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The Islamic Background of Arabic term عَمَاء ,`amā'

From the opening Poem on al-`Ama' in `Abd al-Karim al-Jili Section IX of his al-Insan al-Kamil


 The Islamic Background of the Arabic term عَمَاء ,  `amā'

Stephen Lambden, UCMerced.

First written early 1980s. Now being revised and completed.

IN PROGRESS 2020 - Last updated 21-06-2020.

The Arabic verbal noun عَمَاء  `amā'.

 In the first line of the Rashh-i `ama' the word `ama'   is found as the second word in genitive relationship with the  word rashḥ which has various senses including "sprinkling" (like rain gently falling from a cloud) :

       رشح عما از جذبه ما ميريزد                    

The  governed noun `amā'  is derived from the Arabic root   amiya  the basic sense of which is `to become blind, to be obscure'. `Amā' could thus be translated "blindness", "secrecy", "obscurity" (etc.) though it also has the sense of `cloud', possibly  `heavy and thick clouds (which hide and obscure) or (the opposite!) light diaphanous clouds.



  • 19XX MacEoin  "Cloud of Unknowing"
  • 198X Stephen Lambden  `The Apophatic Cloud', the "Theophanic Cloud" BSB 
  • 19XX Titus Burckhardt French,        Culme-Seymour Eng. trans 1983 as `The Divine Obscurity'


 Tradition has it that the Prophet Muhammad was asked, `Where was our Lord before He created the creation?'  He is said to have replied:

قال : كان في عماء ما تحته هواء وما فوقه هواء وخلق عرشه على الماء

He [God] was in عَمَاء   ('amā' , a "Cloud")  above it [or Him] Air (hawā') and below it [or Him] Air (hawā'),  then He created His Throne upon the Waters".

This reply probably originally expressed the conviction that God was hidden and self-subsisting in His own Being. It perhaps indicated that before His work of creation God was in obscurity, enshrouded in the `cloud' of His own Being, wrapped in a dark mist. Versions of the above hadith are found in a wide range of  Sunni and Shi`i literatures. It was reported by Ahmad ibn Hanbal in his Musnad  (vol. 4: 11):

عن أبي رزين قال قلت يا رسول الله أين كان ربنا عز وجل قبل أن يخلق خلقه ؟

 قال : كان في عماء . ما تحته هواء وما فوقه هواء . ثم خلق عرشه على الماء

[Reported] From Abī Razīn, `I enquired, `O Messenger of God [=Muhammad], where was our Lord (exalted and glorified) before He created His creation?'. He [Muhammad] replied, `He was in  the Cloud (al-`amā'), no Air beneath Him and no Air above Him. Then He created His Throne upon the [primordial] Water(s) (trans. Lambden).

This tradition is also found in the following canonical Sunni hadith compilations:

  • (1)  The Sunan of  Muhammad ibn `Isā' Tirmidhi,

"Abu Razin told that he asked God's messenger, `Where was our Lord before He created the creation?" to which he replied, " He was in obscurity (`ama') with no air below Him and no air above Him, and He created His Throne on the Water'"  (Sunan 4:351) (trans., J. Robson in Mishkat al-Masabih.. Vol. II (Lahore, 1975), pp. 1227 8

 It is here noted that Tirmidhi transmitted this tradition and that Yazid ibn Hārūn al Wāsitiī(d. 206) said that "`amā' means that there was nothing with Him [God]"). 

See also E. W. Lane, Arabic-English Lexicon.. (London, 1874 ), Bk.I. Pt.5., pp. 2161 2 where the following translation is given,

 "[God].. was in clouds, or lofty clouds &c., beneath which was a vacuity and above which was a vacuity" (p. 2161).

  • (2) The Sunan of Ibn Majah vol. 1:64.
  • (3) al-Dur al-Manthur vol. 3:322  of al-Bayhaqi,      

Abū Ja`far Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Ṭabarī (d. 310/923)

The ḥadith of `ama' was cited by and regarded as "sound" by the great Persian born Sunnī Qur'ān commentator Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Ṭabarī (d. 3XX/923) who cited it, for example, in his Tarikh al-rusul wa'l-muluk (History of Messengers and Kings):

Shahrastānī, Muhammad ibn `Abd al-Karīm (d. 548/1153)

