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Arabic Versions of the Bible - Bibliography and Miscellany







Arabic Versions of the Bible - Bibliography and Miscellany.

Stephen Lambden


  • ADB = Anchor Bible Dictionary. D. N. Freedman et al. (eds) 6 vols. New York: Doubleday, 1992.
  • Ar. = Arabic
  • GAL., = Brockelmann, Carl, Geschichte der arabischen Litteratur. Vol. 1, Weimar, 1898; Vol. ii, Berlin, 1902 (in 3 pts)  2nd ed. Vol. I, Leiden, 1943; Vol. 11, 1944­1949 (6 sects in 3 fascicules); Supplementbande.  Vol.  I, Leiden, 1937; Vol. II, 1938; Vol. III, 1942 (23 sects in 11  fascicules).
  • Gr. = Greek
  • Heb. = Hebrew 
  • Per. = Persian
  • Q. = Qur’ān

Select Libraries

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