بهاء الدين محمد بن حسين عاملي
Bahāʾ al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn ʻIzz al-Dīn Ḥusayn ibn ʻAbd al-Ṣamad ibn Muhammad ibn `Ali ibn Ḥasan ibn Muhammad ibn Ṣaliḥ ibn Isma'il al-Harithi al-Hamdanī al-`Āmilī al-Jubā'ī,
(953-1030 = 1547-1621 CE).
Stephen Lambden (University of California), UC-Merced.
In progress and revision, 2009-2016 Last updated, 15-11-2016.
Bahā' al-Dīn al-`Āmilī = Shaykh Bahā'ī
The son of Shaykh Ḥusayn ibn `Abd al-Ṣamad al-`Āmilī (919-984 AH = 1512-1576 CE) who was appointed Shaykh al-Islam at the then Safavid capital Qazvin by Shah Ṭahmasb (930-984 AH =1524-1576 CE). He was born near Baalbek on the 27th Dhu'l-Ḥijja 953 AH = 18th February 1547 CE and died Isfahan 12th Shawwāl 1030 AH = 29th August 1621 CE. A polymathic and widely travelled individual Shaykh Bahā'ī is viewed by some as the Islamic Mujaddid ("Renewer") of the 11th/17th century. The elder Majlisi, Muhammad Taqi Majlisi, described him as follows in his al-Rawdat (22:1),"[He is] al-Shaykh al-A`ẓam ("the Supreme Shaykh"), al-Wālid al-Mu`azzam ("the Venerated Father"), Imam al-`Allāmah ("the Imam of the Most Erudite"), Malik al-Fuḍalā' wa'l-Udabā' wa'l-Muḥaddithīn ("Commander of the Most Eminent Ones, the Cultured Persons and the Masters of Tradition"), Bahā' al-millat wa'l-Ḥaqq wa'l-Dīn ("the Splendor of the Religious Community and of the Real One [God] and of Religion")" (cited introduction to the Miftah al-Falah [1422/2001 ed], 4). Shaykh Baha'i was an accomplished theologian, philosopher, mathematician, Sufi inclined mystic, architect, grammarian and more besides. Bahā' al-Dīn al-`Āmilī was the one-time supremely powerful Shaykh al-Islām under Shāh `Abbās I (r. 996/1588- 1038/1629) at his then Safavid capital Isfahan. See further Brockelmann, GAL II: 414-15; Supp. I:76, 741; Supp. II: 595-97. ..
Select Primary Sources - Mss. and Printed.
بهاء الدين محمد بن الحسين بن عبد الصمد الحارثي العاملي
al-'Āmilī, Bahā' al-Dīn Muhammad, Shaykh Bahā’ī (d. 1031/1622) wrote around 90-100 works in Persian and Arabic.
In view of its being almost the 400th anniversary (1030 AH + 400 = 1430 AH = 2008-9 CE) of Bahā' al-Dīn al-'Āmilī's death, a project is currently under way by the Iranian Markiz-i Iḥyā'-i Āthār-i Islamī ("Islamic Manuscript Revival Centre") to publish a compendium of thirty volumes of Shaykh Baha'i's Arabic and Persian works (Majmu`a-yi Āthār-i Shaykh Bahā'ī), along with a few select volumes of scholarship about him and his writings (see Guzaresh-i Mirās, Vol. 1 No. 1, Mehr 1385, p. 17).
International holdings of Mss. or collections of the writings of al-'Āmilī, Shaykh Baha'i.
Important mss. of Persian and Arabic writings of Shaykh Baha'i can be found in numerous international locations; within Iran, Iraq, India and elsewhere in the Middle East and beyond. See for example, the many mss. in the UCLA Caro Minasian Collection of Persian and Arabic mss - unfortunately not yet fully cataloged or digitized. Such details cannot possibly all be listed here. See though :
- UCLA : M
From a Painted Image of Shaykh Baha'i
ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY : Bahāʾ al-Dīn al-`Āmilī.
Placed under major headings and in loosely alphabetical order the Arabic and Persian writings of Shaykh Baha'i which perhaps number ninety to one hundred volumes (a proportion being of doubted authenticity) include the following:
Asrār al-balāgha ([The Book of] "The Secrets of Eloquence").
أسرار البلاغة.
- Kitāb Asrār al-balāgha. Follows as a supplement to the Kitāb al-Mikhlāt, spanning 1-23, as an appendix in the edition, Cairo : al-Maṭba`ah al-Adabiyyah, 1317/1899.* edition., cf. GAL S II:596.
- Asrār al-balāgha. al-Mikhlāt. Asrār al-balāghah li-mu'allif al-Mikhlāh. Sukkardān al-sultān - Ibn Abī Hajalah Ahmad ibn Yahyá al-Tilimsānī Cairo : Mustafá al-Bābī al-Halabī, 1957 (2nd ed.).
- Asrār al-balāghah, sharḥ wa-taḥqīq Muḥammad al-Tūnjī. 1986.
- Asrār al-balāghah. sharḥ wa-taḥqīq Muḥammad al-Tūnjī. Damascus : al-Mustashārīyah al-Thaqāfīyah lil-Jumhūrīyah al-Islāmīyah al-Īrānīyah, 1986. (111 pp.).
- Asrār al-balāgha. ed. Dr. Muhammad al-Tūnjī. Mustashāriyya al-Thaqāfiyya... n. p. nd. [rep. Iran]) (111pp.)*
al-Fawā'id al-ṣamadiyya fī `ilm al-`Arabiyya ("All-Eternal Directives respecting the Science of Arabic Grammar"). An Arabic grammar.
الفوائد الصمدية
Fawāʾid al-Ṣamadiyya Lucknow : Ḥājjī Walī Muḥammad’s Press, 1844. (64 pp.) has marginal notes in Persian
الفوائد الصمديّة في علم العربيّة. al-Fawā'id al-ṣamadiyah fi `ilm al-`arabiyya = Khud'amuz-i ṣamadiyah. trans. Mujtaba `Alavi Adib Arib. Tehran : Intisharat-i Ganjinah, 1363 sh./ 1985. (208 pp.)
- Mss. UCLA Qayeni Coll. No. 19. item d = "Collection of five titles: (Persian, Arabic): a) Abu Talib al-Qayeni: autobiographical notes of the former owner (signed "Mirza Abu Talib"); pp.1-4 b) Poetry ("Mahmud Ayyaz "; lament of one of Mahmud's sons for the drowned beloved, quatrains by Sa'd b. Zangi, etc.), very fine Naskh w. ornamental titles in red; pp.6-11 c) Comments and notes (prose and verse); pp.12 ff. d) Shaikh Baha'i: "Al-risalah al-samadiyah" ; Arabic, fine large Naskh w. red titles and most lavish marginal comments in miniscule script; famous calligrapher: Muhammad Sharif (signed p.70), dated: Rabi' I, 1212 / 1797. - pp.14-70
- http://www.library.ucla.edu/libraries/url/colls/mideast/qayeni.htm
Kalimāt al-`Alawiyya ("The Elevated Words"). Arabic Grammar
Kalimat al-`alawiyya fi sharḥ al-ṣamadiyya ed. Muhammad Javad Ẓihni Tehrani. Qum : Intisharat-i Ḥaẓiq, 1363 sh. / c. 1985. ( 527 pp.) Arabic grammar + Persian translation and commentary
al-Tahdhīb fi al-nahw ("The "). On Arabic Syntax
التهذيب في النحو
Tahdhīb al-bayān ("The ADD "). An Arabic Grammar.
تهذيب البيان
تفسير عين الحيوة
Tafsir `Ayn al-Ḥayat ("The Commentary of the Wellspring of Life"). in mss.
Habl al-Matīn fī Mazaya al-Qur'an al-Mubin
الحبل المتين في مزايا القرآن المبين
al-`Urwat al-Wuthqā' ("The Firm Handle").
العروة الوثقى
A Tafsīr work seems only to have been a few times partially printed:
al-ʻUrwah al-wuthqá [fī tafsīr Sūrat al-Ḥamd] in Rasa'il al-Shaykh Baha' al-Din Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥusayn ibn `Abd al-Samad al-Harithi al-ʻĀmili. Lithograph Tehran [?]: Hajj Shaykh Ahmad Shirazi, 1319/1901[3], pp. 386-410
al-ʻUrwah al-wuthqá [fī tafsīr Sūrat al-Ḥamd] in Rasa'il al-Shaykh Baha' al-Din Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥusayn ibn `Abd al-Samad al-Harithi al-ʻĀmili. Qum: Maktabat Baṣīratī / Intishārāt-i Baṣīratī, 1398/ 1978. pp. 386-410.
al-ʻUrwah al-wuthqá : tafsīr Sūrat al-Ḥamd by Bahāʼ al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Ḥusayn ʻĀmili. Qum : Dār al-Qurʼān al-Karīm, 1412/ 1992.
al-ʻUrwah al-wuthqá fī tafsīr Sūrat al-Ḥamd... Qum : Qum: Būstān Kitāb, 1422 /2001.
`Ulūm Qur'ānī. ("On The Qur'anic Sciences"), in mss.
علوم قرآنى
- Mss.
حل الحروف القرآنيه
Ḥall al-ḥurūf al-Qur'ān ("On the status of the Qur'anic [Isolated] Letters"), in mss.
- Mss. UCLA Qayeni Coll. No. 21. "Shaikh Baha'i (Baha' al-Din Muhammad al-Amili, universal scholar and wazir of Shah 'Abbas the Great, died 1030 / 1621): "Sharh suwar al- Qur'an" (Coranic commentaries); Arabic; varying, always well legible script w. red titles. Main body of text pp.29-318. Beginning, end, margins and pasted-in notes w. a wide variety of marginalia. - Semi-leather binding w. painted ornaments in orange and blue. - 397 pages of text; 14 l/p (main body of text); 190x125 mm. Scribe: Abu Turab Salim b. Rashid. Dated (pp. 47, 318, 369): 1110 and 1117 / 1698 and 1705." See http://www.library.ucla.edu/libraries/url/colls/mideast/qayeni.htm
- Bayḍāwī, Qaḍī ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿUmar Nāṣir al-Dīn (d. c. 700/1300). Sunnī commentator and author of the well-known Anwār al-tanzīl wa-asrār al-ta`wīl ("The Lights of the Revelation and the mysteries of the Exegesis")
حاشيه انوار التنزيل قاضى بيضاوى
Hashiyya = Marginal Glosses of Shaykh Baha'i upon the Anwār al-tanzīl of Qaḍī Bayḍāwī
- Zamakhsharī, Abū al-Qāsim Maḥmud Ibn `Umar (d. 538/1144). Persian born Sunnī, Mu`tazili Qur'an commentator and author of the well-know al-Kashshāf 'an ḥaqā'iq ghawamid al-tanzi wa 'uyun al-aqawil fī wujuh al-ta 'wil.
