Stephen N. Lambden UC Merced.
In progress - last substantially updated 10-11-2021.
- The Bible and the Qur'an: Some introductory Notes and Bibliographical Observations.
- Islamo-Biblica I : Pre-Mosaic and other Anti-Diluvian Islamicate sacred writings.
- Islamo-Biblica II : the Torah, Herew Bible and post-biblical Jewish and related writings.
- Islamo-Biblica III : the Psalms, the Zabur and related post-Qur'anic Islamic writings.
- Islamo-Biblica IV : the Gospels-Injil, the New Testament and related post-Qur'anic Islamic writings.
- The Islamo-Biblical Pseud-Gospel of Barnabas. Text, Notes, Bibliography...
- The Bible, the Qur'ān and the Question of Taḥrīf ("falsification") and Tabdīl ("alteration").
- `Ali ibn Ahmad Ibn Hazm ( d,456/1064) and the issue of the corruption of the Bible and pre-Islamic religions.
- The Bible and the Qur'ān: Select General Bibliography of Primary Sources in Arabic, Persian and Turkish with occasional Notes - 1980s+2007+.
- The Bible and the Qur'an: Select General Bibliography II- 1980s+2007+ - Western Sources.
- Islamo-Biblica, Isrā'īliyyāt ("Israelitica"), Abrahamica..
- Select Bibliography for Islamo-Biblica (Israelitica).
- Early Islamic Transmitters of Islamo-Biblica.
- Stephen Lambden, "Islam' [The Bible and Isrā'īliyyāt in Islamic Literatures]" chapter 9 in John F. A Sawyer ed. The Blackwell Companion to The Bible and Culture, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2006, pp. 135-157.
Stephen Lambden,
- `From Fig-Leaves to Fingernails: Some Notes on the Garments of Adam & Eve in the Hebrew Bible and Select early post-Biblical Jewish Writings' in P. Morris & D. Sawyer (ed.), A Walk in the Garden : Exegesis, Iconography and Literature (Proceedings of a Conference held at the University of Lancaster Jan. 8-9, 1986 , JSOT Supp. 136 ) © Sheffield Academic Press [ISBN 1-85075-338-5], 1992 [written 1985]. 0-lancaster.pdf.
- Prophecy (al-Nubuwwa), Prophetology, Imamology- Walaya and Beyond.
- From Adam until Muhammad in The Qur'an and Select Islamo-Biblical Sources.
- Tafsir Sources in Arabic, Persian and Turkish - A Bio-Bibliographical Overview and Chronological Survey,
- Islamo-Biblica in Tafsir ("Qur'an Commentary") Literatures I. Early Islamic Exegetes.
- ''Islamo-Biblica in Tafsir ("Qur'an Commentary") Literatures II. Imami Shi`i, Zaydi, Isma'ili and Twelver Shi`i Tafsir.
- Islamo-Biblica in Tafsir ("Qur'an Commentary") Literatures III. Early Sufi Exegetes and their Ta`wil.
- Islamo-Biblica in Tafsir ("Qur'an Commentary") Literatures IV. Post al-Tabari Sunni Tafsir.
- Islamo-Biblica in Esoteric Tafsir and in the writings of Ibn al-`Arabi and his devotees.
- Islamo-Biblica in select Later Tafsir Literatures.
- Islamo-Biblica in Hadith Qudsi (Divinely inspired Sacred Traditions).
- Islamo-Biblica in select Sunni Hadith ("Tradition") and related Literatures I.
- Islamo-Biblca in select Imami Shi`i Hadith and related Literatures II.
- Islamo-Biblica in Hadith ("Tradition") related Literatures III.
- Islamo-Biblica in Islamic Anno-Mundi, Genesis-Creation Traditions and Literatures.
- Alpha and Omega : Islamo-Biblica and Islamic Chronological Schemata, Texts and Literatures.
- Islamo-Biblica in Islamic Genealogical Texts and Literatures.