  • al-Milal = al-Milal wa’l-niḥal. 2 vols. Ed. Muhammad Sayyid Kīlānī. Beirut: Dār al-ṣa`ib, 1406/1987.
  •  Kitāb al-Milal wa'l-niḥal 3 vols. In 1 ed. `Abd al-Aziz Muhammad al-Wakil. Cairo: Mu`assasat al-Halabi wa Sharkāh li-l-Nashr waal-Tuzi`, 1387/1968.
  • Kitāb al-Milal wa'l-niḥal ed. Ahmad Fahmi Muhammad, 3 vols in 1 Beirut: Dar al-Kutub al-`Ilmiyya, n.d. [199?]
  • Kitāb al-Milal wa'l-niḥal trans. A.K.Kazi and J.G. Flynn, `Muslim Sects and Divisions, The Section of Muslim Sects in Kitāb al-Milal wa'l-niḥal by `Abd al-Karim Shahrastani (d. 1153)'. London, Boston, Melbourne and Henley: Kegan Paul International, 1954 Rep. 1984. (195pp.).
  • Mafatih 1989 = Mafatīḥ al-Asrār wa Maṣābīḥ al-Abrār [Persian Facsimile editon in 2 vols. covering Surat al-Fatiha and Baqara Q. Surahs 1-2]. Tehran: Markaz-i Intishār-i Nushakh-i Khaṭṭī (= Centre for the Publication of Manuscripts). Facsimile edition of the Unique Manuscript at the Library of the
    Islamic Consultative Assembly or Bunyād-i Farhang-i Irān. Introduction by `Abd al-Husayn Ha'iri and Indices by Parviz Akhka'i, 1989 CE/1409 AH/1368Sh.
  • Mafatih 1997 = Mafātīḥ al-asrār wa maṣābīḥ al-abrār (Keys of the mysteries and Lamps of the Pious). ed. Muhammad `Alī Adharshab, Tehran: Iḥyā-yi Kitāb, Daftar-i Nashr-i Miras-i Maktub, 1997.

Suhrawardī, Shihāb al-Dīn Yaḥyā ( d. 587/1191)

  •  1970 (ed. Nasr & Corbin) Oeuvres Philosophiques et Mystiques. Tome III. Ouvres en Persan. Tehran & Paris, 1970.
  •  Hikmat = The Philosophy of Illumination. A New critical edition of of Ḥikmat al-Ishrāq with English translation, Notes, Commentary and Introduction. John Walbridge and Hossein Ziai. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University Press, 1999.
  • Hayakil = Hayakil al-Nūr. ed. Muhammad `Alī Abū Rayyān. Cairo: Grande Library Commerciale, 1377/1957.
  • 1999 The Philosophical Allegories and Mystical Treatises, (Persian+ English text) ed. & tr. W.M. Thackston. Costa Mesa, California: Mazda Pub. 1999.
  • Ishq = Fī ḥaqīqat al-`Ishq (On the Reality of Love) text and tr. In Suhrawardi, 1999 (Treatise VI), 58-76.

al-Ṭabarī, Muhammad b. Jarīr (d. 310/922)

  •  Tarikh = Ta'rīkh al-rusul wa’l-mulūk, 15 vols. Dār al-Fikr 1988/1408.
  •  Eng. tr., = The History of al- Ṭabarī, by various translators, general ed., E. Yarshater, 37+1 vols. Albany, N.Y: SUNY, 1985-98.
  • Tarikh (Per. 1987) 1366/1987. Tārīkh-i nāmih-yi Ṭabarī. 3 Vols. Ed. Muḥammad Rawshan. Tehran: Nashr-i Naw.
  • Tarikh (Per. 1995) 1374/1995 Tārīkhnāmih-i Ṭabarī. 2 Vols. Ed. Muḥammad Rawshan. Tehran: Surūsh.
  • History tr. Rosenthal. The History of al-Tabarī, vol. 1 (General Introduction and From the Creation to the Flood), Albany. SUNY. 1989.
  • History tr. Brinner, W. vol. 2 (Prophets and Patriarchs), Albany, SUNY, 1987.
  • History tr. Brinner, W. vol. 3 (The Children of Israel), Albany, SUNY, 1991
  • History tr. Perlman. M. vol. 4 (The Ancient Kingdoms), Albany, SUNY. 1987.

al-Būnī, Muḥyī al-Dīn, Aḥmad ibn Alī (d. Cairo 622/1225)

  • Shams = Shams al-ma`ārif al-kubrā. Beirut: al-Maktabah al-Thaqāfiyya, n.d. [1905].

