Select Bibliography for Islamo-Biblica (Israelitica).
Stephen Lambden UC Merced.
In progress - last updated 1980 - 08-02-2016.
Abū Shahibah, Muhammad ibn Muhammad
- al‑Isrā’īliyyāt wa’l‑mawḍū`āt fī kutub al‑tafsīr. Cairo: Maktabat al-Sunnah, 1393/1973; 4th rep. 1408/ 1987-8
- al-Isrā’īliyyāt wa'al-mawḍu‘at fī kutub al-tafsīir li-Muhammad ibn Muhammad Abū Shuhbah. 1st ed. Cairo: Majma` al-Hayth al-Islamiyya 1393/ ; 1402+1405+1408= Cairo: Maktabat al-Sunnah, 1408/ 1987-8. (348pp.).
- al-Isrā’īliyyāt wa'al-mawḍu‘at fī kutub al-tafsīir ... Beirut: Dar al-Jil, 1413/1992. (347pp.). *
Albayrak, ismail.
- 2000 Qur'anic narrative and Isra'iliyyat in Western scholarship and in classical exegesis. Univ. of Leeds. 2000
- 2002 `Isrā’īliyyāt and Classical Exegetes’ Comments on the Calf with a Hollow Sound Q. 20:83-98/7:147-155 with Special reference to `Aṭiya’, JSS XLVII (2002), pp. 39-65.
Aydemir, Abdullah
- Tefsirde Ýsrailiyat. 2000. ISBN: 975473058 [Turkish].
Brinner, Wiliam, M.
- [1998] `Isrā’īliyyāt’, Encyclopedia of Arabic Llierature (= EAL) 1: 400‑401.
- `Legends of the Prophets (Qiṣaṣ al‑anbiyā’)’, EAL 2:465‑6.
Būjnūrdī, Kāẓim Mūsāvī.
- DMI (ed.), Dā’irat al‑ma`ārif‑i buzurg‑i Islāmiyya (The Great Islamic Encyclopedia). Tehran, 11 vols. 1996‑2003
- Dā’irat al‑ma`ārif‑i buzurg‑i Islamī (Great Islamic Encyclopedia) Tehran, 1998, `Isra’īlliyyāt’, vol. 8:290-4 .
The recent, Shī`ī centered and bulky Persian Dā’irat al‑ma`ārif‑i buzurg‑i Islamī (`Great Islamic Encyclopedia’, Tehran, 1998) contains an entry `Isra’īlliyyāt’ which includes a thorough consideration of Isrā’īliyyat seen as a techincal term in the realm of tafsīr and ḥadīth studies (vol. 8:290‑4).
Dehkhodā, Alī Akbar Qazvīnī, (1879-1956)
Born. Tehran c. 1297/1879 d. Tehran 7th Esfand 1334 Sh. / 26th February 1956. His Persian [Shī`ī] Encyclopedic Dictionary, the Lughat-Nāmih contains the entry
- `Isrā’īliyyāt’ Vol. 2:1924.
The largely unchanged 1993 2nd edition of the Lughat‑Namih of Dekhoda incudes a very basic, only slightly dismissive definition of `Isrā’īliyyāt’ (vol. 2:1924),
al‑Dhahabī, Muḥammad Husayn
- al‑Isrā’īliyyāt fī’ l‑tafsīr wa’l‑ḥadīth . Jāma`at al‑Azhar/ Majma` al‑buḥuth al‑Islāmiyya, 1391/1971+ 4th printing, 1991.
Originally a paper several times separately published volume,
Dhahabī, Muḥammad Husayn.
- 1971 [1991] al-Isrā’īliyyāt fī’l-tafsīr wa’l-ḥadīth. Jāma`at al-Azhar [Majma` al-Buḥūth al-Islāmiyya] Maktabat al-Wahabiyya, 1391/1971, 1991.
Donner, F. M.
