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Qur'an and Tafsir : Select Sources and Abbreviations.

Being revised and updated - April 2014

Select listing by Stephen N. Lambden

The Web page(s) below are constantly under revision and updating. They will evolve into the bibliography of a forthcoming book about Islamic hermeneutics and Tafsīr  perhaps entitled Dimensions of Tafsīr ("Exegesis") and Ta'wīl ("Eisegesis") in Islamic Qur'ān Commentary, A Literary Survey and Bibliographical Handbook. This book will give special attention to attitudes about exterior (ẓāhir) and interior (bāṭin) dimensions of meaning within diverse approaches to Qur'ān commentary as illustrated within varieties of  Sunnī and Shī`ī Tafsīr and related literatures. It will attempt to give weight to those Islamic traditions (hadith, akhbar) and thinkers which sanction or put forth a deeper level of Qur'ānic understanding that may go beyond the merely literalistic. It will pay attention to those who have treasured both the straightforward senses of the Qur'ān and what might be its inner meanings or deeper senses.

Corrections and suggested additions to these Web page(s) would be greatly welcomed - mailto:


The Blackwell Companion to the Qur'ān (= BCQ)

Rippin, Andrew (ed).

  • The Blackwell Companion to the Qur'ān (Series = Blackwell companions to Religion).  Oxford + Malden, MA : Blackwell Pub., 2006 ( xiii, 560 pp. ). Contains 32 articles by leading academics (560pp.)

Bibliographical Encyclopedia of Islamic Philosophy (= BEIP)

  • Bibliographical Encyclopedia of Islamic Philosophy (= BEIP), 2 vols. ed. Oliver Leaman. London, New York: thoemmes, 2006.  Contains some useful entries on key Tafsīr writers...

Cambridge History of Arabic Literature ( = CHAL vols. 1-6)

  • (CHAL1) Arabic literature to the end of the Umayyad period / edited by A. F. L. Beeston ... [et al.]. (Cambridge history of Arabic literature) Cambridge: New York: Cambridge University Press, 1983
  • (CHAL2) Abbasid belles-lettres. edited by Julia Ashtiany ... [et al.] (Cambridge history of Arabic literature) Cambridge [England]; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1990
  • (CHAL3) Young, M. J. L., A. D. Latham, and R. B. Serjeant, eds. Religion, learning and Science in the 'Abbasid Period. The Cambridge History of Arabic Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990.
  • (CHAL4) M. M. Baidawi, ed. Modern Arabic Literature. The Cambridge History of Arabic Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992 [1997]
  • (CHAL5) Maria Rosa Menocal; Raymond P. Scheindlin and Michael Sells, eds. The Literature of al-Andalus.. The Cambridge History of Arabic Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000.
  • (CHAL6) Roger Allen and D.S. Richards, eds. Arabic Literature in the Post-Classical Period. The Cambridge History of Arabic Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006.

Cambridge Companion to the Qur'ān (= CCQ)

Jane Dammen McAuliffe, ed.

  • The Cambridge Companion to the Qur'ān. Cambridge: CUP., 2006.

Encyclopedia of Arabic Literature (= EAL)

  • EAL =Encyclopedia of Arabic Literature.  2 vols. ed. J. S. Meisami & P. Starkey.  London & New York: Routledge, 1998

Encyclopedia of Islam (= EI + EI2+ + EI2S + EI3 )
The Encyclopaedia of Islam

  • EI = Encyclopedia of Islam.. (1st edition), ed. M. Th. Houtsma, et al. E.J. Brill & Luzac & co., 1913-1938. Rep.  E.J. Brill: New York..1987.

    + Supp. vol. rep. Ibid., 1987.

  • El2 = Encyclopedia of Islam, New Edition, ed. H. A. R. Gibb et al., Leiden:E.J. Brill / London: Luzac, 1960> (CD rep. 1999> ongoing).
  • EI2 Supp. = EI2 vol. 12.
  • EI3 = Encyclopedia of Islam.. (3rd. edition),

Encyclopedia Iranica (= EIr.)

  • EIr = Ehsan Yarshater, (ed.) Encyclopedia Iranica., Costa Mesa: Mazda Publisher New York: Bibliotheca Persica Press, 1982>

Encyclopedia of the Qur'ān (= E-Q 1-5+ Index vol.)