- Islamo -Biblica in Mubtadā’ (“Genesis-Beginnngs”), Awā’il (“Originations.Progenitors”), Muhammarun (the “Long-Lived”) and related literatures.
- Islamo-Biblica in Islamic Messianism, Eschatology and Apocalyptic : Traditions and Literatures expressive of Fitan and Malāḥim.
- Islamo-Biblica and Pre-Islamic Prophet Figures, Philosophers and Sacred writings.
- Islamo-Biblica and Islamicate pseudo-biblical and pseudepigraphical writings.
- Islamo-Biblica in Qisas al-Anbiya' (Narratives of the Prophets) Literatures I.
- Islamo-Biblica in Qisas al-Anbiya' ("Narratives of the Prophets") and related Literatures II.
- Islamo-Biblica in Islamic Sira (Biographical) and related Literatures-I.
- Islamo-Biblica in Islamic Sira (Biographical) and related Literatures-II.
- Islamo-Biblica in Dala'il al-nubuwwa (Proofs of the Prophethood") Literatures.
- Islamo-Biblica in Islamic Dalā’il (Testimonia) Literatures and Proof-Text compendia.
- Islamo-Biblica in Qur'anic-Islamic traditions pertaining to al-Hajj (Pilgrimage) and related rituals.
- Islamo-Biblica in Maghazī (“Militaristic Engagements”) treatises, Futūḥ (“Conquests”) works and related writings.
- Islamo-Biblica in the Fada'il ("Excellencies") of Mecca-Medina Arabia, Jerusalem, Syria-Palestine. I
- Islamo-Biblica in the Fada'il ("Glories") of Egypt and elsewhere in Islamic Literatures II.
- Islamo-Biblica in proto-early Shi`ism and the Ghulat factions.
- Islamo-Biblica or Islamic world ("Biblical") History in Tarikh (Historical) Literatures I
- Islamo-Biblica or Islamic world ("Biblical") History in Tarikh (Historical) Literatures II
- Islamo-Biblica or Islamic world ("Biblical") History in Tarikh (Historical) Literatures III
- Islamo-Biblica in Imami Shi`i Historical Writings Persian World Histories. IV.
- Islamo-Biblica in Islamic Local Histories I - Arabia, Egypt and the Levant.
- Islamo-Biblica in Islamic Local Histories II - Persia and Iraq Local Histories.
- Islamo-Biblica, Dialogue and Dissonance I : K. al-masā’il (`Questions and Answers’) and Ihtijāj (Religious disputation) writings..
- Islamo-Biblica, Dialogue and Dissonance II : Islamic Dialogue and Polemic with the ahl al-kitab (People of the Book) and others.
- Islamo-Biblica and Islamic Theology in Dialogue and Disputation : The Mu`tazila (“Seceders”) and the Mutakallimun (Rationalist theologians), exponents of `ilm al-kalām (Dogmatic Theology).
- Islamo-biblica and Abū Muḥammad ʻAlī ibn Aḥmad ibn Saʻīd ibn Ḥazm (d. 456 /1064).
- Islamo-Biblica and Select Islamic Philosophers.
- Islamo-Biblica and Islamic Devotional Texts and Literatures: Ṣalāt, Namāz, Du`a, Munājāt, Ziyārat-nāmah.
- Islamo-Biblica in Islamic Legalism and Ritualism.
- Islamo-Biblica in Islamic Adab (belles lettres) and the encyclopaedic tradition.
- Islamo-Biblica in Islamic Alchemy and the `Ulum al-Ghayb ("Esotericism").
- Islamo-Biblica in early Islamic Asceticism and Emergent Sufism I
- Islamo-Biblica in selet later Sufi thinkers and mystics II
- Islamo-Biblica in the Rasa'il Ikhwan al-Safa' (the Treatises of the Brethren of Purity).
- Islamo-Biblica in Select writings of Ibn al-`Arabi and his devotees.
- Islamo-Biblica Islamic heresiographical and associated works.
