Hāj Mihdi Arjmand (b. Hamadan, c. 1861 - d. Tehran 1941) author of the Persian Gulshan-i Haqa'iq (The Rose Garden of Realities) a volume highly praised by `Abdu'l-Baha'.
Stephen Lambden, UC Merced.
In progress - last updated 30-12-2021.
Tablets of Bahā'-Allāh and `Abdu'l-Baha' to Mir (b. Hamadan c. 1277[8]/1861) son of Aqā Raphael (A'Rafu'a) and Khātun Hakim Lalih-zar (dates unknown), renamed Hāj Mihdi Arjmand. He was a nephew of Hakim Aqā Jān and was married to Tawus or Tavous Arjomand. Their children were apparently Dina Badi'ih Navidi (Ardjomand), Amih Lami'ih Sana'i and Habibollah Ardjomand (Arjmand). See Tavous Ardjomand (deceased) - Genealogy (geni.com).
Mirza Mihdi Arjmand or Mi'r [Mihdi] son of Aqa Rafa'il [Raphael] (b. Hamadan, 1240/1861-d. Tehran 1320/ 1941). An erudite Aaronite Jewish background Baha'i educated in the Talmud-Torah school and by profession a goldsmith. He was converted by Mirza `Ali Muhammad Ibn-i Asdaq (d.1928) in 1295/1878 (see Gulshan-i Haqa'iq and `Haj Mihdi Arjmand by Iraj Ayman).
"Haj Mehdi Arjmand was born to a Jewish family in the city of Hamadan, Iran. He embraced the Faith of Baha'u'llah at a young age. His yearning for reading and understanding the Baha'i holy scripture moved him to master Farsi and Arabic languages. His fame for his exemplary knowledge of the Bible and the Qur'an had also spread throughout the country. All the way to the last moments, Haj Mehdi was engaged in teaching the Faith. The most notable teaching event of his life is his two year long debate with the American Dr. Holmes of the Presbyterian denomination who had traveled to Iran as part of a missionary effort. At the end Dr. Holmes confessed that Haj Mahdi's knowledge of the Bible was so deep that it felt as if he had written it himself. Haj Mahdi became reciepient of several tablets from Abdu'l-Baha." (extract from the wepage of the Irfan Colloquium).
Select Tablets of `Abdu'-Baha' to Mirza Mihdi Arjmand
Houshang Arjmand (b. Tehran, March 20th, 1930 - d. La Jolla, California, 20 August 2015) was the grandson of Haj Mihdi Arjmand. He did much to support Babi-Baha'i scholarship through the Haj Mehdi Arjmand Memorial Fund which was established in 1993. He attended some of the Irfan Colloquim meetings in the USA and Europe or the UK. His knowledge, humility, kindness and generosity were an example to everyone.