حاشيه كشاف زمخشرى
Ḥashiyya = Marginal Glosses of Shaykh Baha'i upon the Kashshāf of Zamaksharī.
On the Tafsir works of Shaykh Bahā'ī see ʻAbbās, Dalāl.
- Bahāʾ al-Dīn al-ʻĀmilī : Adīban wa-Faqīhan wa-ʻāliman, Beirut (?): Dar al-Ḥawar, 1995, Pt III section II on `Ulum al-Qur'an pp.535-552. *
Hadith - Select works of Commentary on various traditions or Hadith texts.
al-Arba`ūn Ḥadīth an ("The Forty Ḥadīth Compilation").
شرح الأربعين حديثاً
An annotated compilation of forty traditions ascribed to the prophet Muhammad
- Kitāb-i arba`īn. Muhammad ibn Husayn mashhur bi-Shaykh Baha'i, Sharḥ-i Khatun'abadi. n.p. n.d. = Reproduction of the lithograph ed., Tehran: XXX., 1275 / 1858 (509pp.).
For full view/ PDf of this lithograph edition see Hathi Trust : http://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/011626528.
- al-Arba`ūn Ḥadīth an . Beirut: Dar al-Muḥajjat al-Bayḍā'. 1413/1992 (280pp.).*
- Arbaʻūn ḥadīthan ..
- Arbaʻīn-i [Arbaʻūn ḥadīthan] (Shaykh Bahāʼī). [Tehran] : Ḥikmat, 1368/ 1989 or 1990. Persian Translation of Arbaʻūn ḥadīthan, (Khātūn Ābādī); vīrāstār, Ḥusayn Ustād Valī. 4, 640 pp.
al-Hadīqah al-hilāliyya ("The Orchard of Lawful").
al-Ḥadā'iq al-ṣālīḥīn fi sharḥ al-Ṣaḥīfa al-sajjādiyya ("The Orchards of Veracity in Commentary upon the Ṣaḥīfa al-sajjādiyya).
Shaykh Baha'i's commentary upon prayer No. 43 in the Ṣaḥīfa al-sajjādiyya of `Alī Zayn al-Ābidīn (d. c.95/713), an important collection of devotions ascribed to this fourth Imam. See Brockelmann GAL SII:596; Tehrani, Dhari`a VI: 2432; Gacek ALB No. 59 p.45.
al-Hadiqah al-hilaliyah printed on pp. 274-298 of the Lithograph edtion of Nūr al-anwār of al-Jazā'irī
al-Hadiqah al-hilaliyah : sharh Du'a' al-hilal min al-Sahifah al-Sajjadiyah - Muhammad ibn al-Husayn al-'Amili al-ma'ruf bi-al-Shaykh al-Baha'i ; ed. 'Ali al-Musawi al-Khurasani. Beirut : Mu'assasat Al al-Bayt li-Ihya' al-Turath, 1990 (= Series title: Silsilat masadir bihar al-anwar ; 9).
al-Ḥadīqah al-hilāliyya : sharḥ Duʻā al-hilāl min al-Saḥīfah al-Sajjādīyah / taʾlīf, Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥusayn al-ʻĀmilī al-maʻrūf bi-al-Shaykh al-Bahāʾī ; taḥqīq ʻAlī al-Mūsawī al-Khurāsānī. Qum : Muʾassasat Āl al-Bayt li-Iḥyāʾ al-Turāth, 1410/ 1989-90. (204pp.)
- Ḥadīqah al-hilāliȳyah : Sharḥ Duʻā al-hilāl min al-Saḥīfah al-Sajjādīyah ed. ʻAlī al-Mūsawī al-Khwurāsānī. 1989
- al-Ḥadiqah al-hilaliyah : Sharḥ du`ā' al-hilal min al-.saḥifah al-sajjadiyah. ed. `Ali al-Musawi al-Khwurasani. Qum : Mu'assasat Al al-Bayt, 1989 (204 pp.)
- al-Ḥadiqah al-hilaliyah : Sharḥ du`ā' al-hilal min al-.saḥifah al-sajjadiyah. ed. `Ali al-Musawi al-Khwurasani. Beirut : Mu'assasat Āl al-Bayt li-Iḥyā' al-Turāth, (= Series Silsilat masādir Bihār al-Anwār , 9) 1990 (204pp.).
تفسير آيه شريفه (فاغسلوا وجوهكم و ايديكم الى الكعبين ) كه در اربعين به تفصيل آمده است
Risāla fī'l-Wajiza fi'l-Diyāra ("The Succinct Treatise on the Science of Hadith-Tradition"). 1606-7 (DS 2009:27).
رسالة الوجيزة في الدراية
Glosses on الصَّحيفَة السَّجَّاديَّة = Al-Ṣaḥīfa al-Sajjādīyya.
الصَّحيفَة السَّجَّاديَّة = Al-Ṣaḥīfa al-Sajjādīyya.
Mashriq al-shamsayn wa iksīr sa`ādatayn ("The Dawning Place of the Two Suns and the Elixir of Twofold Felicity")
مشرق الشمسين و اكسير السعادتين
An incomplete legal work containing only the chapter on ritual purity (so Modarressi, 1984:85).
Mashriq al-shamsayn...(with the legalistic Habl al-Matīn...) Tehran: ADD., 1321/XXXX.
Mashriq al-shamsayn wa iksīr sa`ādatayn. With annotations by Muhammad Isma'il ibn al-Husayn al-Mazandarani al-Khwājū'ī al-Isfahani (d. 1173/1759-60), ed. Sayyid Sayyid Mahdi al-Rija'i. Mashhad: Majma` al-Buhuth al-Islamiyya, 1414 AH/1373 Sh./ 1994 CE (486pp.). *
Selected Mss. are listed in Modarressi, 1984: 85.
al-Masā'il al-fiqhiyya ("Issues in Jurisprudence")
رسائل فقهيّة عديدة.
Mss. see below.
Jāmiʻ-i ʻAbbāsī
الجامع العبّاسيّ في فقه الإماميّة.
A Persian 20 part legalistic compendium or manual of Shī`ī furu` al-fiqh (= jurisprudence, law) written at the request of the Safavid Shāh `Abbās I (reigned, 1587-1629 CE) and largely completed after the passing of Shaykh Bahā'ī (after section 5) by Niẓām al-Dīn ibn Ḥusayn Sāvaji [al-Sāwafī] (see Hyderabad Cat. vol. 14 No. 1253 p.109; Bodlean Cat., No. 1784 cols. 1031-3; Aqa Buzurg Tehrani, al-Dhari`a [1968] III:62-63). The first five sections completed by Shaykh Baha'i include those on (1) Ṭahārat (Ritual Purity), (2) Namāz (Prayer), (3) Khums ( "fifth" = Community Tax) and Zakat (Charitable Alms), (4) Ruza (Fasting) and (5) Ḥajj (Pilgrimage). See further Sajjad Rizvi `Jāmeʻ-e ʻAbbāsī' EIr. 14: 458-9.
جامع عباسى
- Jāmiʻ-i ʻAbbāsī. Lithograph ed. Lucknow, 1264/1848-9.
- Kitāb-i Mustaṭāb Jāmiʻ-i ʻAbbāsī., Lithograph ed. Tabriz: 1277/1855-6.,
- Jāmiʻ-i ʻAbbāsī. Lithograph ed. Muhammad Hashim. Tehran 1295/1868 (only 5 sections + trans of Salat by Muhammad Baqir Majlisi in margin).
- Khulasat-yi Jāmiʻ-i ʻAbbāsī. Muhammad Baqir ibn Abu'l-Hasan Ridawi. Lucknow, 1898.
- Hazā Kitāb-i jāmiʻ-i ʻAbbāsī min muṣnafāt Shaykh Bahāʼī. ʻĀmilī, Bahāʼ al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Ḥusayn, 1547-1621. Tabrīz, 1323/1905?. 386pp.
PDf. Hathi Trust : http://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/100653408
- Kitāb-i Mustaṭāb Jāmiʻ-i ʻAbbāsī. Bombay: [Fatḥ `Alī Khān Bahadur Ghazalbash Lahuri & Hajji Shaykh `Ali Mahallati al-Ha'iri] 1319/1901.
- Jāmiʻ-i ʻAbbāsī [-i Kabīr] Reprint. of the above ed., Tehran : Intishārāt-i 'Ābidī, 1319/1901[rep. 198??] (463pp. Index p.454ff) [Ohio Univ. Alden Lib. 6th Floor].
- Jāmiʻ-i ʻAbbāsī. [Fath `Ali Khan Bahadur Ghazalbash Lahuri & Hajji Shaykh `Ali Mahallati al-Ha'iri], Bombay : Gukzar Husayni Ḍiyā'-Baksh, 1905 (464pp.)
- Jāmiʻ-i ʻAbbāsī. ed. Jamāl al-Dīn Isfahānī, Tehran 1909.
- Jāmiʻ-i ʻAbbāsī : yak dawrah-i fiqh-i Fārsī, 1980
- Jāmiʻ-i ʻAbbāsī : yak dawrah-i fiqh-i Fārsī. Tihrān : Muʾasssasah-ʾi Intishārāt-i Farāhānī,198?] (463 pp.).
UCLA Ms. of the Jāmiʿ-i ʿAbbāsī in the Caro Minasian Collection of Persian and Arabic mss.
PDf./ Viewable ms. : http://minasian.library.ucla.edu/browse.html - search under Jāmiʿ-i ʿAbbāsī...
Jawāb-i Masā'il-i Shāh`Abbās (Persian).
Selected mss. listed in Modarressi, 1984:106.
Sharh Farā'iḍ Naṣīriyya Khwajah Naṣīr al-Dīn Tūṣī (Commentary upon the Farā'iḍ of Naṣīr al-Dīn Tūṣī)
شرح فرائض نصيريه خواجه نصير الدين طوسى
Habl al-Matīn fī iḥkam aḥkām al-dīn ("The Firm Handle respecting the religious injunctions").
Habl al-Matīn fī iḥkam aḥkām al-dīn ("The Firm Handle respecting the religious injunctions").
الحبل المتين في إحكام أحكام الدين.
An incomplete legal work containing only the chapters on ritual purity, prayer and inheritance (Modarressi, 1984:85).
al-Ḥabl al-matīn fī iḥkām aḥkām al-dīn. Tehran: ADD., 1321/XXXX.
al-Ḥabl al-matīn fī iḥkām aḥkām al-dīn. Beirut : Dār al-Hādī, 2000 (846 pp). *
Selected Mss. are listed in Modarressi, 1984: 85.
Risāla fi'l-Qiblah ("Treatise on the Qiblah").
Risāla fi'l-Mawarith ("Treatise on the ").
رسالة في المواريث
Risāla Ma`rifat al-Qiblah ("Treatise on the Determination of the Qibla").
الحاشیة علی کتاب من لا یحضره الفقیه
al-Ḥashiyya and/or commentary upon the Book Man lā yaḥḍuru-hu al-faqīh (" For whomsoever is without a Jurist") of Muhammad ibn `Ali ibn al-Husayn ibn Bābūya al Qummī (= al-Ṣadūq) (d. 381/991-2).