McAuliffe, Jane Dammen et. al. (eds.)

  • E-Q = Encyclopedia of the Qur’ān. Vols. 1-5, Leiden: Brill, 2001-5 *
  • Encyclopedia of Qur'ān: Index Volume.  Brill Academic Publishers, 2006 ., HBk. =  ISBN 9004147640

Encyclopedia of Religion.

  • Enc.Rel. =  Eliade, M. (et al., eds.) Encyclopedia of Religion. 16 vols in 8 Mac­Millan & Free Press: New York, 1987.*

Fihrist Ibn al-Nadim  (= Fihrist)

  • Kitāb al-Fihrist. Ed. Gustav Flügel. Leipzig 1871-72. I-II. (434 + 294 pp.) Repr. 2005 (Historiography and Classification of Science in Islam. 1-2). ISBN 3-8298-9003-6.
  • al-Fihrist li'l-Ibn al-Nadīm, ed. Shaykh Ibrahim Ramadan,  Beirut:  Dār al-Fatwa/ Dār al-Ma`rifat, 1417/1997. *
  • The Fihrist of al-Nadim; a tenth-century survey of Muslim culture. Bayard Dodge, editor and translator. (Records of civilization, sources and studies. no. 83) New York, Columbia University Press, 1970.  *

Brockelmann, Carl  (1868–1956), Geschichte der arabischen Litteratur

  • GAL/GAL-S =
  • GAL = Geschichte der arabischen Litteratur , 2 Vols. Leiden : E.J. Brill, 1st edition, 2 vols. Leiden: Brill, 1889-1936. 2nd ed. 2 vols. = 1943–1949.
  • GAL = Geschichte der arabischen Litteratur (GAL) ; erweitert um ein Vorwort von Jan Just Witkam. 2 vols. Leiden ; New York : E. J. Brill, 1996.
  • GAL-S =  Geschichte der arabischen Litteratur [Supplement vols. 1-3]. 2nd ed.  Leiden ; New York : E. J. Brill, 1996.
  • GAS (13 vols. to date) =

Sezgin, Fuat : Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums. (German)  Leiden : E.J. Brill, 1967–

The Turkish professor and the director of the Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany.

  • Vol. 1. (1967) Qur'ānwissenschaften, Hadit Geschichte, Fiqh, Dogmatik,Mystik bis ca. 430 H. Rep. Leiden: Brill 1996 ISBN-10: 90 04 02007 1 ISBN-13 978 9004020 07 8 (xv+ 936 pp.).    Vol. 2. (1975) [1996] Poesie bis ca. 430 H. Rep. 1996 (xii+808 pp.)
  • Vol. 3. (1970) [1996] Medizin-Pharmazie, Zoologie-Tierheilkunde  bis ca. 430 H. (xxi+498 pp ), Rep. 1996
  •  Vol. 4. (1971) [1996] Alchimie, Chemie, Botanik, Agrikultur bis ca. 430 H
  •  Vol. 5. (1974) Mathematik bis ca. 430 H.
  •  Vol. 6. (1978) Astronomie bis ca. 430 H. (xv +522pp.)
  • Vol. 7. (1979) [1997] Astrologie, Meteorologie und Verwandtes bis ca. 430 H.
  • Vol. 8. (1982) Lexikographie bis ca. 430 H. (xiii+389 pp.)
  • Vol. 9. (1984) Grammatik bis ca. 430 H. (xiii+406 pp ).
  • Vol. 10 (2000/2005) Mathematische Geographie Und Kartographie Im Islam Und Ihr Fortleben Im Abendland...= Eng. trans. `Mathematical Geography and Cartography in Islam and their Continuation in the Occident', vol. 1, Historical Presentation, Part 1, Frankfurt 2005.
  • Vol.11 (2XXX) + Vol.12 (2XXX) + Vol. 13 (2006)

JQS = Journal of Qur'ānic Studies. University of Edinburgh

Bregel, Yuri,

  • 1995 – Bibliography of Islamic Central Asia. compiled and edited by Yuri Bregel. Bloomington, IN : Research Institute for Inner Asian Studies, Indiana University, 1995 (= Uralic and Altaic series ; v. 160), 3 vols.