- Islamo-Biblica in selet later Sufi thinkers III
- Islamo-Biblica in Later Persianate Sufi and other poetical writings.
- Islamo-Biblica in Arabic-Islamic gnomological traditions, wisdom literatures.
- Islamo-Biblica in Arabic-Islamic gnomological traditions... : Bibliographies.
- Islamo-Biblica in pre-Safavid Shi`i Sources.
- Islamo-Biblica in Ishraqi and associated `Illuminationist' thinkers.
- Islamo-Biblica and later post-Safavid Shi`ism.
- Islamo-Biblica in Ahl-i Haqq or `Ali Ilahi Literatures.
- Islamo-Biblica in select Hurufi literatures.
- Islamo-Biblica among Bekhtasi thinkers and literatures.
- Islamo-Biblica in the Rasa'il al-Hikma and Literatures sacred to the Druzes.
δια τεσσαρον
- The Arabic Bible : Select Mss. and Printed Editions of Arabic and Judaeo-Arabic Bibles, Biblical Books and Related Apocryphal and Pseudepigraphical Texts. Pt 1
- The Arabic Bible : Select Mss. and Printed Editions of Arabic and Judaeo-Arabic Bibles, Biblical Books and Related Apocryphal and Pseudepigraphical Texts. Pt 2
- Arabic Versions of the Bible - Bibliography and Miscellany.
- Selected mss. texts and Printed editions of the Persian Bible and related writings.
- Persian Versions of the Bible - Bibliography and Miscellany.
The Enigmatic מַלְכִּי־צֶדֶֿק Melchizedek. melchizedek.pdf
- The Sinaitic Mysteries : Notes on Moses/Sinai Motifs in Babi and Baha'i Scripture, Lambden 1986. Corrected Web edition May 2007. Sinaitic Mysteries.pdf Sinaitic Mysteries.pdf
Expanded Revised Version - Lambden 2016-7.
- The Sinaitic Mysteries : Notes on Moses/Sinai Motifs in Abrahamic-Islamic and the Babi and Baha'i Religions. Pt. I. The Bible, Judaism, Christanity and associated Pre-Islamic Religions.
- The Sinaitic Mysteries : Notes on Moses/Sinai Motifs in Abrahamic-Islamic and the Babi and Baha'i Religions. Pt. II. The Qur'an and Sunni and Shi`i-Shaykhi Islamic Literatures.
- The Sinaitic Mysteries : Notes on Moses/Sinai Motifs in Abrahamic-Islamic and the Babi and Baha'i Religions. Pt. III. The Writings of the Bab (1819-1850 CE).
- The Sinaitic Mysteries : Notes on Moses/Sinai Motifs in Abrahamic-Islamic and the Babi and Baha'i Religions. Pt. IV. The Writings of Baha'-Allah (1817-1892).
- V. The Sinaitic Mysteries : Select Bibliography.
Adventist Groups and Millenarian Movements
- William Miller (1782-1849) in Baha'i and associated Literatures.
- Jews, Bābīs and Bahā'īs: Bibliographical and Historical Notes
Missionary Periodicals
Some Islamo-Biblica and Babi-Baha'i Interpretations and Intertextualities.
- Islamo-Biblica and Beyond: Prophetology and Theophanology in Babi and Baha'i sacred literatures.
- Two Ishmaels, two Moses' and Two Davids in Bibical, Islamic and Babi-Baha'i Sources.
- Islamo-Biblica, Jafr and the `ilm al-huruf.
- Beatitudes and Woes: Some Bibical, Islamo-Biblical and Babi-Baha’i Intertextualities, Pt. I Beatitudes.
- Beatitudes and Woes: Some Bibical, Islamo-Biblical and Babi-Baha’i Intertextualities, Pt.II Woes.
Eschatology and Apocalyptic :
Intertextual Studies in the Islamic and Babi-Baha'i Interpretations of the Bible and the Qur'an.
- On the Babi-Baha'i Interpretations of the Bible and the Qur'an: Some Introductory Notes.