- al-Ḥashiyyah `alā kitāb Man la yaḥḍuruhu al-faqih by Baha' al-Din Muhammad ibn al-Ḥusayn ibn `Abd al-Ṣamad al-Ḥarithi al-Hamadhani al-`Amili al-Jaba`i al-mushtahir bi-al-Baha'i. ed. Faris Ḥassun Karim + bi-ihtimam Maḥmud al-Mar`ashi al-Najafi. Qumm : Maktabat Ayat Allah al-`Uẓmā al-Mar`ashi al-Najafi, 2003. ISBN: 9646121969 (200 pp.)
- al-Ḥāshiyah `alá kitāb Man lā yaḥḍuruhu al-faqīh / ta'līf Bahā' al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥusayn ibn `Abd al-Ṣamad al-Ḥārithī al-Hamadhānī al-`Āmilī al-Jaba`ī al-mushtahir bi-al-Bahā'ī ; taḥqīq Fāris Ḥassūn Karīm ; bi-ihtimām Maḥmūd al-Mar`ashī al-Najafī.
- الحاشية على كتاب من لا يحضره الفقيه / تأليف بهاء الدين
- محمد بن الحسين بن عبد الصمد الحارثي الهمذاني العاملي الجبعي المشتهر بالبهائي ؛ تحقيق فارس حسون كريم ؛ باهتمام محمود المرعشي النجفي. Qum, Īrān : Maktabat Āyat Allāh al-`Uẓmá al-Mar`ashī al-Najafī, 1424/ 2003.
- شرح من لايحضره الفقيه
Glosses upon the Irshād al-adhhān of Hasan ibn Yusuf ibn al-Muṭahhar,`Allāmah al-Ḥillī (d.726/1326).
حاشيه بر ارشاد الاذهان علا مه حلى = Glosses upon the Irshād al-adhhān of Ḥasan ibn Muṭahhir `Allamah al-Ḥillī (d.726/1326), a Shi`i work of Jurisprudence
Glosses upon the Qawā'id al-Aḥkām fi Ma`rifat al-Ḥalal wa'l-Ḥaram of Hasan ibn Yusuf ibn al-Muṭahhar `Allāmah al-Ḥillī (d.726/1326).
حاشيه بر قواعد علا مه حلى
Glosses upon the Qawā'id wa'l-fawā'id, a collection of over 300 legal maxims of the Shahid al-Awwal ("The First Martyr"), Shams al-Dīn Muhammad ibn al-Makkī (d.786/1384-5).
حاشيه بر قواعد شهيد اول
- The c. 1308/1891 lithograph edition of al-Qawā'id wa-al-fawā'id by Muhammad ibn Makkī al-'Amilī al- Shahīd al-Awwal (d. 782/1390).(pp.328). and transcribed by Ahmad ibn Husayn al-Tafrishī in Dhū al-Hijjah 1308/1891.contains extensive glosses (Nasta'Iîq hand, placed in margins and on inserts) by Bahā' al-Dīn al-'Amili (d. 1030/1621), Muhammad al-Harfūshī (d. 1059/1649), Muhammad al-Tihrānī and others. This Lithograph was printed in Persia in or after 1308/1891. Details from Gacek ALB 232 p.138. Cf. Dhari`a 17: 1029.
Glosses upon the Aḥkām al-Sharī`a of Hasan ibn Yusuf ibn al-Muṭahhar`Allāmah Ḥillī (d.726/1326).
حاشيه بر احكام الشريعه علا مه حلى
Glosses upon the ADD
حاشية على شرح العضدي على مختصر الاَصول
Ithnā ashariyyāt ("The Twelver [Acts of Devotion]") A Compendium of five Treatises on [1] Khums [2] Namāz [3] Zakat [4] Rawzeh [5] Ḥajj. Check this list of five sections.
الاثنى عشريات الخمس في الطهارة والصلاة والزكاة والصوم والحج
Al-lthnā' ashariyya, five treatises on acts of devotion
Treatise on prayer ed.Tehran, 1309/ADD Printed together with al-' Allama 's Tabįirat al-muta'allimīn). Selected MSS: Sina 225/1 (cat., I, p. 105); Hakīm 9 Rashtī (cat., p.27); Dīnishgāh 918/4, 7087/6 (cat., V, pp.1758-9, XVI, p.449); Adabiyyat 120 Ijikmat (cat., p.41); Mar'ashī 75, 104/3 (cat., I, pp. 87, 125); Radawī 2683 (cat., V, p. 352); Mīrzā Ja'far 148 (cat., p. 40); Nūrbakhsh 590 (cat., II, pp. 235-6); Nawwab 6 law (cat., p.449); Ustādī (cat., p.57); Farhang (cat., pp.40-1); Sipahsālār 2670/2 (cat., Ill, pp. 44-5); Princeton 538/1 Yahuda (cat., p. 149); Bodleian Arab.e.175; Tiflis 699/7 (Nash., VIII, p.260); Baku M140 (ibid., IX, p.239)
Translation: Persian, by Şadr al-Dīn Muhammad b. Muhibb 'AIī al- Tabrīzī (d. after 1013), MSS: Mar'ashī (AB, IV, p. 74); Leningrad A643 (cat. Persian, I, p.241); Dānishgāh 5884/3-4, 7242/2 (cat., XVI, pp. 130, 497)
Al-lthnā' ashariyya fi'l-salat al-yawmiyya. ed Shaykh Muhammad Hassun. Qumm: Maktabat Āyāt-Allāh Mar'ashī al-Najafi, 1407/1987 (96pp.). Publication of the section on Salat, the Muslim Obligatory Prayer.
Commentaries as listed in Modarressi, 1984:122 :
(1) by the author, on the treatise on prayer, MS: Radawī 2728 (cat., V, pp. 404-5);
(2) anonymous (written in 1012), MS: Dānishgāh 7087/8 (cat., XVI, p. 449);
(3) anonymous (written before 1030), MS: Mar'ashī 2398_(cat., VI, pp.378-9_);
(4) al-Fawe'id al- 'aliyya, by Harun b. Khamīs al-Jazā'irī (d. after 1036), MS: Radawī 2509 (cat., II, p.93, V, p.353);
(5) anonymous (written before 1042), MS: Ilahiyyat 184/6 (cat., I, p.724);
(6) al-Anwar al-bahiyya, by Nur al-Dīn 'Aiī b. Husayn al-Musawī al-'Amülī (d. 1068), MSS: Mar'ashī 81 (cat., I, p.99); Majlis 4670 (cat., XIII, pp.52-3);
(7) al-Fitra al-malakutiyya, by 'Abd al-Hasīb b. Ahmad al-'Amilī (d. after 1058), MS: Radawī 2792 (cat., V, p.471);
(8) by al-Khwaju'ī, MS: Gawharshad 1702 (cat., p.256);
(9) by 'Abd al-Husayn b. Qasim al-Hillī (d. 1375), MS: Amīr al- Mu'minīn (AB, XIII, p.62);
(10) anonymous, MS: Radawī 2728 (Bīnish, p.700) (so Moddarressi, 1984:122).
al-Ithnā asharīyah fī al-ṣalāt al-yawmiyya (Twelver Shi`ism, regarding the daily Obligatory Prayers).
al-Ithnā asharīyah fī al-ṣalāh al-yawmīyah. al-Shaykh al-Bahāʾī Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥusayn ibn ʻAbd al-Ṣamad al-Ḥārithī . ed. Muḥammad al-Ḥassūn ; ishrāf al-Sayyid Maḥmūd al-Marʻashī. Qumm : Maktabat Āyat Allāh al-ʻUẓmá al-Marʻashī al-Najafī, 1409/ 1989 (96pp.).
al-Ithnā asharīyah fī al-ṣalāh al-yawmīyah
Risāla fī taḥqīq `aqa'id al-shi`a fi'l-furu wa'l-usūl ("The Treatise on Establishment of the Doctrines of the Shi`a, the legalistic aspects and the doctrinal fundamentals").
Kitab ʻAqayid al-Shīʻa. Tehran 1298/1880. 118pp.
PDf. Hathi Trust - full view : http://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/008435065
Risāla fi'l-Ḥajj ("Treatise on the Pilgrimage").
رسالة في الحج،
Risāla fi'l-Ṣaum ("Treatise on Fasting").
شرح رسالة فى الصوم
Risāla fi fiqh al-Salāt ("Treatise on the Law of Obligatory Prayer").
رسالة في فقه الصلوة
Risāla fi'l-Salāt ("Treatise on the Obligatory Prayer").
رسالة في الصلاة
Risāla fi fiqh al-sujud ("Treatise on the Law of Ritual Prostration").
رسالة في فقه السجود
Miftāḥ al-falāḥ ("The Key to Success"). On daily litanies and devotions...
Miftāḥ al-falāḥ fī ʻamal al-yawm wa'l-laylah min al- wājibāt wa-al-mustaḥabāt wa-al-ādāb, by Bahāʾ al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥusayn ibn ʻAbd al-Ṣamad al-Ḥārithī al-Hamadānī al-ʻĀmilī al- maʻrūf bi-al-Shaykh al-Bahāʾī. Beirūt : Muʾassasat al-Aʻlamī lil-Maṭbūʻāt [Rep. of the 1324/1906 ed.] c. 1977 ? (307pp.).*
- Miftāḥ al-falāḥ fī ʻamal al-yawm wa'l-laylah li'l-Shaykh Bahāʾal-Din Muhammad ibn al-Husaynal-Ja'iri al-`Amili ma` ta`liqat hamma li'l-`Allama Muhamad Isma'il al-Mazandarani al-Khwaju`i, ed, Sayyid Mahdi al-Rija'i. Qum: Mu`assat al-Nashr al-Islami. 1422/2001. 808pp. ISBN 964-470-427-4. *
Miftāḥ al-falāḥ as̲ar-i Bahāʾ al-Millat va al-Dīn Muḥammad al-ʿĀmilī (Shaykh Bahāʾī) ; tarjumah-ʾi ʿAlī ibn Ṭayfūr Basṭāmī. Bi-z̤amīmah-ʾi risālah-ʾi Nūr ʿalá nūr dar z̲ikr va z̲ākir va maz̲kūr - nivishtah-ʾi Ḥasan Ḥasanʹzādah Āmulī. [Tehran?] : Ḥikmat, 1366/ 1987 (12, 462 pp.)
Barnāmij al-Shaykh al-Bahā'ī li'l-`Ibadāt al-yawmiyya, Miftāḥ al-falāh., Beirut: Markiz Baqiyyat-Allah al-A`ẓam, 1999. (111pp.).*
هداية الأُمّة إلى أحكام الأئمّة
Hidayat al imama ila ahkam al-a'imma
Zubdat al-uṣūl ("The Essence of the Foundations").
