Muhammad ibn Ibrāhim al-Qawāmī al-Shīrazī = Ṣadr al-Dīn Shīrazī = Mullā Ṣadrā
(born Shiraz c. 979/ 1572 - died Baṣra 1050 /1641 CE).
Select Primary Sources with occasional URLs and PDfs.
Ṣadr al-Din Shirazi = Muhammad ibn Ibrahim al-Qawāmī al-Shīrazī (d.1050/1641)
al-Asfar "The Four Journeys"
al-Asfar = al-Hikma al-Muta'aliyya fi'l-Asfār al֊ Arba'a ("The Transcendental Wisdom respecting the Four Journeys")
- al-Aṣfar al-Arba`ah / al-Ḥikmah al-Muta`āliyya], 2 vols. Glosses by Muhammad Ṣādiq al-Gulpāygānī, Rajab 1282/1865. Persian Lithograph printed by Mullā `Ali Dāmghānī, c. 1282/1865-6. See Brockelmann GAL Supp. II: 588; Gacek, 1996, No. 12 p.17.
- al-Hikma al-Muta'aliya fi'l-Asfār al֊ Arba'a. 9 vols. Qum: al-'Ilmiyya, n.d.
al-Ḥikma al-muta'āliya fi-'l-asfār al-'aqliyya al-arba'a. ed. R. Lutfi et al., Tehran and Qum: Shirkat Dar al-Ma'arif al-Islamiyyah, 9 vols. 1958-69?. - al-Ḥikma al-muta'āliya fi-'l-asfar al-'aqliyya al-arba'a vol. 1, 2nd printing, with introduction by Muhammad Rida al-Muzaffar, Qum: Shirkat Dar al-Ma'arif al-Islamiyyah, 1967.
- al-Ḥikma al-muta'āliya fi-'l-asfār al-'aqliyya al-arba'a, ed. By Muhammad Riḍā al-Muzaffar, 9 vols. Beirut: Dār Iḥyā’ al-Turāth al-’Arabī, 3rd printing, [1401] 1981. *
- al-Ḥikma al-muta'āliya fi-'l-asfār al-'aqliyya al-arba'a, ed. By Muhammad Riḍā al-Muzaffar, 9 vols. Beirut: Dār Iḥyā’ al-Turāth al-’Arabī, 14XX/ 1990.
- al-Asfar al-Aqliyah fi al-Asfar al-Aqliyah al-Arba'ah. ed. Ridha Lutfi; Introd. Muhammad Ridha al-Mudhafar 9 vols. Beirut: Dar Ihya al-Turath al-Arabi: includes the commentaries of al-Sabzawari, al-Tabatabai, al-Mudaris, al-Hadaji, and al-Isfahani...
- Spiritual Psychology: Asfar v. VIII & IX: The Fourth Intellectual Journey in Transcendent Philosophy by Mulla Sadra Shirazi. Islamic College for Advanced Studies Publications. 747pp. ISBN-10: 1904063322 ISBN-13: 978-1904063322 2008.
"This multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary work presents the rethinking of the entire tradition of Islamic philosophical psychology by Mulla Sadra on the most profound questions and issues pertaining to the soul. It includes the views of the ancient Greek philosophers and physicians, Muslim philosophers, theologians, Sufis, theosophists and physicians, the teachings of the Qur'an, the Traditions of the Prophets and the Shiite Imams, and Mulla Sadra's own profound insights and intellectual elucidations combined with impeccable logical proofs and demonstration. It deals with the definition of the soul, the proof of its existence, its birth as corporeal and its survival as spiritual, various levels of the soul and the body, the vertical development of the soul through its substantial motion, the soul-body relation, the holistic approach to psychosomatic diseases, the resurrection and post-mortem survival of the soul, the body of the resurrection, his original interpretation of metempsychosis, the meaning of Heaven and Hell and the intellectual or spiritual worlds beyond this world. The central issue in this work is self-knowledge. The human soul is created in the Image of God with a purpose. This image comes to full actualisation through self-knowledge, which according to Mulla Sadra is the key to knowledge of God, the Day of Resurrection and the Return of all creatures to God." (Publisher's product description).