- 1998 Narratives of Islamic Origins: The Beginnings of Islamic Historical Writing. Princeton, NJ: Darwin Press
Duri, A. A.
- 1983 The Rise of Historical Writing Among the Arabs. Ed. and trans. F. Donner. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
EAL = Encyclopedia of Arabic Literature. 2 vols. ed. J. S. Meisami & P. Starkey. London & New York: Routledge, 1998
Ginzberg, Louis, trans.,
- The Legends of the Jews, 7 vols. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of America, 1909-46.
Goitein, S.D.,
- "Isrā'îliyat" in Tarbiz, vol. 6֊, Jerusalem: 1936, pp. 89-101; 510-22 (in Hebrew).
Goldziher, Ignaz,
- Muslim Studies, ed. by S.M. Stern. Vol. Two, London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1971.
Goldziher, Ignaz. (1850-1921)
- 1876 `Ueber muhammadanische Polemik gegen Ahl al-kitāb’ ZDMG. 32: 341-387.
- 1888-90 [Muh.Stud.] Muhammedanische Studien. 2 vols. Halle: Max Niemayer, 1889-90. Tr. S.M. Stern and C.R. Barber, Muslim Studies. [= MStudies] 2 vols. London: George Allen and Unwin, 1967-71.
- GS [1968] Gesammelte Schriften. 6 vols. Ed. J. De Somogyi. Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 1968.
- `Mélanges judae-arabes: isra’iliyyāt’, REJ XIV: 62-66.
von Grunebaum, Gustave E.,
Medieval Islam: A Study in Cultural Orientation, Second Edition, (Phoenix Books) Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1956.
Green, D. F.
- 1972 [74] `Arab Theologians on Jews and Israel, Extracts from the Fourth Conference of the Academy of Islamic Research.’ (Geneva, [1972], 74)
Halperin, David J.,
- "The Hidden Made Manifest: Muslim Traditions and the Latent . Content of Biblical and Rabbinic Stories," in Pomegranates and Golden Bells: Studies in Biblical, Jewish, and .Near Eastern Ritual, law, and Literature m Honor of Jacob Milgrom. ed. David P. Wright, David Noel Freedman, and Avi Hurvitz. Winona Lake, IN: 1995, pp. 581-594.
- and Gordon Newby, "Two Castrated Bulls: A Study in the Haggadah of Ka'b al-Ahbãr," in Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol. 102:4, Oct.֊Dec. 1982, pp. 631 -38.
Hary, Benjamin H., John L. Hayes and Fred Astren (eds.)
- 2000 Judaism and Islam: boundaries, communication and interaction: essays in honor of William M. Brinner . Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2000
Hawting, G. R. and Abdul-Kader A. Shareef (eds.)
- 1993 Approaches to the Qur’ān. London and New York: Routledge.
Hawting, G.R. et al., eds.
- 2000 Studies in Islamic and Middle Eastern Texts and Traditions in Memory of Norman Calder (JSS Supp. 12). Oxford University Press.
Humphreys, R. Stephen.
- I99I Islamic History: A Framework for Inquiry. Revised Edition. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Ibn Isḥāq, Muhammad [`Abd al-Malik ibn Hishām] (d. 150/767 )
- Sira = Sīrat rasul Allah, ed. Ferdinand Wustenfeld (Das Leben Muhammed's). 2 vols. Gottingen: Dieterichsche Universitats-Buchhandlung, 1858-60. Trans. Alfred Guillaume as The Life of Muhammad: a Translation of Ibn Ishaq's Sirat Rasul Allah. Oxford: OUP, 1955.
Ibn Kathīr. `Abū’l-Fidā’ Ismā’il (d.774/1373).
- Tafsir = Tafsīr al-Qur'ān al-`Azīm. 7 Vols. Beirut: Dar al-Fikr, 1389/1970.
- Qisas = `Qiṣaṣ al-anbiyā’. Beirut: Dar al-Qalam. 1405/1985.