The Qur'ān, An Encyclopedia + Biographical Encyclopedia of Islamic Philosophy (= Leaman, Q-Enc & BEIP)

Oliver Leaman,

  • The Qur'ān, An Encyclopedia (= Q-Enc). Taylor & Francis (Routledge), 2005 . ISBN=  0415326397.*
  • Biographical Encyclopedia of Islamic philosophy (=BEIP).
  • (ed. S.H, Nasr+ Oliver Leaman), The History of Islamic Philosophy (= HIP). 2 Pts (= Routledge History of World Philosophies, Vol.1), London and New York, 1996.   *

Medieval Islamic Civilization (= MIC., 2 vols. = MIC1 or MIC2)

Josef W. Meri (ed.)

  • Medieval Islamic Civilization, An Encyclopedia. 2 vols. New York, Abingdon (UK): Routledge, 2006. * This important Encyclopedia contains much pertinent to Tafsīr studies...Tradition and Survival (= TAS1)

Modarressi, Hossein.

  • Tradition and Survival, A bibliographical Survey of Early Shi'ite Literature, Vol.1 Oxford: Oneworld, 2003.*

Gacek, Adam, Arabic Lithoraphed Books (= ALB).

  • Arabic Lithographed Books (= Fontanus Monograph Series VII) in the Islamic Studies Library McGill University, Descriptive Catalogue. Montreal: McGill University Library, 1996.*

Storey, C.A. (= Storey).

  • Persian Literature, A Biobibliographical Survey, Vol.1 Part 1. Qur'ānic Literature, History. London: Luzac, 1927-1039. Rep. 1970 (780pp.). *

Bregel, Yuri,

  •  1995 – Bibliography of Islamic Central Asia. compiled and edited by Yuri Bregel. Bloomington, IN : Research Institute for Inner Asian Studies, Indiana University, 1995 (= Uralic and Altaic series ; v. 160), 3 vols.



Qur'ān and Tafsīr : Select secondary Sources - Books, Articles and URLs. 

Stephen N. Lambden

In Progress, 2007-9

Abbott, Nabia

  • "An Arabic Papyrus in the Oriental Institute: Stories of the Prophets," JNES V (1946),169-80.
  •  Studies in Arabic Literary Papyri, Vol. 1 [= SALP I] Historical Texts. Chicago, U. Chicago Press, 1957.
  •  Studies in Arabic Literary Papyri , Volume II, [= SALP II] Qur'anic Commentary and Tradition, Chicago, Univ. Chicago Press, 1967.
  • Studies in Arabic Literary Papyri, Volume III, [= SALP III] Language and Literature, Chicago, Univ. Chicago Press, 1972.
  • 1977 "Wahb b. Munabbih: A Review Article.’ JNES 36: 103-12.

Abdel Halim, M.A.S. (School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London).

  •  1986 ‘The Qur'an', in G.R. Hawting (ed), Sacred Writings in Oriental and African Religions, SOAS (External Services Division (Occasional Paper XII), London 1986, pp. 17-22. 3.
  •  1993 ‘Context and Internal Relationships: Keys to Qur'anic Exegesis' in Approaches to the Qur'an, A. Shereef and G. Hawting (eds.) Routledge, London, 1993, pp.71-98.
  •  1995 ‘Early kalam' in The Routledge History of Islamic Philosophy, eds. Oliver Leaman, S.H. Nasr, Routledge, 1995.
  • ‘Life and Beyond in the Qur'an', in Beyond Death, ed. Christopher Lewis and Dan Cohn-Sherbok, Macmillan Publishing, London, 1995, pp. 66-79.
  • ‘Paradise in the Qur'an', article for Festschrift volume edited by J. & F. Abu Haidar 1998.
  • ‘Qur’an and Hadith’ in T. Winter (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Islamic Theology, CUP submitted, to appear in 2005.
  • ‘Islam and Arabic’ in. Keith Brown et al (eds.) Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics (2nd Edition) Elsevier, 2005.
  • ‘Arabic, of the Qur’an: Grammar and Style’ in C. Versteegh (ed.) Encyclopedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics, Brill 2006
  • The Qur'an: A New Translation (with introduction), Oxford UniversityPress 2004
  • English Translations of the Qur’an: the Making of an Image, Monograph, SOAS, 2005 In preparation:
  • A Dictionary of Qur’anic Usage, with E. Badawi, 2006 (forthcoming).