- Biblical and Islamic Prophecy and fulfillment in Babi and Baha'i literatures.
- A Survey of Babi and Baha'i Istidlaliyya ("Testimonia") literatures in the East and the West.
- Antichrist Dajjal I : Jewish and Christians origins.
- Antichrist Dajjal II : Islamic texts and traditions
- Antichrist Dajjal III : Babi and Baha'i Interpretations,
- Antichrist Dajjal IV, : Select Bibliography, Abrahamic and Babi-Baha'i.
- Select Babi-Baha'i and earlier Interpretations of 666, "the number of the Beast" in the Apocalypse or book of Revelation.
- Eschatological Trumpet Blasts in the Bible, the Qur'an and Babi-Baha'i scriptural writings.
- The eschatological rising of the sun, the cleaving of the "moon" and the falling of the "stars" :
- Catastrophe and Armageddon.
- (1) The Arabic Jawahir al-asrar (Essence-Gems of the Mysteries" c.1268/1860-61) and the Persian Kitab-i Iqan ("The Book of Certitude", c. 1261/1861) and question of the Khatam al-nabiyyin (the "Seal of the Prophets").
- (2) Extracts from the Kitab-i Badi`(c. 1867), the Lawh-i Sarraj (c. 1867) and other Babi-Baha'i Sacred Writings in confirmation of the veracity of the Qur'anic Khatam al-nabiyyin (Q. 33:30b) - with an Appendix on the positive Babi-Baha'i use of the phrase Khatam al-nabiyyin, Muhammad is the "Seal of the Prophets" in Babi-Baha'i scriptural texts.
- (3) The Lawh-i Khatam al-Nabiyyin 1, A Tablet of Baha'u'llah to Hasan Shahabadi in confirmation of the Khatam al-nabiyyin of Qur'an 33:40b.
- (4) Further Scriptural Tablets of Baha'u'llah relating to the question of the Khatam al-nabiyyin including that to Aqa-yi Bashir-i Ilahi.
- (5) Extract from the Lambden Ph.D 1980s + 2002. Liqa' Transcends Khatam al-Nabiyyin. PDf. Lambden_phd-80-86.pdf
- (6) Khatamiyya (Q. 33:40b) and the Liqa' Allah (the Divine Theophany) - An Early Web Beta Version.
- (7) The 2017 Expanded Ph.D English text for Louis Henezut, Lambden-Transcendence 2017.pdf
- (7a), The 2018 French Published Version Trans. Louis Henezut PDf. Henuzet_--Lambden_paper_2018.pdf
- (8) The Bābī-Bahā’ī transcendence of khatam al-nabiyyīn (Qur’ān 33:40) as the `Finality of Prophethood’. Beta monograph version F30 - Last updated 20-05-2018,
Lambden- Seal 2018-F30.pdf
- (9) Liqa'-Allah (The "Encounter -Meeting with God") and the Bābī-Bahā’ī transcendence of the Khatam al-nabiyyīn (Qur’ān 33:40b) as the `Finality of Prophethood’ (revised and expanded version of the above papers). Forthcoming 2022.
The 1993 Paper and the Printed 1997 version. PDf. Paraclete.pdf
- Prophecy in the Johannine Farewell Discourse : The Advents of the Paraclete , Aḥmad and Conforter (al-Mu`azzi). A Revised and Expanded 2016> Web Edition of `Prophecy in the Johannine Farewell Discourse'.
- Evolving Beta text of the above revised 2016 article
- Bibliography on the Paraclete and related figures in select Abrahamic Religious and associated writings.
The Kitāb al-muṭawwal ("The Comprehensive) of Sa`d al-Dīn al-Harawi al-Taftazānī al-Shafi'ī (d.793/1390)
- Arabic, Dictionaries, Grammars & Linguistic Studies ...
- Persian Dictionaries, Grammars & Linguistic Studies ...
- Turkish Dictionaries, Grammars & Linguistic Studies ...
- Islamic Studies, Reference, General & Miscellany ...