زبدة الاصول
A Treatise on the principles of Imami Shi`i fiqh or jurisprudence.
Another Lithograph printing with the Khulasat al-hisab and other works c. 1283/1866. See Gacek, ALB No. 133
UCLA `Ilmiyya Collection. Mss (32) Shaykh Baha'i (Baha' al-Din Muhammad al-Amili; died 1030 H / 1621 CE; Shaykh al-Islam, royal wazir and confidante of Shah Abbas the Great; poet & universal scholar, theologian, legal scholar, mathematician, physicist, astronomer): "Zubdat al-usul", (Essence of the foundations; 19x12.5 cm), dated 10478 H / 1637 CE; 207 pp., scribe: 'Abd al-Qadir b. Haydar. Ms. written only 16 years after the author's death, as a copy of the original of 1018 H / 1609 CE. - Completely preserved text with comments in margins. - Leather binding w. latch. - Arabic :
Refer : http://www.library.ucla.edu/libraries/url/colls/mideast/elmiyeh.htm
Dīvān-i kāmil-i Shaykh Bahāʾī
ديوان شعره بالعربية والفارسية
- Dīvān-i kāmil-i Shaykh Bahāʾī bā muqaddamah-i Saʻīd Nafīsī. 1982
Dīvān-i kāmil-i Shaykh Bahāʾī bā muqaddamah-i Saʻīd Nafīsī. c. 1982 + Tehran : Chikamah, 1372/1993 (348 pp).
Dīvān-i Shaykh Bahā'ī : shāmil-i ash‘ār va āsār-i Fārsī - muqaddamah va sharh-i hāl bih qalam-i Sa‘īd Nafīsī. Tehran : Chakāmah, 1372/1993. 348pp\
PDf. Divan with preface by Saʻīd Nafīsī. Hathi Trust : http://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/001076111.
Dar rumūz-i ism-i a`ẓam ("On the Secrets of the Mightiest Name [of God])
در رموز اسم اعظم
Dar rumūz-i ism-i a`ẓam ["On the Secrets of the Greatest Name"] in Jawahiri (see above), 93-99
PDf = Persian printed text - `Amili-Rumuz-i ism.pdf
al-Sirr al-mustatir...
- al-Sirr al-mustatir fī al-ʻulūm al-gharībah wa'l-jafr wa-taʻbīr al-ruʾyā : wa-khawāṣ asmāʾ Allāh wa-maʻrifat baʻḍ al-masāʾil al-majhūlah; ed. Muḥammad Riḍā Saqqā Zād Wāʻiẓ. Beirut : Dār al-Irshād lil-Ṭibāʻah wa'l-Nashr wa'l-Tawzīʻ, 2005.
Kulliyāt-i ash`ar
Kullīyāt-i ashʻār-i Fārsi va mush-u gurbah-i Shaykh Baha'i. ed. Mahdi Tawhidipur. Tehran: Mahmudi, 1958. 317pp. =
Kuliyāt-i ashʻār-i Fārsī, va mūsh va gurbih-i Shaykh Bahāʼ al-Dīn Muḥammad al-ʼĀmilī Mashhūr bih Shaykh Bahāʼī. Bitaṣḥīḥ-i va maqūmih va payvast Mahdī Tuḥīdīpūr. Full view/PDf. see Hathi Trust : http://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/010513265
Kuliyāt-i ashʻār va āthār-i Fārsī-i Shaykh Bahāʻ al-Dīn Muḥammad al-ʻĀmilī Mashhūr bih Shaykh Bahāʾī. Bikūshish-i Ghulām Ḥusayn Javāhirī. [Tehran] : Kitābfurūshī-i Maḥmūdī XXXX/1962
Kulliyat-i ash`ar va athar-i farsi-i Shaykh Baha' al-Din Muhammad al-`Amili mashhur bih Shaykh Baha'i, bi-kushish-i Ghulām Ḥusayn Javāhirī. Tehran : Intishārāt-i Mahmudi, 1987 (14+ 24+336 pp.).
Kulliyāt-i ash`ār va āthār-i fārsī. ed. Ghulām Ḥusayn Javāhirī. [Tehran]: Intishārāt-i Maḥmūdī, 1372/1993 (336pp.) *
Kullīyāt-i ashʻār va ās̲ār-i Fārsī Shaykh Bahāʼal-Dīn Muḥammad al-ʻAmilī mashh̄ur bih Shaykh Bahāʼī : shāmil nān ū ḥalvā- shīr ū shikar- nān ū panīr- ghazallīyāt-i ashʼār-i parākandah "Mas̲navīyāt- qaṣāyid- mukhammas- mustarād" Rubāʼīyāt-mus̄h ū gurbah. Ghulām Husayn Javāhirī. [Tehran] Intishārāt-i Maḥmūdī, 1376/1997. 8+336pp.
كليات اشعار و آثار فارسى شيخ بهائى = Kullīyāt-i ashʻār-i Fārsi-i Shaykh-i Baha'i. muqaddimah va sharh-i hal... Ustad Sa`īd Nafisi. Tehran: Chapkhanah-yi Aḥmadī, n.d. [c. 2000 CE?] 348+2pp *
Kullīyāt-i ashʻār va athar-i Fārsi-yi Shaykh-i Baha'i. ... Tehran: Chapkhanah-yi Ramīn, 1384 Sh./ 2005 CE., 236. ISBN 964-405-532-2.*
Majmu`a-yi Āthār-i va Ash`ar-i Shaykh-i Bahā'ī... ("Compendium of writings and poems of Shaykh-i Baha'i").
Majmu`a-yi Āthār-i va Ash`ar-i Shaykh-i Bahā'ī : Falnameh, Gorbeh va Mush, Ghazaliyyat, Nan va Halva, Shir va Shikar .,ed. intro. Sayyid Muhammad Sahafi. Qumm, 1371/1992.
مثنوى نان و حلوا
Nān va ḥalvā ("Bread and Halva] [Sweets") - A Mathnavi poem
مثنوى نان و حلوا
Nān wa ḥalvā [and other poetical works]. Persian illustrated lithograph book printed in 1303/1885 by Aqa Muhammad Zaman, the scribe being `Abd al-Ghaffar al-Hamadani (see Marzolph, 2001: 255).
Nān u ḥalvā in `Pand i ahl i dānish u hūsh ba-zabān i gurbah u mūsh'. Cairo : Saʿādah, 1346/ 1927. (272 pp.) "The fable of the cat and the mouse. Followed by (1) Mūsh u gurbah, the same fable in verse, by Niẓām al-Dīn ʿUbayd Allāh, called ʿUbayd i Zākāni, p. 216 ; (2) Nān u ḥalvā, a fable in verse by Shaykh Bahāʾī, p. 224; (3) Nān u panīr, a similar composition, by the same, p. 251; (4) Shīr u shakar, a similar work by the same, p. 266. Edited with biographical preface by Faraj Allāh Zakī.
Hadha kitab-i mustaṭab-i nan va ḥalva : va shir va shikar va sar gu_zasht-i Janab Shaykh Abu al-Pashm. Qazvin: Ittiḥad, 1952 (25pp.).
Nan u Halva in Kullīyāt-i ashʻār-i Fārsi-i Shaykh Baha'i. muqaddimah va sharh-i hal... Ustad Sa`īd Nafisi. Tehran: Chapkhanah-yi Aḥmadī, n.d. [c. 2000 CE?] pp. 150-176.
See Majmu`a above
PDf. Persian printed text of Nan-o halva from : Kuliyāt-i ashʻār va āthār ed. Javahiri : Nan-o halva.pdf.
Nān u Panīr ("Bread and Cheese") - A Mathnavi poem
PDf. Nān u Panīr Nan-u Panir.pdf . See Majmu`a above
Mush-u Ghurbih ( "Mouse and Cat")
Pandiyat be-zaban-i gorbe va mush. Persian Lithograph dating to 1298/1880 (see Marzolph, 2001: 257).
PDf. "Mouse and Cat". Mush-u Gorbeh.pdf
شير و شكر
Shīr u Shakar ( "Milk and Sugar") poem.
Shīr u shakarin `Pand i ahl i dānish u hūsh ba-zabān i gurbah u mūsh'. Cairo : Saʿādah, 1346/ 1927. (272 pp.) "The fable of the cat and the mouse. Followed by (1) Mūsh u gurbah, the same fable in verse, by Niẓām al-Dīn ʿUbayd Allāh, called ʿUbayd i Zākāni, p. 216 ; (2) Nān u ḥalvā, a fable in verse by Shaykh Bahāʾī, p. 224; (3) Nān u panīr, a similar composition, by the same, p. 251; (4) Shīr u shakar, a similar work by the same, p. 266. Edited with biographical preface by Faraj Allāh Zakī.
PDf. Shīr u Shakar = Shir-u Shakar.pdf See Majmu`a above
Shīr u Shakar in Kullīyāt-i ashʻār-i Fārsi-i Shaykh Baha'i. muqaddimah va sharh-i hal... Ustad Sa`īd Nafisi. Tehran: Chapkhanah-yi Aḥmadī, n.d. [c. 2000 CE?] pp. 177-188.
al-Tadayyun wa'l-Nifāq.. ("The Cat and the Mouse"), A Fable
Pand i ahl i dānish u hūsh ba-zabān i gurbah u mūsh. Cairo : Saʿādah, 1346/ 1927. (272 pp.) "The fable of the cat and the mouse. Followed by (1) Mūsh u gurbah, the same fable in verse, by Niẓām al-Dīn ʿUbayd Allāh, called ʿUbayd i Zākāni, p. 216 ; (2) Nān u ḥalvā, a fable in verse by Shaykh Bahāʾī, p. 224; (3) Nān u panīr, a similar composition, by the same, p. 251; (4) Shīr u shakar, a similar work by the same, p. 266. Edited with biographical preface by Faraj Allāh Zakī.
al-Tadayyun wa-al-nifāq bi-lisān al-qitt wa-al-fa'r- Bahā' al-Dīn al-‘Āmilī ; tarjamat wa-tahqīq Dalīl, ‘Abbās. London : Riad El-Rayyes, 1996 (184pp
طوطى نامه
Ṭūṭī Nāma (The Parrot ), Mathnawī poem In 2500 Verses,
Ḥijāzī, Ḥasan ʻAbd al-Karīm.
- Bahāʾ al-Dīn al-ʻĀmilī shāʻiran, 953-1030 / 1547-1621 jamʻ wa-taḥqīq wa-dirāsah Ḥasan ʻAbd al-Karīm Ḥijāzī. Beirut : Ḥ. ʻA. al-K. Ḥijāzī, 1999.
Various Compendia Incorporating Poetry.
Kashkūl ("The Begging Bowl"). A Literary Compendium.
A massive Arabic and Persian literary anthology or compendium in five sections or volumes (mujalladāt) spanning 800-1000 or so pages.