Select Tafsir related Journal articles

  • ‘Water in the Qur'an', The Islamic Quarterly, XXXIII, 1, London 1989, pp. 34-50. 2.
  • ‘The Hereafter and the Here-and-Now in the Qur'an' The Islamic Quarterly, XXXIII, 2, London, 1989, pp. 118-131.
  • ‘The Face in the Qur'an: Divine and Human' Islamic Quarterly, XXXIV, 2, 1990, pp.164-179.
  • ‘The Story of Joseph in the Qur'an and the Old Testament' in Islam and Christian Muslim Relations, I, 2, pp.171-191, Birmingham 1990.
  • ‘Early Islamic Theological and Juristic Terminology: Kitab al-Hudud fi'l-usul by Ibn Furak (d.406/1015)' in BSOAS, LIV, I, London 1991, pp.5-41.
  • ‘Grammatical Shift for Rhetorical Purposes: Iltifat and related features in the Qur'an', BSOAS, 1992, LV, 3, pp.407-432.
  • ‘Qur'anic Orthography: the written presentation of the recited text of the Qur'an', Islamic Quarterly, Vol. XXXVIII, 3, 1994, pp.171-192.
  • ‘Adam and Eve in the Bible and the Qur’an’, Islamic Quarterly, London, December 1997.
  • ‘The Qur'an' in World Book Encyclopaedia, USA, 1992.

`Abd al-Jabbār al-Hamadhānī = al-Qaḍī  `Abū al-Ḥasan ibn Ahmad `Abd al-Jabbār Asadābādī ( 386-415 AH = c. 935 = 1024 CE). Major late Mu`tazilite theologian See Sezgin 1:624-626.

  •  al-Mughnī fi abwāb al-tawḥīd wa'l-`adl. 14 vols. ed. Taha Husayn, Cairo: Dar al-Misriyya li'l-Ta'lif wa'l-Tarjama. 1958-1965.
  •  al-Mughnī fi abwāb al-tawḥīd wa'l-`adl. XX vols. Cairo: al-Mu`assa al-Miṣriyya al-`Āmma li'-Kitāb. [Cairo]  n.d.  *
  •  al-Mughnī fi abwāb al-tawḥīd wa'l-`adl. 14 vols. in 16, Cairo: Wizarat al-Thaqāfa wa'l-Irshād al-Qawmi, al-Idara al-֊'Amma lil-Thaqāfa, 1960.
  • Vol. XVI =  I'jaz al-Qur'an.

Ambros, Arne A.

  • "Eine Lexikostatistik des Verbs im Koran." WZKM 77 (1987), pp. 9-36.
  •  "Syntaktische und stilistische Funktionen des Energikus im Koran." WZKM 79 (1989), pp. 35-56.
  •  "Gestaltung und Funktionen der Biosphäre im Koran." ZDMG 140 (1990), pp. 290-325.
  •  "Ein Bruderzwist in Sarf al-'Arablya — Beobachtungen zu den endungslosen Jussiv- und Imperativformen der Verba med. gem." In Martin Forstner (ed.): Festgabe für Hans-Rudolf Singer zum 65. Geburtstag am 6. April 1990. Frankfurt/Main 1991, pp. 37-54.
  •  "Haplologie und Assimilation im V. und VI. Verbstamm im Koran." ZAL 25 (1993), pp. 1-16.
  •  "Stick together! Groups, troops and cliques in the Koran." Arabistika i Isljamoznanije 2 (2003) (= Festschrift Penka Samsareva), pp. 105-112 .

Ayoub, Mahmoud, Mustafa.