- Bidaya = al-Bidāyah wa al-nihāyah. Ed. Aḥmad Abu Māḥim et. al. n.p.: Dār al-kutub al-`ilmiyyah, 1992/1412.
Ibn Taymiyya, Tāqī al-Dīn (d. 728 /1328).
- Int. Tafsir `Introductory Treatise on the Principles of Tafsir’, trans. McAuliffe, Jane, D. in J. Renard ed. 1998 -->.
Khoury, R. G.
- Wahb b. Munabbih. Vol1 Der Heidelberger Papyrus PSR Heid Arab 23, Leben und Werkdes Dichters, 2 vols. Wiesbaden: O Harrassowitz.
- Wahb b. Munabbih, ed. R.G. Khoury ( = A monograph and ed. of two papyri on the Maghāzī and the History of David). Wiesbaden 1972
- Les légendes prophétiques dans l’Islam depuis le Ier-IIIe siècle H., Wiesbaden 1978 . Contains an ed. of the Kitāb bad’ al-khalq wa-qiṣaṣ al-anbiyā’ of `Umāra b. Wathīma al-Fārisī.
- `Umāra b. Wathīma. EI2 Vol X. 835-836.
- `Wahb b. Munabbih, Abū `Abd Allāh’ . EI2 Vol. XI : XX-XXX.
Khoury, R. G.
- 1972 Wahb B. Munabbih. Vol. 1: Der Heidelberger Papyrus PSR Heid Arab 23.
- Vol 2: Faksimiletafeln, Wiesbaden 1972 (Codices Arabici Antiqui I).
- 1972 Wahb b. Munabbih. Vol1 Der Heidelberger Papyrus PSR Heid Arab 23, Leben und Werkdes Dichters, 2 vols. Wiesbaden: O Harrassowitz.
- 1972 Wahb b. Munabbih, ed. R.G. Khoury ( = A monograph and ed. of two papyri on the Maghāzī and the History of David). Wiesbaden 1972
- Les légendes prophétiques dans l’Islam depuis le Ier-IIIe siècle H., Wiesbaden 1978 . Contains an ed. of the Kitāb bad’ al-khalq wa-qiṣaṣ al-anbiyā’ of `Umāra b. Wathīma al-Fārisī.
- `Umāra b. Wathīma. EI2 Vol X. 835-836.
- `Wahb b. Munabbih, Abū `Abd Allāh’ . EI2 Vol. XI : XX-XXX.
Kister, M. J.
- `Haddithu 'an israila we-la haraja: a Study of an Early Tradition,` IOS 2 (1972) 215-39.
- 1988 `Legends in Tafsīr and Hadīth Literature: the Creation of Adam and Related Stories,’ in Rippin, ed., Approaches to the History of the Interpretation of the Qur'an, 82-114.
- On the Papyrus of Wahb b. Munabbih,’ BSOAS 37: 545-71.
- The Sirah Literature," in Beeston et al., eds., CHAL 1: 352-57.
- "Ādam: A Study of Some Legends in Tafsır and Hadith Literature." pp. 113-74 in idem, Concepts and Ideas at the Dawn of Islam. Aldershot: Ashgate/ Variorum, 1997.
- "And He Was Born Circumcised...." pp. 10-30 in idem, Concepts and Ideas at the Dawn of Islam. Aldershot: Ashgate/Variorum, 1997.
Lambden, Stephen N.
- 1992 `From Fig‑Leaves to Fingernails: Some Notes on the Garments of Adam & Eve in the Hebrew Bible and Select early post‑Biblical Jewish Writings in A Walk in the Garden : Exegesis, Iconography and Literature (Proceedings of a Conference held at the University of Lancaster Jan. 8‑9, 1986), 1992.
- 2001 Some Aspects of Isra’iliyyat and the Emergence of the Babi-Bahā’ī Interpretation of the Bible’. University of Newcastle upon Tyne Ph.d thesis (unpublished)2006.