- Tafsir-Ta`wil, Qur'anic Exegesis-Eisegesis - Primary Sources I.
- Tafsir-Ta`wil, Qur'anic Exegesis-Eisegesis - Primary Sources II.
- Tafsir-Ta`wil, Qur'anic Exegesis-Eisegesis - Primary Sources X.
- Qur'ān and Tafsīr : Select secondary sources and Abbreviations.
- Fadā'il al-Qur'ān ("The Excellences of the Qur'an") and related Literatures.
- An annotated chronological survey of Islamic Tafsir Literatures I.
- An annotated chronological survey of Islamic Tafsir Literatures II.
- An annotated chronological survey of Islamic Tafsir Literatures III.
- Imami Shi`i Tafsir Literatures, Part 1= IV.
- Safavid Era Shi`i Islamic Tafsir Literatures (1501-1736), Part 2. V
- Qajar Era Shi`i Islamic Tafsir Literatures (1796-1926), Part 3- VI
- Nineteenth Century Shaykhi Tafsir Writings. VII
- Nineteenth-Twenty First Century Bābī and Bahā'ī Tafsīr Writings VIII.
- Sunni Hadith Compilations : Bio-Bibliographical Notes and Studies.
- Shi`i Hadith/ Akhbar Compilations : Bio-bibliographical Notes and Studies.
- Hadith Citations of the Central Figures of the Babi-Baha'i Religions.
- The Bābī-Bahā’ī Attitude towards Sunni and Twelver Shī`ī Ḥadīth Literatures (aḥādīth / akhbār) with special reference to the Bible and Islamo-Biblica. 1980s+ 2018 + Updated Pdf version
- The Islamic basmala : An Introductory Note.
- The Islamic basmala Pt. 1 The Abrahamic or Persianate religious background.
- Possible Jewish roots of the Islamic basmala
- Some Christian roots and reactions to the Islamic basmala
- The Islamic basmala Pt. II. The Basmala in the Qur'ān.
- The Islamic basmala Pt. IIIA. In Sunni Hadith literatures.
- The Islamic basmala Pt. IIIB. In Shi`i Akhbar/ Hadith literatures.
- The child Jesus, the Alphabet and the Basmala in the Abrahamic and Babi-Baha'i religions.
- The Islamic basmala Pt. IV. Imami Shi`i and related literatures.
- The Islamic basmala in Islamic esotericism Pt. V. In Magical, Mystical Sufi and related literatures.
- The Islamic basmala Pt. VI. In Early Shaykhism, the writings of Shaykh Aḥmad al-Aḥsā’ī (d. 1241/1826) and Sayyid Kāẓim Rashtī (d. 1259/1843).
- The Islamic basmala Pt. VII. An annotated bibliographical Survey.
- The Islamic Basmala البسملة =) بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ = Bi-smillāh al-Raḥman al-Raḥīm), its Abrahamic background and Babi-Bahā’ī Recreations.
بِسْمِ اللهِ الامنع الاقدس
“In the Name of God, the Inaccessible, the Most Holy”
- The Commentaries of the Bab on the Islamic basmala, Introduction.
- Towards a translation of the Tafsir Huruf al-basmala of the Bab.
- The Basmala and its recreations in the writings of Sayyid `Ali Muhammad Shirazi, the Bab (1819-1850).
بِسْمِ اللهِ البهي الابهى
“In the Name of God, the Glorious, the All-Glorious”
- The Commentaries of Baha'-Allah on the Islamic basmala.
- The Basmala and its recreations in the writings of Mirza Husayn`Ali Nuri, Baha'-Allah (1817-1892).
- The Commentaries of `Abd al-Baha'i and Baha'i writers on the Islamic basmala.
- The Babi-Baha'i Basmala and its recreations, further considerations.
- The al-Hurufat al-Muqatta`at (The Isolated Letters) -
- The al-Hurufat al-Muqatta`at (The Isolated Letters) -
- The al-Hurufat al-Muqatta`at (The Isolated Letters) -
- The al-Hurufat al-Muqatta`at (The Isolated Letters) - Babi and Baha;i Interpretations,
- The al-Hurufat al-Muqatta`at (The Isolated Letters) - historical, annotated bibliography.