Kitāb al-Ḥikma al-'arshiyya (The Wisdom of the Throne)
Early editions include, Mullā Sadrā, al-Ḥikma al-`arshiyya on pp. 110-214 of the composite Mulla Sadra lithograph of 1315/1897-8 which also includes the Mashā'ir with other commentaries.
al-Ḥikma al-'arshiyya (The Wisdom of the Throne), ed. with Persian paraphrase by Ghulām Riḍā Āhānī's, Isfahan, 1962
Kitāb al-`Arshiyya. Beirut: Mu`assasat al-Tarikh al-`Arabi [= The Arabic History Est.] 1420/2000 (104pp.). *
The Wisdom of the Throne: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Mullā Sadra. Trans. James Winstron Morris. Princeton Library of Asian Translations. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1981. *
Trans. and intro. J. W. Morris, The Wisdom of the Throne: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Mulla Sadra, Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press, 1982.
Shaykh Aḥmad al-Ahsā'ī (d.1241/1826).
شرح الكتاب الحكمة العرشية
Sharḥ al-kitāb al-ḥikmat al-`arshiyya ("Commentary upon the Book of the Wisdom of the Throne"). Lithograph 1st ed. in 2 vols. Vol.1 [Tabriz: ADD] 1271/ 1854-5 and vol.2 [Tabriz: ADD, 1278-9/1861-2.
This work is a commentary by Shaykh Aḥmad upon the Kitāb al-ḥikma al-`arshiyya ("The Book of the Wisdom of the Throne") by Muhammad Sadra al-Dīn Muhammad b. Ibrahim al-Shirazi, known as Mullā Sadrā (d. 1050/1640). This 100 or so page work of Mullā Sadrā with the title Kitāb al-`arshiyya (The Book of the Throne) has recently, in 1429/2000 (1st printing) been printed in Beirut by the Mu'asassa al-Tārīkh al-`Arabiyya ("The Arab History Estate").
A useful approach to this work is the English volume of James W. Morris (trans.), The Wisdom of the Throne, An Introduction to the Philosophy of Mulla Sadra. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1981. Aside from containing an excellent introduction to the work of Mullā Muhammadadrā and to his Kitāb al-`Arshiyya, this volume provides an annotated translation of the Kitāb al-`arshiyya with occasional comments upon Shaykh Aḥmad's critique (esp. pp.47f; 126n.67). Morris' translation is based upon Ghulām Riḍā Āhānī's Arabic edition of the al-Ḥikma al-`arshiyya (with Persian paraphrase, Isfahan, 1341 Sh./ 1962, pp. 218-288) occasionally corrected on the basis of reference to the lithograph edition of Shaykh Aḥmad's commentary upon the `Arshiyya (lithographed in 1278/1861, see above).
شرح العرشية later editions.
A 2nd (3rd?) edition of Shaykh Ahmad's commentary in two volumes entitled Sharḥ al-`Arshiyya was printed at the Shaykhī press in Kerman: Kirmān: Maṭba`at al-Sa`ada, vol.1 1361 Sh / 1983 and vol. 2 1363/1985. In this second edition volume 1 has 5 indexes spanning eighty pages and the commentary from p. 2 until p. 332 (K-`Arshiyya), while volume 2 again has several indexes and the commentary on pp. 4-335 (K-`Arshiyya). Some glosses on Shaykh Ahmad's commentary by Karim Khan Kirmani are also printed (in vol.2 = pp. 336-367).
This 2nd or 3rd (?) edition of Shaykh Ahmad's commentary in 3 vols. [sic. ?] entitled Sharḥ al-`Arshiyya fi al-mabda` wa'l-ma`ad is said to have been printed at the Shaykhī press : Kerman: Matba`at al-Sa`ada, in 1405-6/ 1985-6 (so Ihqaqi, al-Tahqiq, 261).