- Chapter 9 ` Islam' in the Blackwell Companion to the Bible and Culture' ed. John F.A. Sawyer,
Lassner, J.
- 1993 Demonizing the Queen of Sheba. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- 1993a `The “One Who had knowledge of the Book” and the “Mightiest Name” of God. Qur’ānic Exegesis and Jewish Cultural Artifacts’ in Nettler (ed.): 59-74.
- 1993b Demonizing the of the Queen of Sheba, Boundaries of Gender and Culture in Medieval Islam. Chicago, London: The University of Chicago Press.
- 2000 `Time, Historiography, and Historical Consciousness: The Dialectic of Jewish-Muslim Relations’ in Hary, et. al. eds. 2000, pp. 1-26.
Lazarus-Yafeh, Hava. (d. 200X).
- `Self-Criticism in Jewish and Islamic Traditions’ in Hary et. al. eds. 2000 [= Brinner Fest.] pp. 303-319.
Leder, S et al. eds.
- 2002 Studies in Arabic and Islam, Proceedings of the 19th Congress, Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants, Halle 1998. (= Orientalia Louvaniensia Analecta -108-) Paris-Sterling, VA : Uitgeveru Peeters. viii+541 pp. : ill. ; 25 cm.
Maghniyah, Muhammad Jawad and `Abd al-Husayn Maghniyah.
- Isra'iliyyat al-Qur'an : Tafsir Isra'iliyyat al-Qur'an yuzhiru haqiqat al-Yahud wa `aqidatahum al-Sahyuniya. Beirut: Dar al-Jawad, 1400/ 199X. (246pp.)
Maghiniyya, Muhammad Jawad
- Isra'iliyyat al-Qur'an. Tafsir Isra'iliyyat al-Qur'an... `Abd alHusayn Mughniyya, Beirut: Dar al-Jawad , 1404/1984. (246+1pp.).*
Manūchihrī, F.
- 1998 `Isra’īl [Isrā’īliyyāt]’ in Dā’irat- al-ma`ārif-i buzurg-i Islamī (`Great Islamic Encyclopedia’), Vol. 8 , Tehran, 1377/1998, pp. 290-4.
McAuliffe, Jane Dammen
- 1991 Qur'ānic Christians : An Analysis of Classical and Modern Exegesis. Cambruidge: Cambriudge Univ. Press. ISBN: 0521364701.
- 1990 `Fakhr al-Dīn Rāzī on āyat-jizyah and āyat al-sayf’ in M. Gevers, ed. 1990, 103-118.
- 1998 `Assessing the Isrā’īliyyāt: An exegetical conundrum’ in Leder ed. 1998: 345-369.
- 1999 `Debate with them in the Better Way, The Construction of a Qur’ānic Commonplace’ in Neuwirth et. al. eds. 1999, pp. 163-188.
- "Chosen of all women: Mary and Fatima in Qur'anic exegesis." Islamochristiana 7 (1981): 19-28.
- "Fakhr al-DIn al-Rāzī on ayat al-jizyah and ayat al-sayf." In Conversion and Continuity: indigenous Christian Communities in Islamic Lands, Eighth to Eighteenth Centuries. Edited by Michael Gervers and Ramzi J. Bikhazi, 103-119. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, 1990.
- Qur'anic Christians: An Analysis of Classical and Modern Exegesis. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991.
- "The Qur'anic context of Muslim biblical scholarship." Islam and Muslim-Christian Relations, Vol. 7 No. 2 (1996), 141-158.
- "Assessing the Isra'ïliyyat: An exegetical conundrum." Forthcoming m Fiction in Nonfictional Classical Arabic Literature, ed. S. Leder (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag).
- "Tabarĩ's Prelude to the Prophet." Forthcoming in Al-TabarT: A Medieval Muslim Historian and His Work, ed. Hugh Kennedy (Princeton: Darwin Press).
- "The Abrogation of Judaism antl Christianity in Islam: A Christian Perspective." Concilium (1994/3): 154-63.