  • "The prayer of Islam : a presentation of Surat al-Fatiha in Muslim exegesis [bibliog]." Journal of the American Academy of Religion Thematic Studies. 47 No 4S (1979): 635-647.
  • Redemptive Suffering in Islam: A Study of the Devotional Aspects of (Ashura) in Mouton De Gruyter , 1978 . ISBN = 902797943X
  • Awesome News: Interpretation of Juz 'Amma, the Last Part of the Qur'an. Kazi Pubns Inc ., 1982. ISBN= 0911119701
  •  The Qur'an and Its Interpreters. SUNY Press., 1984 ISBN = 087395727X
  • The Qur'an and Its Interpreters: The House of 'Imran.  SUNY Press., 1992 ISBN = 0791409937
  • 1984-92 The Qur'an and Its Interpreters, 2 vols. to date. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1984-92.
  • 1988 'The Speaking Qur''an and the Silent Qur'an: A Study of the Principles and Development of lmāmī Shfi tafsīr" in Approaches to ,the History of the Interpretation of the Qur'an, edited by Andrew Rippin, pp. 177-98. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1988. •Islam and the Third Universal Theory: The Religious Thought of Mu'ammar Al-Qadhdhafi. Kegan Paul Intl., 1987. ISBN=  0710302606. 
  • Islam and the Third Universal Theory: The Religious Thought of Mu'ammar Al-Qadhdhafi. Rep. Pbk. Kegan Paul Intl., 1992. ISBN= 0710304048 
  • Crisis of Muslim History. Oxford: Oneworld Pubns Ltd., 2003  (192 Pp.) ISBN=  1851683267 
  • Islam: Faith And History. Oxford: Oneworld Pubns Ltd., 2005 (242pp.) ISBN= 1851683488 
  • Crisis of Muslim History: Religion And Politics in Early Islam., Oxford: Oneworld Pubns Ltd., 2005 (224pp.) ISBN= 1851683968 

Baljon, I.M.S.

  • Modern Muslim Koran Interpretation (1880-1960), Leiden: Brill, 1961,
  • 1968

Bashear, Suliman.

  • "Qur'an 2:114 and Jerusalem." Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies. 52 No 2 (1989): 215-238.
  • "Abraham's Sacrifice of his Son and Related Issues : [in the Qur'an]." Islam. 67, no 2 (1990): 243-277.

Beeston, A. F. L.

  •  "Men of the tanglewood in the Qur'an." Journal of Semitic Studies. 13 (1968): 253-255.
  •  CHAL., The Cambridge history of Arabic literature, 6 vols, to date, Cambridge 1983-

Bell, Richard (1876-1952 CE). Late Reader in Arabic Edinburgh University

  •  1937-1939. The Qur'an Translated
  •  The Qur'an. Translated, with a critical re-arrangement of the sūras, 2 vols., Edinburgh 1939; repr. 1960.
  • Introduction to the Qur'an by Richard Bell, Late Reader in Arabic Edinburgh University. Edinburgh: University Press, 1953. Rep. 1958+1963. (190pp).
  • A commentary on the Qur'an, ed. C.E. Bosworth and M. E. J. Richardson, 2 vols., Manchester 1991.
  • A commentary on the Qur’ân, prepared by R. Bell. Edited by C. E. Bosworth and M. E. J. Richardson. Manchester 1991. 2 volumes. xxii, 608; iv, 603 p. (Journal of Semitic Studies Monograph 14).

Bellamy, James A.

  • "Fa-ummuhu hawiyah: A note on surah 101:9." Journal of the American Oriental Society 112 (1992) 485-487.
  • "Al-Raqim or al Ruqud? A Note on Surah 18:9." Journal of the American Oriental Society 111 (1991): 115-117.
  • "Some proposed emendations to the text of the Koran." Journal of the American Oriental Society 113 (1993): 562- 573.

Berg, Herbert.

  • "Tabari's exegesis of the Qur'anic term al-Kitab." Journal of the American Academy of
  • Religion 63 (1995): 761f
  • Bergsträsser, Gotthelf,
  • Verneinungs- und Fragepartikeln und Verwandtes im Kur’ân. Ein Beitrag zur historischen Grammatik des Arabischen (= Leipziger Semitistische Studien V/4). Reprint of the 1914 edition. Leipzig 1968 (iv+108 pp.).  
  • 'Plan eines Apparatus criticus zum Koran', repr. in R. Paret (ed.), Der Koran, Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1975, pp. 389-97. 
  • + O. Pretzl, Die Geschichte des Korantexls, new ed., Leipzig: T. Weicher, 1938  = vol. Ill of Th. Nöldeke, Geschichte des Qorans, new ed., 3 vols. in 2, Leipzig: T. Weicher, 1938. 
  • `Elijah Muhammad and the Quran: The evolution of his tafsir'.  in Muslim World; 1999, Vol. 89 Issue 1, pp. 42-56.    ; "Elijah Abstract: Assesses Koranic scholar Elijah Muhammad's knowledge and understanding of Islam and Quran. Description of Elijah Muhammad's reputation in the United States; Examination of his popular writings about Quran; Primary source of his knowledge of Islam and Quran; Contributions to the shaping of African American Muslims' understanding of the Quran."
  •  2000. The Development of Exegesis in Early Islam, The Authenticity of Muslim  Literature from the Formative Period. Richmond, Surry: Curzon Press, 2000 . . Bibliography, pp.232-246. 

