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QA LXXXV [85] Sūrat al-Haqq (The Surah of the Ultimate Reality) on Qur'an 12:84.




سورة الحق

Sūrat al-Haqq (The Surah of the Ultimate Reality).


Qur'an 12: 85 [84].

Translation Stephen N. Lambden

1982-2022 - Under revision 05-07-2022



بسم اللّه الرّحمن الرّحيم

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate


"And he turned away from them, and said, 'Ah, woe is me for Joseph!' And his eyes turned white because of the sorrow that he choked within him." (Q. 12:84, trans. Arberry). 

"By God, they said, Thou wilt never cease mentioning [remembering] Joseph till thou art consumed [being ill] (haras an) or among the perishing (al-halikin)." (Q. 12:85, trans. Arberry). 

قالوا تاللّه تفتؤا تذكر يوسف حتّی تكون حرضاً او تكون من الهالكين ه



a-l-m-Ṭ = آلمط


[Abjad 1+30+40+9 = 80]. 

الحمد للّه الّذی نزّل الكتاب بالحقّ علی عبده ليكون فی العوالم مظهراً لامثاله  علی القسط الخالص بالحقّ الاكبر مشهوداً ه و انّا نحن قد جعلناك فی عوالم القدس ركناً للتّسبيح و عرشاً علی التّكبير محموداً

 [4] Praised be to God Who hath, in very truth (bi'l-haqq), sent down the Book (al-kitab) unto His servant (`ala `abd) [the Bab] to the end that he be, throughout  [all] the worlds (`awalim), a Manifestation of the Similitudes (mazhar al-amthal), made manifest, in the Greatest Truth (bi'l-haqq al-akbar), according to pure justice (`ala qist al-khalis). [5] We did indeed fashion thee [the Bab] in worlds of holiness (`awalim al-quds) as a Praiseworthy (mahmud an) Pillar expressive of Glorification (rukn an al-tasbih) and a Throne expressive of Magnitude (`arsh `ala al-takbir).

فاستمع ندائی علی الباب من حول الباب

انّی انا الملك الحقّ قد كنت بالحقّ علی الحقّ قيّوماً ه و انّی علی الامربالحقّ علی الف المحيط قد كنت بالحقّ علی الحقّ محكوماً ه انّك بالحقّ ركن التّهليل و مركز التّمجيد باذن اللّه الحميد قد كنت فی الحقّ محموداً ه و انّا نحن ما اردنا بالحقّ من بعض شیء الّا و قد سبقت الارادة من انفسهم علی الشّیء و هو اللّه قد كان علی كلّ شیء محيطاً ه هو الّذی يريكم علی البرق برقاً من الذّكر الاكبر و علی السّحاب لمعاً من الامر الاعظم و هو اللّه كان علی كلّ شیء قديراً ه


So hearken unto My Call al-nida')

through the Gate (`ala al-bab), about the precincts of the Gate (min hawl al-bab), [saying] `I am indeed the Ruler [King]  (al-malik), the True One (al-haqq)' [cf. Q. 20:114a] for I was, in truth, in very truth, One Self-Subsisting (qayyum an). [7] I indeed am, in very truth (bi'l-haqq) as befits the Divine Command [Cause],  [elevated] above the All-Surrounding [Arabic letter] "A" (Alif) (`ala alif al-muhit) for I was, as befits the Truth, according to the Truth (bi'l-haqq `ala al-haqq) one Divinely Sanctioned (mahkum an). [8] Thou, in very truth (bi'l-haqq), with the permission of God, the One Praiseworthy (al-hamid), are the Pillar of Legitimacy (rukn al-tahlil) and the Central Locus of Glorification (markaz al-tamjid) for thou were as one Praiseworthy (mahmud an).

[9] REVISE THIS We, verily, did not,  in very truth, desire [intend] anything at all save that it preceeded such desire (al-iradah) as issued from their own selves.  [10]

 يا ايّها المؤمنون

لم  تجادلون فی الذّكر بعد الحقّ و انّه قد كان فی امّ الكتاب شديد ؟ الامر حول النّار مكتوباً ه و انّ الّذين يدعون من دون هذا الباب لن يستجيبوا لهم بشیء وما جعل اللّه دعإ الكافرين الّا فی النّار علی النّار بالنّار الاكبر مستجاباً ه و للّه يسجد من فی السّموات و من فی الارض فمنهم علی الحقّ القيّم و منهم علی الباطل المجتث قد كانوا فی امّ الكتاب علی حول النّار مسطوراً ه

O Thou Believers!

Thou shall never  be able to dispute with the Dhikr-Remembrance regarding the Truth (al-haqq)! Was He not reckoned in the Mother-Archetypal Book (umm al-kitab)  One especially Severe (shadid)? The Cause [of God] (al-amr) is [indeed already] recorded [written up] (maktub an) nigh the Theophanic Fire (hawl al-nar)! Such as do make supplication other then by means of this Bab shall never receive an answer for themselves in any way at all! ...








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