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TB Mission Moses I

لوح بعثت حضرت موسی

A  Mystical Tablet of MIrza Husayn `Ali Nuri Bahā'-Allāh to his eminence Khalīl ("the Friend") on the Prophetic Commission of Moses.

Stephen Lambden UCMerced.

Being revised and updated May 2015.

 Translated from the Persian (+ Arabic text) opening section (Pt.1) of a Tablet of Baha'-Allah printed in Ishrāq Khāvarī (comp.)  Mā'ida-yi āsmanī   vol. 4:38-44, with corrected interlinear text. The (Persian) Pt.2  from an unpublished ms.  which will be posted here in due course in PDf format. This is one of the most important scriptural Tablets of Baha'-Allah addressed to a Jewish convert to the Baha'i religion. An earlier version of this untitled Tablet addressed to a certain al-Khalil was first translated and commented upon in the Bahā'ī' Studies Bulletin   vol. 4:1 (198X) pp. 

Translation Stephen N. Lambden,

First translated in 198X, this Persian and Arabic tablet commences with the following  new Babi-Baha'i basmala :



    بسم ربّنا الّذی وصف نفسه بنفسه  لسمّيها عن الاسمإ

In the Name of Our Lord Who hath described His Logos-Self by means of His Logos-Self such that He might designate it through the Divine Names.


ملكوت جلال و جمال و جبروت عظمت و اجلال سلطان لاهوتو مليك حی لا يموت را برازنده و زيبنده كه بنفحهای از نفحاتبحر مداد مكنون كه از قلم ترشح نمود جمال انبيإ ظاهر

The Sovereign of the Divine Realm and King of Life Who dieth not  hath so established and ornamented the Kingdom of Majesty and Beauty  and the Spiritual Realm of Might and Magnificence, that, through but a breeze of the breezes of the Hidden Sea of Ink  which hath exuded from the Supreme Pen,  the Beauty of the Prophets was made manifest.

It concludes as follows- text as published in Ma'ida-yi asmani Vol 4:38-44

و حمل العرش الاحرف الثمانيه النّورإ اذا تمّ و كمل و ختم

هيكل الاسم الاعظم فی خاتم قدس حفيظ طوبی لمن نظر

الی خاتم المحبوب و عرف ما قدر فيه من الاسرار المودعة

فی كنائز كتب القبل من لدن عليم حكيم " انتهی .


When the Divine Call was ended and the Mighty, Hidden Letters came to be in the threefold  form in the quadratic Temple and the Innermost Mystery and Secreted Treasure was made manifest and eight Illumined Letters bore up the Heavenly Throne then was the Temple of the Greatest Name perfected and sealed with a sacred, guarded Seal. Blessed be he who gazes upon the Seal of the Beloved One  and becomes aware of that which bath been decreed in it of the Mysteries deposited in the treasuries of the Books of old on the part of One All-Knowing, All-Wise.