Huwiyya (The Divine Ipseity, “Selfness”)
- “Huwa-Hiya"/"He–She-It is”, the Huwiyya (Divine Ipseity), and some aspects of re-created Basmalas within Babi-Baha’i Literary Commencements.
Huwiyya - Updated Beta PDf. version XX-12-2017,
The Isra' (Night Journey) and the Mi`rāj (Heavenly Ascent) of the Prophet Muhammad
- Some Aspects of the Abrahamic religious background in to the Islamic Isra'-Mi`rāj traditions.
- The succession of the heavens in Abrahamic and Islamic Literatures.
- The Prophet Muhammad and the tradition of Ibn `Abbas about the Isra'-Mi`rāj.
PDf. Ibn `Abbas.pdf.
- Mi`raj Hadith Ibn `Abbas, partial trans. from Calder et. al. eds. Classical Islam,
PDf. CI-Mi`raj.pdf
- Major Sunni canonical Hadith texts on the Isra'-Mi`raj : Annotated Translations.
- The Isra'-Mi`rāj in the writings of select Sunni Tafsir writers.
- The Isra'-Mi`rāj in the writings of select Shi`i Tafsir writers
- The Isra'-Mi`rāj in the writings of various Shi`i Exegetes, philosophers and Mystics.
- The Isra'-Mi`rāj in Select Sufi writers.
- The Isra'-Mi`rāj in the writings of Muhyi al-Din Ibn al-`Arabi (d.1240 CE) and his followers.
- The Isra'-Mi`rāj in the writings of Muhammad Baqir Majlisi (d. 1111/1699-1700 CE).
- The Isra'-Mi`rāj in the writings of Sadr al-Din Shirazi (d. Basra 1050/1640), Mulla Sadra.
- Select texts of Shaykh Aḥmad al-Aḥsā’ī on the Isra'-Mi`raj of the Prophet Muhammad.
- al-Aḥsā’ī , Risala al-Qaṭīfīyya, Q. 26 on the Mi`raj. Translation +
PDf. Miraj-Q26 JK 1ii 127-8.pdf
- al-Buraq (Lightening) in Islamic Literatures and select Shi`i-Shaykhi texts.
- al-Aḥsā’ī , Risala al-Qaṭīfīyya, Q. 28 on al-Buraq (JK 1ii,129). Translation +
PDf. Qatifiyya Q28 Buraq.pdf
- Sayyid Kazim Rashti (d.1259/1843) and later Shaykhi Writers on the Isra'-Mi`rāj.
- Sayyid `Ali Muhammad Shirazi (d. 1850 CE), the Bab, on the Isra'-Mi`rāj.
- CUL F.21 [9] Q14. `On the Mi'rāj (Night Journey) in the Land of Ṣād (Isfahān) (pp. 104-106).
- Sharḥ kayfiyyat al-mi`rāj (Commentary upon the modality of the Mi`rāj [of the Prophet Muhammad]), the Risāla fī'l-jasad al-nabī (Treatise upon the [translocation] of the body of the Prophet [Muhammad]). Lambden Translation.
- Mirza Husayn`Ali Nuri, Baha'-Allah (d.1892) and `Abd al-Baha' (d.1921) on the Isra'-Mi`rāj.
- Karim Khan Kirmani (d. 1871 CE) and Baha'-Allah on the Mi`rāj in the Kitab-i iqan (The Book of Certitude, c.1862), a new Babi Hermeneutic of Spirituality.
- A Bibliography of Islamic Mi`rāj articles and books by western academic scholars and others.
- Some Aspects of the Abrahamic roots and Islamic interpretations of the Qur'anic Sidra (Lote Tree), Sidrat al-Muntaha (Lote Tree of the Extremity).
- The Sidrat al-Muntaha in select Sunni Hadith texts and commentators.