Moris, Zailan.
- Revelation, Intellectual Intuition and Reason in the Philosophy of Mulla Sadra: An Analysis of the Al-Hikmah Al-'Arshiyyah. Rep. Routledge: 2003. 240pp. ISBN-10: 0700715029 ISBN-13: 978-0700715022 = "An examination and analysis of the legitimacy of the widely-held claim that Mulla Sadra's philosophy is a synthesis of principles and doctrines drawn from revelation, gnosis and discursive philosophy. It demonstrates how Mulla Sadra achieves this synthesis in his "Wisdom from the Divine Throne".
From the Back Cover "Many Islamic philosophers and scholars of Islamic Philosophy consider Mulla Sadra's (1572- 1641) philosophy to be a synthesis of principles and doctrines drawn from revelation (wahy), gnosis or illuminative knowledge ('irfan/ma'rifah) and discursive philosophy (al-hikmah al- bathiyyah). This book investigates whether there is such a synthesis in Mulla Sadra's philosophy, how this synthesis is effected and finally whether it is successful. The examination and demonstration of Mulla Sadra's synthesising method is mainly based on his book al-Hikmah al-'arshiyyah or Wisdom from the Divine Throne. The book bases the evaluation of his success on the internal coherence of his ideas, their conformity to Islamic religious teachings and their impact on the Islamic thinkers after him. The question of reconciling and synthesising the three sources of knowledge to create a coherent and articulate philosophical perspective is of great import and significance not only in Islamic philosophy but also in the field of philosophical enquiry generally. His method of dealing with these three sources of knowledge discloses new insights, brings new understanding and suggests a new manner of approaching them. Although, both Islamic and western Philosophy share a common heritage in ancient Greek philosophy, they have taken diverse courses of development since the European Middle Ages. This divergence is due in part to their radically different treatments of the fundamental sources of knowledge available to man. In the west, especially since the Renaissance, reason and sense experience began to play an almost exclusive role in man's quest after true and certain knowledge. In the Islamic world, reason became more and more aligned with intellectual intuition and both were made subordinate to revelation. The examination of Mulla Sadra's synthesis discloses the epistemological orientation of a major Islamic philosopher who was a contemporary of Descartes. Thus, it offers a basis for the understanding of the diverse epistemological perspectives of the Islamic and Western philosophers since Ibn Rushd or Averroes in the twelfth century."
Kitāb al-mashā'ir (The Book of the Metaphysical Insights)
Kitab al-masha'ir (The Book of Metaphysical Penetrations), ed., trans. and intro. by H. Corbin, Le livre des pénétrations métaphysiques, Paris: Départment d'Iranologie de l'Institut Franco-Iranien de Recherche, and Tehran: Librairie d'Amerique et d'Orient Adrien-Maisonneuve, Bibliothèque Iranienne vol. 10, 1964 + 1982 + French portion re-edited Lagrasse: Verdier, 1988; ed. and trans. P. Morewedge, The Metaphysics of Mulla Sadra, New York: Society for the Study of Islamic Philosophy and Science, 1992.