- "Assessing the Isrã'ĩliyyãt: An Exegetical Conundrum." Pages 345-69 in Slory-Telling in the Framework of Non-fictional Arabic Literainre. Edited by Stefan Leder. Wiesbaden: I larrassovvit/, 1998.
McAuliffe, Jane Dammen et. al. (eds.)
- Enc. Q = Encyclopedia of the Qur’ān. Vols. 1-5, Leiden: Brill, 2001-5 McAuliffe, Jane Dammen; Barry D. Walfish and Joseph W. Goering (eds.)
- 2003 With reverence for the word: medieval scriptural exegesis in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Oxford; New York : Oxford University Press, 2003
Meisami, Julie.
- EAL = (ed.) Encyclopedia of Arabic Literature. 2 vols. London and New York: Routledge. Montgomery Watt, W.
Moreen, Vera B.
2000 `Is[h]ma'iliyat: A Judeo-Persian Account of the Building of the Ka'ba’ in Hary, et. al. eds. 2000, pp. 185-199.
Mourad, S. A.,
Muqātil b. Sulaymān al- Khurasānī [al- ] (d. Basra, 150/767).
- Tafsir = Tafsīr Muqātil b. Sulaymān. Ed. `Abd-Allāh Maḥmūd Shahḥata . 4+1 vols. Cairo: 1979-1988.
- Tafsir (2003) = = Tafsīr Muqātil b. Sulaymān. Ed. `Abd-Allāh Maḥmūd Shahḥata 5 vols. Beirut: Mu`assat al-Tārīkh al-`Arabī. 1423/2003.
Mursi, Ahmad.
- al-Fulklur wa'l-Isrāiliyat . Dar al-Ma°arif , 1977 179pp. ISBN: 9772466031
Na`iniyya, Ramzi.
- al-Isra'iliyyat wa athurah fi'l-kutub al-tafsir. Damascus: Dar al-Qalam, 1970 (493pp.).
Nagel, T.
- 1967 Die Qisas al-anbiya'. Ein Beitrag zur arabischen Literaturgeschichte. Bonn: Selbstverlag des orientalischen Seminars der Universitat Bonn.
Nettler, R. L.
- 1993 (ed.) Studies in Muslim-Jewish Relations Vol.1 Harwood Academic Publishers, Oxford Centre for Postgraduate Hebrew Studies.
& Suha Taji-Farouki, eds.
- 1998 Muslim-Jewish Encounters Intellectual Traditions and Modern Politics. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publishers.
Nettler, Ronald L. and Suha Taji-Farouki Eds.
- 1988 Muslim-Jewish Encounters : intellectual traditions and modern politics. Amsterdam, The Netherlandds : Harwood Academic Publishers, 1988.
Newby, Gordon D.
- • "Tafsir isra'iliyat : Qur'an commentary in early Islam in its relationship to Judaeo-Christian traditions of scriptural commentary" Journal of the American Academy of Religion Thematic Studies. 47 (1979), 685-697.
- 1979 `Tafsīr Isrā’īliyyāt’ , Journal of the American Academy of Religion. Thematic Issue S. 47 (1979), pp. 694-5.
- 1989 The Making of the Last Prophet: a Reconstruction of the Earliest Biography of Muhammad. Columbia, S.C.: University of South Carolina Press.
- 1999 `Quranic and Islamic Interpretation of Biblical Materials’ in Hayes, J (ed) DBI (1999), 356-360.
- 2000 `Text and Territory: Jewish-Muslim Relations 632-750 CE’ in Hary, et. al. eds. 2000, pp. 83-ADD
Neuwirth, Angelika.
- 1996 Myths, Historical Archetypes, and Symbolic Figures in Arabic Literature: Towards a New Hermeneutic Approach Proceedings of the International Symposium in Beirut, June 25th - June 30th, 1996. ISBN: 3515071016
Qāsimī. Ḥamīd Muḥammad.