See Devin J. Stewart: `KAŠKUL-E ŠAYḴ BAHĀʾI' In Encyclopedia Iranica : http://www.iranicaonline.org/articles/kaskul-e-sayk-bahai
- al-Kashkūl li-khātimat al-udabā' wa-ka`bat al-ẓurafā'. [Cairo] Būlāq: Maṭba`a al-Kubrā al-Ibrāhīmiyya., 1288/1871. (= Bosworth B) ; omits the Persian texts supplied by Bahāʾ al-Dīn himself and contains the "Commentary of Shaykh Ahmad al-Manīnī on Bahāʾ al-Dīn's poem in praise of the Hidden Imam, preceded by his biography of Bahāʾ al-Dīn" (Bosworth 1989:24). This edition also appears to be a seriously truncated version or based on an inferior or shorter mss.
- Kitāb al-kashkūl. [Cairo] Bulaq, al-Matba'ah al-kubra al-Ibrahimiyah, 1872 (435pp.). Persian parts omitted in this printing...
PDf. Kitab al-Kashkul http://www.al-mostafa.info/data/arabic/depot3/gap.php?file=i000862.pdf
- = PDf. 1917 Indian lithograph edition through al-Mostafa.com = Kitab al-kashkul.c.pdf.
Flip Book -PDF etc :http://www.archive.org/details/kitabalkashkul00milbuoft
- http://www.archive.org/search.php?query=kashkul%20AND%20mediatype%3Atexts
PDf, 1872 Lithograph, al-Kashkul: http://www.archive.org/details/kitabalkashkul00milbuoft
- [Kashkūl ] Bar ḍamīr i arbāb i baṣīrat makhfī na-mānad kih chūn Kitāb i Kashkūl ... ed. Ghulām Ḥusayn Shīrāzī. 5 Vols. in 1 Bombay : Nāṣirī Press, 1892 (653, [1] pp. ).
- [Kashkūl ] Kitāb-i Kashkūl. Bombay : Nāṣirī Press, 1892. (653, [1] pp. ) Lithograph. ed. Ghulām Ḥusayn Shīrāzī.
- Kashkūl. ed. Mīrzā `Abd al-Ghaffār Munajjim Iṣfahanī. Tehran, 1318/1900-1. (see Bosworth1989:26-7).
al-Kashkūl. [Sayyid Mahdi al-Ajurdi] 3 vols. Qum : Matba`at al-Hikmat / Mu’assasa-yi Intishārāt-i Farāhānī, 1377-9/1958-9 (Vol. 1 = 333pp. vol.2 = 387pp. vol.3 = 493+ii pp..)*
Kashkūl. ed. Mīrzā Muhammad Ṣādiq Naṣīrī. Qum : Dar al-`Ilm Press, Intisharat-i Sharikat-i Tab` wa Nashr-i Qumī , ADD: XXXX., 1378/ 1958-9. (= Bosworth Q.)
Kashkūl. Qumm : al-Hay'ah al-Muttahidah al-Kutubī , ADD: XXXX., 1377/ 1957. Check this.
al-Kashkūl. 2 vols. ed., Tāhir Aḥmad. al-Zāwī., Cairo: Dār Iḥyāʼ al-Kutub al-ʻArabiyya, 1380/1961 (3, xi, 511; 536 pp.). (= Bosworth C) Contains the Commentary of Shaykh Ahmad al-Manīnī but omits his biography as in the 1288/1871 Lithograph (see above). Boswoth writes of this Cairo edition "According to al-Zāwī's Preface to his text (I, pp. hā'-tā'), it is based on a comparison of the Bulaq text (for the first three mujalladāt) with two Dar al-Kutub manuscripts: (ï) Adab 143, completed in 1060/1650, i.e. within a generation of Bahâ' al-Din's death, containing the Persian subject-matter, carefully-written and apparently accurate; and (2) 2843, of unspecified date, full of errors and consulted by al-Zāwī only occasionally. He further states (I, pp. ṭā'-kāf) that the task of producing anything like a reasonably accurate text of the Kashkūl is made very difficult by the state of the manuscripts: total absence of any subject-headings or subdivisions beyond the bare division into mujalladāt, confused and varying arrangement of the actual subject-matter and many lacunae. His own limited achievement is nonetheless a meritorious one, for it is patent that a collation of all the extant manuscripts, lithographs and prints of the Kashkūl would be a gargantuan undertaking, given the great length of the anthology, and it must be conceded that there are more pressing tasks in Islamic scholarship awaiting the attention of critical editors... A very small number of passages in the first three mujalladāt, e.g. those concerned with Arabic vernacular poetry ... figure in al-Zāwī's edition only and not in the Bulaq text..." (Bosworth, 1989:25-6).
al-Kashkūl li-Bahāʼ al-Dīn alʻĀmilī ; taḥqīq al-Ṭāhir Aḥmad al-Zāwī. 2 vols. Cairo : Dār Iḥyāʼ al-Kutub al-ʻArabiyya, 1961.
- Kashkūl-i Shaykh Bahāʾī. Tehran : Adabiyya, 1349 Sh./1970, (648pp.) Facsimile of the Tehran Lithograph of 1296/1879 (above = Bosworth T)
- Kashkūl li-Muḥammad Bahāʾ al-Dīn al-ʻĀmilī. [Beirut] : Dār al-Kitāb al-Lubnānī - Dār al-Afriqiyya al-`Arabiyya - Dār al-Kutub al-Islāmiyya : Maktabat al-Madrasah, 1403/1983. (791pp.).
- al-Kashkūl ... 3 vols. (7th ed./printing). Preface by Muhammad al-Karami of Qumm (pp. 1-8). Beirut: Mu’assasat al-A`lamī li'l-Matbū`āt, 1420/1999. (3 vols. = Vol. 1 = 335pp. vol. 2 = 354 pp. vol.3 = 475+ii pp.).*
Persian Translations
- Kashkūl. Bahā' al-Din Muhammad ʻĀmilī (Shaykh Baha'i). Guzinish, tarjumah, taṣḥīḥ taḥshiyah va ta`liqat az Abu al-Qasim Ayat-Allahi. [Tehran]: Tuka, 1978 (609pp.) Partial Persian translation..
- Gulzar -i Najafi [Persian trans.] Hujjat al-Islam Hajji Sayyid Hāshim Najafī Yazdī. Gulzār-i Najafī : bā tarjamah va gulchīnī az Kashkūl-i Shaykh Bahā'ī - ta'līf-i Hāshim Najafī Yazdī . Tehran : Intisharat-i Gulī, 1362/ 1984 . 15+240pp.
- Kashkūl. ed and trans. / tarjamah va taḥqīq-i ʻAzīz Allāh Kāsib. 1995 (811pp. including indexes p.669ff).. *
- Kashkūl [Persian trans.] Bahā' al-Din Muhammad ʻĀmilī (Shaykh Baha'i). tarjumah-yi Bahman Rāzānī. [Tehran] : Zarrīn, 1374+5/ 1995+6. (8+668 pp.). Printed at least 12 times. Copy in Ohio State Univ. Lib.
- Kashkūl (Shaykh Baha'i) [Persian trans.] Bahā' al-Din Muhammad ʻĀmilī (Shaykh Baha'i). tarjumah-yi Bahman Rāzānī. [Tehran] : Zarrīn, 25th printing 1375/ 1996. (8+668+1pp.). ISBN 964-407-018-6 . *
- [Matn Kamil] Kashkūl-i Shayh Baha'i. ed. and trans. ʻAzīz Allāh Kāsib. Tehran : Intisharat Guli, 2nd ed. [printing], 1375Sh./ 1997 (811pp.). *
Melikian-Chirvani, Assadullah Souren. Check?
- Le kashkūl safavide, vaisseau à vin de l'initiation mystique' in Études safavides. Sous la dir. de J. Calmard: Institut Français de Recherche en Iran, , Paris & Tehran, 1993, pp. 165-194.
Note from a recent Musical Bibliography...
AL-al-Kashkul. The Beggar's Bowl
"This anthology containing a variety of subjects is the best known of `Amilī's works. It includes a short section on music in which the author defines the science of music and the note, mentions the seventeen fundamental notes and the eighty-four cycles, briefly discusses the lawfulness of music from the religious point of view, declaring that the study of music as a science is permitted but its practice is forbidden; gives a definition of music and its principles which is compiled from al-Fārābī's Ihsā' al-`ulūm (see 055), and ends with a quotation from b. ai- Akfānī's al-irshād (see 088), criticising the theory of the music of the spheres. Except for the phrase on the lawfulness of music this passage constitutes a summary of al-irshād, which in itself was mainly compiled from al-Fārābī's al-ihsā՝." (Add ref.).
[Kitab] al-Mikhlāh (["Book of ] the Nosebag") Compendium of Adab type miscellany...
The authenticity of modern printed editions of al-Mikhlat is very doubtful.
Kitāb al-Mikhlāh. ("The Book of the Nosebag") Cairo: al-Maṭba`ah al-Adabiyyah, 1317/1899. (292 pp. [+24pp. = Kitab asrar al-balagha\.*
URL: al-Mikhlāh. http://www.archive.org/details/kitbalmikhlh00milbuoft
al-Mikhlāt- li-Bahā' al-Dīn Muhammad ibn Husayn ibn ‘Abd al-Ṣamad ibn ‘Izz al-Dīn al-Hārithī al-Hamdānī al-‘Āmilī. wa-yalīhi Asrār al-balāghah - li-mu'allif al-Mikhlāt. Sukkardān al-sultān- li-Ibn Abī Hajalah Ahmad ibn Yahyá al-Tilimsānī . Cairo : Mustafá al-Bābī al-Halabī, 1957 (8+478pp.).
Kitab al-mikhlāt 1970
al-Mikhlāt. ed. Muhammad `Abd al-Karim Namrī, Beirut: Dar al-Kutub al-`Ilmiyya. 1418/1997. Introd. pp.3-6. Text pp.7-454 + Indexes pp.528.* -
Mikhlāt li-Bahāʾ al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Ḥusayn al-ʻĀmilī ; nassaqahu wa-fahrasahu wa-waḍʻa hawāmishahu Muḥammad Khalīl al-Bāshā. 1985.
Tūbrah... Persian trans. of al-Mikhlat.
Apparently a Persian translation of the probably inauthentic Arabic al-Mikhlāh (see above) attributed to Shaykh Baha'i. Cf. Hathi Trust : http://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/001073519
- Tūbrah, taʾlīf-i Shaykh Bahāʾī Bahāʾ al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn ʻIzz al-Dīn Ḥusayn ibn ʻAbd al-Ṣamad ibn Shams al-Dīn. Tehran : [Chap-i] Intishārāt-i Zarrīn. Persian trans. Bahman Rāzānī. 1364/1985. 462pp.