Kitāb al-mashā'ir. ed. and trans. Henri Corbin, Live des pénétrationes Métaphysiques. Tehran + Paris, 1964; also rep. 1982 = Tehran: Institut Francais d'Iranologie de Tehran [1968] + Paris: Librarie d'Amérique et d'Orient, A. Maisonneuve, rep. 1982 Kitāb-khānih: Tahūrī (= Bibliotheque Iranienne, Vol. 10). Contents in 1982 repr. = Ar. section, K. Mashā`ir pp. 1-81; Per. trans. pp.84-220; French section. I. Intro. Biog. of Mullā Muhammadadrā, 1-26; Ch. II = Bibiographical essay re: Mullā Muhammad Sadr, pp. 27-41. Ch. III = Kitāb al-Mashā`ir, +Ar. and Per. commentaries, pp.42-52 includes refs. to Shaykh Aḥmad's comm, pp. 47-50. etc. Corbin's French trans + notes, spans pp.87-242. The French index records extensive refs. to Shaykh Aḥmad's comm (for the list see p. 243). *
The metaphysics of Mullā Sadrā : Kitāb al-Mashāʼir = The book of metaphysical prehensions by Muḥammad ibn Ibrāhīm Ṣadr al-Dīn Shīrāzī; Parviz Morewedge; Henry Corbin; Society for the Study of Islamic Philosophy and Science.; Institute for Cultural Studies. New York City: SSIPS, 1992. ISBN: 0963327712 9780963327710
- Molla Sadra Shirazi, Le Live des Pénétrationes Métaphysiques (Kitāb al-Mashā`ir) Ed. + trans.etc. Henri Corbin. Editiones Verdier, 1988 (ISBN 2-86432-070-3). The above volume is a reprint of the 1964 French introduction (pp.1-78) and translation (pp. 81-164) with extensive notes (pp.166-234) + index (pp. 235-232), etc..
- Lahijani, M. J., Commentary on the Recital of Mashā`ir. ed. + notes, J. Ashtiyani (Mashhad, 1965).
- 1992 Parwiz Morewedge (trans.), The Metaphysics of Mulla Sadra. Kitāb al-Mashā`ir, The Book of [Metaphysical] Prehensions (Islamic Philosophy Translation Series = ISPTS) The Institute for Cultural Studies, Tehran Iran. Sponsors = The Society for the Study of Islamic Philosophy and Science [SSIPS]. New York, 1992 (ISBN 0-9633277-1-2). This is a translation from the Corbin edition (with occasional corrections and notes); the Arabic and its English translation face each other from page 1-88 (Ar.+ Eng. beginning). Notes are included from p.89ff.
- Muhammad Sadr al-Dīn Muhammad al-Shirazi, Mullā Sadrā Shirazi, Kitāb al-Mashā`ir . Introd. Henry Corbin (Arabic trans.). Beirut: The Arabic History Est. / Mu`assat al-Tarikh al-`Arabi. 1420/2000. 128pp. (incl. introd. and index).
- Fakhr al-Din al-Razi (d. 606/1209 ), al-Risālat al-Kamāliyya fi'l-ḥaqā'iq al-ilāhiyya. Beirut: Dar al-Kutub al-`Ilmiyya, 1324/2002. (97pp. + Mulla Sadra's Kitab al-Masha'ir = pp.99-142 + index pp.143-4). The Kitab al-Masha'ir of Mulla Sadra is printed in this slim paperback volume.
- Kitāb al-mashā'ir. Beirut: Dar al-Ihya al-Turath al-`Arabi, 2000+2003.
Tafsir writings
Asrar al-āyat ("The Mysteries of the Verses")
- Asrar al-āyat Commentary by Ali al-Nuri Beirut : Mu'asasat al-Tarikh al-Arabi: ADD 600pp.
Asrār al- Āyāt fī tafsīr al-Qurān li-Muhammad al-Ma`ruf bi-Sadr al-Muta`alihin al-Shirazi. Tehran" Hajji Muhammad Ahmad Shirazi, Ramadan 1319/ ADD.
Tafsīr al-Qur'ān al-Karimli-Sadr al-Din Shirazi bi-Sadr al-Muta`alihin Muhammad ibn Ibrahim al-Shirazi. Tehran: Shaykh Ahmad Shirazi, 1320-1322 AH/ XXXX-XXXX.
Tafsir Sūrat al-A`lā. in margins of a Persian Lithograph (pp.270-296) of the Risala fi ajwibat al-su`ālāt al-muta`allqa bi'l-ma`ārif by `Alī al-Nūrī and printed with Kashf al-fawā'id etc., see Tehrani, al-Dhari`a, 4:1445. Gacek ALB No. 364 p.202.