Berrigan, S. (ed.)

  • An enlightening commentary into the light of the Holy Qur’an. By a group of muslim scholars. Translated by S. A. Sadr-’Āmelî. Esfahan 1994. 2 volumes. xxiii, 372; xxxii, 328 pp. 

Biggs, Robert D., ed.

  • "Arabic and Islamic studies in honor of Nabia Abbott : [2 pts.]." Journal of Near Eastern Studies. 40 No 3 (1981): 165-257.

Birkeland, H.

  • Lord = The Lord guideth. Studies on primitive Islam, Oslo 1956
  • Opposition = Old Muslim Opposition against interpretation of the Koran, Oslo 1955

Blachère, R.

  • Le Coran. Traduit de l'arabe, Paris 1966
  • Introduction =  Introduction au Coran, Paris 1947

Bobzin, H.

  • Koran =  Der Koran. Eine Einführung, Munich 1999.
  • Reformation = Der Koran im Zeitalter der Reformation. Studien zur Frühgeschichte der Arabistik und Islamkunde in Europa, Beirut / Stuttgart

Böwering, Gerhard.

  •  The mystical vision of existence in classical Islam. The qur'anic hermeneutics of the Ṣufī  Sahl at-Tustarī (d. 283/896), Berlin 1980
  •  The Mystical Vision of Existence in Classical Islam:  The Qur’ānic Hermeneutics of the Ṣūfī Sahl At-Tustarī (d.283/896),  Berlin, 1980.  
  •   "The Qur’ān Commentary of al-Sulamī," in Wael Hallaq and Donald Little, Islamic Studies Presented to Charles J. Adams, Leiden, 1991, pp. 41-56.
  • •The Minor Commentary of Abū `Abd ar-Raḥmān Moḥammad b. al-Ḥusayn as-Solamī, Beirut, 1995, pp. 15-23
  • "The Major Sources of Sulamī's Minor Qur’ān Commentary," Oriens, XX (1996), 35-56.

Brockelmann, Carl.

  •  GAL =  Geschichte der arabischen Litteratur, 2nd ed., 2 vols, and 3 vols. suppl, Leiden 1943-9; with new introduction, Leiden 1996.
  •  GAL-S =  3 vols. suppl, Leiden 1943-9; with new introduction, Leiden 1996. 

Brunschvig, Robert:

  • "Simples remarques négatives sur le vocabulaire du Coran." Studia  lslamica 5 (1956), 19-32.

Buhl, Fr.

  • `Koran'.  EI (1st ed) 1913-1936 ed. M. Th. Houtsma .et al.  vol. 4: 1063--1076. rep. Leiden ; New York : E. J. Brill, 1987.

Burton, John.

  • Kitab al-nasikh wa-l-mansukh. Cambridge: Trustees of the "E. J. W. Gibb Memorial" Trust, 1987.
  • The Collection of the Qur'an. Cambridge: Cambridge Univesity Press, 197
  • "Linguistic errors in the Qur'an." Journal of Semitic Studies. 33 (1988), 181-196.
  • "The Qur'an and the Islamic practice of WUDU'." Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies. 51 no 1 (1988), 21-58.
  • "The vowelling of Q 65,1: Journal of Semitic Studies. 29 No 2 (1984), 267-283.

Buhl, E.

  • Das Leben =  Das Leben des Muhammeds, trans. H.H. Schaeder, Leipzig 1930; 1931 (3rd ed.) 

Calderini, Simonetta 

  • "Tafsir" of "alamin" in "rabb al-alamin," Quran 1:2  Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, Vol. 57, No. 1, In Honour of J. E. Wansbrough (1994), 52-58

Calder, Norman.