PDf. Hathi Trust : http://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/001073519
Baḥr al-Hisab ("The Ocean of Mathematical Calculation")
بحر الحساب
Khulāṣat fi `ilm al-ḥisāb wal-jabr wa'l-muqābala [= Risāla al-Bahā'iyya] ("Summa of Arithmetic") or ("Quintessence of Calculation") or Khulāṣat fi `ilm al-ḥisāb [al-Bahā'iya] . A mathematical treatise in ten main sections apparently influenced by the more substantial work of Ghīyāth al-Din Jamshīd ibn Mas`ud al-Kashānī or al-Kāshī ( d. Samarkand 14XX), the Miftāḥ al-ḥisāb ("Key to Mathmatical Calculation"). The Khulāṣat fi `ilm al-ḥisāb was frequently copied, commented upon and published throughout the 19th century.
خلاصة الحساب البهائية
Khulasat al-hisab [al-Baha'iya]. On Shaykh Baha'i and his much commented upon summa of arithmetic see GAL II 415 no. 8 and S II 595 no. 8. See also Dalal `Abbas, 1995:645-668.
Select Printed and electronic editions of Khulāṣat al-ḥisāb which is often divided up into ten main sections (bābs).
An edition of al ʿĀmili's al-Khulāsah fī ʿilm al-ḥisāb (pp.29-153)... and a study of a related passage in his work al-Kashkūl (p.165ff).
- 1981 Aʻmāl al-riyāḍīyah li-Bahāʾ al-Dīn al-ʻĀmilī ; taḥqīq wa-sharḥ wa-taḥlīl Jalāl Shawqī. Cairo: Dar al-Shurūq, 1401/1981. Again contains an edition of the Khulāṣat al-ḥisāb and related materials. *
al-A'māl al-riyāḍīyah li-Bahā' al-Dīn al-'Amilī. ed. Jalāl Shawqī. Cairo: Dar al-Shurūq, 1981 (226pp.).
اللباب : شرح فارسى بر خلاصة الحساب / تأليف ، محمد جواد ذهنى =
al-Lubāb : Sharḥ-i Fārsī bar Khulāṣat al-ḥisāb. Muḥammad Javād Z̲ihnī Tihrānī. Qum: Muʾassasah-ʾi Nashr va Maṭbūʻāt-i Ḥāz̲iq, 1371/1992-3 . 277 pp.
Khulāṣat al-ḥisāb li-Bahāʻ al-Dīn al-ʻĀmilī. al-Iskandariyah : Maktabat al-Iskandariya, 2003. CD Rom. Library of Congress Cat.
Select Manuscripts of Khulāṣat al-ḥisāb
Detailed lists of mss. of the Khulāṣat al-ḥisāb. can be found in Jalāl Shawqī, 1976, 1981; Muhammadiev, 1989 (Ph.D thesis) and Nader Rofagha, 2006 (Ph.D. thesis) (see below for details).)
UCLA. Mss `Ilmiyya Collection No. (31) includes full text and commentary. Muhammad Ashraf b. Habibullah al-Tabatabai: "Sharh khulasat al-hisab", 218 pp. (Commentary on the Outline of Arithmetics of Muh. al-Harithi; 20x14 cm); dated 1043 H / 1635 CE; scribe (and commentator): 'Abdullah b.Khalifa. - The Ms. is merely six years more recent than the original (written 1038 H / 1629 CE), of which it is an exact copy. Completely preserved, easily legible text w. comments, tables, & drawings. - Pp. 212-216: Appendix; contains, among other things, a reported lecture by the contemporary universal scholar, Shaykh Baha'i (died 1621). - Light leather binding w. ornamnents. - Arabic. - Most probably unedited.
Refer : http://www.library.ucla.edu/libraries/url/colls/mideast/elmiyeh.htm
UCLA. Mss. Qayeni Coll. No. 5. "Qayeni (scribe and commentator) Collection: Shaikh Baha'i: a) "Risalat khulasat alhisab" (treatise on Mathematics)Arabic, 89 pages of text b) "Risalah-yi farsi-yi hay'at" (treatise on astronomy), Persian, preface, two maqalat, conclusion, 127 pages of text W. 10 tables and 27 drawings in two and three colors, and numerous comments by Qayeni in the margins. Black leather binding w. ornamental border. 216 pages of text & seven pages of notes; 12 l/p, Naskh, 205x105 (100x50) mm, dated 1252 / 1836. - Rarity. -
See http://www.library.ucla.edu/libraries/url/colls/mideast/qayeni.htm
UCLA. Mss. Qayeni Coll. No. 27. item 5. : "Collection of 13 treatises and numerous drawings and tables: 1) Tractate on religious ablutions (pp.1-8) 2) "Siyagh al-'uqud wa al-iqat" (pp.9-33); both by Shaikh 'Ali b. 'Abdullah 3) from: "Kitab ghayat almaram . . ." (pp.33-43) 4) Treatise on marriage and divorce (pp.44-49) 5) "Khulasah fi 'ilm alhisab" (Summary of arithmetic); preface missing. - Nine chapters (abwab) and khatimah. - W. 58 drawings and tables (red, black). - Based on Shaikh Baha'i. - Continuous comments in margins, signed: "Muradi", "Nizam al-Din", "'Abd al- Rahman", etc. (pp.50-105)... 336 pages of text; 15-21 l/p (main bodies of text); 210x150 mm; Scribe (pp.50-336): Muhammad b. 'Ali; pleasant Nasta'liq w. red titles. MS is divided into two parts: (A) No's 1- 4 (pp.1-49), dated 1241 / 1825; (B) No's 5-13 (pp.50-336), dated 1226-30 / 1714-18. - Leather binding covered with two-colored paper. - Pp.50-336 of particular scientific interest. - As yet unedited."
See http://www.library.ucla.edu/libraries/url/colls/mideast/qayeni.htm
Durham University Library (UK), MS. OR/Arab. 4 includes a mss. of Khulāṣat al-ḥisāb presented by Fazlur Rahman : "The manuscript is dated Sha`ban 1224 A.H./1809. Preceding the text (f.2) and on the whole of f.8 there are mathematical notes in small ta`lik. There are also frequent marginal notes in ta`lik in the margins of the manuscript. An owners seal appears on f.27b. ..The manuscript contains a Persian stamp of inspection (f.3a and 39b) dated 1311/1893-4. 39ff. 6 x 4 inches; 12 lines, 2½ inches long. Persian naskhi with glosses in ta`lik. Headings, overlinings and diagrams in red. 19th century" .
PDf. http://www.al-mostafa.info/data/arabic/depot3/gap.php?file=m002397.pdf
PDf. from Daiber Coll. II. Ms. No. 124 = al-Mostafa.com Khulāṣat al-ḥisāb.pdf
Also : http://www.al-mostafa.info/data/arabic/depot3/gap.php?file=m001843.pdf
Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris. Gallicia : http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k993971.r=Baha%27i
Select Commentaries on Khulāṣat al-ḥisāb
- On Khulāṣat al-ḥisāb and commentaries see: http://kblibrary.bih.nic.in/Vol22/Bp016.htm
- Glosses on the Khulasat al-Hisab of Shaykh Baha'i by Shaykh Muhamad Husayn al-Adawi al-Maliki printed in Egypt [Cairo] al-Matba`a al-Bahya, 1311/1893-4.
- http://www.archive.org/details/shiyatmuammadasa00makhuoft
- 1812 and 1829 trans. of Khulāṣat al-ḥisāb with commentaries by XXXX and ʿIṣmah Allāh Sahāranpūrī:
1812 = Nuskhahi Khulāṣah al-ḥisāb = Khoolasut-ool-hisab : a compendium of arithmetic and geometry in the Arabic language / by Buha, e-ood-Deen, of Amool in Syria, with a translation into Persian and commentary by the late Muoluwee Ruoshun Ulee, of Juonpoor ; to which is added a treatise on algebra [in Persian] by Nujm-ood-Deen Ulee Khan . ; revised and edited by Tarinee Churun Mitr, Muoluwee Jan Ulee and Shoolam Ukbur . Calcutta : P. Perciro, Hindoostanee Press, 1812.( [i], [i], 477pp., [i] p.). Copy in British Library Shelfmark (Shelfmark 306.47.D.2).
1829 = Anwār Khulāṣah al-ḥisab . : Anwaro Kholasut-ooi hisab, or, The book of Arithmetic by Maulana Ismut-oollah of Saharunpore ; edited by Qazee ool Coozat Sayyidhamid-oollah [sic], Mooftee Abbas Alee, Mooftee Goolam Soobhan, Hukeem Abdool Mujeed. [Calcutta], 1829. ( [ii]+ 320pp., [2] p., 1 plate). Copy in British Library of this "text of al-ʿAmilī’s Kẖulāṣah al-ḥisāb, with a commentary by ʿIṣmah Allāh Sahāranpūrī." (Shelfmark 306.47.G.22).
cf.1837 "KĀNHJĪ 'AZĪMĀBĀDĪ. [Khizānat al-'ilm dar fann-i hisāb]. Khazánat ul ilm, or the treasury of science, being a course of instruction in the various branches of mathematics. By Dewan Kánh Jí, of Patna, a Hindu of the Mathar Kaith caste. • Calcutta, Baptist Mission Press, 1837. 4to. English title-leaf, Persian title-leaf, 14, 654, 25 p., 62 (11 folding) plates with tables mostly lithographed. = "A handbook of arithmetic, geometry and astronomy, composed in 1814 at 'Azīmābād (i. e. Patna), and dedicated to Francis Hawkins. The complicated printing history of this bulky work is indicated on the title-page as follows: Adopted for publication, by the General Committee of Public Instruction, for the use of the Persian Colleges under their control, and printed up to the 492nd page under the supervision of Dr. J. Tytler. Suspended by order of the Government, and transferred with other unfinished Oriental works to the Asiatic Society, in March, 1835, and completed at the Society's expense, under the gratuitous supervision of Maulaví Mansúr Ahmed Bardwání, one of the teachers at the College of Hájí Mohsin, Hooghly, September, 1837. The plates are, except for three, lithographed by J. H. Tassin at the Asiatic Lithographic Company, and one is dated 1831. Only the title-page is in English. Storey II 18 and Arberry 249 do not mention plates." (cited from Smitskamp Oriental Antiquarium : http://www.smitskamp.nl/648-RAR.HTM
Nesselmann, Georg Heinrich Ferdinand (1811-1881).
1843 Essenz der rechenkunst von Mohammed Beha-eddin ben Alhossain aus Amul, arabisch und deutsch, hrsg. von dr. G. H. F. Nesselmann. Berlin, 1843. (76, [2], 58 pp.). .
Essenz der Rechenkunst von Mohammed Beha-eddin ben Alhossain aus Amul, arabisch und deutsch herausgegeben von G. H. F. Nesselmann. Berlin: XXX, 1843.
PDf. The 1843 Arabic edition with German translation : Khulāṣat al-ḥisāb - 1843.pdf
Marre De Marin, Aristide (1823-1918).
1846 Khelasat al Hisab-Essence du calcul. (Traduit d'apres la version allemande de Nesselmann) par Marre De Marin, Aristide. (Extrait des Nouvelles Annales de Mathematiques.), Paris: XXXX, 1846. (63pp.).