- Tafsīr Sadra, Shľrazi [= Tafsīr al-Fātiha; Tafsīr al-Baqara; Tafsīr Āyat al-Kursī] Lithograph ADD 1322 [1914].
- Tafsīr al-Qur'an al-Karim. ed. Muhammad Khājavī, 7 vols. Qumm: Intishārāt Baydār, n.d. [199?].*
- Asrār al-āyat, edited with prolegomena and notes by Muhammad Khājavī Tehran : ADD , 1360/ 1981.
- Tafsīr Sūrat al-Wāqi'a (=Q. 56), n.p. n.d.
- Tafsir Sūrah-yi Wāqi'a (=Q. 56), ed. and Persian trans. Muhammad Khājavī , Tehran: Intisharat Mawla, 1363/ 1984 + 2nd ed. 1377=1419/1998. *
- Tafsir Sūrahha-yi Ṭāriq [Q. ] va A`la [Q. ]va Zalzal [Q. ].. Ed. and Persian trans. Muhammad Khājavī , Tehran: Intisharat Mawla, 1363/ 1984 + 2nd ed. 1377=1419/1998 *
- Tafsir Āyah-yi Nūr [Q. 24:35]. Ed and Persian trans. Muhammad Khājavī , Tehran: Intisharat Mawla, 1362/1983 + 2nd ed. 1377=1419/1998. *
- Le verset de la lumière : Commentaire.. trans. Christian Jambet (Classiques En Poche). [Paris] Belles Lettres, 2009. 135pp. ISBN-10: 2251800034 ISBN-13: 978-2251800035.
- Tafsir Sūrah-yi Jam`ah. ed. and Persian trans. Muhammad Khājavī , Tehran: Intisharat Mawla, 1363/1984 = 1404/1983 *
- Mutashābihāt al-Qur'ãn in idem, Three treatises... Ed. with an introduction and notes by Sayyid Jalāl al-Dīn Āshtiyānī, English preface by Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Mashhad 1392/ 1973, pp. 75-121.
- Majmū`a Rasā'il Falsafī Ṣadr al-Mutā'alihīn. ed. Hamiz Naji Isfahani, Tehran: Intisharat-i Hikmat, 1375 Sh. / 1996 * (624pp.) This compilation contains two Tafsir works of Mulla Sadra: Tafsir Surat al-Tawhid I (Item 15 pp.393-439) and Tafsir Surat al-Tawhid II (Item 16 pp.441-449).
- Asrar al-Ayat (The Mysteries of the Qur'anic Verses). Persian trans and annotation Muhammad Khājavī (= Cultural Studies Research Institute, The Islamic Iranian Academy of Philosophy Pub. No. 533), Mu`asassah-yi Muta`aliat va Tahqiqat Farhangi Tehran: Intisharat Mawla, 1363=1405/ 1984 *
- Risalah-yi ḥuduth al-`ālam ya Kitab-i Afrinish-i Jihan. Ed and Persian trans. Muhammad Khājavī , Tehran: Intisharat Mawla, 1363/1405 + 2nd ed. 1377=1419/1998. *
- Majmū`at al-Rasā'il. Qum: Manshurat Maktabat Ayat-Allah al-Mara`shi al-Najafi. 1404/1983. * Contains works of (1) `Allamah al-Ḥllī , Kashf al-Fawa'id (2) Shahid al-Thani, Asrar al-Salat (3) Shahid al-Thani, Kashf al-Rība (4) Mulla Sadra, Tafsir Surat al-A`la and (5) Ma`ani ba`aḍi al-akhbār li'l-Saduq (= Ibn Babawayh al-Qummi).
