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Part XIV. The Prophet Muhammad (27) (Ar.) and his revealed book, the Qur'an.

The name Muhammad in Arabic meaning one Praised or one Praiseworthy.

Part XIV. 

The Prophet Muhammad (27) (Ar.) and his revealed book, the Qur'an.

28. Muhammad,       R+N+M*, Muḥammad ibn `Abd-Allāh (c. 570-632 CE) is mentioned four times in four sūras of the Q. Sūra 47 is named after this Arabian prophet-messenger who from time to time communicated an Arabic Q (= "recitation") in 114 sūras of varying length. Muhammad believed that he was restoring and updating the perspicuous, "clear" (mubīn) religion of Abraham. Considered by Muslims to be the greatest of the past messenger-prophets, Muhammad was designated the khātam al-nabbiyyīn, the acme (trad.
"seal"= "last") of the prophets" (Q. 33:40b)

The Bābī- Bahā’ī religion grew out of Shī`ī Islam in a manner similar to the emergence of Christianity from sectarian Judaisms. The Bāb and B aha'u'llah greatly praise and elevate Muhammad. They regard him as eternally much more than an inspired human being seeing him as a very exalted and pre-existent maẓhar-i ilāhī. They always speak positively of the Islamic religion and its founder prophet.

The Risāla fī’l-nubuwwat al-khaṣṣa of the Bab (1847)

The Bāb wrote a fifty or so page Arabic treatise in proof of the mission of Muhammad, his sometimes esoteric Risāla fī’l-nubuwwat al-khaṣṣa (1847) which was addressed to the then crypto-Christian, governor of Iṣfahān, Manuchihr Khān (d.1847).

Baha'u'llah often and in various ways identified himself with the exalted, divine Muhammad, as well as with Jesus and other elevated pre-Islamic agents of God:

Say: By God! I, verily, am `Alī [Muhammad, the Bāb] in the kingdom of Eternity, and Muhammad in the Jabarūt of Names, then the Spirit (al-rūḥ = Jesus) in the plains of Eternity (madā’in al-baqā’) and also [Imam] Ḥusayn in this greatest theophany-Dispensation (ẓuhūr) (Baha'u'llah, K. Badī`, ms.151)