1864 Kholāçat al Hissāb; ou, Quintessence du calcul . tr. et annoté par Aristide Marre . Edition 2. éd., rev., cor. et augm. de nouvelles notes. Variant title Khulāṣah al-ḥisāb. Rome : Impr. des sciences mathématiques et physiques, 1864. (11, 82 pp. ).
Khulāṣat al-ḥisāb. ADD HERE 1937
Jalāl Shawqī (1976, 1981) .
- 1976 Riyāḍiyyāt Bahā’- al-Dīn al-`Āmilī ("Mathematical Works of Bahā’ al-Dīn al-Āmilī. ..) ed. Galal S. A Shawky (Institute for the History of Arab Sciences), Ma‘ahad al-Turāth al-‘Ilmī al-‘Arabī, Jāmi‘at Halab = Univ. Aleppo., 1976. (207pp.)* An edition of al ʿĀmili's al-Khulāsah fī ʿilm al-ḥisāb (pp.29-153)... and a study of a related passage in his work al-Kashkūl (p.165ff).
- 1981 Aʻmāl al-riyāḍīyah li-Bahāʾ al-Dīn al-ʻĀmilī ; taḥqīq wa-sharḥ wa-taḥlīl Jalāl Shawqī. Cairo: Dar al-Shurūq, 1401/1981. Again contains an edition of the Khulāṣat al-ḥisāb and related materials. *
al-A'māl al-riyāḍīyah li-Bahā' al-Dīn al-'Amilī. ed. Jalāl Shawqī. Cairo: Dar al-Shurūq, 1981 (226pp.).
al-Aʻmāl al-riyāḍīyah
- al-Aʻmāl al-riyādiyya li-Bahāʾ al-Dīn al-ʻĀmilī. ed. + comm. Jalāl Shawqī.. Beirūt + Cairo : Dār al-Shurūq, 1981. (226pp.)
Bausani, Alessandro. 1981
`Notes on the Safavid Period: Decadence or Progess?' in Rudolph Peters ed. Proceedings of the Ninth Congress of the UEAI (Amsterdam, 1st-7th september,1978), [= Publications of the Netherlands Institute of Archaeology and Arabic Studies in Cairo. No.4 ] , Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1981, pp. 15-30, esp. pp.24-27.
`L'opera matematica del siro-persiano Bahà' ad-Dìn al-'Àmilì (1546-1622)' `Āmilī, Bahā' al-Dīn al-. Il Veltro, 1984, Vol. 28, pp. 319-333.
Ansari, S. M. Razaullah+ Hussain, Arshad + Khānqāhī, `Aṭā' Allāh
`Khazīnatul a`dād by `Aṭā'ullāh Khānqāhī and its main source: Khulāṣat al-ḥisāb by Al-`Āmilī ' in Studies in History of Medicine and Science, Vol. 13 (1994) Issue ii, pp. 225-240.
Ansari, S. M. R.; Khan-Ghori, S. A. 1987.
Two Treatises on Astronomical Instruments by Abd Al-Munim Al-Amili and Qasim Ali-Al = History of Oriental Astronomy. Proceedings of an International Astronomical Union Colloquium, No. 91, New Delhi, India, November 13-16, 1985. Editors, G. Swarup, A.K. Bag, K.S. Shukla; Publisher, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England, New York, 1987. ISBN # 0-521-34659-2. 1987.
Ansari, S. M. Razaullah, 1994,
Khazīnat ul a`dād by `Aṭā'ullāh Khānqāhī and its main source: Khulāṣat al-ḥisāb by Al-`Āmilī' in Studies in History of Medicine and Science, Vol. 13 (1994) Issue ii, pp. 225-240.
Ibadov, J.K.
`Mathematical manuscripts by Al-Ḥubūbī, Al-Sajāwandī and Al-`Āmilī in the library of the Muslim religious board for Central Asia and Kazakhstan' in Studies in History of Medicine and Science, vol. 12 (1993) Issue i-ii, pp. 81-88.
Muhammadiev, I. R. 1989
Bakhauddin Amuli and his Mathematical Literature in Central Asia (XIV-XIX Cent.) Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnology of the Tajik SSR Academy of Sciences, Dushanbe, 1989. Ph.D. thesis contains a detailed list of the mss. of the Khulāṣat al-ḥisāb and commentaries upon it
Önen, Sakina;
- Quelques exemples de la pratique algébrique en pays d'Islam: al-Khwarizmi, Ibn Turk et al-Amili' in Les écoles savantes en Turquie: sciences, philosophie et arts au fil des siècles. Actes des journées d'Ankara ... 1995. Textes Réunis & publiés par Sakina Önen & C.Proust: Isis, (1996) Istanbul pp. 113-130. .
Sezgin, Fuat
- Bahāʾ al-Dīn al-ʻĀmilī, Muḥammad ibn Ḥusayn (d. 1030/1621) : texts and studies, collected and reprinted by Fuat Sezgin in collaboration with Mazen Amawi, Carl Ehrig-Eggert, Eckhard Neubauer. Frankfurt am Main : Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University (Series = Islamic mathematics and astronomy, 59) Publications of the Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science, 1998. 229pp.
Zečić, Dževad
- Opis rukopisa matematskog djela "Hulasa al-hisab', Anali: Gazi Husrev-Begove Biblioteke, 1987, Vol. 13-14, pp.97-102.
Z̲ihnī Tehrānī, Muhammad Javād. 1992.
- al-Lubāb : sharḥ-i Fārsī bar Khulāṣat al-ḥisāb / taʾlīf, Muḥammad Javād Z̲ihnī Tihrānī. 1992
- al-Lubāb : Sharḥ̣-i Fārsī bar Khulāṣat al-ḥisāb, ADD. 1992
Nader Rofagha 2006 (Columbia University, Electronic doctoral dissertation).
- `An investigation of the mathematical and pedagogical contribution of Baha al-Din Muhammad ibn Husayn Amili (aka Sheikh Bahai), a sixteenth century Middle Eastern teacher and scholar.' Columbia University electronic dissertation. Refer : http://digitalcommons.libraries.columbia.edu/dissertations/AAI3213585/
"The study concludes the following: First, Quintessence of Calculation was a highly influential mathematics textbook in Central Asia between the 17th century and the beginning of the 20th century. Its influence was partly due to the soundness of its mathematical algorithms resulting from Sheikh Bahai's mastery of mathematics, especially the one enhanced by al-Kashi, a celebrated mathematician in the 15th century. The study provides evidence that Sheikh Bahai studied al-Kashi's work. By utilizing these algorithms, Sheikh Bahai made the highly practical aspects of seven centuries of Islamic-culture mathematical achievements available to the region at large. Furthermore, the study concludes that the remarkable influence of Quintessence of Calculation can be attributed to the specific approaches of Sheikh Bahai's presentations of mathematical concepts and algorithms. His approaches are identified as a result of detailed analytical comparison between this book and a major book of al-Kashi. The study also provides a partial answer to the creativity of Sheikh Bahai that enabled him to author several educational books, including Quintessence of Calculation, which were highly influential for several centuries. Subsequently, the study identifies Sheikh Bahai's method of discovery, which was also practiced by Avicenna (ibn Sina), a distinguished mathematician and scientist in the 11th century; this method is introduced and examined through a contemporary hypothesis presented by Elahi. As a result of a detailed analysis of the text, the study presents several of its approaches which may be beneficial to modern elementary and secondary mathematics education..." (From the dissertation abstract).
al-Ṣafīḥa ("The Flat Surface").
An Arabic treatise on the Astrolabe sufficiently brief to be written on the flat base or surface (al-ṣafīḥa). See D.A. King, A Survey of Islamic Manuscripts in the Egyptian National Library, Vol. 5 p.161G68- 4.3.4.
Thawābit al-aflāk ("A Treatise on Astronomy").
ثوابت الافلاك
Near Eastern Manuscripts: Caro Minasian Collection Digitization Project in Majmūʿah (مجموعة) Source: box 5, 33 Source Dimensions: 17.5 x 12 cm. Type: manuscript Date: n.d. Relation: M33, p.657. Rights: UCLA Library: Special Collections = Thawābit al-aflāk ... ثوابت الافلاك - ʿĀmilī, Bahāʾ al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Ḥusayn d 1547-1621 شيخ بهائی Source: box 5, 33 Source Dimensions: 17.5 x 12 cm. Type: work Language: unidentified / Arabic Date: 1118 [1706 or 1707] Abstract: A treatise on astronomy with diagrams and charts. Includes Persian marginal notes.
Mss. 33 item 2. : Ms. 33: Majmūʿah (454 images) Includes: • Bīst bāb dar usturlāb • Thawābit al-aflāk • Sharḥ al-Mulakhkhaṣ fī ʿilm al-hayʾah
URL Mss. 33 = http://unitproj.library.ucla.edu/dlib/minasian/browse.cfm?ms=0033
Add here
Tashrīḥ al-aflāk ("The Anatomy of the [Heavenly] Spheres"), تشريح الاَفلاك
تشريح الأفلاك ـ في الهيئة
An astronomical Treatise in 5 sections.
Possibly dedicated to Abu Muẓaffar Shah Ismā'īl al-Ḥusayni al-Safawī = Ismā'īl ibn Tahmasp (984-5/1576-8) or the Safawid prince Abu'l-Ghalib Sultan Husayn Bahadur Khan (see Bosworth, 1989 p.69 fn.258). Numerous commentaries exist on this astronomical work
- Tashrīḥ al-aflāk. Printed in India
- Mss. in Madrasa Sephasalar... (Tehran). See URL: http://kblibrary.bih.nic.in/Vol22/Bp048.htm
- See also : http://www.al-mostafa.info/data/arabic/depot/gap.php?file=m010983.pdf
PDf. King Saud University : see above + PDf. Tashrih al-aflak [=m010983].pdf
Tuḥfah-i Ḥaṭimī (The Gift for Ḥaṭimī).
A Persian treatise on the use of the Astrolabe (in 70 sections) based on the Treatise of Naṣīr al-Dīn Tūsī
Tuḥfah-i Ḥaṭimī. Mashhad: Bunyaḍ-i Pizhūhishhā-yi Islamī-i Astān-i Quds-i Razāvī. [ed. ] Bfadlati, Taqi and Abu al-Fazl Nabbei, 1370/1991. 103pp. + 11 [Plates]). On Astrolabes...
See Hathi Trust :
Risāla al-Ḥāṭimī fi'l-asṭurlāb (On the Astrolable).