- اسرائيليات و تأثير آن بر داستانهاى انبيا در تفاسير قرآن = Isrāʾīliyāt va taʾth̲īr-i ān bar dāstānʹhā-yi anbiyā dar tafāsīr-i Qurʾān, Tehran: Surūsh, 2001. ISBN: 9644356047. ( 535pp.). Persian...
Rabī`, Āmāl `Abd al-Raḥman,
- al-Isrā’īliyyāt fī Tafsīr al-Ṭabarī : dirāsah fī al-lughah wa al-masādir al-‘Ibriyyah. Dar al-Thaqafah al-°Arabiyah (2000) Language: Arabic ISBN: 9772221942 (510 pp.)
- al-Isrā’īliyyāt fī Tafsīr al-Ṭabarī : dirāsah fī al-lughah wa al-masādir al-‘Ibriyyah. Cairo : Jumhūriyyat Miṣr al-‘Arabiyyah, Wizarat al-Awqaf, al-Majlis al-A‘lā lil-Shu'ūn al-Islāmiyyah. 2001
Reeves, John. C., ed.
- 1994 Tracing the Threads, Studies in the Vitality of Jewish Pseudepigrapha. Atlanta, Georgia: Scholars Press.
- 1996 Heralds of That Good Realm: Syro-Mesopotamian Gnosis and Jewish Traditions. Leiden: Brill Academic Pub ISBN = 9004104593.
- 1999 `Manichaica Aramaica? Adam and the Magical Delverance of Seth’. JAOS 119: 432-439
- 2004 (ed.) Bible and Quran: Essays in Scriptural Intertextuality. Leiden, New York: Brill Academic Pub. 2004 ( = Series Society of Biblical Literature symposium series ; no. 24)
Reynolds, Gabriel Said (ed.)
- The Qur'an in its Historical Context. Routledge, 2007, 294pp. ISBN-10: 0415428998 ISBN-13: 978-0415428996.
Table of Contents: Foreword D. Madigan. Notes on Contributors. List of Images. Map: Locations Cited in the Present Volume. Abbreviations. Introduction: Qur'anic Studies and its Controversies G.S. Reynolds Part 1: Linguistic and Historical Evidence 1. The Qur'an in Recent Scholarship - Challenges and Desiderata F. Donner 2. Epigraphy and the Linguistic Background to the Qur'an R. Hoyland 3. Reconstructing the Qur'an: Emerging Insights G. Böwering 4. Reconsidering the Authorship of the Qur'an. Is the Qur'an Partly the Fruit of a Progressive and Collective Work? C. Gilliot 5. Christian Lore and the Arabic Qur'an: The "Companions of the Cave" in Surat al-Kahf and in Syriac Christian Tradition S. Griffith Part 2: The Religious Context of the Late Antique Near East 6. The Theological Christian Influence on the Qur'an: A Reflection S.K. Samir 7. Mary in the Qur'an: A Reexamination of Her Presentation S.A. Mourad 8. The Legend of Alexander the Great in the Qur'an 18:83-102 K. van Bladel 9. Beyond Single Words: ma'ida - Shaytan - jibt and taghut. Mechanisms of Translating the Bible into Ethiopic (Ga'az) Bible and of Transmission into the Qur'anic Text M. Kropp 10. Nascent Islam in the 7th Century Syriac Sources A. Saadi Part 3: Critical Study of the Qur'an and the Muslim Exegetical Tradition 11. Notes on Medieval and Modern Emendations of the Qur'an D. Stewart 12. Syriac in the Qur'an: Classical Muslim Theories A. Rippin. Bibliography. Index of Biblical Verses. Index of Qur'anic Verses. Index of People, Places and Subjects".
Rippin, Andrew (ed).
- "Qur'an 21:95 : "A ban is upon any town". Journal of Semitic Studies. 24 (1979): 43-53.
- "The present status of tafsir studies." Muslim World. 72 (1982), 224-238.