- Risalah-yi ḥash. ed and Persian trans. Muhammad Khājavī , Tehran: Intisharat Mawla, 1363/XXXX * + 2nd ed. 1377=1419/1998*
- Lawāmi` al-`ārifin fi aḥwāl Ṣadr al-mutā'lihīn... (Mullā Sadrā), Muhammad Khājavī , Tehran: Intisharat Mawla, 1366=1408 /1987*
- Majmu`ah-yi Afsh`ār-i Faylasuf-i Kabir Ṣadr al-Din Shirazi (Mulla Sadra). ed. and introd. Muhammad Khājavī , Tehran: Intisharat Mawla, 1376/1418. * A Compilation of Persian Poetry of Mulla Sadra.
- Risalah-yi sih aṣl taṣnif Sadr al-Din, Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Shirazi (Mulla Sadra). introd. Dr. Sayyid Hosseyn Nasr + ed. Muhammad Riḍā Jawzī, Tehran: Intisharat -i Ruzhah , 1377/1998. * Includes a Mathnavi of Mulla Sadra (pp. 117-132) and some Quatrains (pp. 133-4).
- On the Hermeneutics of the Light Verse of the Qur'an (Tafsir Ayat al-Nur), translated, introduced and annotated by Latimah-Parvin Peerwani, ICAS Press, 2004. (167pp.).
Ashtiyānī, Jalāl al-Dīn (ed.)
- Consciousness and reality : studies in memory of Toshihiko Izutsu (=Islamic philosophy, theology, and science, v. 38.), Leiden: Brill, 2000. Includes: Islamic resurgence, Al-Wāqidī, the orientalists and apologetics -- The Quranic commentaries of Mullā Ṣadrā ...
Sharh Usūl al-Kafi ("Commentary upon the Usūl al-Kafi [of Kulaynī])
Sharh Usūl al-Kafi (Kitab al-Tawhid). vol.1 ed. Muhammad Khājavī , Tehran: Mu`assasah Matali`at Tahqiqat Farhangi, 1370/ ADD.
Sharh Usūl al-Kafi (Kitab al-`aql wa'l-Jahl). vol.2 ed. Muhammad Khājavī , Tehran: Mu`assasah Matali`at Tahqiqat Farhangi, 1366/ ADD.
Sharh Usūl al-Kafi (Kitab Fadl al-`Ilm wa Kitab al-Hujja). vol. 3 ed. Muhammad Khājavī , Tehran: Mu`assasah Matali`at Tahqiqat Farhangi, 1367/ ADD.*
Sharh Usūl al-Kafi ed. Muhammad Khamanai', 4 vols. Tehran (?) : Intisharat Banyad Marif Islami, 200?
Sharh Usūl al-Kafi ed. Muhammad Khājavī, 4 vols. Tehran (?) : Intisharat Banyad Marif Islami, 200?
al-Shawāhid al-rubūbiyya ("The Lordly Witnesses)
al-Shawāhid al-rubūbiyya ("Divine Witnesses") li-Muhammad al-shahir bi-Ṣadr al-Din Shirazi, Hashiyya al-Hadi ibn Mihdi Sabzawari. Lithograph calligraphed by Muhammad `Ali Isfanahi, Tehran, Safar 1286/18XX., 264pp.
al-Shawāhid al-rubūbiyya ("Divine Witnesses") Ṣadr al-Din Shirazi (Mulla Sadra) with the complete glosses of Hajji Mulla Hadi Sabzawari, Ed with Introduction and Notes by Seyyed Jalal al-Din Āshtiyānī (Professor of the Faculty of Theology), Meshed University Press, 1st ed. Mashad: Intisharat Daneshgah Mashad, 1346 Sh./ 1967
al-Shawāhid al-rubūbiyya Ṣadr al-Din Shirazi (Mulla Sadra) with glosses of Hajji Mulla Hadi Sabzawari, Ed with Introduction and Notes by Seyyed Jalal al-Din Āshtiyānī (Professor of the Faculty of Theology), 910 pp.