Ibn al-`Arabī, Muḥyī al-Dīn (c. 638 /1240).



  • Alchemie = L’Alchemie du bonheur. Tr. S. Ruspoli. Paris: Berg International
  • Futuhat = al-Fuṭūḥāt al-Makkiyya. 4 Vols. Beirut: Dār Ṣadir n.d. [1968 = Cairo Ed.1911].
  • Futuhat-Y = al-Fuṭūḥāt al-Makkiyya. Ed. O. Yaḥyā. Cairo: al-Hay`a al-Miṣriyya al-`Amma li’l-kitāb. 1972 (ongoing 14+ vols.), 1405/1985.
  • Insha = Kitāb Inshā’ al-dawā’ir. `Ālam al-Fikr. n.d.
  • Les Illuminations = Les Illuminations de La Mecque. The Meccan
  • Illuminations. al-Fuṭḥhât al-Makkiyya. Textes choisis / Selected Texts présentés et traduits de l'arabe en français ou en anglais sous la direction de Michel Chodkiewicz, avec la collabo- ration de William C. Chittick, Cyrille Chodkiewicz, Denis Gril et James W. Morris. Ouvrage publié avec le concours de The Rothko Chapel. Paris: Sindbad, 1988.
  • Fusus = Fuṣūṣ al-Ḥikam. Ed. A. `Afifi. [Cairo] Beirut: Dār al-Kutub al-`Arab, 1946.
  • Rasa’il = Rasá'il Ibn al-`Arabí. Hyderabad-Deccan: Dairatu'l-Ma`arifi'l-Osmasnia, 1948
  • Gryphon = Islamic Sainthood in the Fullness of Time, Ibn al-`Arabī’s Book of the Fabulous Gryphon. Gerald T. Elmore. Leiden: Brill, 1999
  • Wujud = Risāla al-wujūdiyya (Treatise on Existence’ trans. `Whoso Knoweth Himself..` Abingdon: Beshara Publications, 1976[88].
  • Rasā’il = Rasā’il Ibn al-`Arabī. ed. Afifi. Rep. Beirut: Dār Iḥyā al-turuth al-`arabī. Nd.
  • (Tafsir) = Tafsir al-Qur'ān al-Karīm. 2 Vols I. Edited by Mustafa Ghalib. Beirut: Dar al-Andalus, 1399/1978 (actually by `Abd al-Razzāq al-Kashānī, d. 1330?)



Select Bibliography II

Chittick, William C.

  •  The Sufi Path of Love, The Spiritual Teachings of Rumi. Albany: Suny.
  •  1989 Ibn `Arabi's Metaphysics of Imagination, The Sufi Path of Knowledge New York: SUNY.


Ibn Tawūs, Raḍī al-Dīn 'Alī ibn Mūsā ibn Ṭāwūs al-Hasanī al-Ḥillī (d. 664/1226).

  •  Ṣad al-ṣu'ūd, ed. F. T. al-Ḥassūn, Qum,: ADD, 1421/
  •  Muhaj =Muhaj al-da'awāt wa Manhaj al-`Abadāt, ed. Shaykh Ḥusayn al-A`lami, Beirut: Mu`assasat al-A`lamī, 1414/1993-4.

al-Qunawī, Ṣadr al-Dīn ( d. 673/1274)

  • K-Fukuk = K. al-Fukūk yā kilīd-i asrār-i fuṣūṣ al-ḥikam. Ar. Text, Per. Trans. Muhammad Khwajuwī. Intisharāt mawlā. 1413/1992


Rūzbehān Baqlī Shirazi,

  • Sharḥ-i shaṭḥīyāt

ʿAbd-al-Razzāq al-Kāshānī (d. 730/1329)

al-Qayṣārī, Muhammad Sharaf al-Dīn Dāwūd ( d. 751/1350)

  • Sh. Fusus = Sharḥ fuṣūs al-ḥikam. (Ed. Ashtiyānī), Tehran: Intishārāt `Ilmī wa Farhang. 1375/1997.

al-Bursī, Rajab. al-Ḥāfiẓ (d. c. 814/1411),

  •  Mashariq = Mashāriq anwār al-yaqīn fī asrār Amīr al-Mu'minīn. Beirut: Dār al-Andalus, 1978.
  •  [= Borsi] Les Orients des Lumires. (Henri Corbin), Verdier, 1994.