- "The present status of Tafsir studies : [bibliog]." Hamdard Islamicus. 6 No 4 (1983), 17-31.
- "Qur'an 78:24 : a study in Arabic lexicography." Journal of Semitic Studies. 28 (1983), 311-320.
- "Reading the Qur'an with Richard Bell." Journal of the American Oriental Society 112 (1992), 639-647.
- "Translating the Qur'an." Religion and Literature. 20 (1988): 23-30.
- 1988 (Ed) Approaches to the History of the Interpretation of the Qur'an. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
- `Interpreting the Bible through the Qur’an,’ in Hawting and Shareef, eds., Approaches to the Qur'an, 249-59.
Rosenthal, F.
- A History of Muslim Historiography, rev. 2nd edn. Leiden: Brill.
- `General Introduction," in The History of al-Tabari, 1, 5-154. (-> al-Ṭabarī).
Rubin, U..
- The Eye of the Beholder: the Life of Muhammad as Viewed by the Early Muslims. A Textual Analysis. SLAEI. 5. Princeton. NJ: Darwin Press.
Saleh, Walid, A.
- 2004 The Formation of the Classical Tafsīr Tradition: The Qur'ān Commentary of al-Tha`labī. Leiden, Boston: E.J. Brill.
al‑Sakhāwī (d.902/1497)
Like other late medieval commentators and historians al‑Sakhāwī (d.902/1497) was one ill‑disposed towards fanciful Isrā’īliyyāt communicated by over imaginative storytellers or derived from the `people of the Book’ . refer I`lān bi’l‑tawbīḥ.. trans. Rosenthal, 1968: 335. (cf. Vajda, `Isrā’īliyyāt’, EI2 IV:211f.)
- I`lān bi’l‑tawbīḥ.. trans. Rosenthal, 1968: 335.
al-Sammān, Ghādā.
- إسرائيليات بأقلام عربية : الدس الصهيوني / غادا السمان.
- Isrāʾliyyāt bi-aqlām ʻArabīyah : al-dass al-Ṣihyūnī. Beirut : Dār al-Hādī lil-Ṭibāʻah wa'l-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ, 2001. (325 pp.).
Schwartzbaum, H.
- 1982 Biblical and Extra-Biblical Legends in Islamic Folk-Literature. Verlag für Oruentkunde Dr. H. Vorndran. Walldorf-Hessen, 1982
Sharon, Moshe. ( ed.)
- 1986 Studies in Islamic History and Civilization in Honour of Professor David Ayalon. Jerusalem: Cana.
Shboul, A.
- al-Mas’ūdī and His World, A Muslim Humanist and his interest in non-Muslims. London: Ithaca Press.
Abū Shuhbah, Muhammad ibn Muhammad
- al-Isrā’īliyyāt wa-al-mawḍu‘at fī kutub al-tafsīir li-Muhammad ibn Muhammad Abū Shuhbah. Cairo: Maktabat al-Sunnah, 1408/ 1987-8.
- al-Isra'iyat wa-al-mawdu'at fi kutub al-tafsir, ta'lif Muhammad ibn Muhammad Abu Shuhbah. Cairo: al-Hay'ah al-'Ammah li-Shu'un al-Matabi' al-Amiriyah, 1973.
al-Ṭabarī, Muhammad b. Jarīr (d. 310/922)
- Tarikh = Ta'rīkh al-rusul wa’l-mulūk, 15 vols. Dār al-Fikr 1988/1408.
- Eng. tr., = The History of al- Ṭabarī, by various translators, general ed., E. Yarshater, 37+1 vols. Albany, N.Y: SUNY, 1985-98.
- Tarikh (Per. 1987) 1366/1987. Tārīkh-i nāmih-yi Ṭabarī. 3 Vols. Ed. Muḥammad Rawshan. Tehran: Nashr-i Naw.