al-Shawāhid al-rububiyyah fi manahij al-sulukiyyah, ed. by Sayyid Jalal al-Din Ashtiyani in 2 volumes together with Sabziwari’s commentary 2nd ed. Mashhad: Chapkhanih Daneshgah, 1360Sh. /1981. 832pp. *
Mafātīḥ al-ghayb (The Keys of the Unseen)
Mafātīḥ al-ghayb lil-Ḥakim al-ilahi wa'l-Faylasuf al-Rabbani Ṣadr al-Dīn Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Shīrazī (Ṣadrā al-Muta'alihin)... Beirut: Mu`assa al-Tarikh al-`Arabi, 3rd ed. 1424/2003. (2 vols. in 1, 898 pp.).*
Tarjana Mafātīḥ al-ghayb ed and Persian trans. Muhammad Khājavī , Tehran: Intisharat Mawla, 1363=1404/1983.+1371/1414/1992. (1099pp.)*
al-Maẓāhir al-ilāhiyya ("The Divine Disclosures regarding the Secret of the Sciences [leading to] Perfection")
- al-Maẓāhir al-ilāhiyya fī asrār al-‘ulūm al-kamāliyya , ed.+ Introduced Sayyid Muhammad Khamanei. Tehran: Bunyad-i Hikmat-i Islami-yi Sadra, 1378/XXXX. 370pp [= Extended Persian introduction by Sayyid Muhammad Khamanei] + Text of the 153pp. + Indexes (= pp. 155-188). *
Iksīr al-`Arifin (The Elixir of the Gnostics)
- Mulla Sadra. The Elixir of the Gnostics, A parallel English-Arabic text translated, introduced, and annotated by William C. Chittick. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University Press, 2003 (145+ 87 [Arabic] pp.*
"Sadr ai-Din Muhammad Shīrāzī, more commonly called Mullā Sadra (1572-1640), was one of the grand scholars of the later period of Islamic philosophy and has become one of the best known Muslim philosophers. Originally composed in Arabic, Iksir al-'arifin, or Elixir of the Gnostics, may well be unique among Sadrā's writings because it reworks and elaborates on an earlier work in Persian, the Jãwidãn-nãma (The Book of the Everlasting) by Afdal al-Din Kāshāni, commonly known as Baba Af'dal.
The underlying theme of Elixir is a teaching that stands at the heart of Mullā Sadrā's writings and those of many other Muslim thinkers: the importance of՝ self-knowledge in each person's journey of "Origin and Return." Each soul originates with God, and one's journey is completed only when the soul has returned to Him. Self-knowledge is the means by which the soul, having been created in the divine image, must realize its full and final potential; and philosophy, in Sadrā's view, is the most direct path to that end. Sadra sees the soul's climb to perfection as a gradual disengagement from all embodiment and materiality and a return to her transcendent essence. The returning soul comes to see that all realities and essences are found in the Intellect from which all things have descended, and that their corporeal appearance is a temporan,՛ affair.
In Sadrā's way of looking at things, everything in existence is traveling on a path that ends up at its rightful place with God. The movement of all creation on the path of Origin and Return, or from First to Last, is a great manifestation of God's wisdom and compassion, culminating in a state of permanent happiness for all creatures." (text from Dust Jacket)
Khalil, A.
- Mulla Sadra, The Elixir of the Gnostics: A Parallel English-Arabic text (by William Chittick trans.). American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences vol. 21/pt. 1 (2004), 360-362
al-Mabda' wa'l-Ma`ād ("The Book of the Origin and the Return")
- al-Mabda' wa'l-Ma`ād ed. Jalaluldin Ashtiayni, ADD HERE 650pp.
- al-Mabda' wa'l-Ma`ād ("The Book of the Origin and the Return"), 2nd ed. Beirut: Dar al-Hādī, 1426/2005 (648pp.).*
Risala al-huduth ("The Treatise on the Generation")
- Risala al-huduth. ed. Sayyd Husayn Musawiyyan. Tehran : Banyad Hikmat Islami, XXXX 420pp.