UCLA Mss. Qayeni Coll. No. 14. item a = : "Kitab-i usturlab" (Book of the astrolabe), three treatises on astronomy by famous authors; Persian: a) Baha' al-Din Muhammad al-Amili (Shaikh Baha'i): "Risalah-yi dar fann-i usturlab" (dedicated to the grand wazir, Mirza Hatim-Beg), 70 chapters (abwab); pp.1-47 b) Rukn b. Sharaf al-Din al-Amuli: "Kitab bab al-sultani" (based on Biruni and Farghani, composed by b. Harat in Rabi' II, 860 / 1456, dedicated to the wazir, Bahadur-Khan); pp.48-134 c) Husayn b. 'Ali al-Kashifi: "Kitab sab'i-yi kashifiyah" (on the planets, preface, two maqalat, conclusion); pp. 137-341. - 341 pages of text; 17 l/p; 215x170 (160x90) mm; w. 50 two-colored drawings and tables. Copy prepared by the calligrapher, Damghani in 1237-38 / 1822-23 (pp.47, 134, 341).- Black leather binding. - Most probably unresearched.
Risāla /Sahifa fi al-`amal al-asṭurlāb ("Treatise on use of the Astrolabe").
الصحيفة في الأعمال الاسطرلابيّة
PDf. British Library via al-Mostafa : http://www.al-mostafa.info/data/arabic/depot3/gap.php?file=m001690.pdf PDf. Sahifa-Astrolab.pdf
Risāla fi'l-ḥall ashkāl `utārad wa'l-qamar ("Treatise on the condition of the forms of the planet Mercury and the Moon").
رسالة في حل إشكال عطارد والقمر
On the Lights of the Celestial Spheres
رسالة في أنّ أنوار الكواكب مستفادة من الشمس
رسالة في حل إشكالَي عطارد والقمر
رسالة في تضاريس الأرض
رسالة في نسبة أعظم الجبال إلى قطر الأرض.
Risāla al-Haririyya.
Add Gacek No. 247
Fāl-nāmeh ("On Divination")
- In Majmu`a-yi Āthār-i va Ash`ar-i Shaykh-i Bahā'ī : Falnameh, Gorbeh va Mush, Ghazaliyyat, Nan va Halva, Shir va Shikar .,ed. intro. Sayyid Muhammad Sahafi. Qum, 1371/1992.
- Fāl-Nameh-yi Shaykh Bahā'ī (with CD) ed. and introduced by Nāṣir Muhammadi, Tehran: Intisharat-i Iran Negin, 1383/2005. 60pp. Dedicated to Shah `Abbas I this work contains 26 alphabetical (18 X 12 jadwal or columns) templates for divinatory purposes. See above (click to expand) for the Shāh Abbās poetical divinatory template. By following the appropriate divinatory directive further lines of rhyming poetry are produced laudatory of the Safavid Shah.*
Ṣaḥīfah-ʾi Fāl (Writing on Divination")
- صحىفه فال از صحف وجدانى : مشتمل بر فالنامۀ شىخ بهائي = Ṣaḥīfah-i fāl az ṣuḥf-i Vijdānī : mushtamil bar Fāl-nāmah-ʼi Shaykh Bahāʼī. [Tehrān?] : Chāpkhānah-i Firdawsī, 1322/1943. 58pp. Preface, Introduction by Muḥammad Vijdānī. See World Cat. Details uncertain.
صحيفۀ فال از صحف وجدانى : مشتمل بر فالنامۀ شيخ بهائى = Ṣaḥīfah-ʾi fāl az ṣuḥuf-i vijdānī : mushtamil bar fālnāmah-ʾi Shaykh Bahāʾī bā muqaddimah va khātimah bi-qalam-i Muḥammad Vijdānī, ṣāḥib ṣuhuf-i nuhgānah dar ʻulūm-i khafīyah. With introduction and concluding notes by Muḥammad Vijdānī, ṣāḥib ṣuhuf-i nuhgānah dar ʻulūm-i khafīyah. Tehran: Amir Kabir, 1329/1950-1. 59 pp. Probably inauthentic.
Jafr ("Numerological Divination"). Probably inauthentic.
al-Sirr al-mustatir fī al-ʻulūm al-gharībah wa'l-jafr wa-taʻbīr al-ruʾyā : wa-khawāṣ asmāʾ Allāh wa-maʻrifat baʻḍ al-masāʾil al-majhūlah; ed. Muḥammad Riḍā Saqqā Zād Wāʻiẓ. Beirut : Dār al-Irshād lil-Ṭibāʻah wa'l-Nashr wa'l-Tawzīʻ, 2005. *
Sharḥ Laghz [Lugz] ("Commentary On the Enigma [Puzzle]")
Sharḥ Laghz [Lugz]. Leiden mss. Or. 2834 (item 2) ff.11v-46. "An allegory by Bahā' al-Dīn al-`Āmilī (d.1030/1621), GAL S II, 597, No. 32, which is explained in an anonymous commentary by means of geomancy. According to Brockelmann the commentary is by the author himself. The (correct) title is given by Landberg (Amin 474). See Voorhoeve, Handlist p. 435 (Ar. 2192)" (Jan Just Witkam, Inventory of the Manuscripts of the Library of the University of Leiden, Vol. 3 p. 212).
In addition to those listed below, a number of the writings of Shaykh Baha'i listed above should be placed under this heading including the al-Mikhkat ("The Nosebag") and the Fal-nameh (Treatise on Divination) as well as certain other writings. Different scholars and experts on these matters often have differing opinions...
al-Risāla al-Ithna ‘Ashariyya fī al-radd ‘alā al-Ṣūfiyya ("The Twelver Treatise in Refutation of Sufism")
al Risala al-Ithna ‘Ashariyya fi al-radd ‘ala al-Sufiyya. India office Library, Arabic Ms. 2161, Delhi Arabic No.719J.
Risāla mukhtasar fi'l-ithbāt wujūd Sāḥib al-Zamān... ("Treatise on the Establishment of the Existence of the [Occulted] Lord of the Age").
كتاب في إثبات وجود الإمام المهديّ
Risāla fi'l-wujūdiyya ("Treatise on Existence").
Risāla fi'l-wujūdiyya (ed. Cairo, 1328/1910). In this work the Sufi inclined Shaykh Bahā'ī "speaks of the Sufis as true believers, calls for an unbiased assessment of their utterances, and refers to his own mystical experiences." (Kohlberg EIr. ).
Rasāʾil (Treatises).
Rasāʾil al-Shaykh Bahāʾ al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥusayn ibn ʻAbd al-Ṣamad al-Ḥārithī al-ʻĀmilī. Lithograph [Qum]? : XXXX/ 1903. Contains : al-Wajīzah -- Ḥabl al-matīn -- al-Risālah al-ʻarshīyah -- Mashriq al-shamsayn -- Risālat al-kurr - al-ʻUrwah al-wuthqá.
[Habl al-Matin] Rasāʾil al-Shaykh Bahāʾ al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥusayn ibn ʻAbd al-Ṣamad al-Ḥārithī al-ʻĀmilī. Qum : Intishārāt-i Baṣīratī, 1398/1978. 410, 8 p. ; 25 cm. (= Reprint of the 1903 Lithograph (see above).
Rasāʾil al-Shaykh Bahāʾ al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥusayn ibn ʻAbd al-Ṣamad al-Ḥārithī al-ʻĀmilī. Qum : Intishārāt-i Baṣīratī, 1398/1978. 410, 8 p. = Reprint of 1903. Contains al-Wajīzah -- Ḥabl al-matīn -- al-Risālah al-ʻarshīyah -- Mashriq al-shamsayn -- Risālat al-kurr -- al-ʻUrwah al-wuthqá...
Ajwibat Masā'il al-Shaykh Jābir.
Mss. Danishgah 2621/6 (Cat. IX: 1497). Modarressi, 1984:106.
Further selected mss. listed in Modarressi, 1984:106.
Ajwibat masā'il al-shaykh Ṣāliḥ ibn Ḥasan al-Jazā'irī.
Selected mss. listed in Modarressi, 1984:106 = Ajwibat masā'il al-shaykh Ṣāliḥ ibn Ḥasan al-Jazā'irī. MSS: Dānishgāh 4316/3, 1130/7, 3598/9, 5873/6 (cat., V, pp. 1797-8 XIII, p.3279, XV, p.4241, XVI, p. 117); Hakīm 18/7 Rashtī (cat., p.39); Majlis 5192/7 (cat., XVI, p.22); Adabiyyat 120/11 Hikmat (cat., p.42); Sina_1245/6 (cat., II, p.181); Mar'ashī 1691/3 (cat., V, p.86); Sipahsalar 4510/4 (cat., II,_p.277); Zanjān (cat. , p . 89) Translation: Persian, by Muhammad Şadiq al-Sirkānī , MS: Wazīrī (cat. of microfilms of Dānishgāh, I, pp. 702, 705) Jawab-i masā'il-i Shāh 'Abbas, Persian MS: Sipahsālār 8150/3 (cat., III, p. 276); Dānishgāh 7013/11 (cat., XVI, p. 429); Millī (cat. of microfilms of Dānishgāh, II, p. 266), (noted Modarressi, 1984:106).
ʻAlī Akbar Zamānīʹnizhād; Pizhūhishgāh-i ʻUlūm va Farhang-i Islāmī. ed. comp.
شناختنامۀ شيخ بهاء الدين عاملى (٩٥٣-١٠٣٠ ه.) : مجموعه مقالات و گفتارهاى فارسى =
Shinākhtʹnāmah-ʼi Shaykh Bahāʼ al-Dīn ʻĀmilī (953-1030 H.) : majmūʻah-i maqālāt va guftārhā-yi Fārsī. Contributors include, ʻAlī Akbar Zamānīʹnizhād; Pizhūhishgāh-i ʻUlūm va Farhang-i Islāmī. Qumm : Pizhūhishgāh-i ʻUlūm va Farhang-i Islāmī, 1387/ 2008/9. 599pp. Persian. Materials on the person and thought of Shaykh Baha'i
'Āmilī, Bahā' al-Dīn (d.1031/1622), al Risala al-Ithna ‘Ashariyya fi'l–radd ‘ala al-Sufiyya, India office Library, Arabic Ms. 2161, Delhi Arabic No.719J.
Brit. Lib. ADD. 16848: A collection of letters, religious and moral, by Shaikh Bahá' u-l-Dín [in Persian], 16th C. Quarto. -- ADD. 16843 Insha' ().
Durham University Library (UK), MS. OR/Arab. 4 includes a mss. of Khulāṣat al-ḥisāb presented by Fazlur Rahman : "The manuscript is dated Sha`ban 1224 A.H./1809. Preceding the text (f.2) and on the whole of f.8 there are mathematical notes in small ta`lik. There are also frequent marginal notes in ta`lik in the margins of the manuscript. An owners seal appears on f.27b. ..The manuscript contains a Persian stamp of inspection (f.3a and 39b) dated 1311/1893-4. 39ff. 6 x 4 inches; 12 lines, 2½ inches long. Persian naskhi with glosses in ta`lik. Headings, overlinings and diagrams in red. 19th century" .
al-Masā'il al-fiqhiyya MS: Majlis 2761/10 (cat., IX, pp. 160-1), (noted Modarressi, 1984:106).
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