- The Sidrat al-Muntahā in the Tafsīr and Tarikh of Abu Ja`far Muhammad ibn Jarīr al-Ṭabarī (d. 310/922) and its Persian recreation by Bal`ami.
- The Sidrat al-Muntaha in Select Sunni Tafsir Literatures.
- Ibn Ḥajar al-Asqalānī (d. 853 / 1449) on the Sidrat al-Muntahā
- The Sidrat al-Muntahā in the Tafsīr of Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī (d. 606/1209).
- The Sidra and Sidrat al-Muntahā in the writings of Muḥyī al-Dīn Ibn al-'Arabī (d. 638/1240) and select followers.
- The Sidrat al-Muntaha in Shi`i traditions and related sources.
- The Sidrat al-Muntaha in select Shi`i Tafsir and associated sources.
- `Abd al-Karim al-Jilī (d. c. 832/1428) on the Sidrat al-Muntahā in his al-Insan al-Kamil (XLIX).
- PDf. The Sidrat al-Muntaha in al-Insan al-Kamil.
al-Insan: Sidrat al-Muntaha.pdf
- The Sidrat al-Muntahā in Islamic Mi`raj and related writings.
- The Sidrat al-Muntahā in the early Shaykhi Literatures.
- Some aspects of the Islamic and Bābī-Bahā'ī Interpretations of the Qur'anic Sidrat al-Muntahā (Lote-Tree) motif.
- The Qur'ānic Sūrat al-Kahf (Surah of the Cave), Q. 18 in Tafsir and other Islamic Literatures.I
- The Surah of the Cave in Islamic Exegesis and Eisegesis, A Bibliography.
- Some Notes upon the Interpretations of the Bab of sections of the Qur'ānic Sūrat al-Kahf (Surah of the Cave), Q. 18. Pt.1I.
- Some Notes upon the Interpretations of Baha'-Allah and his successots of portions of the Qur'ānic Sūrat al-Kahf (Surah of the Cave), Q. 18. Pt. III.
- An Islamicate Delphic Maxim - Introduction.
- الرسالة الوجودية (al-Risala al-wujudiyya) of Muhyi al-Din Ibn al-'Arabī (b. Murcia 560/1165- d. Damascus 638/1240).
- الرسالة الوجودية (al-Risala al-wujudiyya) of Ibn al-'Arabī, the Translation of T. H. Weir :
Ibn `Arabi-Know thyself-c.pdf
- Jalal al-Din Suyuti on the `Man `Arafa' Hadith and its veracity. Translation + Text
PDf. Suyuti-man `arafa.pdf
- Shaykh Aḥmad al-Aḥsā’ī on an Islamicate Delphic Maxim with extensive Commentary on the Hadith al-haqiqa - Annotated Translation.
- The Bab on the Islamicate Delphic Maxim.
- Baha'-Allah on an Islamicate Delphic Maxim - the Scriptural Tablet to Hajji Mulla Hadi Qazvini.
- Lawh-i Hajji Mulla Hadi Qazvini with an explanation of the Hadith, "He who hath known himself hath indeed known his Lord" (man `arafa nafsahu faqad `arafa rabbahu). Introduction
- Lawh-i Hajji Mulla Hadi Qazvini with an explanation of the Hadith, "He who hath known himself hath indeed known his Lord" (man `arafa nafsahu faqad `arafa rabbahu). Mss. and Printed texts + Translations.
PDf. L-Hadi Qazvini.pdf
al-Kairānawī - Some Bio-bibliographical Notes - 1980s - Under revision:
- al-Kairānawī , Raḥmat-Allāh ibn Khalīl ( b. Uttar Pradesh, 1818 d. Mecca 1891).
Edward G. Browne (1862-1926)
The Bab and the Bible : Ch. 7 from the Lambden Phd thesis [1987] 2002 : Phd Ch.7.pdf
The Bab, the Bible and Edward Granville Browne (d. 1926). Partially Revised Web version 2017