Ajwabat al-masail & Qutb wa'l-mantiqah ("Treatise on the Poles and the Zodiac")
- Ajwabat al-masail & Qutb wal mantiqah ws. Hassan Hassanzadeh Amoli & Dr. Abdulla Shakiba, 1999 (?) 275pp. ISBN: 964-92244-2-4
Glosses on Suhrawardi'a Hikmat al-Ishraq.
Ḥashiyah 'alā sharḥ-i ḥikmat al-ishrāq. Tehran: Lithograph, 1913.
Commentary on Avicenna's Shifa... etc
- Ta'liqah 'ala Ilahiyat al-Shifa. 2 vols. Ed. Najaf Quli Habibi, ADD Tehran: Intisharat Banyad Sadra. 1200 pp. *
Kitab al-Hujja (The Book of the Proof).
- Kitab al-Ḥujja. Beirut: Mu`assah al-Tarikh al-`Arabi [Dār al-Turath], 1425/2004 (227pp.).*
Rasā’il Falsafi (Philosophical Trestises)
- Rasa’il Falsafi, ed. S. J. Ashtiyani. Qum: Markaz-i Intisharat Daftar-i Tablighat-i Islami, 1362? ADD.
Rasā’il Mulla Sadra (Treatises of Mulla Sadra)
- Rasā’il Mulla Sadra , Beirut: Dar al-Ihya al-Turath al-`Arabi, ADD., 512pp.
- Rislalatān fi al-tasawir wa'l-tasdiq - by al-Qutb al-Din al-Razi al-Tahtani (d. 766/1364) + Sadr al-Din al-Shirazi (d.1045/XXXX) + ed. Mahdi Shari'ati 450 pp. Beirut: Dar al-Kutub al-`Ilmiyya, ... includes Sharh al-Risala al-ma'mula by Muhammad Zahid al-Hurawi (d. 1101/ADD, a commentary on the Risala of al-Razi (= al-Tasawir wa'l-tasdiq) ed by Mahdi Sariqi. 129+321pp. *
Kasr asnam al-jahiliyya fi al-radd `ala al-Sufiyya ("The Smashing of the Idols of Ignorance in refutation of the Sufis")
- Kasir asnam al-Jahileyah fi'l-radd `ala al-Sufiyya . ed. Husayn al-Taqsh, Beirut: Ma'had al-Marif al-Hikmiyah, ADD... 189pp.*
- Breaking the Idols of Ignorance : Admonition of the Soi-Disant Sufi [Sadr al-Din Shirazi (Mulla Sadra)] 140x215mm, October 2008; 1904063276:9781904063278 , ICAS Press (Islamic College for Advanced Studies)" 162pp.
"This work marks the meeting point of three different traditions of the Shi'i-Islamic thought: philosophical, mystical, and theological. In this book, Mulla Sadra masterfully analyses the creed of false mystics and those groups of philosophers whom he named as disgraceful impious sophists. The work deals with the most crucial issues of metaphysics, encompassing ontology, cosmology, epistemology, psychology and spiritual wayfaring, the attributes of the pious, and some homiletic advice. It stresses the importance of virtue and spiritual exercises on the true Sufi path while presenting Mulla Sadra's own metaphysical commentary inspired by the Holy Qur'an."
Other Books
- Rasā'il fi al-taṣawwur wa'l-taṣdīq by Quṭb al-Razi (d.766) and Ṣadr al-Shirazi (d.1054) ed. Mahdī Sarba`nī (Pt.1 = al-Qutb al-Razi pp.1-146 +Pt. II pp.1-149 = Mulla Sadra) and (Pt. III) Muhammad Zāhid ibn Muhammad Islam al-Husayni al-Harawi, Sharḥ Risālah al-Ma`mūliyya fi al-taṣawwur wa'l-taṣdīq (= Pt. III pp. 1-292 + index) Beirut: Dar al-Kutub al-`Ilmiyya, 1425/2004.