  •  "The sa`y and the jabin : some notes on Qur'an 37:102-3." Journal of Semitic Studies. 31 (1986), 17-26.
  • "Tafsīr from Tăbărî to Ibn Kathīr." In Approaches to the Qur'an. Edited by G. R. Hawting and Abdul-Kader A. Shareef, pp. 101-140. London: Routledge, 1993.

Cassels, David A.

  • "Near-rhyme and its occurrence in the Qur'an." Journal of Semitic Studies. 28 (1983): 303- 310.

Chouémi, Moustapha:

  • Le verbe dans le Coran. Paris 1966.

Cook, Michael 

  • The Koran: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.

Cragg, Kenneth.

  •  The Call of the Minaret. New York: Oxford University Press, 1964.
  •   The Qur'an and the West. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2006.  HB  ISBN 1-58901-086-8

Denny, Frederick M.

  • "The Qur'anic vocabulary of repentance : orientations and attitudes" Journal of the American Academy of Religion Thematic Studies. 47 No 4S (1979), 649- 664.
  • "The will in the Qur'an." Journal of Near Eastern Studies. 40 No 3 (1981), 253-257.
  • "Some religio-communal terms and concepts in the Qur'an."  Numen. 24 (1977), 26-59.
  • "Meaning of Ummah in the Qur'an." History of Religions. 15 (1975), 34-70.

al-Dhahabi, Muhammad Husayn

  • al-Tafsir wa'l-mufassirun bahth tafsili an nash at al-tafsir wa-tatawwurih. Beirut Dar al-Yusuf,  2000

Dieterici, Fr.:

  • Arabisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch zum Koran und Thier und Mensch vor dem König der Genien. 2nd edition, Leipzig 1894.

Déroche, François.

  • “Manuscripts of the Qurān” in  McAuliffe ed. E-Q 3:253-275.

Dutton, Y,

  • 'Red dots, green dots, yellow dots &blue: Some reflections on the vocalisation of early qur 'anic manuscripts',  Journal of Qur'anic Studies ı (1999), 115-40; 2(2000) 1-24.

El Cheikah, Nadia Maria.

  •  "Surat al-Rum: A study of the exegetical literature." Journal of the American Oriental Society 118 (1998), 356-364

Flügel, G.

  • Ibn an-Nadlm. Kitāb al-Fihrist, 2 vols., Berlin-Leipzig, 1871.

Frolov, Dmitry 

  • `The Problem of the 'Seven Long' Surahs’ in S. Leder, et. al. (eds.) 2002, pp. 193-203,

Gatje, Helmut.

  • The Qur'an and its Exegesis: Selected texts with Classical and Modern Muslim Interpretations. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1976.

Geddes, Charles L.,

  • An analytical guide to the bibliographies on Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran. Denver:  American Institute of Islamic Studies,1973 Description (102 pp).
  • Books in English on Islam, Muhammad, and the Qur'an : a selected and annotated bibliography (= Bibliographic series (American Institute of Islamic Studies) no. 5. Denver : American Institute of Islamic Studies, 1976.

Ghazoui, Mēriem:

  • Les prépositions dans le Coran: Approche syntaxico-sémantique. 2 vote. Paris 1994-95. Gimaret, Daniel: Les noms divins en Islam. Exégèse lexicographique et théologique. Paris 1988

Gibb. H. A. R.

  • Mohammedanism. London: Oxford University Press, 1953.

 Gilliot, Claude.,   (Professeur à l'Université de Provence).

    For a complete list see :

  • La sourate al-Baqara dans le Commentaire de Tabari (Le développement et le fonctionnement des traditions exégétiques à la lumière du commentaire des versets 1 à 40 de la sourate), I-II, Thèse pour le doctorat de 3ème cycle, Université Paris-III, juin,1982, 403+136 pp.,
  • Aspects de l'imaginaire islamique commun dans le Commentaire de Tabari, I-II, Thèse pour le doctorat d'Etat, Université Paris-III, septembre 1987, 756 pp.
  • Exégèse, langue et théologie en islam. L'exégèse coranique de Tabari, Paris, Vrin (Etudes musulmanes, XXXII), 1990, 320 pp.
  • Exégèse, langue et théologie en Islam: l'exégèse coranique de Tabari (m. 311/923), Paris, 1990. 
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