`Abd al Karīm ibn Ibrāhīm al-Jīlī (c. 1365- d. c. 832/1428).

For the Shī`īte Sufi `Abd al Karīm al Jili (1365 1420) `amā' was believed to be indicative of of the absolute hiddenness of the transcendent Godhead, "the highest level of the divine essence which is beyond both absolute reality (al-ḥaqq) and createdness (al-khalq )". It signfies "Being sunk in itself, bare potentiality" , "the eternal and unchangeable ground of Being", the "absolute inwardness (buṭūn) and occultation (istitar)" of the transcendent Divine Essence: (see EI2 art.    al-Jili).

On the book entitled  al-Insan al-Kamil (`The Perfect Human Being),( = Persianized form). al-`Ensān al-kāmel'  ( see  EIr, article Gerhard Böwering Vol. VIII, Fasc. 5, pp. 457-461) in which there is an important section IX on  al-Ama'  (` The Theophanic Cloud).


[1] The Theophanic Cloud - al-Ama' is the Primordal Locale; the Firmament [Sphere] (falak) of the Beauteous Suns (al-shamus al-husn)  setting therein  (affal), .   

[2] It is the Person of the Logos-Self of God (nafs nafs Allah) for He was before it and within It;

 A  Cosmic Entity [Being] (kawn)  from which naught emerges and nothing is altered! .

[3] Its Symbolic Likeness (mithl) is the elevated Likeness of His Prototypical Apophatic Blackness (kammun, lit cumin),

It is even as the Prototypical-Apophatic Blackness of  Fire (kammun nar) which hath ever been encompassed by Cosmic Stone (al-jandal).

[4] Whatever the case, Cosmic Fire (nar) is generated from its Cornerstones (al-ahjar);

By virtue of  its essential nature (hukm)  and its Prototypical-Apophatic Blackness ([black] kammun) it is way beyond penetrability!

[5] That Cosmic Fire (nar) which is generated from its Cornerstones (al-ahjar) is something secreted therein (kamina)

Were it to be made manifest according to its essential nature (hukm)  nothing would be divulged thereby.

[6] He, nonetheless, saw us gazing though He is [abstracted/ Hidden] in al-`Ama' (the Apophatic Cloud)!  

Translated from the Arabic text of al-Insān al-Kāmil, ed, 1375/1956, I: 50f by Stephen Lambden 2018 - last updated 17-09-2020.

 al-Jili, Select Bibliography:
•  al-Insān al-kāmil fī ma`rifat al-awākhir wa'l-awā'il. 2 vols in 1. Cairo: Mustāfa al-Bābī al-Ḥalabī, 1375/1956.
• Qasida = Qaṣīda al-nādirāt al-`ayniyya. Beirut: Dār al-Jīl, 1408/1988.

Jāmī, `Abd al-Raḥman (d. 898/1492)

  • Naqd = Naqd al-nuṣūṣ fī sharḥ naqsh al-fuṣūṣ. ed. W.C. Chittick. Tehran: Imp. Iranina Acadamy of Philosophy, 1977.

Dāmād, Mīr Muhammad Astarabādī (d. 1041/1641)

  •  Jadhawat = Jadhawāt. Repr. Bombay lith. 1302/1884. Tehran: Intishārāt-i Bihnām. n.d.
  •  Qabasat = K. al-Qabasāt. Ed. Mahdī Muḥaqqiq. Tehran: Intishārāt-i Dānishgāh-i Tihrān. 1362/1983.

Ṣadr al-Dīn al-Shīrāzī, Muhammad ibn Ibrāhim al-Qawāmī al-Shīrazī, Mullā Ṣadrā
(d. 1050 /1641 CE)