- Tarikh (Per. 1995) 1374/1995 Tārīkhnāmih-i Ṭabarī. 2 Vols. Ed. Muḥammad Rawshan. Tehran: Surūsh.
- History tr. Rosenthal. The History of al-Tabarī, vol. 1 (General Introduction and From the Creation to the Flood), Albany. SUNY. 1989.
- History tr. Brinner, W. vol. 2 (Prophets and Patriarchs), Albany, SUNY, 1987.
- History tr. Brinner, W. vol. 3 (The Children of Israel), Albany, SUNY, 1991
- History tr. Perlman. M. vol. 4 (The Ancient Kingdoms), Albany, SUNY. 1987.
Tha`labī, Abū Isḥāq Aḥmad b. Muhammad al-Nīsābūrī,
- Qisas = Arā’is al-majālis qiṣaṣ al-`anbiyā’ . [Cairo, 1374/1955 =] rep. Beirut: Dār al-Qalam.
- Brinner tr. = ‘Arā'is al-majālis fī qiṣaṣ al-anbiyā' or : Lives of the prophets / as recounted by Abū Ishāq Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad ibn Ibrāhīm al-Tha‘labī;
- translated and annotated by William M. Brinner ( = Series Studies in Arabic literature vol. 24). Leiden – Boston: Brill, 2002. xxxiii, 772 pp..
Tottoli, Roberto.
- "Origin and Use of the Term Isralliyyat in Muslim Literature." Arabica 46 (1999): 193-210.
- I profeti biblici nella tradizione islamica. Brescia: Paideia Editrice, 1999.
Vajda, G.
- 1941-45 = `Deux “Histoires de Prophétes” selon la tradition des Shi’ites duodécimains.’ Revue des etudes juives 106: 124-133.
- 1943-5 Melchisédec dans la Mythologie ismaélienne Journal Asiatique 234:173-183
- 1981 `De Quelques emprints d’origine juive hans le ḥadīth Shi`ite’ in Goitein (ed).ADD 1981.
- `Isrā’īliyyāt’, EI2 IV:211f.
Wahb Ibn Munabbih, `Abd `Abd-Allah (d. c. 110/728 or 114/732) is seen by many Muslim and other scholars as an early fountainhead of Isrā’īliyyāt
- Sirat al-Nabi (Life of the Prophet) [lost]
- Kitab al-Isra‘iliyyat [largely lost]
- Maghazi Rasul Allah (The Military Expeditions of the Prophet of God)
- Kitab al-Qadr (The Book of Destiny)
- Kitab al-muluk … min Himyar (The Book of the Himyarite Kings…) extant in the recension of Ibn Hisham known as Kitab al-Tijan fi muluk al-Himyar (The Book of the crowned Kings of the Himyarites)
Ibn Ḥishām / Wahb b. Munabbih
- K. Tijan = Kitāb al-Tijān fī mulūk Ḥimyar. Markez al-Darāsāt..: Ṣan`a’, 1347/1928.
There can no longer be any doubt about the books attributed to Wahb b. Munabbih. Their contents were transmitted orally, taught or set down in writing, partly at least in his own lifetime, and later by particular members of his family. A literature belonging generally to the biblical heritage as disseminated by Jewish and Christian scholarship (in Yemen and Ḥidjāz, and, especially, in Medina) was formed quite early. It was called biblical but was within Islam. It was disseminated by the philosophers and by others from the same Jewish/Christian milieux chiefly in Arabia, and then supplemented by posterity.
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Weir, C. J. Mullo,
- Presentation Volume to William Barron Stevenson. Glasgow University Oriental Society (Studia Semitia et Orientalia vol II).
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- Prophets in the Qur’an, An Introduction to the Qur’an and Muslim Exegesis. Selected and Translated by Brannon Wheeler. London, New York: Continuum. 2002.
- Mecca And Eden: Ritual, Relics, And Territory in Islam. Univ of Chicago Press, 2006 ISBN = 0226888037 HBk. (333pp.)