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A Ziyarat-Namah of the Baha'-Allah for Mulla Husayn Bushru'i (d.1849)




A Ziyarat-Namah of Baha'u'llah for Mulla Husayn Bushru'i (d. c. 2nd Feb.,1849)

Trans. Stephen N. Lambden UC Merced.

IN PROGRESS - Last updated 30-03-2021.





Opening lines of the Arabic text as printed in Tarikh-i Shuhada-yi Amr, ed. Muhammad `Ali Malik Khusravi Nuri, Vol.1 [Tehran : ] Mu`assat-i Milli-yi Matbu`at-i Amri, 120 Badi` / 1963-4 page  415.


A Ziyarat-Namah of the Baha'u'llah for Mulla Husayn Bushru'i (d. c. 2nd Feb.,1849)

Trans. Stephen N. Lambden UC Merced.



He is the Most Pre-Existent (al-aqdam), the Most Great (al-a`zam), the All-Glorious (al-abha).

The Primal Light (awwal nur) that radiated forth and beamed radiantly from the Horizon of the Mercy of God (rahmat Allah) is the Ruler of humankind (malik al-anam) [2] And the Primal Soul (awwal ruh) that was made manifest with the Name of the All-Merciful (ism al-rahman) be upon thee [Mulla Husayn], O thou Dawning-Place of Certitude (matla` al-iqan) and    Radiant Dawn of Excellence (mashriq al-ihsan). I bear witness that thou didst hear the Call of the Sidrat al-Muntaha (Lote-Tree of the Extremity) ...