd al-Ḥamid (d. 1972 CE).
- Jannat al-Na'im