  • al-Ḥikma al-muta`āliyya f'īl-asfār al-aqliyyat al-arba`a 9 Vols. (Ed. M. Riḍā’ al-Muzaffr) Qum: Maktabat al-Muawaf, 1378 AH / 1958-59 CE.
  • `Arshiyya = Kitāb al-`Arshiyya. Beirut: Mu`assasat al-Tarikh al-`Arabi [= The Arabic History Est.] 1420/2000.
  • The Wisdom of the Throne: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Mullā Sadra. Trans. James Winstron Morris. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1981
  • Al-Masha’ir = Kitab al-masha'ir (The Book of Metaphysical Penetrations), ed., trans. and intro. by H. Corbin, Le livre des pénétrations métaphysiques, Paris: Départment d'Iranologie de l'Institut Franco-Iranien de Recherche, and Tehran: Librairie d'Amerique et d'Orient Adrien-Maisonneuve, Bibliothèque Iranienne vol. 10, 1964 + 1982.
  • Kitāb al-mashā'ir. Beirut: Dar al-Ihya al-Turath al-`Arabi, 2000+2003.
  • Kitāb al-mashā'ir.Beirut: Mu`assat al-Tarikh al-`Arabi [The Arabic History Est.], 1420/2000. 
  •  Sh. Usul. = Sharḥ uṣūl al-kāfī. 3 vols. Intishārāt `Ilmī va Farhang.1370Sh./1992.
  • al-Shawahid = al-Shawāhid al-rububiyyah fi manahij al-sulukiyyah, ed. by Sayyid Jalal al-Din Ashtiyani in 2 volumes together with Sabziwari’s commentary 2nd ed. Mashhad: Chapkhanih Daneshgah, 1360Sh. /1981
  • •Mafātīḥ al-ghayb lil-Ḥakim al-ilahi wa'l-Faylasuf al-Rabbani Ṣadr al-Dīn Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Shīrazī (Ṣadrā al-Muta'alihin)... 2 vols in 1, Beirut: Mu`assa al-Tarikh al-`Arabi, 3rd ed. 1424/2003.
  • al-Mabda' wa'l-Ma`ād ("The Book of the Origin and the Return"), 2nd ed. Beirut: Dar al-Hādī, 1426/2005.

al-Lāhijī, `Abd al-Razzāq ibn `Alī ibn Ḥusayn, al-Sharīf ( d. 1072/1662).

  • Tafsīr-i sharīf-i Lāhijī. ed. Mīr Jalāl al-Din Ḥusaynī Armavī. Vols. 3-4 ed. Muḥammad Ibrāhīm Āyatī. 4 Vols. Tehran: Mu’assasih-yi Maṭbū`āt al-`Ilmī, 1340/1961.

al-Fayḍ al-Kashānī, Mullā Muḥsin (d.1091/1680-81)

  • Mahajja = al-Maḥajja al-bayḍā' fī tahdhīb al-iḥyā’. ed. 'Alī Akbar al-Ghaffarī, 8 vols. Beirut: Mu`assat al-A`lamī. 1403/1984
  • `Ilm = `Ilm al-yaqīn fī Uṣūl al-dīn. 2 vols. Dār al-balāgha. 1410/1990.
  • Nawadir = Nawādir al-akhbār fīmā yata`allaq bi-uṣūl al-dīn. Ed. Mahdi Ansārī. Tehran: Institute for Cultural Studies, 1375/1996.
  • Kalimat = Kalimāt-i Maknūna ("The Hidden Words"),Tehran: Mu`assat-I Maṭbū`āt-i Farāhānī, 1342 Sh. or 1383/1963.
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Shāh Wali-Allāh Dehlavi ( d. 1762)

The important Muslim theologian Shah Wali-Allah of Delhi ( d. 1762) defined `amā' as the " world of primal matter" capable of assuming all incorporeal forms.

`Amā' in early Shaykhism


al-Aḥsā’ī, Shaykh Aḥmad ibn Zayn al-Dīn (d. 1241/1826)

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al-Rashtī, Sayyid Kāẓim al-Husayni (d.1259/1843).

  •  Dalil = Dalīl al-mutaḥayyirīn. 2nd ed. 3rd printing 1423/2002
  •  Ḥujjat al-bāligha ("The Climactic Proof").
  • Sh-Ism = Risāla fī sharh wa tafsīr ism Allāh al-a`ẓam. School of Oriental and African Studies Library. Ms. Ar. 92308 fol. 271a-74a.
  • Sh-Qasida = Sharh al-qāṣida al-lāmiyya. Tabrīz. 1270/1853.
  • Sh-Du`ā al-simāt = Sharh du`a' al-simāt wa … Sharḥ ḥadīth al-qadr. Beirut:
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  • Sh.Ttnj = Sharḥ al-Khuṭba al-ṭutunjiyya [taṭanjiyya]. Tabriz, 1270/1853-4.
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  • • Sh-Kursi = Sharḥ āyāt al-Kursī. Mss. School of Oriental and African Studies Library. Ms. Ar. ADD.


Select secondary Sources


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